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How Young is Old?


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Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old

If you think this video is cool then you are not old

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

I don't like either of those and I'm young enough to be your son. Lot of people younger than me wouldn't like them either

I still enjoy going to clubs to meet chicks, but this kind of music is something I have to put up with rather than enjoy

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The day your pecker falls off then your past your prime. My grandpa before he passed told me he still got wood at 100 just took a bit longer to get there and once there you had to remember who it was meant for. He worked till the day he died in his garden at 105. Love ya gramps.

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Well personally, when I was in my 40's I never looked nor felt so good. I was in better condition then I was since I was a Teenage. I looked like a Greek God and Women in there 20's were attracted to me like I was some sort of Magnet. Then I hit 50!

Almost on my 50th Birthday things went Downhill...Big Time. By 51 Year that same Pool I could do 2 Laps in I damned near drowned in the middle before my first one. I was born on a pair of Ice Skated but had to have an 8 Year Old Girl take my hand and guild me back to the rest bench to take off my Skates as I fell down so much. The truth is I couldn't stand up in them anymore as my Feet Muscles were gone.

By age 55 Years things went worst. I went from looking like a "Greek God" to a "God Damned Greek!".

So I hope this answered your question. Don't know what else to look forward to in the future except maybe looking for my new False Teeth in A Glass someplace. Or blowing of the dusk of the Golf Clubs, Shining in up, then putting them back in the bag.


Getting Old....Sucks! .

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I am convinced that 'motivation' is the big mover with age. As long as one is motivated, age appears to hang on. Until last week i felt like that, in my mid 70's and not letting a day pass without some action of some kind. Most friends say i look to be in my late 50's early 60's.

Now i think all this is slipping away, last week i was knocked off my m/c and feel i am now going downhill, not motivated to do anything much and am sleeping a lot, however this might be the pain killers i an taking as i was badly bruised. Could this be the downhill run for me.

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Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old - youtu.be/dM4et8GNRwk

If you think this video is cool then you are not old - youtu.be/93nj-kQwmhw

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

Sean ... for me ... that is an incredibility narrow minded view on an age differential.

I thought the first song was mindless crap. It's not music, it's a DJ promoting his ego and relying on symbolism to create a marketing differential.

Reverse the roll, your 12 yo is playing the latest wizz bang computer game that you think is childish ... you outgrew that rubbish 20 years ago. It's the same thing.

When I go into Bangkok and Party, I still pull all-nighters and dance the night away. I sometimes see the sun up and the Monks.

Age, my friend is attitude.

Not saying that music isn't right for you ...it's just a personal choice.

BTW ... the second clip was midly amusing ... thanks for sharing ... thumbsup.gif


Hey David,

I was semi joking about the music :-) I knew that the majority of members would find both videos unbearable. I'm not so much a fan of the second myself as I've not developed a taste for that style of music, although some is ok.

The first song is catchy and gets you moving.... then again I'm a sucker for commercial dance music ;-)

Your comment on video games I'm not so sure about, I'm playing a great multi user game called Clash of Clans on my ipad and my phone and I'm in a clan with my 9 year old nephew and a bunch of his school friends.

I get to visit him every month in Macau and we spend ages playing and talking strategy etc (with his 2 younger brothers also wanting to have a go). Perhaps I'm still a child at heart and in mind ;-P

Age definitely is all about attitude.

And of course music is personal choice. I enjoy almost all music for example CCR, Scorpions, Bob Marley, House Music, any good blues, some jazz.... The only music type I dislike is Hip Hop and Rap....

Glad you enjoyed that clip :-)

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^^ I like the approach ... thumbsup.gif

But let's not dig trenches for ourselves.

Let's roam the hills.

Which reminds me of the old joke.

A young bull at the top of the hill is chatting to the old bull and says.

Hey Bro, why don't we run down and **** one each.

The older Bull contemplates that for a while, as older dudes do and replies ...

How about we walk down and **** them all.

Experience over enthusiasm.

Ah ... to have the energy of youth and the experience of old.

Would be a fun world!


Edited by David48
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Age is a mind thing, NOT a wrinkles thing.......................smile.png

May I add, the mind thing might come from others because they know your age...............whistling.gif

That about sums up the state of reaching old age.

Late last year I hit the big 60 that has it`s pros and cons. In some respects it has a plus side but it also places many limitations on what others conceive as acceptable behaviour of an ageing guy.

