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Soldier neighbour threatening me and girlfriend

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Do you have connecting balconies? If so, go to the nearest farmers market and buy a nice big fresh fish. Put the dead fish in a large jar half filled with water. (Taking a dump in the jar is also optional, that makes it personal and a nice touch) Cover it for a few days and leave in direct sunlight. Then set it on the railing between apartments fully opened so it can waft. Seal up your door and windows and there you now have the best passive aggressive couse of action available. After a few weeks, go pour it over his scooter leaving a red shirt and one of those hand clappers behind. Then HE will MOVE. This is thailand...have some fun for pete sake. You're welcome buddy!

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Do not do that! If your girlfriend looks appealing enough in his eyes then no one knows where his newly acquired powers would lead to. Just be patient or, better, leave.

Invite their "commanding officer" over for a drink or even dinner.


When you move out spray paint on his door "Buffalo woman lives here" in Thai. If she is as much of a dingbat as you claim, it will piss her off immensely and you will be long gone.

Actually just a 'female toilet' picture sticker from Tesco.

With hot clear laminate immediately placed over it. :)

A friend had issues with a local male pick-up driver bullying him and others on bikes on the road. One night just drove by his place and stuck one of them on his side window.



A good example of why people should rent and not buy. If you owned the place it would not be as easy for you to just move out.

Maybe if you buy a Condo in a shit hole somewhere... What working class local Thai is going to be able to rent in a place where the monthly rent is from 20,000 Baht a month and higher ? none.

The OP must be living in a total dump if he's actually renting in the same complex that a local soldier can afford.

If you can't afford to pay a measly 600 dollars a month to rent in a proper place.. then why are you complaining?


Rent: 15,000 - 21,000 Baht

Since you have so much money to throw around, why don't you help him out?


what's the "moral", if there is any...?

Thailand is a very complex place to stay longer term ... so many negative views shared here do unfortunately have their very real merit... and at the same time we can easily be proven wrong... Enjoy the "sweet moment"... nothing feels better here than being PROVEN wrong and EXPERIENCE the good of Thailand... let's praise the day...

GOOD STORY, trivial start, so real, then proven (hopefully) so wrong,at the end so true, so GOOD... if that makes sense to anyone... wink.png

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Sudden changes in the situations my dear friends.

Have been checking for a new apartment today, but didn´t really find anything that felt ok. In the meantime we decided to move the bed away from the wall towards our neighbors so that we at least can sleep (a great undertaking since we had to re-arrange the entire room). Anyway, just as we were finishing up someone knocks on the door. It´s Mr. Soldier himself, offering his heartfelt apologies for everything that has happened, saying that it´s his girlfriend who was the driving force behind it all, and that he feels she has gone overboard when she started threatening us.

The soldiers who visited the apartment building were in fact friends of her brother that she called over here to give us a fright. He claims to have put a stop to this, and says that we are welcome to knock on his door if we ever think they are too noisy. He did however note that he works most nights, and that it is largely his girlfriend who have been causing all the noise.

He gave us his cell phone number to call if she doesn´t listen when we tell her to be quiet and he is away working.

A pretty amazing turn if you ask me, and completely unexpected. Though I did note that the boyfriend was mostly keeping quiet while his girlfriend raged at us earlier. We will probably change apartments anyway since we feel like a change of scenery, but we don´t really feel any rush now.

Great thanks to everyone that took an interest in my little drama, and a special thanks to draftvader for his help in finding new accommodations.

Buy him a beer, or two, or three, man... if you message me ur bank account I send you a few (I mean, "just A FEW"... ;) bucks in support.... 5555

Great that he had the "courage" to come and apologise... NO FACE LOST in the exercise, I'd think... I REALLY like that story :) :) :)


what's the "moral", if there is any...?

Thailand is a very complex place to stay longer term ... so many negative views shared here do unfortunately have their very real merit... and at the same time we can easily be proven wrong... Enjoy the "sweet moment"... nothing feels better here than being PROVEN wrong and EXPERIENCE the good of Thailand... let's praise the day...

GOOD STORY, trivial start, so real, then proven (hopefully) so wrong,at the end so true, so GOOD... if that makes sense to anyone... wink.png

Yeah, I´m kinda struggling to find something to "take away" from all this. I guess I should have picked up on the boyfriend´s silence and tried to have a talk with him without his girlfriend, but hind sight is always 20/20.

At least I´m walking away with some hope in Thailand and it´s people. Of course far from all Thais are bad, but it´s good to know that there is one less douche-bag out there than I believed yesterday.


what's the "moral", if there is any...?

Thailand is a very complex place to stay longer term ... so many negative views shared here do unfortunately have their very real merit... and at the same time we can easily be proven wrong... Enjoy the "sweet moment"... nothing feels better here than being PROVEN wrong and EXPERIENCE the good of Thailand... let's praise the day...

GOOD STORY, trivial start, so real, then proven (hopefully) so wrong,at the end so true, so GOOD... if that makes sense to anyone... wink.png

Yeah, I´m kinda struggling to find something to "take away" from all this. I guess I should have picked up on the boyfriend´s silence and tried to have a talk with him without his girlfriend, but hind sight is always 20/20.

At least I´m walking away with some hope in Thailand and it´s people. Of course far from all Thais are bad, but it´s good to know that there is one less douche-bag out there than I believed yesterday.

It's just a good experience... what better could there be... EJOY... I am really yearning for all my "hard earned" negative views here to be proven utterly wrong... I would be happy to admit and declare "defeat"........

