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Nope, MK is not the best money I ever spent but its just a good place to take a hungry girl.

I have found offering a hungry girl smoked meat works the best...

The best money I ever "spent" was for the divorce from my first wife...rolleyes.gifBest money I ever spent was burying my 2nd wifeclap2.gif

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I'd guess 75% - guess what, a lot of the young girls (18-21) aren't interested in a guy if he's ever 25 - check the profiles and see the number who write that. I'm sure they are all moneygrabbers - looking for those successful 25 year olds that are so common in Thailand.

I've not noticed a lot of eligible 25 yo foreign guys living in Thailand.

A few geeky blogging losers without a pot to piss in, pretending to make loads and bigging themselves up.

A few TEFL teachers working for minimum wage with no future in Thailand.

Let's face it, any Thai girl looking for a young foreign guy who isn't completely penniless is being incredibly optimistic.

On the other hand, loads of foreign guys in the 50+ age group with plenty of money to spend.

Lot of young rich Thai guys floating around though, makes you wonder why these girls, looking for young guys, aren't on the Thai only dating sites.

Of course the obvious answer is, they are sex workers, so they are looking for old foreign guys with money.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I met the worst you could imagine on line, but good sex.

.the next one I met am still with, I know everything about her , her family and we have been together for five years, moral of the story , You take your chances.

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A couple things indicate to me that a fair percentage of the women on Thai dating sites are there for similar reasons to why men are there-to meet someone for love, marriage, sex, or other relationship, and not to scam old farangs out of money.

1. Many profiles are in Thai, many say they are looking only for Thai men.

2. Many are only interested in men close to their age and don't reply to messages from anyone older. A lot say " I already have a dad", or "I don't need a grandpa".

3. Many warn to not contact them if you want to hotchat or talk about sex. Hardly the way to attract a sugar daddy.

4. Many say they don't like "players" or "butterfly's".

Of the few women I know personally who are looking for a bf online, their biggest complaints about online dating are guys who they chat with and would like to meet but they guys are only interested in chatting and have no intention of meeting them. Or the guys they meet who seem nice and "just want to be friends" and when they meet them, the men are only interested in sex.

The bar girls and goldiggers on those sites are pretty easy to spot. For the others, a little bit of chatting and you should have a pretty good idea what she's really interested in.

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These sites are for fools and their money only, which will soon be parted by them.

What a lot of bull say you,,i use a site for years, arrive with a paln, had great succes recently, fools and their money, your the fool for thinking that, you only part with your money once you hand it over, until then it's in my pocket and then,,

"oh i have to go to the toilet" take off to the next one and RULE No 1-- Don't fall in love you fool, but the last lady i was with was so beautiful and yes i will send her money as soon as i get back home (never)

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A couple things indicate to me that a fair percentage of the women on Thai dating sites are there for similar reasons to why men are there-to meet someone for love, marriage, sex, or other relationship, and not to scam old farangs out of money.

1. Many profiles are in Thai, many say they are looking only for Thai men.

2. Many are only interested in men close to their age and don't reply to messages from anyone older. A lot say " I already have a dad", or "I don't need a grandpa".

3. Many warn to not contact them if you want to hotchat or talk about sex. Hardly the way to attract a sugar daddy.

4. Many say they don't like "players" or "butterfly's".

Of the few women I know personally who are looking for a bf online, their biggest complaints about online dating are guys who they chat with and would like to meet but they guys are only interested in chatting and have no intention of meeting them. Or the guys they meet who seem nice and "just want to be friends" and when they meet them, the men are only interested in sex.

The bar girls and goldiggers on those sites are pretty easy to spot. For the others, a little bit of chatting and you should have a pretty good idea what she's really interested in.

When you weed out the bargirls and goldiggers.....well then there are nothing left.......

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A couple things indicate to me that a fair percentage of the women on Thai dating sites are there for similar reasons to why men are there-to meet someone for love, marriage, sex, or other relationship, and not to scam old farangs out of money.

1. Many profiles are in Thai, many say they are looking only for Thai men.

2. Many are only interested in men close to their age and don't reply to messages from anyone older. A lot say " I already have a dad", or "I don't need a grandpa".

