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Get off your high horse, America, we do not need a ride: Thai opinion


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Have to admit that I absolutely am NOT an America lover and I despise the US of A for their ways of forcing themselves up the behind of any country they feel it needs to be "liberated" by aggressive invasion and killing millions of innocent civilians in the process, using depleted Uranium, etc. eventually leaving the completely destroyed country to charity organisations for a clean up while american-owned companies take care of the "reconstruction" and securing assets and natural resources of the invaded country after the chosen puppet government has been installed. There also would be much to say about an US president who perhaps not even is an american, acts (yupp, acting is the right word here) under a false name and identity, babbling something about "change" and "yes we can" while doubling america's debt and starting even more wars during his "reign"...

This all said - the Original Post on the other hand is basically a piece of crap, simply putting a few bits and pieces of unpleasant incidents that happened in the US together, but all out of context and without building a proper foundation on which to erect "the case". Sure, America should mind their own business and leave others alone, especially Thailand after the coup as the country clearly getting back on track under supervision of Gen. Prayuth, is but a full A4 page of senseless babble and fingepointing does not really help to make the point. Think it would have been a better approach to simply list all the improvements and changes to the better that happened since the coup to tell not only America but any other country that Thailand can get its act together without interference and snobby opinions of other countries who need to clean up their own act forst before pointing fingers.

All in all - the OP better would not have been written in the fist place - it just will ignite unnecessary tension.

I agree on your point that the OP best have not written the article in the 1st place & instead show the improved changes from the Military takeover.

American bashing is best left to us on this forum so that we can be challenged & bashed back since none us can really do anything else to change things here in Thailand or in America. lol

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Americas and Thais have two things in common, corruption and poor intellect, only Americans are on a grander scale. So we have dumb people who think they can make more money in the states.

Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


i agree with you totally there are extremely technically advanced people in the US There are also millions who commit the worst crimes on the planet in gang and drug wars, drive by shootings highest murder rates per second in the world- just a shame that their intellect is not matched by their common sense and feeling for their fellow human beings. If it was they may not blindly stick to outdated ideals and furthering their own ends above all!!

You apparently do not know what you are talking about, the murder rate per 100,000 in USA is 4.8 and does not even make it into the top 100 worldwide, Thailand has a higher murder rate at 5.0. Then you have countries like Venezuela 53.7, Columbia 30.8, South Africa 31, Brazil where the world cup is being played 25.2 etc. etc., USA does not even come close and most all these countries with higher murder rates have gun laws that prohibit ownership.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

Americas and Thais have two things in common, corruption and poor intellect, only Americans are on a grander scale. So we have dumb people who think they can make more money in the states.

3 things, they don't have Tony Numb nut.

And no Aussue Rules to really get confused about but Tony is much better than the last mob of dimwits surely

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The writer had a chance to make a point here. unfortunately the article is a smattering of negativity from Google searches with no coherent connection.

Yes Thailand you have made a mess of your politics, just admit it and try to fix it. Deflection to America will not make any difference.

Just because America has it's own problems doesn't mean they and the rest of the world can't see yours.

Did anyone notice that she (the writer of the OP) forgot to add to the slew of deeds that:

1- Thailand allowed the Japanese army to occupy the country

2- set up bases and concentration (hard labor camps) on Thai soil and...

3- the crowning jewel of Thailand actions during World War II, publicly declared war to USA and UK.

The usual suspects should abstain from their apologies: "but the ambassadors never delivered the declaration of war."

The government of the time made public the declaration of war first, to the Japanese, second to the Thai population, third, to the world.

Happy now?

To add to the history of Thai humiliations, about 90 years ago or so Malaysia hired the British army to control and repel Thai attackers who constantly made violent incursions into Malaysian land, such as Penang. The Thais were perceived as a violent and greedy people. But once presented with a superior force they did of course back down and gave up on their attempts to take over these areas if foreign soil.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A poorly written article really.

As for the US, best they stuck to what they know, which is invading countries , trying to install their version of democracy, and then leaving the place in disarray.

