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Police urged to help heal divide

Lite Beer

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Police urged to help heal divide
The Sunday Nation


BANGKOK: -- Lt-General Kampanart Ruddit, director of the Reconciliation for Reform Centre, urged police to talk to the public so they understand the national reconciliation process.

In a meeting with 1,400 police officers yesterday, Kampanart said the success or failure of the process hinged on people properly understanding why the coup took place.

He said coup leader General Prayuth Chan-ocha would reach mandatory in five months, so police nationwide should help foster a climate of love and empathy and help create a democracy that was suited for Thailand.

Kampanart said his centre was listening to people's views and this was considered the first step towards reconciliation. "Some have asked if the setting up of the Reconciliation for Reform Centre can solve a decade-old feud or not. I cannot answer, as it depends on the cooperation of the people who own this country," he said.

Prayuth said during his weekly TV show on Friday that in the first phase of reconciliation, all groups - including rival groups - would be invited to meet to create an atmosphere of talking and listening. Legal action would be used only if necessary. He said the transfer of government officials would be done only when necessary so that the right people were in the right jobs and the atmosphere was good. The annual reshuffle would be for the next government to decide

-- The Nation 2014-06-15

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I do believe that this article mentions the general large and in charge is facing mandatory retirement in 5 months, though in an utterly oblique way. Maybe will quit the army and run for PM, the on the job training he is currently getting might not go to waste.

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The comment , "Help create a Democracy suited to Thailand" , this in itself is cause for concern, as they had Thai Democracy and look where it got them, another mention in the Guiness book of records. Business as usual score: 9/10 bah.gif

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So the parliamentary democracy wasn't good for thailand, lets find another, a better one. Let's see, here we have military democracy, the next is police democracy, after that self appointed government democracy. We can have many sort of democracies, non of them requiring any form of election, just purely based on love and compassion. That's how good thai rulers are

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POLICE urged TO help heal?


Look at any intersection or long road or toll booth and you will see hands out for up to 2000 baht a swipe.

GENERALS this needs to be addressed or the situation will never change.

There is such good work going on but these people are at the core of all corruption and I am a novice here so if I SEE IT what really goes on?

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Why do the police look fatter than the military guy?

Because the police ARE fatter than the soldier. Much.

Maybe their pockets are weighing them down and also their big wait tightened MONEY BELTS?

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Why do the police look fatter than the military guy?

Because the police ARE fatter than the soldier. Much.

Could it be b/c they have been at the "feeding trough" longer, and with a more voracious appetite to consume as much as possible?

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National reconciliation with opponents placed in jail and others on the "run"? Its about destroying all supposed enemies of the "new" state, muzzle any and all discontent, no criticism allowed, no peaceful demonstrations against the coup permitted, media told to behave or face prosecution and closure, and the list goes on.

How is imprisonment, huge fines etc for simply disagreeing with dictorship conducive to reconciliation?

And using the most corrupt of the corrupt to make the public happy, what a lie it all is!

Obey, obey, bow down and enjoy some stupid free movie, get the point children! Do not oppose or voice your opinion against your new leaders.

You are all being watched! Freedom is just a myth!

Edited by Hawk
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The BIB are the everyday "in your face" example of all the things wrong with Thailand. Organized criminals who are policemen for that very reason - so that they can lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. They have the respect of no one. Least of all their own countrymen.

They are the last group and the last choice on who can help heal anything.

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What is the photo, has this foreigner been arrested for something?

He's not a foreigner.

That's Thai red shirt Thanat Thanawatcharanond who was arrested yesterday.

fair enough, not part of the redshirt club so that is way I didn;t know him.

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I would suspect something could be lost in the translation on this one.

The message given to the 1400 (senior) police officers may just have been a bit different from that in the OP.

There could have been some reference to how the previous police boss was liking his new assignment along with the others who were also shunted out.

it could be that there was also mention of the police who have been charged over gambling.

And that the 'healing the divide' may have had something to do with filling the positions left vacant, even touching on how much more difficult it would be if more positions became vacant.

Just a friendly chat pointing out how much better it would be to cooperate.

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The comment , "Help create a Democracy suited to Thailand" , this in itself is cause for concern, as they had Thai Democracy and look where it got them, another mention in the Guiness book of records. Business as usual score: 9/10 bah.gif

What good does it do teaching police to be feel good, spin doctors, while they are really interested in enriching themselves?

Besides wise Generals trying to keep the peace, I believe a great many Thai people already know what democracy really should be, including a corruption free judiciary and police force, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and real politicians to vote for.

As in politicians representing the ordinary people and not just power and money mad autocrats.

"Too tall an order?" is the question of the day.

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