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Ireland: 800 children mass grave - church 'has no records'


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"The influence of the Catholic Church is no longer anywhere near as great as you suggest."

Thank God for that, considering all the abuse and atrocities its been responsible for world wide

And that's from someone who doesn't believe in God - But I do believe there is 'Something' but I don't know what

Then why not name it God - easier to say than "Something, but I don't know what", because surely that is a good definition of God, eh? wink.png

Not at all...

If "God" as an entity is merely there to provide a convenient answer to questions that cannot be answered easily, surely that just underline the simple truism that "god" is a simple human construct to fill in the blanks.

If you can accept the fact that we do not have all the answers today, but might do tomorrow, who needs a "god"?

Can go a step further, even, and accept that we might never have all the answers.

Perhaps easier to go through life with either an ace-card like God or at least an imaginary goal, unattainable as it may be.

Just can't get over how someone would dump the bodies there - what went through their heads, hearts and minds?

Yes, it stinks of hiding them. How hard would it have been to dig holes in the ground and given them a place of rest, a wooden cross and a name? To dump them in a container for affluent, and one that had served for that purpose too; especially with the Christian belief that the body is only lent to the soul and belongs to God (hence suicide or self abuse is a supposed sin)!

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especially with the Christian belief that the body is only lent to the soul and belongs to God (hence suicide or self abuse is a supposed sin)!

What Christian belief would that be?

Where abouts can I find that in any version of the King James bible?

Lets be honest here if the pope were a head of some banana republic the ICC would have issued an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity, and his ass would have been up in front of the ICJ in the Hauge.

Denial denial denial, its what they do best, its all they know what to do, they have been doing it for at least 2,000 years.

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While there seems some doubt about exactly where these babies/children were buried and the journalist who exposed this outrage denies ever saying they were "dumped in a septic tank", that's really not the point.



The bottom line is that the RC Church ran these appalling "homes" for over half a century, inflicting appalling psychological damage on the women concerned and abetting in the demise of hundreds/thousands of children by means of wilful neglect and abuse. The trade in children, forcibly adopted out to largely American parents, rivals the child trade abuses of China and Eastern Europe.

The bottom line; this scandal rivals that of the cover-ups of paedophile, abusive priests.

I have nothing against religion as it is the individual's choice to have faith or not, and to choose what faith they wish to believe in. What is inexcusable is the fact that criminal and abusive treatment of vulnerable adults and children was formalised, condoned and where required covered up.

PS where are all the critics of Islam who occupy so much bandwidth whenever the opportunity arises? Perhaps they can only see wrong in one religion and all other brands get a pass from their "devastating" critiques.....

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While there seems some doubt about exactly where these babies/children were buried and the journalist who exposed this outrage denies ever saying they were "dumped in a septic tank", that's really not the point.



The bottom line is that the RC Church ran these appalling "homes" for over half a century, inflicting appalling psychological damage on the women concerned and abetting in the demise of hundreds/thousands of children by means of wilful neglect and abuse. The trade in children, forcibly adopted out to largely American parents, rivals the child trade abuses of China and Eastern Europe.

The bottom line; this scandal rivals that of the cover-ups of paedophile, abusive priests.

I have nothing against religion as it is the individual's choice to have faith or not, and to choose what faith they wish to believe in. What is inexcusable is the fact that criminal and abusive treatment of vulnerable adults and children was formalised, condoned and where required covered up.

PS where are all the critics of Islam who occupy so much bandwidth whenever the opportunity arises? Perhaps they can only see wrong in one religion and all other brands get a pass from their "devastating" critiques.....

I liked your post, but out of likes.

The last bit, however, somewhat off the mark.

Not so much a question of posters biases, but of the way such things are received by the general population of relevant country. Haven't seen many redeeming views of this story, in either local or foreign media, most can be described as indignant and outraged. Same goes for a couple of interviews I watched. As far as I understand, some people obviously knew about it, but can it be said to have been public knowledge at the time? Provided it was not, what would have been the reaction back then if it got the same exposure as it does now?

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People need religion, because they need a code of 'how to be.' They need to be told what to believe. People have these big brains which are as much a drawback as they are an attribute. There is but one animal which suffers the following:

>>>> mental self-affliction

>>>> purposefully causing distress to others - of their own species and other species.

>>>> kill their own species, but not for food. Why? Hundreds of reasons, most of which relate to disfunctions in their complicated brains.

>>>> suicide.

People need to look to other species, rather than religion, to re-connect with how to live their lives. If answers are sought, look to nature, not to old men in robes, quoting aloud from old books written by old men.

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