I still look young, full head of hair, no beer gut, hardly any grey hair, trim, fit and still in the same frame of thinking as I was in my 30s. I was one of those types that when 25 years old still had to show ID to prove I was over 18 to gain entry into pubs, bars and clubs.

But what I found are the major affects in my life on reaching what is considered as old age is the attitudes of the younger generations towards me. Some examples: If I was seen ogling an attractive woman under 40 years old by my children they would consider me as being a pervert, because I’m the dad and dad’s don`t do those sorts of things. They believe that being sexually active is a function strictly reserved for young people and that the older guys main stimuli should be pruning rose bushes in the garden or feeding the ducks at a park. If out and about and seen eyeing up or chatting to young women than it`s assumed that I am a dirty old man, or in other words society considers that young women should be out of bounds for guys like me unless I was rich or a celebrity then the age gap seems to be excused. Last year I went to renew my Thai driving license accompanied by my 26 year old daughter. The staff at the licensing centre were giving me the most disapproving looks and the lady who was dealing with my license application eventually asked my daughter what is she doing there with me? Although I think my daughter and I bear a strong resemblance. My daughter told the lady that she is my daughter and then within an instant the whole attitudes changed and suddenly I was treated as being respectable again.

Other disadvantages that come with age: it is unlikely that anyone is going to employ me if I ever decided I wanted to work again and continue with a full time career unless it`s voluntary work, because in most of today’s industries they want an up market young image to front their companies. If I dress up modern then I am considered as an old age trendy, so many fashions are out of bounds to me and feel compelled to dress what the Thais describe as politely, something suitable and acceptable for someone of my age.

The up side to reaching old age for me is that I am now retired, have no stresses in my life and have become my own man, so I could say that this is the best time of my life, but if I was given the chance to be 20 or 30 years younger again, I would jump at the opportunity.

And the attitude of the staff was quite right too. Contrary to the belief of sex tourists, being with a woman half your age isn't the norm in Thailand and is frowned upon by most as it is in the west. Such behaviour is set aside for prostitutes seeking financial security.

Of course your daughter doesn't want her dad oogling women young enough to be his daughter. She wants a dad with grace and decorum, a dad who isn't one of those sexually oppressed perverts acting like an ape every time he sees a woman in a skirt. She wants a dad who with an intelligent mind, who, if he was to date someone, would date a woman within 10 years of his own age with similar interests and equal mind, not a 20 or 30 something with whom he has absolutely nothing in common with but strokes his aging ego and makes him feel "young" again.

What I can't fathom is why guys need to travel to countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Brazil, etc, to sleep with third world prostitutes, drink beer and moan about how backward the country is to make themselves feel young again. Try actually doing something positive with your life, like helping needy children, animals or victims of rape or domestic violence. Use this "wisdom" you're all talking about to try and shape a better world for those younger than you - instead of buying sex with young, poor, uneducated women who'll suck any old wrinkly pickle if it gets them one step closer to financial security because you think it boosts your vitality.

And so we have more or less the typical attitudes held against the guys of the older generations, the holier than thou, prime and proper so-called followers of decency. It is so sweet that it can make one want to throw up.

Please show me where in my post I have mentioned prostitutes, sex-pats, beer swilling drunks or third world countries? I suggest you read my post again instead of making your own in-between the lines generalisations and stereotyping that all guys over 50 in Thailand are sex crazed drunken louts with no moral fibre or values of decency. I consider your comments as an insult to my good character and integrity. Guessing you are a female, probably no spring chicken yourself, perhaps perceiving yourself as some sort of Mary Poppins or the long and suffering considering yourself being a long standing victim or the animal lusts and abuses of men, the female persecution complex as being the underdogs of men that is common with many ageing Western woman.

I was commenting about how the younger generations and society perceive older guys in general and your post completely substantiates the truth about the attitudes of society that tries to dictate to the older guys what is acceptable behaviour and what should be their place in society.

You know nothing about me and yet you have automatically assumed that I am not doing anything positive in my life with your people like me should hang up their guns, call it a day, feed the ducks in the park and read fairy tale stories to little children philosophy. My life is what I made it, everything I have ever done has been with hard work, legal and honest, I owe nothing to anyone and certainly do not require advice on how I should conduct myself in society and what I should be doing for my best interests to appease women like you.

