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Girlfriend wants me to buy her a house


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well, would you buy a western girl you just met a house, be a little unusual wouldnt you think......tell her you buy a condo in your name and they can live there...........loves a little like durian fruit, tastes good but after a while it starts to smell, in fact it can really stink.

So how much can I get a condo for in Lampang?

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I hear what you all say and the logical decision would be to say no. But is it that bad a thing to listen to your heart and do what you think you should do and that you know will make her happy?

Am I taking a HUGE risk in doing so?

What risks have you taken and have they paid off?

Why do I think you are trolling..?

I'm not that smart to be a troll.

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think is you are really following your hard or the little boy down below.

2nd, is it money you can lose?

3th, be prepared to get used and sacked, If gambling was legal here I would place my money on it.

4th lampang is boring you really want to live there on a later date?

It is her house you give to her, by buying it there is no protection for yourselve. The fact she askes says it all already.

on the other side, if you can affort to lose the money. up to you and enjoy the time you have.

Ps, since you said you are new here there is a freaking lot of reading to do before buying or commiting to anything (is valid for any country I guess)

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The 1 mln price tag for a house lin Lampang sounds rather low. I would think even in Lampang you would pay 1.6-2mln for a normal house. You pay about the same for a new condo in Lampang.

Suggest maybe to rent first, get familiar with location, get married, stay together for a while, get to know her family and then make a property purchase. Could be maybe a 1-2 year delay in purchase but well worth it for both you and her.

As I said earlier 1mill is my contribution. So with a condo I can get it in joint names of ownership?

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Just found the love of my life. We intend to get married after I've sorted out my side of things (too messy to get into here). She is keen on buying a new house which has a four-month lead time and has asked me to put up the necessary cash. I'm a little wary so suggested she investigate into the possibility of having both our names on the property. She originally agreed and is now asking that I give it to her as a wedding present then I wouldn't have to pay for the other things that I am supposed to buy according to Thai custom. My contribution would be over 1millionTHB. Am I wrong to be reluctant to do this even if I love her?

Tell her you will put it in my wife's name for safe keeping and see what she says......

Honestly. Don't do it.

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saw that little comment above (Money can buy love) and the sweat returns...

From the same cute little thai mouth, expect the words change to suit the purpose, especially the ones that are tailored to force your thinking, and conscience, into a corner. When that happens, your gut feels the only way out of the room, and the argument, is to leave the room (because her heart already has)

the same mouth has twists to form pressure from more angles: ..."you no money, you cannot eat love"

farang marry for love, but find she marry for what money she can extract, and even better if it can be extracted in the form of a house.

the female thai mind sees the only good farang is a rich one, especially the one who flouts it all too quickly, thinking it is earning him brownie points, but instead is simply draining the purse...

Oh yes, she has room for you in her heart.

But, a thai girls heart has many rooms...

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House and land ฿1,000,000 (£18,500) is cheap when your come to pay at land office for Chanute (wrong spelling??) INSIST on a 30 Year lease clause in Your name.

No lease no Payment no discussion.

She has security and so do you.

Good point if you are married to a Thai only have to find ฿400,000 pa.

Good luck (don't like the idea of too many demands at such an early stage of a relationship).

Rent in the area first 6 months to a year got to know the best area and local non Frang prices.

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On a slightly different subject but may be related to scamming GF's. I have had a relationship with a very nice lady from Bangkok for a while. Actually she is outside BKK living in Nong Chok. She has her own house and car and has a good job as an HR manager for a company called Mahajak. They make AC units for Mitsubishi. I can't visit her very regularly because I work in Abu Dhabi. Anyway a couple of days ago she asked me for money (for the first time) to fund an upgrade to her house. Her story is she is using Oil and she wants to change to Gas because it is much cheaper. According to her she is paying 3000 Baht per month and after the change to gas would only be paying 1000 per month. She says the cost would be around 27,000 Baht. Anyway what I am asking is do the figures make any sense to any of the Knowledgeable guys here. I have trusted this lady for a while now and always spoil her when we are together but after this direct request for cash I am not so sure.

Any thoughts?


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I would have thought by now with the internet being so mainstream and Thai ladies reputation proceeding them that posts like this would start to dry up. Seems not.

Be kind I'm new here.

Then you owe it to yourself to search for threads on any one of the thousands of farang / thai relationships that started just as your's did... Then read the horror stories which follow, usually culminating in the western man being shown the door once he goes 'all in'... No, not all mixed relationships in Thailand end this way, but there is a trend and from what little you have conveyed, I would proceed with caution unless you have money to burn...

