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The BBC s view on the situation in Thailand


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From what I have read on the BBC news website, most of it is doom and gloom. None of their reporters can see the way out of Bangkok and most of their reports were from the Red Shirt point of view. Jonathon Head actually did find his way to Issan once and did a report on Red villages but I have yet to see any reports from the other parts of Thailand.

There was one clip about tourists leaving early but nowhere did they report tourits were staying and enjoying themselves. I have yet to see any reports on the BBC from expats and their families living in Thailand

Many years ago when I was young the BBC was trusted worldwide as a completely independent broadcaster. In the last few years it is hard to find anybody who trusts their news any more.

Yup..... Typical BBC Bull

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I am in UK at the moment and all the mainstream TV stations are spouting the " protests against the coup" message. Goes against most everything I see in various Thailand based forums.

I have seen nothing about farmers being paid, corrupt officials being sidelined, or curfews being relaxed. Looks like they are closely aligning themselves with the UK establishment's " return to democracy" cries.

However, a lot of air time was devoted to the arrest of the Minister of Education chap at the FCCT a few days ago. Jonathan Head has a lot to answer for when the old "Freedom of the Press" cherry comes up.

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It is much worse than that!! So called "rednecks" and others I suppose, think they are being informed and listening to NEWS, which is the main problem!! I don't think, during the history of TV news, that any channel or group could be so mal-informative (is that a word, I just made it up if not), as this channel helps people to be. It just buys into the worst of the worst, and the least educated believe it.

I am all for freedom of speech and press, but there should be some warning messages that this is not news, "this is shit we just make up and then stress in the most hyperbolic terms possible!"

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Time to change name from BBC to Al Jazeera. The content and staff are very similar.

Wow, I think Al Jazeera English is probably the best news station out there! If you are really interested in "International" news and documentaries, they seem to go a lot of places and hit a lot of subjects which are interesting to me, at least!!

I know, on the face of it, one wouldn't expect that, but I think it is awesome. I think you were not meaning to compliment the BBC in the same way?? I guess it is best to watch a bit of everything, overall??

Although not FOX, that should be banned off the planet!! Sort of joking, but not really!! I mean, I wouldn't really consider that a NEWS channel.

The BBC at one point was a respected establishment,over the years it's become a politicised vehicle for politicians, ex politicians and peadophiles.

Heads reporting of Thailand IMO does the BBC a great disservice, but considering that it is rotten from the core it is no surprise.

It's very sad to see how Auntie has become compromised.

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Jonathan Head continues with his mistruths and biased reporting.

He fits in well on his subject matter,mis truths and biased.

Maybe one of his sources is Robert Amsterdam ?

You might not be too far from the truth on that.

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Jonathan Head continues with his mistruths and biased reporting.

That's the thing I cant figure out...I think I pretty much understand what has been on in Thailand during the recent events, ...but when one watches his reports on the BBC he paints a completely different picture, no mention of rich scams, puppet prime ministers, etc ..one does wonder what his sources are...but most certainly not balanced reporting

The ridiculous rice policy has been mentioned many times on the BBC, although, no it's never been referred to as a "scam" as that would not be impartial. "Puppet" Prime Minister would hardly be impartial either. Like it or not, the last government was democratically elected.

Because the BBC, and Head, report both sides they tend to inflame the partial.

Anyway, at least BBC and CNN are now back on Thai TV.

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Because the BBC, and Head, report both sides they tend to inflame the partial.

and therein is the problem both sides are not being reported...if one compares BBC coverage (Head) CNN and even the Aussie network reporting and yes I was watching them all...the BBC's reporting was/is by far is the most biased out the 3.

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Because the BBC, and Head, report both sides they tend to inflame the partial.

and therein is the problem both sides are not being reported...if one compares BBC coverage (Head) CNN and even the Aussie network reporting and yes I was watching them all...the BBC's reporting was/is by far is the most biased out the 3.

BB though is a Thaksinista , so he's not going to disagree with Jonathan Heads red leanings.

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same with the aussie abc, they simply tell how great thaksin is, how the army is taking away everyones rights etc, no mention of all the arms being found in red areas, getting the reds that attacked & killed kids & women, paying the farmers their money the ptp owed them, cracking down on corruption, they even say the courts were simply following instructions to remove yl etc ignoring the facts and laws broken by her. They have become a defacto anti Thailand unit for thaksin, the ptp and the reds, they simply refuse to tell the truth and the abc were always straight shooters but the extreme left have taken over so it is simply crap now. They are probably taking all their info from the same source as the bbc

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Because the BBC, and Head, report both sides they tend to inflame the partial.

and therein is the problem both sides are not being reported...if one compares BBC coverage (Head) CNN and even the Aussie network reporting and yes I was watching them all...the BBC's reporting was/is by far is the most biased out the 3.

BB though is a Thaksinista , so he's not going to disagree with Jonathan Heads red leanings.

If "BB" is me, then I am most definitely NOT a Thaksin supporter. Although I do give him some credit for his initial policies that benefited many people from the NE of Thailand, since those days he has evolved into a megalomaniac and I blame him for many of Thailand's problems today.

Like the BBC, I try to see both sides, but not being Thai I have no dog in this fight. I do support the Thai people's right to democratically elect the government of their choice, no matter how flawed that ogovernment may be.

Labelling the BBC or Jonathan Head as a "Red" because he reports both sides and is ridiculous.

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