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Prayuth says transfers made for suitability of current situation: Army spokesman

Lite Beer

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So you want to deny anyone who posts anything critical of PTP ??? they were diabolical if not why are there problems against what you believe is pure as the driven snow PTP

May I remind you fair elections ARE the way to get a demo elected government into power---YOU FORGOT they were diabolical-

For your denial of untrustworthy government staring you in the face--shows off your mentality.. I put my point to you and you refuse to answer----so to argue the point again---please list the mega achievements of PTP during the last 3 years, you want to tell the truth then answer--you want to debate and argue then answer. No answer is denial..........................The lame dog saying is a well known denial saying-----no excuse for your personal attacks thanks. use your IQ next time you post.

Not deny them posting.. Deny them taking over the country without a mandate from the people..

Slightly different thing no ??

I listed some PTP projects that were to benefit the poor, and why the poor still support him.. I am still waiting for the Dems list.. Or why Sutheps scandals are not important ??

Forget the Dems list sunshine, forget all lists. Do you miss the part where it stated the military now run the country. The reds are finished and you and your likewise friends are finished, so time to waddle of home to where you come from. (Oh! and I am not open for debate)

If you are "Antimedia" what are you "Pro.." ?

Did you also ever stop to think that it could be part of the military running the country rather than the homogeny you crave for.

"The military" maybe running the country but on some levels they are going to be a reflection of society; so to assume they all work in unity is a bit obtuse. Practically all the (higher) military have positions in banks/companies etc. Once you take away the uniforms they are really no different. Their last resort is of course the keys to the gun cupboard, or to be friends with the guys who hold the keys.

You say that the reds will be cleared out by the military, which shade of military ? Stop to think a bit and you can realise the situation is slightly more complicated.

Although sometimes it can seem satisfactory or desirable for the "bad guys" to be blasted, a bit like a kids computer game, in reality it doesn't seem to work quite that way.

Thai society is a complex mesh of favours/ friendships/ influence/ alliances. There are times that it can in fact work quite well but there are times when it can be tested to the limit.

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And still the killing goes on, in the South!

The troubles in the South of Thailand have nothing to do with the current coup. Coup or no Coup, the killing in the South will continue.

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Yingluck comes to grief over the transfer of one political opponent at the tricky time after the 2011 election ... the general transfers three without anybody batting an eyelid. Half the TRT politicians were facing charges because they wanted to shift to a fully elected Senate; the General dissolves the Senate overnight. Funny old world!

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Ironically Yingluck said the same thing about Thawil's transfer and she was removed from office by the Constitutional Court. But Prayuth doesn't need to be concerned about his actions; he suspended the Constitution and eliminated the Court until further notice.

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bah.gif I honestly am confused by this forum. Most of TV are farang. Yet I see more agressive (close minded) vitriol spewed on these forums than I do by the people who actually have a say! Why posters on here would be red/yellow or any other shade is incomprehensible to me. It is an absolute fact Thai politics was/is and probably will be institutionally corrupt.

Suthep and the Dems were corrupt. Although I will say the level of corruption didn't bring the country to its knees.

TRT and the boss man were corrupt (proven in court)

PTP were a very popular disaster. Inherently corrupt and unable to run the country.


I should be reading sensible people debating the shades in between black and white. Instead I read hard core red shirts - from the U.S. and hardcore Yellows/dems from the U.K. Its ridiculous.

PTP needed to go, I wish it could have been done through the constitutional court, but they needed to go; before they destroyed the economy. I agree that the best course for Thailand is to see the Shin' clan out of politics for ever.I agree with addressing corruption, vote buying and fair elections. I even to some extent agreed with the coup as greedy politicians were acting like spoiled kids. Refusing to even speak to each other, whilst making grandiose statements and threats of armed conflict, on stages.People have been murdered using 'war weapons' and nothing was being done to stop this. (PLEASE lets not mention Chalerm the great and CAPO). The army have and are stabilising things. The worrying part comes with dissolution of civil agencies, like the senate, courts etc. It becomes a bit more disturbing when the constitution is suspended indefinitely. As 'farang' in this country we should be able to see all sides and the multiple shades of grey. Side taking because your wife is from Buriram and you hang out in the village, or your business is profitable and you hang in Thong lor is stupid, close minded and juvenile.

REDS admit your team were corrupt and nearly ruined the economy

Yellows (or whatever clan it is now) admit your team were corrupt and liked to centralize the cash in BKK and did pretty much nothing for the rural poor.

