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The West might regret forcing Thailand into a corner


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To sum up the article: without the coup The supporters of the democratically elected government would have used violence to stay in Power. Ok, better to use violence and put the opposition in Power.

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Thailand should wake up and understand that it is the application of global standards that a military regime is not welcome in the world. Everyone knows that. Why is it so hard for Thailand to understand the idea of application of standard throughout the world? Why does Thailand perceive that it should have separate standards? Why do Thais always want to above the world?

Reading your post makes me think you don't live here or you have giant size blinkers on,just look straight ahead don't look left or right you might see something.

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Unfortunately in democracy it is mostly focused on short term goals...to get re-elected & influenced by campaign contributions.

Thailand needs long term goals..to fix the many problems.

Open minds are great!! Enjoy having one!

You hit the nail on the head here, perhaps inadvertently?? Democracy was described many decades ago by a UK leader as the 'least worst' form of governance. He was right then, but do we as a species really need to keep on hampereing ourselves, and aiming so low? Do we really want something that is the 'least worst'??

I don't. I want something much better. And the way democracy works in the modern era is a disgrace and an affront to human dignity. It is in fact, looking in on the likes of the US and the UK and Australia (the largest shouters, always; and the anglo-speakers of the world), plutocracy.

I don't want plutocracy any more. Thailand under this current leadership could be called a 'benign dictatorship', rather like Singapore was/is, and Malaysia was under Mahatir Mohammed. Sometimes this looks an awful lot better than the immensely corrupt US and UK models.

So, all the people here demanding thailand have a democracy, well, all you're asking for is a corrupt capitalist model where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

What's happening in thailand now is clearly what's best for thailand in 2014. It won't be best in the future, but we're not there yet, we're still here today.

My friend, "we" are not demanding that Thailand maintains democracy. Thailand is and has been very vocal and proud even in claiming Thailand is an open democracy!! It's the Thai people who have been proud to say they are a democracy and respect democratic ideals.

So many of us, I'm sure, would take a different tone with Thailand if Thais were more honest and humble.

But, they waste no time pretending to be a part of the modern world, the international community and prance around demanding equal recognition of their 'accomplishments'.

If they'd just call it like it is, they would likely get more respect. Singapore, for example, is no true democracy and Singaporeans will admit to it generally. Why can't Thais be honest and admit that Thailand is not a democracy, not ready for it and deep down doesn't want it? They'd rather have a fuedalistic order?


since you called me friend.... I don't know how to say politely.... I don't agree with you at all.

How about,''I do so desire that we may be better strangers''

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

General Prayuth seems to be be a smart guy, he's kept the power post coup and having absolute power, can go for many jugulars, especially corrupt officials', which would be impossible in normal times.
This will win him everlasting praise from the population if he can do it and, most importantly can show the junta itself to be clean.
I saw the army sorting out the queues for the vans the other day, one of my friends said once the army is gone the mafia will be back again. This is one challenge- to make lasting changes to the justice system- real punishment and real enforcement of laws.
good luck to him.
Noise from the EU means nothing, they couldn't even prevent a war in their own backyard- Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia until the Americans finally intervened.

How does that old adage about absolute power go?

I believe you've hit the nail on the head. I think few will disagree that the wide ranging decisions that the junta has made have been for the most part a breath of fresh air in the wake of previous corrupt regimes, and by the way I don't believe the corruption is only accountable to one shirt color! For all the good that the junta may be doing now that doesn't mean it is wise to have a standing government that cannot be held responsible to it's citizens . . . terms such as no taxation without representation come to mind, and yes I do believe that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

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General Prayuth seems to be be a smart guy, he's kept the power post coup and having absolute power, can go for many jugulars, especially corrupt officials', which would be impossible in normal times.

This will win him everlasting praise from the population if he can do it and, most importantly can show the junta itself to be clean.

I saw the army sorting out the queues for the vans the other day, one of my friends said once the army is gone the mafia will be back again. This is one challenge- to make lasting changes to the justice system- real punishment and real enforcement of laws.

good luck to him.

Noise from the EU means nothing, they couldn't even prevent a war in their own backyard- Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia until the Americans finally intervened.

Yes, absolute military rule can do many things and do them quickly. It is precisely your comment, "which would be impossible in normal times" that is at the heart of the questions about corruption, if the ruling elites can live with a federal system of governance and an equitable taxing and distribution system. If the NCPO cannot change the definition of "normal times" and create self sustaining institutions that protect the new normal, all of this is just another image exercise and Thailand will go back to where it was and the strongest will continue to loot the country.

