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Mom leaves toddler to drown in motel's bathtub while hanging with lover: Thailand


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Parents do stupid things.

Here is an example of another EXPAT AND THAI GF that got messed up.

All to often we see this happen. The BF does ot care about the kid as it is not his, the gf wants to keep the BF happy so she wil do anything to keep him.

As an aside i was in Koh Samet on a snorkel trip and had a Farag husband with wthai wife and kid ( about 4 I think)

They put a life jacket n him and took him intot he water no big worries.

then we get to a beach and dad(?) decides to get a beer and a smoke. mom is not near by but he leaves the kid on the beach in the life jacket unsupervised.

Yep you got it the kid in seconds has the life jacket off and is going back into the water. Still no parent making moves to stop him.

When I grabbed him and along with a crew member took him back to the mother the dd gave me a dirty look. He did not see where i got off grabbing his kid.

This happens all over the world everyone wants others to look after their kids.

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i know nothing about this woman or what really happens.

i find it difficult to sit in judgement of someone who has lost a child.

i would say she is already suffering far worse a punishment than any court could inflict

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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

That is not an accident, that is dereliction. Why would you decide to get dressed in the middle of giving your 2 year old a bath?

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A horrible accident that happens to children all around the world.

No need to blame or prosecute the mother, it could happen to anyone caring for a young child.

Sensible, empathetic comments like this have no place on this forum.

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Seastallion, on 26 May 2014 - 13:35, said:Seastallion, on 26 May 2014 - 13:35, said:
Just1Voice, on 26 May 2014 - 11:16, said:Just1Voice, on 26 May 2014 - 11:16, said:

Total ignorance and lack of common sense on the mother's part.

But of course, sex was on the agenda

Are you a witness to this?

QuoteThe mother says she bathed her daughter Saturday morning and left her in the bathtub when she got dressed in the bedroom.
Edited by Vacuum
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Judgmental crowd today, I guess no one here has ever made a mistake that may have led to a tragedy.

Go ahead and cast your stones.

I have made more mistakes in my life than I can count, many of them resulted in less than desirable consequences however none were tragic. When someone else's life is dependent on your actions it is your responsibility take take more care and pay attention to detail to ensure mistakes don't happen.

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the itch that created the daughter is the itch that killed the daughter - so sad and the woman is a liar

was she naked when she bathed the daughter? In the Bible it teaches us that only the truth will set us free

The saddest part of this story is that the daughter died as the mother enjoyed multiple orgasm riding Benjamin's manhood

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I have just done a very quick search. Loads of results from the UK and the US about toddlers drowning while mothers slept or wrote on Facebook, used PCP or smoked Cannabis.

My point is, this happens everywhere, criticise the mother but avoid trying to make it a Thai trait.

My sympathy goes to her as well. She has lost a daughter and will live with that for the rest of her life.

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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

I don't believe for one moment, assuming you have a child, that you ever put your child in the bath and walked out of the bathroom. Not for a second.

Certainly not to "get dressed".

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the itch that created the daughter is the itch that killed the daughter - so sad and the woman is a liar

was she naked when she bathed the daughter? In the Bible it teaches us that only the truth will set us free

The saddest part of this story is that the daughter died as the mother enjoyed multiple orgasm riding Benjamin's manhood

Words fail me............I was once warned by the moderators for calling someone an idiot.....so I obviously won't do that again.

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Judgmental crowd today, I guess no one here has ever made a mistake that may have led to a tragedy.

Go ahead and cast your stones.

I am a single man who has never had children, and even I know you NEVER leave such a young child alone in the bath.

Why the mother (or her lover) did not know this too leaves me dumbfounded.

An innocent young life lost.

Thailand is generally lacking in education for child care and basic rescue techniques.

For Example,

A child choking, usual Thai adult response is to run back and forth crying.

Nobody knows to whack them upside down.

Not only that but child drowning is usually completely silent and quite quick.

Have you ever really tried to watch a two year old for an hour, with no attention lapse of two minutes or greater? Almost impossible for most adults.

A tragedy that nobody need to make worse by pointlessly vilifying the mother.

I think I could focus for the short time it takes to bathe one, I would not even answer the phone unless it was in the bathroom.

But I am a worrier.

I do not think it is pointless to say in capital letters, never leave your toddler alone in the bath.