Once you have admitted these failings you can look at what good both sides may have done or wanted to do. Debate and comment on the grey area's. I would have no issues with a (professional, no lackeys) PTP government free from Shin influence. Likewise with a DEM government that actually acknowledges there are Thai people outside of BKK!

Before I end my rant and go up the road for a late brekky,

"Suthep" = megalomaniac! Supported the initial protests and the reasons behind them. However this man has sounded more and more irrational and dangerous the longer they went on. Refusing to talk with even the DEMS. Demanding he be the one to name an interim PM and cabinet? Stinks of nepotism and dictatorship. A peoples cabinet stinks of communism and we all know how successful that particular system is!

Rant over and I apologise if I insulted anyone. Enjoy your Sunday! coffee1.gif

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Yingluck comes to grief over the transfer of one political opponent at the tricky time after the 2011 election ... the general transfers three without anybody batting an eyelid. Half the TRT politicians were facing charges because they wanted to shift to a fully elected Senate; the General dissolves the Senate overnight. Funny old world!

When you control the guns and tanks, you do what you want. Hope the General uses his power carefully and wisely.

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Ironically Yingluck said the same thing about Thawil's transfer and she was removed from office by the Constitutional Court. But Prayuth doesn't need to be concerned about his actions; he suspended the Constitution and eliminated the Court until further notice.

Hadn't heard Prayuth eliminated the Court; in fact, earlier he specifically said he was preserving the Court.

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Yes PTP is corrupt. Solving it by ripping up another constitution appointing a bunch who are only 50% less corrupt at the core is NOT A SOLUTION, it is a sticking plaster.

Reducing corruption by 50% is a big deal, and a hella good start!

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Prayuth says transfers made for suitability of current situation: Army spokesman

Meaning Tarit being moved to an 'inactive' post is a reflection of his glaring incompetence and pro Thaksin bias.

I don't think they have finished with Tarit yet. They will probably find some things he has done wrong like how he acquired the money to buy his resort.

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Yes PTP is corrupt. Solving it by ripping up another constitution appointing a bunch who are only 50% less corrupt at the core is NOT A SOLUTION, it is a sticking plaster.

Reducing corruption by 50% is a big deal, and a hella good start!

The Dems are absolutely as corrupt.. As the poster boy Suthep shows..

The thing is they are less good at remaining in positions of power, so their ability to influence things their way is limited.

Edited by LivinLOS
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on both side they are the same fighting for power, with one hand holding the gun and rewriting the constitution in their way, the other side getting jail.

surely a thai philosophy. Sounds like revolution is coming...

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Hate to break it to you, but thats what 2 opposing viewpoints are...

Wake up boy, for everybody’s sake. I will try and explain it to you again. I made a statement, you responded with your pitiful remarks, thus it was you that wanted to debate or discuss, however you then lecture me on the need to gain debating experience or the like. Is that plain enough for you. Disagree by all means and even state why, but don't keep on attacking all and everybody in sundry when they post as you consistently do. Is it beyond you to use your grey matter to actually post something original? Just to reiterate I don't want to debate with you - got it.

Thats good, stay off this topic as you are contributing diddly squat. I am enjoying LivinLOS taking on the coup warriors.

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So you want to deny anyone who posts anything critical of PTP ??? they were diabolical if not why are there problems against what you believe is pure as the driven snow PTP

May I remind you fair elections ARE the way to get a demo elected government into power---YOU FORGOT they were diabolical-

For your denial of untrustworthy government staring you in the face--shows off your mentality.. I put my point to you and you refuse to answer----so to argue the point again---please list the mega achievements of PTP during the last 3 years, you want to tell the truth then answer--you want to debate and argue then answer. No answer is denial..........................The lame dog saying is a well known denial saying-----no excuse for your personal attacks thanks. use your IQ next time you post.

Not deny them posting.. Deny them taking over the country without a mandate from the people..

Slightly different thing no ??

I listed some PTP projects that were to benefit the poor, and why the poor still support him.. I am still waiting for the Dems list.. Or why Sutheps scandals are not important ??

Forget the Dems list sunshine, forget all lists. Do you miss the part where it stated the military now run the country. The reds are finished and you and your likewise friends are finished, so time to waddle of home to where you come from. (Oh! and I am not open for debate)

If you are "Antimedia" what are you "Pro.." ?

Did you also ever stop to think that it could be part of the military running the country rather than the homogeny you crave for.