I am guessing that if you are a female that not all your relationships with men has gone smoothly in the past and therefore you are tarring all us guys with the same brush, which is often the case with women who share the same attitudes as you do and to be honest are the types of women I prefer to avoid and never become associated with as do many others and explains why such women have serious relationship problems in their lives and become bitter and resentful towards men in general.

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Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old

If you think this video is cool then you are not old

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

I don't like either of those and I'm young enough to be your son. Lot of people younger than me wouldn't like them either

I still enjoy going to clubs to meet chicks, but this kind of music is something I have to put up with rather than enjoy

I was joking about being too old if someone doesn't like those clips.

It could be said that someone too young would probably not like them either.... Musical tastes get influenced by your peers and the people around you.... when I was at school in the late 70's - early 80's a lot of us were into heavy metal.... Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard etc (all of which I still enjoy listening to)... then my music tastes moved to more pop hits and Madonna, A-Ha, Howard Jones, Eurythmics etc..... I first started loving Prince then and David Bowie, Bob Marley....

After I left school my only exposure to new music was in clubs, so rather than becoming a fan of Grunge and other new music post the late 80's early 90's my tastes moved entirely into House music.....

I've no idea what age you are but I'd be interested to know what music you do like and how a young person (?) could not like dance music.


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Great question.

I remember years ago when I thought my grandparents were really ancient in their sixties.

I'm 65 in a few months and still play an hour's 5-a-side football every week, go to the gym on 2 other days and spend 2 days looking after my own grandchildren.

I'm single again and find that if I go on a date with a woman close to my own age it's like being out with my mother!

Age is just a state of mind!!

Interested to see what others think.


well, age is clearly not ENTIRELY a state of mind, but agree that to some extent it emphatically is...like the bit about being out with your mother!!!

I'm 70, and have (temporarily?) given up yoga, to allow a knee problem to settle down/resolve/get fixed, bot up to very recently was going to classes 5/6 times a week, and my best friend is a girl of 25;we don't have sex, 'cos I don't want to/fancy her, and she, whilst being moderately attractive, has shied away from the whole business so far in her life, in favour of studying and moving house!!!...

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Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old

If you think this video is cool then you are not old

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

I don't like either of those and I'm young enough to be your son. Lot of people younger than me wouldn't like them either

I still enjoy going to clubs to meet chicks, but this kind of music is something I have to put up with rather than enjoy

I was joking about being too old if someone doesn't like those clips.

It could be said that someone too young would probably not like them either.... Musical tastes get influenced by your peers and the people around you.... when I was at school in the late 70's - early 80's a lot of us were into heavy metal.... Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard etc (all of which I still enjoy listening to)... then my music tastes moved to more pop hits and Madonna, A-Ha, Howard Jones, Eurythmics etc..... I first started loving Prince then and David Bowie, Bob Marley....

After I left school my only exposure to new music was in clubs, so rather than becoming a fan of Grunge and other new music post the late 80's early 90's my tastes moved entirely into House music.....

I've no idea what age you are but I'd be interested to know what music you do like and how a young person (?) could not like dance music.


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Depence on the life expectancy:


Could say up to 1/3 is young, up to 2/3 is normal, above is old.

The older peeps probably won't agree but the fact you think or behave like a youngster doesn't make a difference, you are still old.

The table of life expectancy at birth on the page to which you linked has little or no meaning for a person old enough to read it. In fact, a life expectancy table at any age is by definition meaningless because such tables are always based on the wrong assumption that mortality rates at each age remain constant in the future, as that web page states. For example, for the UK the table gives a male's life expectancy at birth as 79.5. After the age of 4, his life expectancy will be a few years higher, at the age of 90 still higher. It would be interesting to see a table showing the life expectancy for every year from birth until age 110. (I just read about the oldest man having died at 111)

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something wrong with this link, and can't see no video......I like !920's historical recordings of Jazz and Blues, most of which is emminently danceable-sometimes I reckon that people enthusing about the latest stuff, or what was the latest in some era they have lived through, are trying too hard to prove something....I was born in 1944, long after my music of choice was fashionable.....

Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old

If you think this video is cool then you are not old

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

I don't like either of those and I'm young enough to be your son. Lot of people younger than me wouldn't like them either

I still enjoy going to clubs to meet chicks, but this kind of music is something I have to put up with rather than enjoy

I was joking about being too old if someone doesn't like those clips.