...poorly written but it sure is getting entertaining responses from what I presume are the TV yankees.

The Septics are sure getting their stetsons in a twist. laugh.png

At this rate, Fox news will be reporting a build up the Pacific fleet circling outside of Hua HIn, the home of TVF whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>
Of course - our military coup makes 95% of Thai people happy your democracy and obama make 54% of Americans miserable - who should feel ashamed and angry - stop being holier than thou it already cost you Vietnam!!

95% of Thai people happy? Where do you get your facts from? I hope it's not from the less than 1500 people survey. You're not smoking dopes or anything before you write this, right?

95% of Zimbabweans are happy too. Just ask Bob Mugabe or one of his followers.

so you think Thai people are not happy that rice farmers have been paid that no one is being killed on a nightly basis by red hires with stolen weapons, with transport improvements, with criminals rounded up and put in ail, with all the other achievements of this government so far? Only a blind Shinawatra follower would think things were better 4 months ago±!±

I don't think the guy who was arrested this week for reading George Orwells book 1984 is to happy!

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The writer had a chance to make a point here. unfortunately the article is a smattering of negativity from Google searches with no coherent connection.

Yes Thailand you have made a mess of your politics, just admit it and try to fix it. Deflection to America will not make any difference.

Just because America has it's own problems doesn't mean they and the rest of the world can't see yours.

Did anyone notice that she (the writer of the OP) forgot to add to the slew of deeds that:

1- Thailand allowed the Japanese army to occupy the country

2- set up bases and concentration (hard labor camps) on Thai soil and...

3- the crowning jewel of Thailand actions during World War II, publicly declared war to USA and UK.

The usual suspects should abstain from their apologies: "but the ambassadors never delivered the declaration of war."

The government of the time made public the declaration of war first, to the Japanese, second to the Thai population, third, to the world.

Happy now?

To add to the history of Thai humiliations, about 90 years ago or so Malaysia hired the British army to control and repel Thai attackers who constantly made violent incursions into Malaysian land, such as Penang. The Thais were perceived as a violent and greedy people. But once presented with a superior force they did of course back down and gave up on their attempts to take over these areas if foreign soil.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Britain had taken a large part of southern Thailand in 1909.

Malaysia has its origins in the Malay Kingdoms present in the area which, from the 18th century, became subject to the British Empire & and achieved independence on 31 August 1957.

Not sure where you get your history from but at that time not many countries could stand militarily against Britain...

and speaking of greed & violent people...did I mention British Empire?

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After the US condemned the coup and moved Thailand to Tier 3 on human trafficking I have been expecting a back lash against the USA. I wonder if it will be more than rhetoric for American citizens in Thailand...

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A poorly written article really.

As for the US, best they stuck to what they know, which is invading countries , trying to install their version of democracy, and then leaving the place in disarray.

...poorly written but it sure is getting entertaining responses from what I presume are the TV yankees.

The Septics are sure getting their stetsons in a twist. laugh.png

At this rate, Fox news will be reporting a build up the Pacific fleet circling outside of Hua HIn, the home of TVF whistling.gif

They've ceased circling and have nothing to fire......the three spare rockets and 25 spare rounds they mustered up have all been sent to Bagdad, just last week.

The US navy is attempting to row their ships closer to shore, at which time they will throw rocks. tongue.png

Barrack Obama is busy at the world cup at the moment as well


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If the US was criticising the Shinawatra regime how many here would be supporting the U~S?

I would. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Good- like it - you haven't burst my bubble you've restored my faith in human kindness!!

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The U.S. is under no obligation to give any country aid. Being an American, I wish they'd stop it entirely. Especially when the govt.has a 16+ trillion dollar debt.

However, I can't help but see the hypocrisy and absolute stupidity in this decision. I suppose they'd rather see violent running battles in the streets between different colored shirts. The military finally steps in and does something about Thailand being run by a nut through his proxy sister, they have a problem with that.

