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When I was living in Europe, I used to work from 9:00 in the morning till sometimes 10:00 in the night.

So, although, I was married with 2 kids, I never lend a helping hand to my ex-wife to do any kind of housework, or ever helped her with changing the kid’s nappies.

Coming to Thailand, everything has changed.

As, my present wife, works, I do the washing up, wash the clothes, clean the toilets, mop the floor, do some gardening, and in between, browsing TVF and giving my “worthless” opinion.

Haven’t managed ironing yet, I give the clothes to the local ironing lady that charges me 5 Baht per piece……..quite satisfied.I’m not a DIY man, as Mr. Trans, in fact whatever I started fixing, had to call somebody from outside to repair.

So, I would like to ask you:

Do you help, your wife/gf, with the housework?
Do you help your wife/gf with the kids? (Changing nappies, feeding, giving a bath)
If yes, are you comfortable by doing so, or you still think it’s a woman job?
Are you a DIY man, do you enjoy fixing things?
For those who employ a cleaner or a nanny, this thread would not be of much interest.

I would appreciate your answers.


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I have just finished scrubbing the bathrooms/showers, my once a week thing when I am off work, DIY no issues do this as needed, wash the dishes, ironing and cooking as well if it takes my fancy

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I tried a few times to help out around the house but Mrs Charlie gets real upset, says its her job and I must not do it.

Repairs, well minor stuff I do, but mostly get someone in to do it as its so cheap.

You are a Lucky man, Charlie, wish my wife had more time in her hands.

Saying that......she does help sometimes but as James said......"there is cleaning and there is clean"


I can't get it clean enough so wife comes behind my work and really cleans.

I enjoy making coffee from beans.

I can DIY and fix anything, but my old body limits me more each yr. I like the strange looks I get from Thai clerks at HomePro when I not only know the odd thing or tool I am buying but it is clear I am getting it for myself and my installation.

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I can't get it clean enough so wife comes behind my work and really cleans.

I enjoy making coffee from beans.

I can DIY and fix anything, but my old body limits me more each yr. I like the strange looks I get from Thai clerks at HomePro when I not only know the odd thing or tool I am buying but it is clear I am getting it for myself and my installation.

Can i borrow your wife once a week? ;)

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


No Honey ... I not play Thai Visa.

Yes Honey, I doing the Babies and our clothes washing now.

No Honey, just coffee and a Bannana Muffin is fine for me for breakfast.

Yes, Honey, I'm boiling the water now for the Babies Bath.

No Honey, too much Talc Powder, stop now, you know it makes me ... me ... ahh, ahhh, choooooooooo

Yes Honey, I washing that Babies milk bottles now.

No Honey, Mother can not come and visit the boys till after we pull the Curtain back ... and NEVER before 6.30am. We talked about this last time ... dry.png

Yes Honey, I still love you, I even like your Mum sometimes, but remember this is our bedroom, not a waiting room for the Family to view the babies.

No Honey, you ass does not look big in that.

Yes Honey, I saw that TESCO have nappies on special this week.

No Honey, I am not a taxi. If your Aunt wants to go, her husband can drive her.

Yes Honey, that feels good.

Yes Honey, that feels

Yes Honey, that

Yes Honey




I'm sleepy now ... laugh.png


David, You are my hero.

Is there, a Best husbands award?

I would definitely nominate you.thumbsup.gif


Generally do my own cooking as i prefer farang food,wash up plates ,dishes i use,walk around the house picking up rubbish,that's about it,have done some diy jobs like paving out in the back yard,but not too much as the mrs always look's anxious,as she is of the belief,no farang's have ever done manual work,and as it is Thailand if we do it the farang way it may not work,or be bad luck or something.

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As my wife is the bread-winner at the moment, I do all the cooking and the dishes and the grocery shopping if it needs doing mid week. However, she's embarrassed by this and so insists she does the vacuuming and washing the clothes every weekend. She also insists on doing the dishes on the weekends (I still cook), but sometimes I sneak in and do the dishes while she's vacuuming...she acts unhappy but I know she loves me for it. I'll also hang the washing up if she gets side-tracked on Saturday mornings, again feigned unhappiness but deep adulation.

Back in NZ where I was the main provider, and she worked with me, I did all the cooking and she insisted on doing everything else. I'd do all the outside chores like the gardens and the lawn. We shop together.

It's not just that she insists that it is her job; We have a different standard on domestic things. I think it's ok for a t-shirt to be left on the floor...it's not hurtiing anyone, she thinks it should go in the hamper (so fussy!). I also do not believe in ironing, or folding clothes. Why fold them when you are just going to unfold them later? Nobody looks in the drawers. I don't mind that she takes all her fine work clothes to the ironing lady.

I'm an avid DIYer, but have not acquired many tools yet here in Thailand.

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No Honey ... I not play Thai Visa.


I'm sleepy now ... laugh.png


David, You are my hero.

Is there, a Best husbands award?

I would definitely nominate you.thumbsup.gif

Mate, MissFarmGirl and I are a Team.

Neither of us shirk the responsibilities.

She does a lot of the 'Face Time' or contact time with the boys (TWINS), aged 4 months now.

I do did a lot of the back end support. I'm back in Australia for the moment.

Her job was harder then mine as she woke every two hours through the night and fed the kids and every 4 hours for nappy changes.

I got to sleep through most of that unless there was a problem that was easier for two to handle.

All the above, in that post was true ... but I got sleepy all by myself ... no need to have help from her.

