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NCPO cites three reasons to explain to need for coup making: Winthai

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The people in power in Thailand, who are too worried about FACE first do not really have a common sense for people and are doing everything in their might to brainwash the victims off their common sense from the day they were born.... to tell them how to think THEIR WAY


The three reasons are:

1) Thailand has different situation and political environment to other countries......THAI law based on UK, GERMAN AND JAPANESE LAW...SORRY BUT CORRIUPTION IS THAILAND REAL PROBLEM

2) The military has clear evidences and reasons to seize power. The evidences and reasons will later be shown to the international community....HOW ABOUT TELLING NOW?

3) Democratic ruling in Thailand has caused a lot of lives......THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM THEY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE THE FREEDOM UNDER DEMOCRACY


1.Crock of sh1t...No stop using that Thai culture nonsenese to beat your people with. The Thai people are the same as many other countries...we share the same aspirations..of equality, health, education, freedom of speech and the ballot box.

2. Crock of sh1t... The evidence will be ready when we have concocted it

3. Huge crock of sh1t..... Democracy has not killed anyone...you and your troops have been at it lobbing grenades for months.

Somebody do the country a favour

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The three reasons are:

1) Thailand has different situation and political environment to other countries......THAI law based on UK, GERMAN AND JAPANESE LAW...SORRY BUT CORRIUPTION IS THAILAND REAL PROBLEM

2) The military has clear evidences and reasons to seize power. The evidences and reasons will later be shown to the international community....HOW ABOUT TELLING NOW?

3) Democratic ruling in Thailand has caused a lot of lives......THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM THEY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE THE FREEDOM UNDER DEMOCRACY


1.Crock of sh1t...No stop using that Thai culture nonsenese to beat your people with. The Thai people are the same as many other countries...we share the same aspirations..of equality, health, education, freedom of speech and the ballot box.

2. Crock of sh1t... The evidence will be ready when we have concocted it

3. Huge crock of sh1t..... Democracy has not killed anyone...you and your troops have been at it lobbing grenades for months.

Somebody do the country a favour

They are.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think it's safe to say they need a new spokesman ! This won't quite cut the mustard. The irony is that there are sound reasons aplenty why the coup was imposed. There was significant loss of life. Protesters were the recipient of grenades while they slept. Independent agencies and the judiciary were targeted. The Pheu Thai administration was using every possible lever to prevent oversight and accountability. Thaksin was directing this administration for three years through skype. ( That should have been their reason number one, by the way. There is no parallel with that anywhere in the free world. ) The police - working under the Thaksin appointees - were looking the other way. CAPO and Chalerm were running amok at the behest of Thaksin. There were seven months of protests. There was administrative paralysis with no way out. The prime minister and nine cabinet ministers were removed for abuse of office. All these reasons the West would easily understand. They are also a reflection of the truth and what really happened.

At the end of the day - actions speak louder than words. Prayuth's coup will be viewed quite differently when the farmers are paid, when peace on the streets now established for the first time in ages occurs over an extended period of time , when the violence which has ceased remains so over an extended period of time, when the country begins to run efficiently again, when positive reforms that will take the country forward are formed, and last but certainly not least - when they lead to the goal of a free national election - an election that will take place with peace on the ground and with interest from all parties. The West is philosophically opposed to the idea of a coup under any circumstances, and even though that will not change - they may find themselves unexpectedly surprised at the results.

They dont need a spokesman they just need to piss off back to the barracks and become accountable to the government of the day instead of trying to destabalise the country with its inaction over the armed insurgents of the PDRC

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The three reasons are:

1) Thailand has different situation and political environment to other countries......THAI law based on UK, GERMAN AND JAPANESE LAW...SORRY BUT CORRIUPTION IS THAILAND REAL PROBLEM

2) The military has clear evidences and reasons to seize power. The evidences and reasons will later be shown to the international community....HOW ABOUT TELLING NOW?

3) Democratic ruling in Thailand has caused a lot of lives......THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM THEY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE THE FREEDOM UNDER DEMOCRACY


1.Crock of sh1t...No stop using that Thai culture nonsenese to beat your people with. The Thai people are the same as many other countries...we share the same aspirations..of equality, health, education, freedom of speech and the ballot box.

2. Crock of sh1t... The evidence will be ready when we have concocted it

3. Huge crock of sh1t..... Democracy has not killed anyone...you and your troops have been at it lobbing grenades for months.