The "political reforms" that the NCPO say are necessary have not yet been stated. Why not? Is there really an expectation that the people who have been screwed by the Bangkok elites for at least 100 years will change their minds about the political reforms they think are necessary. And if they will not give up their beliefs, then what? If the peace and reconciliation meeting are nothing more that an attempt at Chinese style "re-education," then, unfortunately, Thailand is in for an even longer period of trying to find its way. The pushing from the Western countries is an attempt, I believe, to try and avoid this possibility.

I applaud the current efforts to root out some of the corruption, but the real problems have to do with haves and have nots; with the remnants of a feudal system that has existed for over 400 years. The genie is out of the bottle and there will be no putting him back.

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I agree with this article. Not about the regret part, because if SEA ceased to exist

it would make little difference to America or Europe. From an outside perspective,

a coup looks bad. Probably conjuring up images of some tin pot dictator taking

over a country and immediately ordering a private jet. But that is far from what

has happened here. Through vote buying, it was fairly easy to simply take control

of Thailand and start looting it .Prayuth has brought that to a halt. So what he has

now is a communication issue. He needs to fully expose the cancer of Thaksin

to the public eye, prosecute those involved ,and show the western world the

enemy he is fighting. Then and only then will the western world understand what

is going on here.

My friend, you are deeply naive if you truly believe that Thaksin is the issue here. The entirety of Thai politics is built openly on a patronage system that feeds on and creates corruption.

You really think this corruption issue is new or even made much worse by Thaksin?

People in Thailand will largely vote for their 'teams' whoever they are beholden to. It has little to do with creating a platform and resolving issues in the country. When have you heard of any well defined core of ideas from either side of the political divide? Never.

Thailand was never ready for Democracy. They are a fully and plainly feudal society. The democracy was a surface coat of paint on their feudal system. That coat of paint has since cracked and we get to see how the system really works here.

I can't comment negatively on the military coups (by law), so I will not, but you need only to look at some of the other 18 coups to see many similarities to this coup.

Could not have said it better, thumbsup.gif !

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One could be led to ask what are the chances of those western nations invading Thailand so as to restore democracy as they see want it ?

The delights of a perfected system of imposing a democratic system upon Thailand which has been honed to a fine art in say Iraq for instance, a rerun of Vietnam, an invasion Bay of Pigs style?

Indeed the possible future of Thailand being liberated from tyranny as viewed by the west is an interesting prospect.

No real need to worry though,there's no mineral wealth here is there.whistling.gif

No chance as you said.

But theoretically, it would be the shortest war in history that would likely be over in a few hours. Between Vietnam war era equipment and soldiers that would be more suited to ladyboy shows, it would be a massacre. Most would run home crying to their mums.

The best bit would be the spin that they were victorious which would just be history repeating

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The writer spent time in China? The whole piece reminds me of the propaganda pieces coming out of Beijing.

In any event, you have to stop reading at "...tear apart the fabric of the social order." In Asia, except Japan, there is no social order ideal. It's a "get there first by any means and other people don't exist" ideal.

Edited by elzach
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Let's remember one thing here. Thailand can just as much pen propaganda as anybody, and this article is clearly anti-West propaganda, especially if transposed from Thai to English, after being published elsewhere.

I still cannot agree that Thailand, or the reporter in this case, continues vailed threats to the West - or as penned: US, UK, EU, Australia and NZ.

I doubt very much that the countries named even care if Thailand is in bed with Russia, or China, or S. Africa, or even Aliens from Planet Grog. Yet, Thailand believes this is a massive threat. Pin-head sized more like. Thailand is not the centre of the Universe or World...despite there still being audacious beauty pageants termed Miss World Thailand, or Miss Universe Thailand, which themselves are propagandist terms of misdemeanour.

The West is wrong to condemn the coup, without in-depth knowledge of the happenings and improvements as they occur daily. However, for Thailand to keep throwing its toys out of the pram in anger is far from helping matters. Sometimes, it is better to keep schtum and just get on with it. Articles like this one do not help attitudes, on either side!

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Looking through the countries on the list, it's just the usual suspects, USA and it's main allies, which is comical and what one would usually expect.

Seriously, how can the USA lecture anyone on the issue of fair elections. This is a country that laughs in the face of true democracy by allowing their whole election process to be manipulated by money, powerful

co-operations and hidden secrets.

The arrogance of certain western nations is overwhelming.

You forgot to mention the voting system in which you only need 26% of the votes to become the next president of the usa.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It's easy to rule a country when you don't need the citizens vote and you carry a big stick and tell them if you don't like us, I will beat you with my big stick and throw you in jail. If you say anything negative about us, I beat you again and throw you in jail. If you read a book we don't like we will throw you in jail. They tell you that you have to be happy or they will beat you with their big stick and throw you in jail. Politicians can't do that. The motto here is one man one rule.