3. Many warn to not contact them if you want to hotchat or talk about sex. Hardly the way to attract a sugar daddy.

4. Many say they don't like "players" or "butterfly's".

Of the few women I know personally who are looking for a bf online, their biggest complaints about online dating are guys who they chat with and would like to meet but they guys are only interested in chatting and have no intention of meeting them. Or the guys they meet who seem nice and "just want to be friends" and when they meet them, the men are only interested in sex.

The bar girls and goldiggers on those sites are pretty easy to spot. For the others, a little bit of chatting and you should have a pretty good idea what she's really interested in.

When you weed out the bargirls and goldiggers.....well then there are nothing left.......

define golddigger

I know what a whore is, my last hi-so brazilian wife, has it on all the thai girls,, she was a whore that thought she was high class,

at least the thai girls dont have the self image issues these western women have when their inner whore betrays them, and they find themselves alone at 40

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A couple things indicate to me that a fair percentage of the women on Thai dating sites are there for similar reasons to why men are there-to meet someone for love, marriage, sex, or other relationship, and not to scam old farangs out of money.

1. Many profiles are in Thai, many say they are looking only for Thai men.

2. Many are only interested in men close to their age and don't reply to messages from anyone older. A lot say " I already have a dad", or "I don't need a grandpa".

3. Many warn to not contact them if you want to hotchat or talk about sex. Hardly the way to attract a sugar daddy.

4. Many say they don't like "players" or "butterfly's".

Of the few women I know personally who are looking for a bf online, their biggest complaints about online dating are guys who they chat with and would like to meet but they guys are only interested in chatting and have no intention of meeting them. Or the guys they meet who seem nice and "just want to be friends" and when they meet them, the men are only interested in sex.

The bar girls and goldiggers on those sites are pretty easy to spot. For the others, a little bit of chatting and you should have a pretty good idea what she's really interested in.

When you weed out the bargirls and goldiggers.....well then there are nothing left.......

define golddigger

I know what a whore is, my last hi-so brazilian wife, has it on all the thai girls,, she was a whore that thought she was high class,

at least the thai girls dont have the self image issues these western women have when their inner whore betrays them, and they find themselves alone at 40

am pretty sure you just described both my ex wife's

all of my last girlfriends,

and every female I met in thailand,

woe is me,

they only screwed me and allowed me to do all those things with them in and out of their bodies, for my money, property and power,

woe, woe, oh, woe, whoe hoe, is me

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The old guy with the hottie I find is regularly rare here, unless he has something going for him - money, style or more likely a mixture of both.

Because a good looking girl can find a younger guy with money easily.

So if a looker is staying with an old fart like me for an extended period of time,I find she genuinely has feeling for the guy and they enjoy a 'honeymoon' period just like everybody else.

Yes the age gap longer term can cause conflict.

But whilst in the honeymoon period, the girl gets a lot more appreciation from the guy and his less likely to be a butterfly than a younger guy.

​Some thing a distraught Thai girl just broken up with her Thai butterfly boyfriend appreciates more than most of us can imagine.

So my experience is a 'genuine' girl found on line is a pretty good bet.

Of course, far more common is the old guy by the pool, on the street, shopping or in a restaurant with a somewhat battle scarred and dour faced country woman of very little visible charm or appeal. Thing is, he may think he has a good deal, but for me it would cruel and unusual punishment.

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Blimey the "I found a Doctor, while grubbing around on the internet" fantasists have been out in force.

MK must have done a roaring trade that week.

I've just spent an hour on TF and the only impressive professions I found were one 'teacher' whose English skills were on a par or below that of the average bar girl, two 'accountants' who had the stupidity to post pictures of themselves while clearly on a beano to some beach resort with their latest sponsors.

I'm afraid that for these posts listing all these high class women and their supposed high falluting occupations, it's more a case of "I want to believe" over facing up to the sad the truth of their situations ie "The best I can do is some blagger off a dodgy internet dating site for the desperate, skint and needy"

Do you really think top level Thai women are really going to turn to the desperate TEFL losers trawling Thai Friendly when they could quite easily head out to the upmarket bars and clubs to find a Westerner who has already made something of himself, either here or at home?