It could be said that someone too young would probably not like them either.... Musical tastes get influenced by your peers and the people around you.... when I was at school in the late 70's - early 80's a lot of us were into heavy metal.... Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard etc (all of which I still enjoy listening to)... then my music tastes moved to more pop hits and Madonna, A-Ha, Howard Jones, Eurythmics etc..... I first started loving Prince then and David Bowie, Bob Marley....

After I left school my only exposure to new music was in clubs, so rather than becoming a fan of Grunge and other new music post the late 80's early 90's my tastes moved entirely into House music.....

I've no idea what age you are but I'd be interested to know what music you do like and how a young person (?) could not like dance music.


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I have a mate in Australia who turned 70 this year.

He still works as an agent within his former profession to keep money coming in for his wife to spend. He manages his own stock portfolio on line each morning. He spends much of his time helping his married daughters maintain their homes. Apparently their husbands are so useless they need a 70 year old to do all their painting, tiling, brickwork, lawn mowing, etc. He still climbs around on roofs and under cars doing whatever needs to be done.

He has a good social life, is an active member of Hash Hound Harriers, owns a 4WD and a boat and goes on fishing, camping and prospecting trips regularly.

He has just sold his house (which he built himself a dozen years ago), told his spendthrift wife he is going to buy a place for himself in a beachside town so he can finally start retirement by going fishing every day, and she should look for somewhere for herself to live. He plans to travel a lot more and will be able to spend longer periods visiting here in Thailand.

So, at the age of 70, he is about to embark on a whole new life, free of the yokes of married life.

He doesn't feel like it's time for the old folk's home!

He mightn't be such a chirpy 70 year old after his wife's lawyers have finished with him. Assuming she is close to his age there is the very real possibility that he might lose everything he has - particularly if his wife has never worked and has no prospect of a future income.

When I was going through a divorce my lawyer told me that he was going to court to represent a man in very similar circumstances (I think the man was 65 and his wife 60) and that there was a high probability that the ex wife would get everything.

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I am close to 50 myself , I always feared for that day to arrive. I look at myself in the mirror and I see a young man, that's what I want to believe anyway. I live a healthy lifestyle in Thailand so you wont find me in the beer bars every day.

Yes I believe you can feel younger in Thailand than in the west. When my dad was 50 he looked really old. Now I'm close and I'm still not sure if I should celebrate my 50th birthday.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here is my age test.

If you think this is a great tune and you would love to be dancing at that club then you are not old - youtu.be/dM4et8GNRwk

If you think this video is cool then you are not old - youtu.be/93nj-kQwmhw

If you don't like either then you are probably old :-)

Sean ... for me ... that is an incredibility narrow minded view on an age differential.

I thought the first song was mindless crap. It's not music, it's a DJ promoting his ego and relying on symbolism to create a marketing differential.

Reverse the roll, your 12 yo is playing the latest wizz bang computer game that you think is childish ... you outgrew that rubbish 20 years ago. It's the same thing.

When I go into Bangkok and Party, I still pull all-nighters and dance the night away. I sometimes see the sun up and the Monks.

Age, my friend is attitude.

Not saying that music isn't right for you ...it's just a personal choice.

BTW ... the second clip was midly amusing ... thanks for sharing ... thumbsup.gif


That to me is pretty amazing, a townies perception of a great time, something I never have seen nor want to be involved in.

To me having the wish to still fish, to roam the hills and out of the way places in search of new adventures, new things to see, and being able to do it is what life is all about.

You can keep your noisy seething masses of people, not for me.

Also amazed by the posters who seem to think that 50 is old, heck fellas three score and ten is (was) supposed to be the life expectancy and that's way outdated.

Get over it, you've got 30 or so more years ahead of you, try to work out a way to enjoy those years.

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Depence on the life expectancy:


Could say up to 1/3 is young, up to 2/3 is normal, above is old.

The older peeps probably won't agree but the fact you think or behave like a youngster doesn't make a difference, you are still old.

The table of life expectancy at birth on the page to which you linked has little or no meaning for a person old enough to read it. In fact, a life expectancy table at any age is by definition meaningless because such tables are always based on the wrong assumption that mortality rates at each age remain constant in the future, as that web page states. For example, for the UK the table gives a male's life expectancy at birth as 79.5. After the age of 4, his life expectancy will be a few years higher, at the age of 90 still higher. It would be interesting to see a table showing the life expectancy for every year from birth until age 110. (I just read about the oldest man having died at 111)

It does have meaning but you are right to say the older you get the more chance you have to get older then the number in the list.