I worry I bore the Forum sometimes with showing the kids off.

But, if you want, you can see them here. I'm just a proud Dad.

Interestingly, I asked MissFarmGirl if her Father ever helped her Mum with the kids during the early years?

He's ex-Navy, alpha male etc. No, not a chance, was womans work was the reply.

That said, he did indicate to me (through body language, neither of us speak a common language) he was proud that I hopped in and eased the work load.

I'd be washing nappies, he'd fix a problem on my car ... no cost. It's all good.

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BTW ... I really don't like cooking.

Can do it ... but it really doesn't interest me.

First two meals I cooked for MissFarmGirl, were either burnt or unpalatable (well, it was a snack really, popcorn).

Never been asked again.

Secret to my success ... thumbsup.gif


  • Like 1

No Honey ... I not play Thai Visa.


I'm sleepy now ... laugh.png


David, You are my hero.

Is there, a Best husbands award?

I would definitely nominate you.thumbsup.gif

Mate, MissFarmGirl and I are a Team.

Neither of us shirk the responsibilities.

She does a lot of the 'Face Time' or contact time with the boys (TWINS), aged 4 months now.

I do did a lot of the back end support. I'm back in Australia for the moment.

Her job was harder then mine as she woke every two hours through the night and fed the kids and every 4 hours for nappy changes.

I got to sleep through most of that unless there was a problem that was easier for two to handle.

All the above, in that post was true ... but I got sleepy all by myself ... no need to have help from her.

I worry I bore the Forum sometimes with showing the kids off.

But, if you want, you can see them here. I'm just a proud Dad.

Interestingly, I asked MissFarmGirl if her Father ever helped her Mum with the kids during the early years?

He's ex-Navy, alpha male etc. No, not a chance, was womans work was the reply.

That said, he did indicate to me (through body language, neither of us speak a common language) he was proud that I hopped in and eased the work load.

I'd be washing nappies, he'd fix a problem on my car ... no cost. It's all good.

David, I adore them.

Nothing wrong showing them off.

Be a proud father, you deserve it.thumbsup.gif

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She breaks stuff and I fix it, thats about it. Oh, I cut the grass.

As her lazy son (19) does sod all but lay horizontal I have made it clear "If you cannot get him to stand up and help out, don't ask me"....

Feel so much for you.

My wife has 2 sons, 15 and 16, exactly the same as your wife's son and daughter.

Just got a phone call from the school, he's been fighting, have to be there at 10:00 tomorrow.

I try to keep away, that's why I got them in a boarding school.


whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Can you expand on that statement................Please........blink.png


whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Don't worry.......we had our "moments" in the past.

Time to settle down.

One day you will reach our age, and I hope you have the good memories we have now.

So have you been "domesticated"?


I also enjoy bakng and cooking etc when the mood takes me, nicest part is I dont have to clean up the Kitchen afterwards, wife just says "you done ?, out please, I want clean !" and she cleans it all up. I dont have any problem with that at all.

I cook all my own stuff too thumbsup.gif, she deals with the mess...............facepalm.gif ..................laugh.png

  • Like 2

DIY around the house and farm is all me, my wife's relatives break, I fix. My tools are out of bounds for everyone.

Fed the little one from day one, actually first month was all me at night, the wife was out of it for quite some time after a C section.

Changed a thousand diapers, first time dad so it was all new to me and wouldn't have missed it.

Bath time is best with dad now with son at 3 years old, water fights and lots of laughs, the wife tends to be more buisness like, in, scrubbed and out.

My wife is an excellent cook but he BBQ is my territory.

House cleaning have a house cleaner that cleans local style, ie nothing over eye level

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No I do all the yard work and repair stuff

Occasionally but the missus is much better and thinks I am pretty sh!thouse at it in her opinion and of course it's not womens work, aside from nursing of course, my nom as impressive as they are won't produce milk

Yes love DIY but what the F@#* has that got to do with housework?

Quite willing to pitch in and do whatever is necessary but the other half gets filthy if I even make my own coffee in the morning coffee1.gif must just be lucky I guess

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My partner works,and i wouldnt allow her to kill herself by doing all the chores too.I am retired so my job is to support her, by helping, including ironing and cooking sometimes

Her money helps with the day to day living so her contribution is great, our money not her familie,s

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We used to have a lady come clean, but I got rid of her because the wife used to follow her around doing it properly.

The wife didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her facepalm.gif

Ironing is sent out too, low cost great service.


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We used to have a lady come clean, but I got rid of her because the wife used to follow her around doing it properly.

The wife didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her facepalm.gif

Ironing is sent out too, low cost great service.

As long as i am still fit and able, no way would i have a cleaner in my house


I tried a few times to help out around the house but Mrs Charlie gets real upset, says its her job and I must not do it.

Repairs, well minor stuff I do, but mostly get someone in to do it as its so cheap.

Same here, not allowed to do her job.

Like to cook Western dishes but the wife watches just once to learn then cooks them next time.

Repairs, etc fall into my territory.

  • Like 1

We used to have a lady come clean, but I got rid of her because the wife used to follow her around doing it properly.

The wife didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her facepalm.gif

Ironing is sent out too, low cost great service.

Yes, I still have a cleaner that comes twice a week.

She is quite useless, so I have to do everything the next day.

BUT......she is the wife's relative and we can't tell her to go, as she will loose face, and it will be world War III, in the family.

So we get "schtum" and accept.

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