To go off for a bonk seems particularly selfish and careless.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the itch that created the daughter is the itch that killed the daughter - so sad and the woman is a liar

was she naked when she bathed the daughter? In the Bible it teaches us that only the truth will set us free

The saddest part of this story is that the daughter died as the mother enjoyed multiple orgasm riding Benjamin's manhood

You are assuming quite a lot here. I have just reread the OP and can't find anything close to your warped fantasy.

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yes these tragedies happen the world over, but i will say this from experience, a lot of thais have zero common sense and zero attention for danger signs when it comes to caring for their kids, for sure they love them more than anything i had a spa bath at my home , and i could never get it through my wifes head to get my sons night clothes ready and take into the bathroom with you , but everytime she would put him in the bath and then leave to go get everything in the other room, she just couldnt understand what could happen, same thing with shopping trolleys and locking the kid in , never would , and then walk away to shop and watch the kid fall out and smash his head, many other examples, dont know why they are like that , maybe just think nothing bad will ever happen.r.i.p. little one.

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This has got the wife in tears. We've been trying for a kiddie for ages and some that have them can't even look after them.

There'll be a new star in the sky tonight. Sleep well little one.

...Trying for ages........ well maybe a wake up is called for. There are literally thousands of adorable kiddies out there also looking for loving and caring parents......but I think they would prefer ones not being hung up about having to be of their own blood.

Take a challenge....... find one of the homes and look at the 1 - 2 year olds , or any age for that matter. Sit down with them and give them a cuddle or hug....... look into the big , dark round eyes , then just smile .... just a bit.... and you just may be surprised at the feeling that you would have developed deep in your chest. When they get to know you just a bit better and just put their little arms around your neck and give you a little squeeze......... if your heart is not then gone....... you're dead.

As Gene Autry used to say try it..... you'll like it.


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Seems like half of you guys that have commented on this article actually was there. I certainly have no clue what happened after reading the article, other than it was said the baby was left in a bathtub for a few seconds and drowned.

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A horrible accident that happens to children all around the world.

No need to blame or prosecute the mother, it could happen to anyone caring for a young child.

It takes more than a few seconds to drown. She clearly left the little girl for some time.

That said the guilt of knowing what shes done is probably punishment enough.

RIP.... this story got me a wee bit i mist say

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Judgmental crowd today, I guess no one here has ever made a mistake that may have led to a tragedy.

Go ahead and cast your stones.

I am a single man who has never had children, and even I know you NEVER leave such a young child alone in the bath.

Why the mother (or her lover) did not know this too leaves me dumbfounded.

An innocent young life lost.

Thailand is generally lacking in education for child care and basic rescue techniques.

For Example,

A child choking, usual Thai adult response is to run back and forth crying.
Nobody knows to whack them upside down.

Not only that but child drowning is usually completely silent and quite quick.

Have you ever really tried to watch a two year old for an hour, with no attention lapse of two minutes or greater? Almost impossible for most adults.

A tragedy that nobody need to make worse by pointlessly vilifying the mother.

I would have to agree with your first line reference first aid, but by no means would I limit it to Thailand.

The one thing about this tragic incident that saddens me the most is that, dependent on how long the child was left in the water, there is always a chance of respiration through CPR even (especially) if no pulse can be found. Sadly, CPR is not taught or promoted as much as it should be IMHO, saying this knowing that incorrect administration can be dangerous as well.

On your second point, I would also agree. It is a nasty human trait for us to relax our defenses through routine actions. The very task of seeing a child playing happily with her toys in the bath, seen by the parent probably hundreds of times, is enough to lull awareness. Everyone knows it is wrong and should never happen, but unfortunately it does. A child should never be left alone in the kitchen, left alone with a pet, etc, etc.

To be clear, this is neither condoning what happened, nor is it pointing fingers or casting stones. It is a tragic accident at this moment, that may well change if more evidence is brought to the table.

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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

Dear mickjn, congratulation. You managed to make the most idiot post of the year but there is only May for the present. clap2.gif

I'm sure you have not kid and if you take my advise don't take at all. We have enough problem. And it's time to take in your medicine today. Moron.

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A horrible accident that happens to children all around the world.

No need to blame or prosecute the mother, it could happen to anyone caring for a young child.

It takes more than a few seconds to drown

A couple of good breaths will do it fresh water. Osmosis massively speeds up absorbtion.

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Going off what I have read on social media Benjamin is thai.

Name sounds farang but seems from what I have read he may be local.

RIP little one... Such a waste.