Somebody do the country a favour

They are.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Step back in time with your friendly coup master..line up line up..If you dont line up by 10am you will get 2 years in prison...Dictator


The army made it clear from the beginning that using non-lethal force to disperse crowds (who at times stepped over the lines to deny other people rights - and hold a city hostage) was going to force the army to act (i.e. takeover). Then they blame the government for not being able to keep order. Now if it were the reds in the streets, the army would not have given the same order. It is a fundamental reason why Thailand has the problems it does - corruption = two+ sets of rules depending on who it is. Different rules for different people cause people to act directly as opposed to relying on government to be fair.

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I don't need an explanation for the coup because I am very very happy with the military coup.

However the explanation is satisfactory.

The pathetic Red comments are a sign that it's a good explanation

Obviously the Reds are suffering because their corrupt money supply has been cut off.

Now the Reds might have to work for a living instead of relying on lies and corruption.

I live in Chiang Mai, and almost every Thai I know is Red. But guess what? Not all of them support Thaksin, or even like him, and - news flash - they ALL work for a living. So you should get out more, and cease your inane stereotyping, or someone might think you're an anti-democratic Yellow Shirt, PAD / PDRC, "elitist" member in good standing whistling.gif

Thank you Mr Chambers.


Yes I hope yingy does read me a bedtime story!

I like the fairy tales mostly.

Like the one where the thai military always supports democracy !

Hadn't heard that one. I was under the impression they always supported the King.

Care to tell us what it is and your source.

Or maybe you ought to stick to Polly wants a cracker.


Quote "He said the reasons have been conveyed to foreign countries via military attaches to Thai embassies.

The three reasons are:

1) Thailand has different situation and political environment to other countries.

Yes the whole world by now is very aware how 'special' the country is.

2) The military has clear evidences and reasons to seize power. The evidences and reasons will later be shown to the international community. - Of course they are, no doubt still trying to think of a plausible reason for the Coup d'etat

3) Democratic ruling in Thailand has caused a lot of lives. - What was that? In English please !

Winthai said the foreign countries would be reminded of what has been happening in the country and reminded that the Thai military always supported the democratic ruling. - The excitement of waiting is overwhelming I'm sure

He said those, who claimed their democratic rights, resorted to use war weapons and they attacked the communities in the capital. If the government doesn't listen to the people what do you really expect? Pat on the back ?

He said the expression of democratic rights in Thailand was different from those in foreign countries." - meaning that somehow Thailand doesn't really have democracy, hence why another coup is in order ?

Phew! I'm glad we have cleared that up. I'm sure the international community will be fully reassured that we are all in safe hands of intellectuals who explained this matter in a coherent manner.


Maybe rule number 4 should be the need to stop drivel being posted on TV. Methinks it's time a lot of the Falang armchair politicians fecked off home to complain about their own democratic governments and I use that word democratic very loosely in this context and let Thailand sort out it own problems.

I like your idea. I think you might be one of those men I don't like, but respect. Both sides ranting is getting old altogether.



Whilst each life lost through the protests is a tragedy in itself, to say Scamper that the loss of life was significant, and that the military were pushed into this coup through that, is actually a travesty on the lives lost through acts of aggression and violence in the South of the country over the same time frame, there has been men women and children murdered down there by insurgents almost on a daily basis, but sadly you perhaps chose to focus on the loss of the protesters as a catalyst for the coup? I think you might actually find that the death toll in the Southern Conflict might actually be more, which sadly doesn't make any death less sensitive.

The focus was, and some may say rightly so on the acts of aggression against the protesters, by nothing less than cowards, I'll refrain from jumping on the "terrorist" bandwagon, as I've dealt with and been on the receiving end of Organised Terrorist organisations for the past 35 years, until the International community and the UN recognise that UDD are recognised as such, then I'll just describe their extremist element as scum, as the old cliche of one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, is bound to to crop up within the debate :( there are no good extremists, no matter which side of the divide you feel you want to champion, belonging to or supporting a particular side neither makes you a terrorist either, misguided perhaps, depending on your political views. Many Americans supported the Provisional Irish Republican Army in the 1980's simply down to their "Irish roots and ancestor y, without knowing what a bunch of murdering scum they were, it's blinded loyalty, and there's many TVF members likewise blinded on both sides.

Lets not forget that there's actually a civil war already ongoing down in the South, and there's lives being lost down there almost daily, so using the escalation of violence and the increasing number of innocent lives being lost in Bangkok, whilst its happening almost daily in the South, is a very lame excuse from the Military Leadership.

Let me just repeat what I said at the beginning, and have done since day one, any death, that be of a man, woman or child at the hands of extremist lunatics is a tragedy in itself, and there's no place in society for those who wish to perpetrate such acts of violence, and anyone caught conducting these acts, deserve to be treated with the same acts of violence.