I find it odd they give military aid in 2010 to these following countries:

Israel $2.7 Billion. Not exactly the shining beacon of humans rights in light of their treatment of the Palestinians. They have AIPAC though. Maybe Thailand should hire better lobbying firms

Pakistan $914 million. The place was run by a General that staged a coup for 8 years. The U.S. didn't have a problem with that military take over

Sudan $104 million. Self explanatory.

Russia $126 million. cheesy.gif

Yemen $13.6 million.

Source: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/spc/multimedia/military-spending/

I'm sure the Chinese will step right in and fill in any shortfall in military aid Thailand may have.

Good post +1 you make excellent points!!

Edited by love1012
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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

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I look forward to Pornpimol Kanchanalak giving such an open and frank critique of Thailand's political system, and 'Political Players'.

After all, the best response is not simply to point at your critic's own failings - rather demonstrate that you yourself can be critical of your own failings and therefore do not need others to take that job on themselves.

Edited by GuestHouse
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"Instead, despite its own political mess at home, the US has got on its high horse and preached to us. It calls to mind the words of the late Andy Gibb of the Bee Gees:

"I started a joke

Which started the whole world crying

But I didn't see

That the joke was on me, oh no…" "

Actually "I Started a Joke" was written by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb in 1968. At that time Andy was just ten years old.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand really does suffer from delusions of grandeur….its laughable one of the most corrupt country’s in se asia, a terrible human rights record even on its own people, a system that accepts and promotes prostitution of all genders etc…Thailand the hub of 3rd world laughs alt=giggle.gif>

A piece of self serving B/S that only proves to me that Thailand is in for another cold winter, being on the outside looking in , the problem is Thai's ,they cannot be told anything , they know it all , you don't know Sh!!t from clay , have no clue and never will , and that's from a Aussie.

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Everything is true as to what he has said about America!

What the writer do not see nor want to believe because of his own personal patriotism to his own country is " The more patriotic one is for his own country the more stupid they become!"

Yet as bad as America might be Thailand wakes up each day trying to strive what America and other Western countries have! If you truly believe what has been written then stop taking our Aid! Especially the Military Aid! that is provided year after year and the lack exporting rules that allows Thailand to sell it goods like your rice!

"The more patriotic one is for his own country the more stupid they become!" US citizens are very patriotic for their home country ..right?

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What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

darn farangs and their ways!

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Mr. Pornpimol Kanchanalak...you are right on...in you assessment of US foreign policy and domestic problems...

It is not often the US gets a dose of it's own medicine...but you sir...have dished it out correctly...

The average American is dismayed by the lack of a coherent foreign policy...a dysfunctional government...an ever increasing eroding of personal freedoms...lawlessness at the highest levels...and the police state mentality that has filtered down to the local level of law enforcement...

Thank you for speaking the truth...

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

You judge the popularity of your country by the long waiting lines at the US embassy in Thailand?

I see those long waiting lines (outside on the street in the sun) as a sign of mismanagement.

Just like the lines outside the Apple store when a new Iphone comes out you call that mismanagement as well? lol High demand for a product or service is bound to create lines.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i agree with you totally there are extremely technically advanced people in the US There are also millions who commit the worst crimes on the planet in gang and drug wars, drive by shootings highest murder rates per second in the world- just a shame that their intellect is not matched by their common sense and feeling for their fellow human beings. If it was they may not blindly stick to outdated ideals and furthering their own ends above all!!

You apparently do not know what you are talking about, the murder rate per 100,000 in USA is 4.8 and does not even make it into the top 100 worldwide, Thailand has a higher murder rate at 5.0. Then you have countries like Venezuela 53.7, Columbia 30.8, South Africa 31, Brazil where the world cup is being played 25.2 etc. etc., USA does not even come close and most all these countries with higher murder rates have gun laws that prohibit ownership.

Now convert that into sheer numbers based on population size and you will see that i certainly DO know what i am talking about!! Just the number of drive by shootings in the US says everything about the country±!

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