But this doesn't apply to present-day Thailand. The Thai people have had their taste of democracy already and they aren't going to let it go. They tolerate military rule because the military is doing a good job. It is not going to be like the 90s or the 70s where opposition is lead by a few student activists, the instant military rule ceases benefiting Thailand the people will force elections and the military will be powerless to stop them.

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Come on guys, Suthep's revelation has exposed that this was a deliberate act and all the build-up to the eventual day was a calculated move. So throw out the feel good reasons of stopping a civil war, breaking the political impasse, economic ruin etc etc. Every coup in the past was never a spontaneous reaction but a carefully crafted plan. Insantity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result; how true.

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The writer spent time in China? The whole piece reminds me of the propaganda pieces coming out of Beijing.

In any event, you have to stop reading at "...tear apart the fabric of the social order." In Asia, except Japan, there is no social order ideal. It's a "get there first by any means and other people don't exist" ideal.

You must review your Geo political, the writer show you the real fact of the world, US lose influence in the world, and new developed countries rises and now form a block to counter US. They detain a large part of world economy..... If US no want Thailand to be reform and go forward, the BRICS could accept it.

Just for memory China detain a main part of US debt, if China want it can topple US economy quickly.........

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I liked the original article except for 2 points. First the comment about the typical Western strategy to divide and rule. This a lot of horse shit, from watching too much Hollywood. The other comment about joining BRICK. Exactly what Thailand needs to grow into grandeur. More Russian, China and Indian tourists and business partnerships. Just look at the news each day to see the quality of the proposed citizens from these countries. They certainly will be great role models and partners. cheesy.gif

The other interesting point to me is the general overall support that I see from the people to the military. The military is greatly supported and seen as doing all the right things. And they are doing this without paying off anybody. Sorry to think outside the box, but if the general population supports the authorities in power, then can this not be viewed as democracy without having a flawed election after BS election promises, lies and schemes. Go General Go! wai.gif

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Come on guys, Suthep's revelation has exposed that this was a deliberate act and all the build-up to the eventual day was a calculated move. So throw out the feel good reasons of stopping a civil war, breaking the political impasse, economic ruin etc etc. Every coup in the past was never a spontaneous reaction but a carefully crafted plan. Insantity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result; how true.

Sure about that? Prayuth is changing things into a more orderly system left, right and center. Get lost in those ancient caves in Udon somewhere? I recommend a guide next time so you don't lose your way out. Hahaha.

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As a American Expat I might agree on the US should step back and send an envoy to check on progress the military is doing before judging the coup right or wrong. I for one Have seen positive changes taking place. But not being Thai I myself would not know how to go about effecting change on a country use to Same Same. So I will reserve my opinion on the subject and wish the Thai people well.

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Come on guys, Suthep's revelation has exposed that this was a deliberate act and all the build-up to the eventual day was a calculated move. So throw out the feel good reasons of stopping a civil war, breaking the political impasse, economic ruin etc etc. Every coup in the past was never a spontaneous reaction but a carefully crafted plan. Insantity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result; how true.

Sure about that? Prayuth is changing things into a more orderly system left, right and center. Get lost in those ancient caves in Udon somewhere? I recommend a guide next time so you don't lose your way out. Hahaha.

More like Prayuth is ordering things to a system laid out by the establishment with guidance from Suthep. Maybe it is you that is lost and blinkered by your ability or reluctance to face the truth.

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Come on guys, Suthep's revelation has exposed that this was a deliberate act and all the build-up to the eventual day was a calculated move. So throw out the feel good reasons of stopping a civil war, breaking the political impasse, economic ruin etc etc. Every coup in the past was never a spontaneous reaction but a carefully crafted plan. Insantity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result; how true.

Sure about that? Prayuth is changing things into a more orderly system left, right and center. Get lost in those ancient caves in Udon somewhere? I recommend a guide next time so you don't lose your way out. Hahaha.

More like Prayuth is ordering things to a system laid out by the establishment with guidance from Suthep. Maybe it is you that is lost and blinkered by your ability or reluctance to face the truth.

You are completely clueless and out of your mind. You are claiming that the Thai army puppets of Suthep? You're a jokercheesy.gif

They've seized tons of weapons, organized and reordered traffic, cut down considerable corruption, gambling, taxi mafia, the list is more and more every day. You oppose all that and think Suthep would be behind that? Total trolling with no credibility whatsoever.

Nice Pee Wee Herman rebuttal BTW: The 'no, you are' line. Brilliant.

Edited by gemini81
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hey welcome aboard thailand thats the best move you could ever make. BRICTS ha ha ha

or perhaps asean-BRICSthumbsup.gif

You don't teach English, per chance, do you?

Apparently you do, to have made a connection to that, which appears as a random unrelated thought to me. (What else would one do in Ubon?)

Actually, I don't.

There are lots of other things to do in Ubon, assuming one lives there. ;)

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