"The military" maybe running the country but on some levels they are going to be a reflection of society; so to assume they all work in unity is a bit obtuse. Practically all the (higher) military have positions in banks/companies etc. Once you take away the uniforms they are really no different. Their last resort is of course the keys to the gun cupboard, or to be friends with the guys who hold the keys.

You say that the reds will be cleared out by the military, which shade of military ? Stop to think a bit and you can realise the situation is slightly more complicated.

Although sometimes it can seem satisfactory or desirable for the "bad guys" to be blasted, a bit like a kids computer game, in reality it doesn't seem to work quite that way.

Thai society is a complex mesh of favours/ friendships/ influence/ alliances. There are times that it can in fact work quite well but there are times when it can be tested to the limit.

People such as yourself never cease to amaze me. You have something you want to say but lack the gonads to actually post it as your own, so you stumble upon the first posting that suits your agenda and manipulate it into an argument that you can comment on. Nice try but gutless. Hereunder is what I am alluding to;

1. Your comment - if you are "Antimedia" what are you "Pro.." ?

My answer - That is like saying if you are not anti red you must be pro yellow.

2. Your comment- Did you also ever stop to think that it could be part of the military running the country rather than the homogeny you crave for.

I only said -the military now run the country. I believe the word you are looking for is homogenous and I never even alluded to it.

3. Your comment - You say that the reds will be cleared out by the military

I only said - The reds are finished but you added your own crap and went off on a tangent.

Here is a bit of advise for you, if you want to play with the big boys grow a pair first and do your own bidding.

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So when Yingluck moves a insubordinate who is working against her, its cause for her to be dropped from office.. Its a crime.. Cannot happen..

Yet the Army gets in and almost the first thing they do is, exactly that, transfer to inactive posts anyone they dont like.

Hypocrisy much ??

If you haven't noticed, things have changed since then!

Things have changed still does not excuse it, nor disqualify the question. Why is it okay for one side and not the other. The answer: that's the side I like better.

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Hate to break it to you, but thats what 2 opposing viewpoints are...

Wake up boy, for everybody’s sake. I will try and explain it to you again. I made a statement, you responded with your pitiful remarks, thus it was you that wanted to debate or discuss, however you then lecture me on the need to gain debating experience or the like. Is that plain enough for you. Disagree by all means and even state why, but don't keep on attacking all and everybody in sundry when they post as you consistently do. Is it beyond you to use your grey matter to actually post something original? Just to reiterate I don't want to debate with you - got it.

Thats good, stay off this topic as you are contributing diddly squat. I am enjoying LivinLOS taking on the coup warriors.

So you are another inmature POM living in the cyber world, what ferking coup warriors didims?

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Yes PTP is corrupt. Solving it by ripping up another constitution appointing a bunch who are only 50% less corrupt at the core is NOT A SOLUTION, it is a sticking plaster.

Reducing corruption by 50% is a big deal, and a hella good start!

No one needed to have a coup to do that. Just vote in the dems and the job was done.

This coup has NOTHING to do with reducing corruption. Nothing.

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Its Yinglucks faults the buses crash ??

Yes this is Thailand, I fully agree the programs put in place are woefully ineffective and corrupt.. But then what about Thailand isnt woefully ineffective and corrupt.. Every political party has these failures, its not a reason to remove them at the barrel of a gun, when the next one in will have the same issues. Suthep himself is proven to be equally bad... At least PTP tried all these things, and all of them for the poor. The Dems try to block these things and budgets go to bangkok over everyone else. Bangkok does not a majority make.

Its down to the Thai people to choose, not a member of the army, or a protest leader.. Theres only one way to measure the countries desire.. There is no other way than elections. They have to happen. Juntas and dictators do not happy free states make. Name one.

First answer--stupid, transport ministers problem--but she is the boss to oversee.

The second sentence about ineffective and corrupt spot on.

Third sentence no need to remove them with a barrel of a gun ???? stupid--they self destructed. PTP tried most things for the trough, nothing to do with poor management--if you are good at your job you do not have blunders mega style.

All the other talk is tripe and denial and skipping around a lousey corrupt lot that cannot be trusted again hence no elections before reforms sorry mate --your clan shouted 99% of TVF posters because you refused to accept bad governing and always tried the election excuse.-or Sutheps fault.

I do not have to re think my stand ----it is posters like you that have to bend or get another user name, I am never -like everyone-always right BUT I do know right from wrong. The army will stabilize and pave the way for elections after sifting out undesirables from all parties.

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Yingluck comes to grief over the transfer of one political opponent at the tricky time after the 2011 election ... the general transfers three without anybody batting an eyelid. Half the TRT politicians were facing charges because they wanted to shift to a fully elected Senate; the General dissolves the Senate overnight. Funny old world!