As for Noradonis, Tolkein couldn't have invented a better fantasy world than the one he inhabits.....

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Blimey the "I found a Doctor, while grubbing around on the internet" fantasists have been out in force.

MK must have done a roaring trade that week.

I've just spent an hour on TF and the only impressive professions I found were one 'teacher' whose English skills were on a par or below that of the average bar girl, two 'accountants' who had the stupidity to post pictures of themselves while clearly on a beano to some beach resort with their latest sponsors.

I'm afraid that for these posts listing all these high class women and their supposed high falluting occupations, it's more a case of "I want to believe" over facing up to the sad the truth of their situations ie "The best I can do is some blagger off a dodgy internet dating site for the desperate, skint and needy"

Do you really think top level Thai women are really going to turn to the desperate TEFL losers trawling Thai Friendly when they could quite easily head out to the upmarket bars and clubs to find a Westerner who has already made something of himself, either here or at home?

As for Noradonis, Tolkein couldn't have invented a better fantasy world than the one he inhabits.....

Maybe not every expat in Thailand is looking for a "top level Thai woman" nor probably are most of the online daters of the world. Im sure most would be more than happy with a normal woman, not upper level, not rich, but with a good work ethic and a kind heart. Those are the kind of women I am attracted to and are qualities that my GF has.

HD I think you could walk outside on a perfectly beautiful sunny day and think to yourself, "Its probably gonna rain soon or it will be night soon, so why enjoy it?"

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How do you explain the success and attraction of dating sites and matchmaking companies in the west then?

There are many with loads of highly educated, attractive, upper class women (and men) using them and finding mates and dates because they prefer that to hanging out in upscale bars and clubs. Not everyone likes bars.

Why are Thai women different ?

I doubt many millionaire thai fashion models use the sites but all of them aren't whores or scammers either.

I know one Thai woman who is looking for a bf and has also tried finding a nice guy online, she has an MBA and her written English puts the skills of quite a few of the native English speakers here to shame.

Blimey the "I found a Doctor, while grubbing around on the internet" fantasists have been out in force.

MK must have done a roaring trade that week.

I've just spent an hour on TF and the only impressive professions I found were one 'teacher' whose English skills were on a par or below that of the average bar girl, two 'accountants' who had the stupidity to post pictures of themselves while clearly on a beano to some beach resort with their latest sponsors.

I'm afraid that for these posts listing all these high class women and their supposed high falluting occupations, it's more a case of "I want to believe" over facing up to the sad the truth of their situations ie "The best I can do is some blagger off a dodgy internet dating site for the desperate, skint and needy"

Do you really think top level Thai women are really going to turn to the desperate TEFL losers trawling Thai Friendly when they could quite easily head out to the upmarket bars and clubs to find a Westerner who has already made something of himself, either here or at home?

As for Noradonis, Tolkein couldn't have invented a better fantasy world than the one he inhabits.....

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HD I think you could walk outside on a perfectly beautiful sunny day and think to yourself, "Its probably gonna rain soon or it will be night soon, so why enjoy it?"

I've been thinking that a lot recently in these baking times. I may be pessimistic, however at least I'm realistic about such things and not living in or trying to portray some preposterous fantasy where top level women are really trawling the internet looking for bald, fat, mentally unstable, socially inadequate men with no past, present in Thailand and certainly no future here.

I'm still waiting for the indignant replies from the lads living in their own little imagined worlds. Shame the fat controller never got back as he was almost flying alongside Peter Pan, a whole mile ahead of the others who were merely holding hands with Frodo and Gandalf in comparison to him.

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The old guy with the hottie I find is regularly rare here, unless he has something going for him - money, style or more likely a mixture of both.

Because a good looking girl can find a younger guy with money easily.

So if a looker is staying with an old fart like me for an extended period of time,I find she genuinely has feeling for the guy and they enjoy a 'honeymoon' period just like everybody else.

Yes the age gap longer term can cause conflict.

But whilst in the honeymoon period, the girl gets a lot more appreciation from the guy and his less likely to be a butterfly than a younger guy.

​Some thing a distraught Thai girl just broken up with her Thai butterfly boyfriend appreciates more than most of us can imagine.