The list also shows that in certain country's you are "old" a bit earlier than in other country's

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I am close to 50 myself , I always feared for that day to arrive. I look at myself in the mirror and I see a young man, that's what I want to believe anyway. I live a healthy lifestyle in Thailand so you wont find me in the beer bars every day.

Yes I believe you can feel younger in Thailand than in the west. When my dad was 50 he looked really old. Now I'm close and I'm still not sure if I should celebrate my 50th birthday.

Mate ... celebrate your ass off.

I reached that milestone not that long ago ... I lived, and I'm powering on.

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I am 64 & when I look in the mirror I do look old, then my wife stands next to me with a dazzlingly loving smile that 'old' is transformed. 'Old' can have a number of negative connotations, but when you have people around you sharing their love and affection, that you can reciprocate, it's not an issue.

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OP David48:

»I reckon Thailand gives us a vitamin shot, maybe a second, or third lease on life.

What do you reckon … feel younger in Thailand

Do you do stuff here that you stopped doing 10, 20, 30 years ago in the West?«

I always remember Graucho Marx:

»It’s not a question about how old you are, but how you are old…« whistling.gif

Yes, Thailand for sure is a vitamin shot…

Feel younger…? The girls gave two Swendsen’s ice cakes at my 60 years birthday dinner party, both with 16 candles and the text “Welcome to sixteen” – must feel younger, at least so the girls think so – and later that night…

…off to the mandatory weekly tech-dance party – yeah, I am becoming a fairly good dancer – so indeed I do stuff here I did not even dreamt about doing 15-45 years ago in the West… w00t.gif

(Believe I dance even better now, almost 5 years after.)

Thanks for good questions and congratulations with your 50 years birthday, David – seems like you now, almost living full time in Thailand, have reached a state from where you only can "grow" younger – and share interests with your twins, when they grow into their teens… smile.png

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Whatever age you are now, you will be a year older next year. When that time arrives you will look back and think that last year you were actually still quite young.

When I am 50 I will think 40 seems very young. When I was 40 I thought 40 was old but 30 was very young. When I was 30 I thought 30 was old but 20 was very young. In reality none of these ages are old and none are young.

It never stops. So just enjoy your life as much as you can and stop worrying about being old.

And by the way, I know many 50 year olds who are faster and stronger and fitter than most 30 year olds. But I know other 50 year olds who are older than they should be. It's all attitude and doing the things that keeps us young and fit.

One thing that is undeniable is that all 20 year olds look young...like kids to me....some may look 22 and other may look 18. But they all look very young. At that age there isn't a lot of divergence.

But by 50, it's different. There are 50 year olds who still look like they are in their 30's. They are youthful and fit and healthy. There are also 50 year olds who look 60. As we age the possibilities diverge. Thats partly genetics and partly lifestyle. You can't change your genes but you can choose a healthy lifestyle that helps keep you young.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I would say 25 is when one starts to be old, either in one's own view or that of others. It's at about 25 when you start getting perceived by younger people as old, but the primary reason is because it's around 25 that you really notice time start speeding up, flying by as it were.

I realize it must seem absurd to someone way older than 25, and that 25 year olds are usually still considered as young people, but beyond that any definition of age is entirely subjective or relative, so to me it's 25.

Prior to 25 you are not only clearly a young person but you usually cannot conceive how it must be to get or be old. After 25 you begin to understand the aging process. That seems the only point at which one could draw a line. Beyond 25 it's really all about how you feel as to whether you're old - whatever that is - or not.

Thus I conclude that 25ish is the primary age of note, and after that it depends on the person.

I suppose society would put it at about 35 these days, higher than it used to be and getting higher all the time thanks to developments in medicine and changes in outlook and lifestyle, often linked to education and access to money.

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I upped and moved to Thailand 6+ years ago at 65 and just shedding all that stress, expected appearances and sh*t I reckon stripped 15 years off my biological age (plus a few good TGs).

I have no intention whatsoever of growing up any more.

I hope to not outlive my usefulness - nor to die 10 baht too soon.

If you can talk you can enjoy pleasuring an active TG.

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I have a mate in Australia who turned 70 this year.