Yingy's big problem is explaining the 8 billion +/- usd thrown away over the rice scam - the transfer of one guy is really not an issue... putting 22 billion usd on the thai budget at ZERO cost and then paying rice farmers 40-50% over market value is a problem... nothing against vote buying policies but when it basically bankrupts the country is a bit of a problem...then Thaksin controlling his sister and the thai gov. from dubai - that had to stop as well... let's see if the Gen does a bandaid fix or maybe he will do a whole ram amputation... it is just starting...like thailand cares if the usa cuts some 4 or 10 million in military aid.. jeez Kerry/OB.. come on dudes - more at stake here... plus the us wants thailand for it's asian pivot against china.... christ...maybe after teh coup here the good old G man can go to the states and do a nice peaceful coup over there and get rid of the war mongers in the us gov... gawd...sweep and clean here then go and sweep and clean out the us crap next .... 5 5 5 seems like no us Gens have the balls to call a needed coup in the corrupt usa... elections ... ha... just another 4-5 years of new corrupt politicians in every country

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So when Yingluck moves a insubordinate who is working against her, its cause for her to be dropped from office.. Its a crime.. Cannot happen..

Yet the Army gets in and almost the first thing they do is, exactly that, transfer to inactive posts anyone they dont like.

Hypocrisy much ??

Didnt see Prayuth putting his brother in law in any positions.

It aint the moving people, its moving people to benefit yourself

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Yingluck comes to grief over the transfer of one political opponent at the tricky time after the 2011 election ... the general transfers three without anybody batting an eyelid. Half the TRT politicians were facing charges because they wanted to shift to a fully elected Senate; the General dissolves the Senate overnight. Funny old world!

Yingy's big problem is explaining the 8 billion +/- usd thrown away over the rice scam - the transfer of one guy is really not an issue... putting 22 billion usd on the thai budget at ZERO cost and then paying rice farmers 40-50% over market value is a problem... nothing against vote buying policies but when it basically bankrupts the country is a bit of a problem...then Thaksin controlling his sister and the thai gov. from dubai - that had to stop as well... let's see if the Gen does a bandaid fix or maybe he will do a whole ram amputation... it is just starting...like thailand cares if the usa cuts some 4 or 10 million in military aid.. jeez Kerry/OB.. come on dudes - more at stake here... plus the us wants thailand for it's asian pivot against china.... christ...maybe after teh coup here the good old G man can go to the states and do a nice peaceful coup over there and get rid of the war mongers in the us gov... gawd...sweep and clean here then go and sweep and clean out the us crap next .... 5 5 5 seems like no us Gens have the balls to call a needed coup in the corrupt usa... elections ... ha... just another 4-5 years of new corrupt politicians in every country

I agree that this is a much more substantial issue, but would like to see the evidence of criminality. I have been waiting with interest to see a full audit of the remaining stocks and a proper assessment of missing monies. So far I have not seen this on TVF. What I have observed is that the powers that be chose a different path to get rid of the Yingluck government, and when that happens one wonders about the quality of evidence available to prove the more palpable offence.

Perhaps because I come from within the European Community, where we have used policies informed by Keynesian economics with varying degrees of success and do not see subsidies as criminality, I want to know more about why this policy is a 'scam' as opposed to an expansionary policy that went wrong.

P.S. And you are right to wonder (in another post) about the 'big guy' - though perhaps you might like to read up on Prof. McCargo's concept of the network monarchy and ask yourself if the nature of the network is changing.

Edited by citizen33
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30 baht healthcare. - Cost more than it was saving, so Abhisit abolished it so doctors could treat patients rather than do paperwork. Where did the 30 baht go?

Raised minimum wages. - For who? Bangkok only and then again no one followed it. It was supposed to be nationwide. then only degree holders. A promise that couldn't be kept.

Million baht per village fund. - Goes to the heads of the villages to keep support and create Red Shirt Villages. Vote red or your family is threatened.

Massive infrastructure investment (roads electricity etc). Where? A high speed rail for the rich built by a foreign country? What were the other upgrades?

OTOP for a national market for rural goods. - Any product that meets the standard can be sold under OTOP

1st car tax relief / kickback program - People buying cars that couldn't afford it. More traffic, more used cars flooding the market thus new car sales are way down.

Farm subsidies. - Right! The farmers didn't get paid.

What was your point again?