Sent from my c64

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Thai women truly love their kids and are great mothers. But I have noticed in the raising of our

three year daughter, there have been a few moments with poor risk analysis on her part.

I have also told her many times, our daughter must be watched EVERY SECOND. Every

minute is not good enough. The capacity of a child to find ways to harm themselves is

astonishing, so they require a lot of supervision to prevent that.. In this case the mom

simply failed that responsibility. Whether she was boinking someone, or updating her

facebook page is irrelevant. Although if boinking, sure makes her look a bit worse....

But as someone noted, am sure she is going through her own hell....

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Judgmental crowd today, I guess no one here has ever made a mistake that may have led to a tragedy.

Go ahead and cast your stones.

I am a single man who has never had children, and even I know you NEVER leave such a young child alone in the bath.

Why the mother (or her lover) did not know this too leaves me dumbfounded.

An innocent young life lost.

I was once with a Bar women, who had a 2 year young boy with an Italian, as she said.

She brought the boy in an evening, with her, we walked around in the streets, ate

and later in my hotel room, after the boy, fell asleep in the cool aircon room,

she felt, she wanted to go dancing in a disco.

She meant, no problem, we not go long, we let him here sleeping!

I asked her if she is serious, she meant yes, aircon, he will not wake up!

I a father of two boys myself, said, ok, she can go dancing, I stay with her boy!

So it happened, for a thank you she borrowed my mobile later and made from the bathroom a call to her BF in Italy and ordered him to send money fast! rolleyes.gif

Needless to say, that was the last night of our short -some days- connection.

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She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

Dear mickjn, congratulation. You managed to make the most idiot post of the year but there is only May for the present. clap2.gif

I'm sure you have not kid and if you take my advise don't take at all. We have enough problem. And it's time to take in your medicine today. Moron.

I am failing to see why mickjn is accused of making an idiotic post unless you have lost something in the translation.

I have read the first and last page of the thread, to be honest, it is too upsetting to read it all. The other thing that is upsetting are the posts. I have never known such a bunch of perfect dogooder's in my entire life as I have found here on TV. I tell you, I am not worthy to be in the presence of such perfect people.

I have raised 4 children, so far so good, and all I can say is, there but for the grace of God go I, and a whole bunch of other dedicated loving parents I imagine. It only takes a few minutes lapse on the part of the parents and then for the grim reaper to be stood waiting at the same time, and bam the child's life is gone and the parents will wish they were dead for the rest of their living days.

I have walked downstairs to find my two year old alone in the bath, granted only for a short time, because Grandma went to answer the door or the phone and she was on bath duty. I have lost my temper several times when I have encountered poor risk management concerning the kids. It has taken a while but we are pretty much there now in having everyone aware of what is and what is not dangerous, AND STILL you cannot legislate for everything a child can do to put themselves in harms way. My Mother in Law would put her life on the line for either of her Grandchildren in a heartbeat, no questions, she simply didnt see the problem in popping off to speak on the phone whilst the kid (s) were in the bath. "They can swim" says she, "yes but not if they stand up and slip and hit their heads on the taps or the sides" I say! They would be dead in minutes. Both she and my wife learned quick, they had to or encounter my wrath.

If this has happened as it is stated, it is an utter tragedy. The little one is lost and the family will be devastated. If it were me, there would be no need for a trial, I would willingly hand myself in for whatever period of incarceration was deemed appropriate. Either that or just hang me. I am afraid in this case the whole thing needs looking at very carefully, and investigating thoroughly. I cannot help but feel sick that the law enforcement agencies will see this woman face the full force of the law without any consideration of the circumstances, and yet the girl who killed 9 in the mini bus and Mr Ferrari still hang out in bars having a laugh.

1 km from me a couple of years ago a lovely family with a 2 year old girl were destroyed in moments. Mum and the 2 year old were in a secure Garden, the phone goes, Mum goes inside and the kid falls head first into a small fish pond maybe six inches deep. Kid drowns, Mum comes out 2 mins later, thinking she was watching the girl through the curtains. Finds the Girl dead. By the time they were ready to put the poor Girl in the box the Mother had gone upstairs and put a knife straight through her heart. She wrote a note saying it was her fault and someone must walk with her baby in the spirit world, so she would, as she did not deserve to live and did not want to live without her daughter. I am in bits again as I type this.

It is not all that black and white in these cases. I pray for the little one and I spare a thought for Mum, because sure as eggs are eggs, she did not mean for it to happen ! :(

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