He still works as an agent within his former profession to keep money coming in for his wife to spend. He manages his own stock portfolio on line each morning. He spends much of his time helping his married daughters maintain their homes. Apparently their husbands are so useless they need a 70 year old to do all their painting, tiling, brickwork, lawn mowing, etc. He still climbs around on roofs and under cars doing whatever needs to be done.

He has a good social life, is an active member of Hash Hound Harriers, owns a 4WD and a boat and goes on fishing, camping and prospecting trips regularly.

He has just sold his house (which he built himself a dozen years ago), told his spendthrift wife he is going to buy a place for himself in a beachside town so he can finally start retirement by going fishing every day, and she should look for somewhere for herself to live. He plans to travel a lot more and will be able to spend longer periods visiting here in Thailand.

So, at the age of 70, he is about to embark on a whole new life, free of the yokes of married life.

He doesn't feel like it's time for the old folk's home!

He mightn't be such a chirpy 70 year old after his wife's lawyers have finished with him. Assuming she is close to his age there is the very real possibility that he might lose everything he has - particularly if his wife has never worked and has no prospect of a future income.

When I was going through a divorce my lawyer told me that he was going to court to represent a man in very similar circumstances (I think the man was 65 and his wife 60) and that there was a high probability that the ex wife would get everything.

It's sorted. They're both getting half of the house sale price. They have another rental house in her name, on which he's making no claim. She still works (I think part time) as a kindie teacher and has her own superannuation. Plus, by splitting up, they both become eligible for a partial OAP apparently, and she will get a much larger pension than him.

There won't be lawyers involved. It all works for both, as long as she finally works out she can't keep spending like a millionaire.

Spoke to him on Skype today, he's just made an offer on a beachside house, and if all goes well he may be knocking on my door, with another mate, sometime in July!

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It's important to be proactive when it comes to this topic.

The next time you're at the beach take a look at the kids and older people. The older people are sitting on their butts exhausted to do anything. The kids are up and playing with their friends or they are doing being active alone. Being inactive and neglecting your body is the quickest way to old age.

Your body doesn't have to deteriorate with age. That's a myth. Take a look at Jack lalanne. The guy was 93 when he passed. He never had any ailments. He looked 20 years younger. He was mobile and did things that a 30 year old couldn't do. We prematurely age because 1) lack of exercise 2) we eat like sh*t. It's not even about taking supplements. Just eat a healthy diet and stay active.

Genetics plays a huge role as well. I'm 44 years old and I look like I'm in my mid 30's. I have a full head of hair, broad shoulders and nice skin. My brother is overweight and is bald. He's only one year younger than me. Funny how it works.

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It's important to be proactive when it comes to this topic.

The next time you're at the beach take a look at the kids and older people. The older people are sitting on their butts exhausted to do anything. The kids are up and playing with their friends or they are doing being active alone. Being inactive and neglecting your body is the quickest way to old age.

Your body doesn't have to deteriorate with age. That's a myth. Take a look at Jack lalanne. The guy was 93 when he passed. He never had any ailments. He looked 20 years younger. He was mobile and did things that a 30 year old couldn't do. We prematurely age because 1) lack of exercise 2) we eat like sh*t. It's not even about taking supplements. Just eat a healthy diet and stay active.

Genetics plays a huge role as well. I'm 44 years old and I look like I'm in my mid 30's. I have a full head of hair, broad shoulders and nice skin. My brother is overweight and is bald. He's only one year younger than me. Funny how it works.

It's very easy to look and feel young when you're in your 40's.

At age 47, I backpacked around Europe for three months with my 28yo girlfriend. She needed a day off from clambering around castles and such before me.

Now in my 60's my body feels it's age, no myth, but disease. And no amount of childish sand castle building on the beach will help.

Come back and boast when you become old.

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You're only as old as the lady you feel.

Forget the poll. This is actually the right answer.

The feeling on your lady is only a quest for water of youth to distort (or to hide) the reality of old.

In real, what does it mean to get old ?

When you begin to lose your life purpose and give up? or when you feel the body not follow the mind?

or the beginning of all kind of sickness? or when you begin to think about death? ....

My opinion, we begin to get old when we begin to be interested to subjects as in this post today.

How young is old? maybe not based on the age scaling but the "mood" of our mind and the body combination,

and this fluctuates with our daily external life factors.

Sure, only my thinking about this subject.

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