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Hey All, I have visited Thailand some 16 times since 2001 spending most of my time in Pattaya, Surin, Chaiyaphum and Bkk. In thinking back on the times I have felt threatened, it breaks down like this:

1. a Guy from England obviously drunk tried to start a fight when I mentioned I was from America

2. I was screamed at by a guy who sounded German(not sure) for no apparent reason.

3. An American from I think New York, in a Bar on Soi 6 threatened to beat me up if I did not buy his camera.

4. A black male, possibly from Nigeria would be my guess, shoved me when I wouldn't follow him to buy "wholesale watches"

I guess not that bad for 16 months of travel. But remembering back I'm sure they were all under the influence of alcohol. I don't drink at all but to each his own. The bottom line is i'm sick of boozers. I've traveled through out the world extensively and seems like every time I see a problem it's somehow related to booze. I've always just walked away from trouble even though I'm retired from a US Police Department and have had my share of street battles when necessary. I've always lived by "live and let live" philosophy and it's none of my business what people do including other drugs. But Damn it! Let me live among a group of pot smokers any day and if you drink alcohol and can't control your behavior...keep the hell away from me!

Interestingly, although I'm aware of Thai violence on farangs, I have never once had a bad experience with Thai guys.

Is my experience a fluke of have others seen the same.

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My piece of advice, even if you are built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and look like a gangster,AVOID confrontation at all costs

<deleted> your ego, <deleted> your pride, even though the guy is half your size

Cos if he pulls out a knife or a gun, your muscles, fight experience and hormones won't mean shit, and you'll be dead

Worth it? I think not

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Pot smokers are usually too busy sitting around listening to Pink Floyd and feeding the munchies to ever hassle anyone.....there are a lot of mean drunks in Thailand and in my experience the really worst of the lot is almost always a farang.....the bright spot is that usually the drunks are not as horny as they are in the west which tends to calm them down a bit....at least most of them don't seem to get into fights over a girl like they do in so many other places.

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I must admit, I've seen my fair share of drunks in thailand but they are usually young drunks having good time and are harmless,

Probably because I don't hang around older people

What sort of behaviour are these older nasty drunks up to and what do they do


IMHO it all depends where you are and more importantly who's company you are in. In the tourist areas it is not that common for Thais to be in the same bars as falangs, so along that line any confrontations will be with the falangs.

As you come out of the commercial/tourist areas, the bar clientele changes and also the ratio of falang/Thai customers. In my experience (12 years running a bar up-country) it is very rare for a Thai, regardless of age, to start any trouble with falangs without provocation. It also has to do with what company you are keeping.

Thailand, like every other country in this world, can be a great place to socialize. However, if you go looking for trouble then you most certainly will find it. Sometimes innocent people do get caught up in it, but again, in my experience that is very rare.


I have also travelled to LOS approx 16 times with my latest visit hoping to be my last as I have fallen, married and intent to stay living here. During my previous travels, I had witnessed many shouting matches, a few scuffles and the odd fist fight and the one common thread was alcohol. I was close enough to smell it in many cases, sometimes standing by just in case things got a little out of hand for the drunk. I have had my days of heavy drinking, social drinking and now for the past 8yrs zero intake and happy with that decision. I lost my father to alcohol poisoning and I think this has had a big influence on my final decision. I too was a serving police officer for 27 yrs in oz and like the OP, I saw and investigated hundreds of cases if not thousands of assaults, pub brawls, domestics and all other types of violent crimes and I can say the common thread with the vast majority was alcohol. My final years serving, I was a police rescue officer attending car accidents, industrial accidents and anything where a person was needing help and these times really highlighted the alcohol or drug problem we have. I suppose many persons out there will add on there comments to water down the issue but this was my experience and I know I got off track a little with my own encounters but living in LOS is where I want to be, alcohol or not. Perhaps the OP wants to message me directly and that's fine too. I am sure we can exchange many war stories.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I've never been hassled, hit or threatened living overseas for years. You obviously have a demeanour that provokes a response.

Next time you walk into a bar try this.

Remember not everyone in a bar wants a conversation or company. And especially remember that a bloke in the bar will never want to hear the booze lecture you have just thrown on the thread.

Out on the street ... If you get approached by a really friendly stranger who wants to start talking to you then there's a good chance that he's just winding up for the sell or to ask for something. Cut him off politely at the start and keep moving, it's hard to talk to a moving object.

I don't think it's a fluke..I think you have an annoying character trait that provokes a reaction, flukes don't happen time and again.

