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"We have met the enemy and he is us." Pogo (comic strip)

Very true. We are so trained into using Facebook and social media that we entrap ourselves. Even our creditors and Tax people can look us up and see our new cars, new homes, vacation photos, etc.

Handing us the technology to turn ourselves in, without the knowledge on how to avoid scrutiny.

We are indeed, now our own worst enemy.

Thanks to our egos...eh?

Internet...the perfect mouse trap.

We even pay to get caught....lol.


This is the worst thing that's ever happened to LOS. I've tried dozens of times to send a FB photo of my bare bottom to my Mia Noi and absolutely nothing getting through. She's seriously stressed now.


This is the worst thing that's ever happened to LOS. I've tried dozens of times to post a photo of my bare bottom to my Mia Noi and absolutely nothing getting through. She's seriously stressed now.

Coup leaders are, however, aghast.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There will be gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair throughout the land.

Could well be the thin end of the wedge !


Don't get your panties too ruffled. How does one possibly sift through literally millions of meaningless posts and photos on Facebook and find the proverbial needle in the haystack? There are plenty of low level loony tune common folk who may say things that sound anti-government, but mostly what you get are postings of what they are eating for dinner and crazy cat pictures. The more savvy instigators know that their communications are being monitored. Perhaps farangs are at increased risk of being targeted. Protest leaders most likely choose to stay off the internet/cellphone...and set up more elaporate methods (encoded messages and/or hand delivered messages...etc). Low level cronies would then (foolishly) post meetings and times for assembling protests. You probably won't find terrorist cells or para military operations people using Facebook. Besides all that, analysts sort out information by key works and phrases. If you want to get their attention....then I imagine you could throw up some conversations that would get flagged. Add to this all the posting in foreign languages coming in and out.

Andrew Macgregor Marshall's a goner and that's for sure.

He's over in Doha doing interviews with Al Jazeera and some Aussie networks, it's the mad rambling of Michael Yon that will suffer more, as he's constantly asking for donations, and saying it's safe for everyone to come to Thailand but his "work" is dangerous.. utter &lt;deleted&gt;, he's the one putting himself at risk, he gets zero sympathy from me if he gets a rock to the head!! as he keeps reminding everyone he's not a "journo" but a writer and a photographer/blogger.

He's seems to loathe his country as there's not a day goes by he's not inciting Thai's to petition the USG to remove the Ambassador, and it's obvious that he's stroking his ego, just like he's done in the past where he claimed it was "his doing" that got American General's removed from their posts in Afghanistan.

The irony of Yon is he goes on and on an on about red shirt violence , when he himself was responsible for the death of a guy in a bar , when he punched him and he struck his head on something and died, pot, kettle black indeed!! He's as much a thug as those he defends and criticises !!


Don't get your panties too ruffled. How does one possibly sift through literally millions of meaningless posts and photos on Facebook and find the proverbial needle in the haystack? There are plenty of low level loony tune common folk who may say things that sound anti-government, but mostly what you get are postings of what they are eating for dinner and crazy cat pictures. The more savvy instigators know that their communications are being monitored. Perhaps farangs are at increased risk of being targeted. Protest leaders most likely choose to stay off the internet/cellphone...and set up more elaporate methods (encoded messages and/or hand delivered messages...etc). Low level cronies would then (foolishly) post meetings and times for assembling protests. You probably won't find terrorist cells or para military operations people using Facebook. Besides all that, analysts sort out information by key works and phrases. If you want to get their attention....then I imagine you could throw up some conversations that would get flagged. Add to this all the posting in foreign languages coming in and out.

Andrew Macgregor Marshall's a goner and that's for sure.

He's over in Doha doing interviews with Al Jazeera and some Aussie networks, it's the mad rambling of Michael Yon that will suffer more, as he's constantly asking for donations, and saying it's safe for everyone to come to Thailand but his "work" is dangerous.. utter <deleted>, he's the one putting himself at risk, he gets zero sympathy from me if he gets a rock to the head!! as he keeps reminding everyone he's not a "journo" but a writer and a photographer/blogger.

He's seems to loathe his country as there's not a day goes by he's not inciting Thai's to petition the USG to remove the Ambassador, and it's obvious that he's stroking his ego, just like he's done in the past where he claimed it was "his doing" that got American General's removed from their posts in Afghanistan.