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Kleptocracy ear medicine shopping puppet sandman shinamafia shins thugs uneducated vote buyers...blah blah blah.

The best apologist, whizbang, said "It's a problem of translation, obviously".

What self-effacing clap-trap.

At least come up with a new slogan meant to be a jab that no Thai even notices. The rest of us read more than ten books at university, and actually understood what we read.

Rah! Polly needs a cracker.


democracy: the most misunderstood word in Thailand. Democracy does not mean you have to do what Taksin and his lackies tell you what to do!

Thailand is 'special' because people dont follow the laws and the police dont enforce them. Money buys power and privilege and those that have it enforce their own view of democracy.

I am glad a coup occurred. Now Thai people are free from the Shinawatras grip on the country. Like the Marcos's did in the Philippines.

Your comparison with Marcos is perfect.

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Pretty hazy reasons. But then again people are forgetting he is here to improve Thailand not to hold your hand and tuck you in bed at night. No time for coddling go back to your nanny countries if that is what you want. This gentleman is concerned with the greater good for all the people and has no time for your poor me he didn't call me and ask for my opinion. After explaining for two days the situation here in Thailand.

This is a time for action not baby sitting. If you are looking for a leader to babysit you he is in Dubai. But keep your hand over your wallet when around him. Maybe Yingluck will read you a good night story.

"Pretty hazy reasons".... then you dissemble, which means to conceal your motives under a blanket of rhetoric.

Let's go back to "Pretty hazy reasons". And...you have nothing to say.


democracy: the most misunderstood word in Thailand. Democracy does not mean you have to do what Taksin and his lackies tell you what to do!

Thailand is 'special' because people dont follow the laws and the police dont enforce them. Money buys power and privilege and those that have it enforce their own view of democracy.

I am glad a coup occurred. Now Thai people are free from the Shinawatras grip on the country. Like the Marcos's did in the Philippines.

Your comparison with Marcos is perfect.

Would that be the same Ferdinand Marcos who imposed Martial Law in 1972 and then disbanded Congress, imprisoned opposition politicians, critics and militant activists before changing large parts of the constitution???

(Edited year)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The army made it clear from the beginning that using non-lethal force to disperse crowds (who at times stepped over the lines to deny other people rights - and hold a city hostage) was going to force the army to act (i.e. takeover). Then they blame the government for not being able to keep order. Now if it were the reds in the streets, the army would not have given the same order. It is a fundamental reason why Thailand has the problems it does - corruption = two+ sets of rules depending on who it is. Different rules for different people cause people to act directly as opposed to relying on government to be fair.



Thousands starting to gather at Victory Monument


Realistically that is a few hundred. I've told you a million times not to exagerate. Silly people will just get themselves into trouble. They should go home & give the General a fortnight before even thinking of doing this. As someone else said, " it is not like they were living in a democracy before last week."

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I don't need an explanation for the coup because I am very very happy with the military coup.

However the explanation is satisfactory.

The pathetic Red comments are a sign that it's a good explanation

Obviously the Reds are suffering because their corrupt money supply has been cut off.

Now the Reds might have to work for a living instead of relying on lies and corruption.

What you said is so e a s y, and actually a repetition of words from other people so you don't even need to think about it -- it's just cut and paste.. So simple. The people here don't work, they spend all year waiting for a handout. That guy that sells sausages on the corner every day, he isn't working. And how dare he vote for the reds? And that girl selling grilled squid at the talad who voted for Yingluck, she isn't working, no, she is just going through the motions as she wipes the sweat from her face and takes my twenty baht. No. It's all an illusion. These reds don't work, they are just pretending to work while they wait for the next payment from Dubai.

Thanks for making it all so clear.


You left out the chow na who were ripped off by the Reds and then bullied when they complained ... they also voted Red ... but never again


democracy: the most misunderstood word in Thailand. Democracy does not mean you have to do what Taksin and his lackies tell you what to do!

Thailand is 'special' because people dont follow the laws and the police dont enforce them. Money buys power and privilege and those that have it enforce their own view of democracy.

I am glad a coup occurred. Now Thai people are free from the Shinawatras grip on the country. Like the Marcos's did in the Philippines.

Your comparison with Marcos is perfect.

Would that be the same Ferdinand Marcos who imposed Martial Law in 1972 and then disbanded Congress, imprisoned opposition politicians, critics and militant activists before changing large parts of the constitution???

(Edited year)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, that's him ... Thaksin's role model.

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