So my experience is a 'genuine' girl found on line is a pretty good bet.

Of course, far more common is the old guy by the pool, on the street, shopping or in a restaurant with a somewhat battle scarred and dour faced country woman of very little visible charm or appeal. Thing is, he may think he has a good deal, but for me it would cruel and unusual punishment.

You make some good points. Im not trying to be adversarial, but I just want to ask you about the age difference you mention. If what you call a "looker" is staying with an old fart for an extended period, how might that cause more conflict during the extended period than it does during the honeymoon stage? I think you might be right, with a possible generation gap there, but if he takes good care of her and fulfills her needs, it might be a win-win for both parties.

I also think that if an old guy with a "battle scarred and dour faced country woman" has found happiness, good for him.

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How do you explain the success and attraction of dating sites and matchmaking companies in the west then

There are still a lot of lonely people out there especially in the West where their social inadequacies are thrown at them daily until they wash up in Thailand, looking for an executive on Thai Friendly and on threads like this relaying their fantasies to an disbelieving audience....

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HD I think you could walk outside on a perfectly beautiful sunny day and think to yourself, "Its probably gonna rain soon or it will be night soon, so why enjoy it?"

I've been thinking that a lot recently in these baking times. I may be pessimistic, however at least I'm realistic about such things and not living in or trying to portray some preposterous fantasy where top level women are really trawling the internet looking for bald, fat, mentally unstable, socially inadequate men with no past, present in Thailand and certainly no future here.

I'm still waiting for the indignant replies from the lads living in their own little imagined worlds. Shame the fat controller never got back as he was almost flying alongside Peter Pan, a whole mile ahead of the others who were merely holding hands with Frodo and Gandalf in comparison to him.

Does the world really need to be so black and white? Upper level girls on one end, or prostitutes on the other? There are more normal middle-of-the-road girls online dating than any other group. These girls might not be rich, might not be cover girls, but the normal rank and file of society. I agree that top level women might not be trawling the internet looking for bald fat men, but why are all online dating men in Thailand fat. bald, and mentally unstable? Theres a world of people that dont fit that stereotype.

I do admire you for being what I consider to be a well read man since you have mentioned Shelley and other authors, but why does everything have to be so black and white with you?

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HD I think you could walk outside on a perfectly beautiful sunny day and think to yourself, "Its probably gonna rain soon or it will be night soon, so why enjoy it?"

I've been thinking that a lot recently in these baking times. I may be pessimistic, however at least I'm realistic about such things and not living in or trying to portray some preposterous fantasy where top level women are really trawling the internet looking for bald, fat, mentally unstable, socially inadequate men with no past, present in Thailand and certainly no future here.

I'm still waiting for the indignant replies from the lads living in their own little imagined worlds. Shame the fat controller never got back as he was almost flying alongside Peter Pan, a whole mile ahead of the others who were merely holding hands with Frodo and Gandalf in comparison to him.

they are out there but,

they are very cautious

they are very needy

they are, after all, women

same same

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Can't believe this thread is still going..... what a load of tosh !

Youre always good for a laugh! clap2.gif

I was being serious, so be careful or I will arrange for a shower of s h i t to Rain down on you from the heavens above !

and that goes for the rest of you too

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Can't believe this thread is still going..... what a load of tosh !

Youre always good for a laugh! clap2.gif

I was being serious, so be careful or I will arrange for a shower of s h i t to Rain down on you from the heavens above !

and that goes for the rest of you too

Having a bad day? Why dont you go for a walk instead of revisiting threads that annoy you?

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Can't believe this thread is still going..... what a load of tosh !

Youre always good for a laugh! clap2.gif

I was being serious, so be careful or I will arrange for a shower of s h i t to Rain down on you from the heavens above !

and that goes for the rest of you too

Having a bad day? Why dont you go for a walk instead of revisiting threads that annoy you?

No, no, I'm not annoyed.

Have just come back from a walk and about to eat lunch, my slaves are busy preparing that now.

I just like to pump up my chest a bit, stir the pot, so to speak.

Don't really let me stop you for applying more 'tosh' to a thread full of it. :P

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