The irony of Yon is he goes on and on an on about red shirt violence , when he himself was responsible for the death of a guy in a bar , when he punched him and he struck his head on something and died, pot, kettle black indeed!! He's as much a thug as those he defends and criticises !!

The word "Aussie" might get flagged.....that's always the sign of trouble.


I don't use Facebook myself much at all - visit my page once every few months probably. - but I have friends who do. They post photos, news items, whatever, and it's like part of their routine to sit down with a coffee after breakfast and interact with other friends and family around the world. Harmless stuff you would think. Which is why i find the glee that a lost of posters seem to find in other people having their little pleasures denied to them so baffling. If they shut all the golf courses, should the non-golfers be gloating? If they shut all the bars, should the teetotalers be cheering?

You really have to wonder at some of the people inhabiting these threads.

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Don't get your panties too ruffled. How does one possibly sift through literally millions of meaningless posts and photos on Facebook and find the proverbial needle in the haystack? There are plenty of low level loony tune common folk who may say things that sound anti-government, but mostly what you get are postings of what they are eating for dinner and crazy cat pictures. The more savvy instigators know that their communications are being monitored. Perhaps farangs are at increased risk of being targeted. Protest leaders most likely choose to stay off the internet/cellphone...and set up more elaporate methods (encoded messages and/or hand delivered messages...etc). Low level cronies would then (foolishly) post meetings and times for assembling protests. You probably won't find terrorist cells or para military operations people using Facebook. Besides all that, analysts sort out information by key works and phrases. If you want to get their attention....then I imagine you could throw up some conversations that would get flagged. Add to this all the posting in foreign languages coming in and out.

Andrew Macgregor Marshall's a goner and that's for sure.

He's over in Doha doing interviews with Al Jazeera and some Aussie networks, it's the mad rambling of Michael Yon that will suffer more, as he's constantly asking for donations, and saying it's safe for everyone to come to Thailand but his "work" is dangerous.. utter <deleted>, he's the one putting himself at risk, he gets zero sympathy from me if he gets a rock to the head!! as he keeps reminding everyone he's not a "journo" but a writer and a photographer/blogger.

He's seems to loathe his country as there's not a day goes by he's not inciting Thai's to petition the USG to remove the Ambassador, and it's obvious that he's stroking his ego, just like he's done in the past where he claimed it was "his doing" that got American General's removed from their posts in Afghanistan.

The irony of Yon is he goes on and on an on about red shirt violence , when he himself was responsible for the death of a guy in a bar , when he punched him and he struck his head on something and died, pot, kettle black indeed!! He's as much a thug as those he defends and criticises !!

Agreed he post a giga-pan photo (hi re photo identifying faces) of protestors at Victory Monument and asked his followers to tag names to faces effectively exposing them to arrest and more. His face is well known and he is endangering lives and liberty and This is Thailand. He even had the cheek to post a fulsome tribute to Maya Angelou - the US black poet who would have found him despicable, Maybe he should reflect in his dotage a qoute from the lady.

“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.”

Maya Angelou

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I don't use Facebook myself much at all - visit my page once every few months probably. - but I have friends who do. They post photos, news items, whatever, and it's like part of their routine to sit down with a coffee after breakfast and interact with other friends and family around the world. Harmless stuff you would think. Which is why i find the glee that a lost of posters seem to find in other people having their little pleasures denied to them so baffling. If they shut all the golf courses, should the non-golfers be gloating? If they shut all the bars, should the teetotalers be cheering?

You really have to wonder at some of the people inhabiting these threads.

mostly malcontents, misanthropes and misfits living miserly on meagre monies.


I don't use Facebook myself much at all - visit my page once every few months probably. - but I have friends who do. They post photos, news items, whatever, and it's like part of their routine to sit down with a coffee after breakfast and interact with other friends and family around the world. Harmless stuff you would think. Which is why i find the glee that a lost of posters seem to find in other people having their little pleasures denied to them so baffling. If they shut all the golf courses, should the non-golfers be gloating? If they shut all the bars, should the teetotalers be cheering?

You really have to wonder at some of the people inhabiting these threads.

mostly malcontents, misanthropes and misfits living miserly on meagre monies.

I didn't realize today was M day...caught me off guard.