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Yingluck comes to grief over the transfer of one political opponent at the tricky time after the 2011 election ... the general transfers three without anybody batting an eyelid. Half the TRT politicians were facing charges because they wanted to shift to a fully elected Senate; the General dissolves the Senate overnight. Funny old world!

Yingy's big problem is explaining the 8 billion +/- usd thrown away over the rice scam - the transfer of one guy is really not an issue... putting 22 billion usd on the thai budget at ZERO cost and then paying rice farmers 40-50% over market value is a problem... nothing against vote buying policies but when it basically bankrupts the country is a bit of a problem...then Thaksin controlling his sister and the thai gov. from dubai - that had to stop as well... let's see if the Gen does a bandaid fix or maybe he will do a whole ram amputation... it is just starting...like thailand cares if the usa cuts some 4 or 10 million in military aid.. jeez Kerry/OB.. come on dudes - more at stake here... plus the us wants thailand for it's asian pivot against china.... christ...maybe after teh coup here the good old G man can go to the states and do a nice peaceful coup over there and get rid of the war mongers in the us gov... gawd...sweep and clean here then go and sweep and clean out the us crap next .... 5 5 5 seems like no us Gens have the balls to call a needed coup in the corrupt usa... elections ... ha... just another 4-5 years of new corrupt politicians in every country

I agree that this is a much more substantial issue, but would like to see the evidence of criminality. I have been waiting with interest to see a full audit of the remaining stocks and a proper assessment of missing monies. So far I have not seen this on TVF. What I have observed is that the powers that be chose a different path to get rid of the Yingluck government, and when that happens one wonders about the quality of evidence available to prove the more palpable offence.

Perhaps because I come from within the European Community, where we have used policies informed by Keynesian economics with varying degrees of success and do not see subsidies as criminality, I want to know more about why this policy is a 'scam' as opposed to an expansionary policy that went wrong.

P.S. And you are right to wonder (in another post) about the 'big guy' - though perhaps you might like to read up on Prof. McCargo's concept of the network monarchy and ask yourself if the nature of the network is changing.

Subsidies aren't criminal.

A government paying 10 baht for something and selling it for 5,6,7 or 8 baht happens all over the world every day.

Unless they lock someone up for provably stealing and defrauding someone, I can easily believe that the paper loss is exactly what they paid for.

Of course that detail is irrelevant. She's gone now, and apparently subsidies are never to be used again to help farmers. That itself is a crying tragedy.

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30 baht healthcare. - Cost more than it was saving, so Abhisit abolished it so doctors could treat patients rather than do paperwork. Where did the 30 baht go?

Raised minimum wages. - For who? Bangkok only and then again no one followed it. It was supposed to be nationwide. then only degree holders. A promise that couldn't be kept.

Million baht per village fund. - Goes to the heads of the villages to keep support and create Red Shirt Villages. Vote red or your family is threatened.

Massive infrastructure investment (roads electricity etc). Where? A high speed rail for the rich built by a foreign country? What were the other upgrades?

OTOP for a national market for rural goods. - Any product that meets the standard can be sold under OTOP

1st car tax relief / kickback program - People buying cars that couldn't afford it. More traffic, more used cars flooding the market thus new car sales are way down.

Farm subsidies. - Right! The farmers didn't get paid.

What was your point again?

Oh dear! Same old mistake about the healthcare scheme in more than one post today. The 30 baht co-payment wasn't abolished under Abhisit, but by Mongkul Na Songla in 2007 when he was Public Health Minister in the post-coup government led by Surayud Chulanont. It is true that the fee cost more to collect than it brought in. But this minor technical change hardly affected the scheme at all. The healthcare budget was cut a little however after the 2006 coup.


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The amnesty was for Thaksins benefit---we all know that so why the dung talk.???

And the law changes in 07 were to backdate and clear the coup makers of crimes committed against the 97 constitution.

What was different ?? Its OK to clear unelected yellow generals, but not Red ex prime ministers who keep winning the popular vote ??

Keep paying for the popular vote you mean..

If all works out as everyone wants there will be reform and a new election. Then all parties can present their agendas to the general public to decide, level playing field, no corruption. At least that's the plan, I hope it's where we get to for Thailands sake.

As for the historical hypocrisy and previous crimes of nepotism, cronyism and many others you just have to park it and wait for the elections to come.

Sooner or later you have to start again right? If the people really want Thaksin and his puppets in power then the vote will show as such,, i suspect with no money on the table for them it won't happen though, particularly as the General is just arranging for payment to the rice farmers after a just few days compared to months and months of misery under the PTP.

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