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On a slightly different subject but may be related to scamming GF's. I have had a relationship with a very nice lady from Bangkok for a while. Actually she is outside BKK living in Nong Chok. She has her own house and car and has a good job as an HR manager for a company called Mahajak. They make AC units for Mitsubishi. I can't visit her very regularly because I work in Abu Dhabi. Anyway a couple of days ago she asked me for money (for the first time) to fund an upgrade to her house. Her story is she is using Oil and she wants to change to Gas because it is much cheaper. According to her she is paying 3000 Baht per month and after the change to gas would only be paying 1000 per month. She says the cost would be around 27,000 Baht. Anyway what I am asking is do the figures make any sense to any of the Knowledgeable guys here. I have trusted this lady for a while now and always spoil her when we are together but after this direct request for cash I am not so sure.

Any thoughts?


If she has a good and secure job i guess she would be eligable for a loan from the bank.....provided she hasnt used all her credit yet. If she can save 2.000 bth a contact month and if she has collateral a loanshark or pawnshop will give her the amount needed. You better stay away from it.

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would you buy a house for an unmarried mother you just met in your own country ?

my very close friend has been down this road,she very cleved keep him away from his

friedns and family.

they married after 6 weeks and she took him to the cleaners.

he had just sold his house back home had over 150,000 euro and lost everything

asked him to buy land next to her fathers and start a rubber tree farm.

built a house and revamped the parents house.

had to pay sin sod of 5,000 euro....sin sod in only to be payed for virgins, childless ladies, and yours want a house ?

think with your big head

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Just before getting married my Girlfriend secured a mortgage for a 6MB Condo we both chose in Bangkok. It was to be our home to live in together after we got married.

The Mortgage was the same as my existing rent at the time.

Upon completion of the Mortgage (which I'll pay off early) my Wife will own the Condo. It has never crossed my mind that the Condo is not really 'ours', she will own it legally, I've no need for it to be transferred into my own name. If the unthinkable separation or worse happens, its a secure home for my Wife (and now Son).

She was good enough to be my Wife, she will always be good enough to mother my child - I decided years ago, that when we were to be married, we knew each other well enough before getting married to have any doubts removed. She was also financially independent, educated and from a healthy and financially secure family background.

The question I have for the Op: If you are certain of your Girlfriends intentions, if you can be certain her reasons for being with you are not influenced by any financial need then you would not have this question. It appears you are experiencing some doubt. Regardless of your love for her you are questioning her motives on a public forum. For this alone you have given yourself reason to tread carefully.

It's natural that a good person will wish to look after their family. However, there is also nothing wrong in being a little cautious.

There is nothing wrong in renting if you are unsure....

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I always say, do not even consider getting married, unless you have lived together for at least 12 months. Many rush this, and are sorry later. It is always in the interest of a Thai woman to rush things, and move up the agenda. It is always in our interest to slow things down, and let them develop in a more organic fashion. Take your time. Time is your ally. If it is good, it is only going to get better with time. If there are problems, they are going to reveal themselves with time. So use the time in a positive manner, and push back if she creates a sense of urgency. If you have a lot of money, and you have been together long enough to truly know who she is, what the hell? If she is from a poor family, there is an expectation of this kind of assistance. Most women are looking for financial security no matter where they are from. But be prudent.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The 'your time advice' is always going to be good advice. However, living together before marriage is not always possible - I certainly was not permitted to live with my Girlfriend until we were married, I have a number of friends who also married ladies from respectable backgrounds who's Parents would permit them to live with their boyfriend until they were wed.

Of course, these are relationships between similarly aged, socially-economically-edcuationally compatible couples, who's country differs, but with a fundamentally similar upbringing with regards to ethics, respect and moral values.

I suspect your comments handle a specific and more 'needy' female demographic in which a case additional caution needs be advised...

That said, in any relationship regardless of background, upbringing or origin, taking their time is the best advise anyone will encounter...

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Just found the love of my life. We intend to get married after I've sorted out my side of things (too messy to get into here). She is keen on buying a new house which has a four-month lead time and has asked me to put up the necessary cash. I'm a little wary so suggested she investigate into the possibility of having both our names on the property. She originally agreed and is now asking that I give it to her as a wedding present then I wouldn't have to pay for the other things that I am supposed to buy according to Thai custom. My contribution would be over 1millionTHB. Am I wrong to be reluctant to do this even if I love her?


"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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