I don't use Facebook myself much at all - visit my page once every few months probably. - but I have friends who do. They post photos, news items, whatever, and it's like part of their routine to sit down with a coffee after breakfast and interact with other friends and family around the world. Harmless stuff you would think. Which is why i find the glee that a lost of posters seem to find in other people having their little pleasures denied to them so baffling. If they shut all the golf courses, should the non-golfers be gloating? If they shut all the bars, should the teetotalers be cheering?

You really have to wonder at some of the people inhabiting these threads.

mostly malcontents, misanthropes and misfits living miserly on meagre monies.

Egregious, elitist and exaggerated effrontery to what are essentially eccentric, egotistical elves.


It seem that this was just a test to see what reaction there would be for no internet access. Just wait till a full blackout of the internet happens in Thailand... :o

Remember you read it here first.


It seem that this was just a test to see what reaction there would be for no internet access. Just wait till a full blackout of the internet happens in Thailand... :o

Remember you read it here first.

Impossible to close the internet without shutting down the economy. It would be like closing the postal service 40 years ago. That said, it's quite possible that any kind of social sites are either closed or monitored to a degree which renders them pointless - effectively closing them down, the same. This site would be a prime example. If I were in Thailand, I'd be very wary of posting anything that could be construed as critical of the military right now. You go to get a renewal on your retirement visa, and the bloke hands you printouts of your posts for the last year and says, explain these. It need only happen once and these boards would get very quiet.

There's no upside to a military coup.


I'm amazed. This was published on here last night and still people keep on talking about the military having a hand in it. So I'll put it up again.


I have made a screenshot because by 17:00 today (29th) this problem will not show as their graph is 24 hours.


Please bear in mind that the reason some people had access and some didn't it the way that Facebook is served to you. During the "outage" I had full access but some images just wouldn't load. That lasted about 10 minutes.

This was NOT military intervention, but it does show the hysteria that we are up against right now.

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I'm amazed. This was published on here last night and still people keep on talking about the military having a hand in it. So I'll put it up again.


I have made a screenshot because by 17:00 today (29th) this problem will not show as their graph is 24 hours.


Please bear in mind that the reason some people had access and some didn't it the way that Facebook is served to you. During the "outage" I had full access but some images just wouldn't load. That lasted about 10 minutes.

This was NOT military intervention, but it does show the hysteria that we are up against right now.

So the spokesman talking to Reuters was dreaming, or what? No, they went to block it and got cold feet. So now they're going to monitor all social media instead. Or rather, they're going to pull in the operators and tell THEM to monitor their own operations. On pain of.....

Probably financial leverage involved if not direct physical threats.


It seem that this was just a test to see what reaction there would be for no internet access. Just wait till a full blackout of the internet happens in Thailand... ohmy.png

Remember you read it here first.

..and if that never happens, you read it first ...........here.......drunk.gif


There is a lot of upside to a military coup, especially in Thailand. Like removing a criminal government. Who else is going to remove a criminal government besides the military that took oaths to defend Thailand from enemies foreign and domestic?

Last time I checked, under a democracy, when politicians break the laws or violate the constitution, they are removed and sent to jail for their crimes. Even if they got 100% of the vote. Getting elected under a Democracy is not a get out of jail free card.

dont forget to block the human rightsclap2.gif


Sad comment on the social life and the lack of personal social skills of people that without Facebook they feel that they are isolated from their friends and family.

I have used Facebook, Twitter etc. along with the internet in general for a number of years as it enables me to keep in touch with old colleagues and friends easily and all but instantly.

Prior to that it was the old fashioned letter writing process which although slow was the most effective communication channel of its time.I still use this method to keep in touch with a couple of elderly relatives who write the most delightful letters in response to mine. The art of communication is in danger of being if not already totally distorted by our new fanged modern methods and devices.

However you know all is not lost.

In this time of cyber world censorship there is a lot to be said for one old fashioned chair, a desk a writing pad , a fountain pen and our thinking and writing skills, envelope and postage stamp.

Try it and see.

Do not fret all is not lost

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According to the BKK POST Facebook has indeed been blocked...

The Thai govt is not intellegent enough to selectively block face book or anything else. just look at true TV they even blocked the CARTOON channel! maybe they don't want bugs bunny !

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