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Working as a freelancer in Thailand is ILLEGAL !!! In the past 3 weeks, already 7 people I know (IT-freelancers) have mysteriously disappeared.

Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon I received a phone call from Marcello, a very good friend and working as a freelancer in the I.T. He got arrested when he was meeting someone that offered him a freelance job, for redesigning an existing website. Now he is in jail waiting for trail, punishment and deportation. He was able to call me for about 10 seconds as I heard his phone getting smashed/broken.

Also about a month ago I heard several stories (4) from friends in the online business that and how they were set-up by some "farang". I have seen the emails they've send them. Probably coming from the same person(s). They were arrested by some corrupt cops after they have been talking with a farang. They were released after bribing the officers with 50,000 - 100,000 THB while their WP doesn't allow them to do freelance jobs. Everybody describes the farang as a skinny, junky type with black dyed hair from about 40-50 years old. The names he has been using vary from Chris, Robert, Mike, Iven.

I received an email myself from a some guy (John) that wanted to have a website redesigned several days ago. Same story as in the emails to some friends, so I got suspicious and I replied that I am not a freelancer but working for a company in Bangkok. I wrote him to come down to the office to discuss the job. Today he called me and he wanted me to come down to Pratunam. I told him that he has to come to our office, while I am working there. He kept on insisting to come down to him even when I told him that I am not a freelancer. I told him that I knew some Thai freelancers that could do the job but he wanted only a non-Thai freelancer. Later I told him that I could come over to discuss. He wanted to meet me at the Mc Donalds at Pratunam (Petchaburi Road) opposite Panthip Plaza. I went down there with 2 Thai employees. Sitting, eating and waiting at Mc Donalds for about 30 minutes (we came early), I received a phone call and I saw the guy mentioned before entering the Mc Donalds and sat down at a table near the window. I send my 2 Thai employees down to him, one blocking his way out. Within a matter of seconds the Mc Donalds was crawling with cops, 8 of them undercover and 2 uniformed, talking to my 2 employees, demanding ID's and more. So, also this was a set-up!!! According to my employees, it seems that the farang speaks very good Thai and is working (together) with police.

So everyone, be carefull !!!

There is a giant crackdown going on !!!

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"Working as a freelancer in Thailand is ILLEGAL !!!"

You bring back good memories of when I first came to Thailand and Freelancers abounded.

Ah ... the good old days when I was a single man.

BTW ... to those it's relevant to, I'm sure they appreciate your heads up.


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More evidence the only farrangs that ever supported this charade were the right wing retirees, sitting smugly with their old codger visa, not giving 2 hoots about the economy and consequences of all this.

Meanwhile those in the real world see the economy in tatters and now farrangs being deported.


I think your writing is lousy enough to make it as a Thailand-centric fiction novelist but you will need to add more bar girls to the stories.

And gerbils, they seem to be the "in" thing at the moment.

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More evidence the only farrangs that ever supported this charade were the right wing retirees, sitting smugly with their old codger visa, not giving 2 hoots about the economy and consequences of all this.

Meanwhile those in the real world see the economy in tatters and now farrangs being deported.

The som tam lady up where I live told me she didnt give two hoots.

The motocy win guys were still doing business as I walked by, 7 was doing a booming trade, the luk chin guy said he had a top day, the roti woman was still knocking them out as I headed home.

Economy in tatters, suppose you come from one of those quasi commie Euro countries up to their eyeballs in debt (do what Uncle Sam did just print money).

Great stuff, all these "I have a job that allows me to work from anywhere" types are now being rounded up.

Please tell me how these freeloading Cheap Charlie types are contributing to the Thai economy?

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More evidence the only farrangs that ever supported this charade were the right wing retirees, sitting smugly with their old codger visa, not giving 2 hoots about the economy and consequences of all this.

Meanwhile those in the real world see the economy in tatters and now farrangs being deported.

What evidence?

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Can i see the mail headers from thermals the guy sent you please. Just the envelope, all above the Subject line.

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I think your writing is lousy enough to make it as a Thailand-centric fiction novelist but you will need to add more bar girls to the stories.


"fiction novelist," eh?

Who's the bad writer?

That is, unless you can name a non-fiction novelist.

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