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A Brit tried to beat him up, and a German screamed at him, one suspects the OP is a bloody "do gooder" sticking his nose in where its not wanted, reading the first couple of lines suggested this, and when the OP said he was an ex copper..... I was convinced of this

In 14 years, one altercation with 2 Thai lads stoned out their head on ja ba, (they lost) that's the sum total of any real problems in Thailand

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Thai motorcycle taxi gangs can become very friendly to if you slip them a few thousand Baht

My mother handed out some dog food to the street dogs. Whenever she was near, 10++ friendly dogs cycled her, even if she had no food. She was obviously their hero. My father was also accepted but not that loved.

The soi dog-gang who is usually very aggressive. Obviously she found the cheapest way to buy herself some protection.


Only time I encounter crap is when I visit the sewers.

Make from that what you will.

True.....these happens in the usual bars.....don't go there and 98 % of all problems don't happen.

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A Brit tried to beat him up, and a German screamed at him, one suspects the OP is a bloody "do gooder" sticking his nose in where its not wanted, reading the first couple of lines suggested this, and when the OP said he was an ex copper..... I was convinced of this

In 14 years, one altercation with 2 Thai lads stoned out their head on ja ba, (they lost) that's the sum total of any real problems in Thailand

Yeah, it just seems that the OP is predisposed to attracting trouble, being Fuzz probably doesn't help.


12 years of living here in various places and never been threatened by Thai or Farang and unlike many others appear to have never been scammed for more than the odd beer on a cheque bin biggrin.png


I have lived in Thailand for about 17 years and have never so much as had a shouting match with anyone, despite drinking in bars a minimum of once a week, in every location in Thailand and SEA for that matter. At the same time I have a friend who has been here the same amount of time + a couple of years and has had dozens of confrontations (probably hundreds), fights, beatings etc with farangs, Thais, ladyboys and TGs, with bones broken dozens of stitches etc. The difference? He is an obnoxious <deleted> when hammered and I apparently am not. Read into that what you will. What's more I have seen this chap hundreds of times when tanked and he asks to get hit, yet when he sobers up he always claims that he did nothing wrong.

This. Some people are just douchebags when drunk.


Give the guy a break. His job as a cop is not the point of the op.

Without police, it would be a Mad Max movie out there.

I agree but Thailand is not his jurisdiction and he is advocating pot smoking which is illegal. Alcohol is legal. How many dumb asses has he locked up for weed?

It's all very contradictory. Going to a bar and not drinking automatically makes people suspicious. Talking to Nigerians??????? Go figure.


I have been here over 30 years and I haven't had any of those experiences. Sounds like you are spending a lot of time in the entertainment areas (Soi 6, Nigerians, etc) Maybe you should consider where and with who, you are hanging out?

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Wow I didn't plan to respond but I guess I should. This is my second post and so far I've been called a do-gooder, a guy who

looks for trouble, someone with a face that begs to be punched and I smell like bacon cause I was a cop..LOL

If you were there you would have seen that I did nothing to bring these situations on. I have always been a quiet person that knows how to mind my own business. True, as a police officer I've had to enforce some laws that I have been morally opposed to.But through out my career I've tried my best to assist people when possible and focus on crimes that resulted in property loss,death and injury to innocent citizens.

As I said, although I have spent time in Pattaya, Surin and Chyiaphum(mainly Nong Bua Dang) my favorite places are not

exactly high tourist areas. I just did not expect the harsh statements from folks that have no first hand knowledge of my

experiences my demeanor and public behavior. Oh Well lol

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Give the guy a break. His job as a cop is not the point of the op.

Without police, it would be a Mad Max movie out there.

Yeah but did he really have to mention he was a cop, i.e. I'm a hard man if I need to be. Surprised to hear that he wasn't on the Iranian Embassy balcony in London back in 1980.

PS the only fights or serious arguments I've had in Thailand have been on Thaivisa

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Wow I didn't plan to respond but I guess I should. This is my second post and so far I've been called a do-gooder, a guy who

looks for trouble, someone with a face that begs to be punched and I smell like bacon cause I was a cop..LOL

If you were there you would have seen that I did nothing to bring these situations on. I have always been a quiet person that knows how to mind my own business. True, as a police officer I've had to enforce some laws that I have been morally opposed to.But through out my career I've tried my best to assist people when possible and focus on crimes that resulted in property loss,death and injury to innocent citizens.

As I said, although I have spent time in Pattaya, Surin and Chyiaphum(mainly Nong Bua Dang) my favorite places are not

exactly high tourist areas. I just did not expect the harsh statements from folks that have no first hand knowledge of my

experiences my demeanor and public behavior. Oh Well lol

I think you're a troll Philip five fifty. Only your 2nd post - what sort of replies did you expect?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


A Brit, a German, an American and a Nigerian. You haven't been in Thailand long enough if you haven't got some French.

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