Things like these are a step in that (the right) direction... :)


"one of the apartment staff (who is sort of on our side) has warned us that we should be careful with these guys"

And very wise advice me thinks, these guys have access to tanks, assault rifles, grenades, and various other bits of kit which can spoil your day

I don't think the Military has a customer complaints department.

not too sure how the tank would be much of a threat inside the apartment block ? smile.png


A good example of why people should rent and not buy. If you owned the place it would not be as easy for you to just move out.

Maybe if you buy a Condo in a shit hole somewhere... What working class local Thai is going to be able to rent in a place where the monthly rent is from 20,000 Baht a month and higher ? none.

The OP must be living in a total dump if he's actually renting in the same complex that a local soldier can afford.

If you can't afford to pay a measly 600 dollars a month to rent in a proper place.. then why are you complaining?


Rent: 15,000 - 21,000 Baht

Ve741 - so typical of the never ending pissing contest that is TV - now it's the OP's fault. Too bad he can't take it up with YOU! Weasel.

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You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

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Im always amazed at how many really believe every Thai they confront is gonna shoot them dead or something similar, 99% of people are all talk, now go ahead and post all those murder shots..............failing to realise that like most things, only the bad news ever gets aired.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Be careful with your camera, this might lead into violence from the other side trying to take the cam out of your hands and maybe smashing it to pieces using your head as resistance....

best advice if your building management will not do anything... move to another place, don't try to "beat" the locals with complaints

Whether it's fair or unfair, move quickly, there are thousands of apartment building sin Bkk.

Don't forget, if you make them lose face then there is a strong possibility of actual reprisal.

Ignore the mention of soldiers big now, that not relevant.


Im always amazed at how many really believe every Thai they confront is gonna shoot them dead or something similar, 99% of people are all talk, now go ahead and post all those murder shots..............failing to realise that like most things, only the bad news ever gets aired.

Weeeeeeeell, some of us know stuff after a few years and want folk here stay safe......Up to you as they say to take on board advice. smile.png


You're obviously here on holiday? or severly fresh behind the ears, why waste your time writing a well versed,has to be said. But totally bizzare post? If you have the time which you obviously do,and going by your response, to some posts you're not up to speed as to how things work Here .Go find out,and find out!!. you have No Idea what your dealing with!!! my friend. YOU are not in your homeland!!! if your not happy,go home!! you will lose,and can not win.

If it´s obvious, why phrase it as a question? But no, I am not here on holiday, but on studies for the last three or so years. I interact with hundreds of Thais every week and have many Thai friends, none of which sadly knew how to handle soldiers abusing their status. Writing this has by no means been a waste of my time, if you don´t count reading and responding to this useless post of yours.

Please elaborate as to how I´m not "up to speed to how things work here". Throughout this thread I have pointed out that I am fully aware of the fact that the best option is to change apartments. The reason for wanting to find out another option was merely to have a backup.

You also say that I should go home if I am not happy? So what you mean is that Thai people can act however the hell they want against foreigners and we have to simply accept it or go home? I strongly disagree.

By your style of writing, I´m probably wasting my time here as you seem like the type that likes to be heard but has very little to say.

Have a nice day, and please refrain from answering any of my posts in the future with your gibberish.

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"one of the apartment staff (who is sort of on our side) has warned us that we should be careful with these guys"

And very wise advice me thinks, these guys have access to tanks, assault rifles, grenades, and various other bits of kit which can spoil your day

I don't think the Military has a customer complaints department.

not too sure how the tank would be much of a threat inside the apartment block ? smile.png

who said it had to be inside the apartment block ?, someone only needs to point out the OP's balcony from the street...incoming......tongue.png


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Yep, infuriating and I bet your itching to kick the pair of them in the balls (including the tart). Typical response from low lives here that seem to revel in bs talk of power and oneupmanship, but unfortunately you can't educate pork, so if the owner won't shift the little shysters, you're best off doing what the majority say.


Thanks for all the answers.

My first option is of course to move, even if it is just to another floor and room in the same building. I just want to have some options in case things get out of hand before we have time to do so.

When I have three soldiers banging on my door at 3am I want to know where to call, since I have a hard time seeing the police helping me with soldiers.

God. You need to call your God.


Thanks for all the answers.

My first option is of course to move, even if it is just to another floor and room in the same building. I just want to have some options in case things get out of hand before we have time to do so.

When I have three soldiers banging on my door at 3am I want to know where to call, since I have a hard time seeing the police helping me with soldiers.

God. You need to call your God.

If you want to stay in the same buidling just get a gun some lime and a shovel.

Sent from my c64


At this point, you are probably a few Thai whiskey pints away from being beaten up by either the soldier next door, or a friend of his.

You should move.

And hasn't it been said many many times not to get into arguments with Thais?


A letter to General Prayuth asking if it is true that you have to obey your neighbour simply because he is a soldier. Relate the story, and say that the soldier said that because he is a soldier he can make a noise if he wants and if you complain he will "deal with you".

Great idea, don't let them beat you. Also when contacting his C.O. include a copy of your posting on Thaivisa and copies of a few comments, just to let the C.O. know that his underling has already brought the Royal Thai Army into disrepute..

Biggest problem here is that No-One wants to Complain to Authorities, so nothing happens, except that people get away with intimidation, poor service etc.,


Five pages of good advice and the choice is yours.

I think most of us would not need to ask others what to do,in such circumstances.

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