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School beating


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The school principal will ''instigate an investigation''and that will be the end of it for quite a while even if you are persistent. Walking into the classroom and showing the teacher the photos, maybe standing on his foot while doing so, should be quite effective, but that's not for everyone. If someone did this to my little girl they would soon know that they were in trouble, no violence necessary. We sorted out a school bully pretty easily, but every situation is different.

Don't use violence, the teacher will know how to get you into trouble, maybe with Immigration also.

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On reflection OP, I think your nephew isn't being honest with you.

Kids do not get beaten when they fail exams.

If you take this matter up with the police or school headmaster, I think much more will come out regarding this beating.

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Get the full story first.

Do you speak fluent Thai? Does your nephew speak fluent English? Who else have you spoken to to corroborate his story?

No, not fluent.

This is my nephew. I have to kids of my own, half thai, 12 and 10 years

old, I trust their interpretation.

The grand-father of my nephew has been in contact with other parents,

3 other students got beaten up even worth ...

I have no doubt he is telling the truth.


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On reflection OP, I think your nephew isn't being honest with you.

Kids do not get beaten when they fail exams.

If you take this matter up with the police or school headmaster, I

think much more will come out regarding this beating.

I appreciate your skepticism. I too had my doubts at the beginning.

But after the grandfather (who is also the driver who brings the

kids to school and back (total of 6 kids in our family)) talked

to other parents and they confirmed the abuse as well, I believe

the story.

I'll keep you guys updated as things progress ....


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Sigh........This is why when my daughter attends a new class level, I always make a point of

going the first day and speaking to the teacher. Without being menacing or threatening,

I simply look directly at them and tell them no one is to hit my daughter for any reason. Period.

If my daughter came home from school looking like that , I am not sure exactly what I

would do, but whatever I did it was would not be pretty......

I did like the one piece of advice saying go to the school with a full court press media blitz.

I certainly would not go to see the principal alone, and listen to him make soothing sounds

about looking into the matter.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Yes, you should approach the school director and discuss the issue. But, the school director probably is aware this is happening and allows it. If you challenge the school director's and/or teacher's authority, then you need to take the boy out of the school and enroll into a different one. If you can talk to the police and ask them to handle it anonymously, then the boy will be OK in the future at the school. But the police will not do that. Your best option is to move the boy to a different school, and tell the director and teacher staff that this type of punishment is not allowed.

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On reflection OP, I think your nephew isn't being honest with you.

Kids do not get beaten when they fail exams.

If you take this matter up with the police or school headmaster, I think much more will come out regarding this beating.

REALLY you obviously dont know what you are talking about, I recently had to have words with a teacher about hitting my daughter because her writing was not good enough. Nothing like the horrific pictures of this poor kid but i assure you that teacher wont be laying a hand on my daughter after my visit.

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First go too a doctor, then a lawyer, and then too the BIB with press and then too the school, and tell them you want the teacher that did this present at the meeting or legal action will be taken as well as uploading photo's on internet forums about the school and it practice on students there.

That will get a lot of action!hit-the-fan.gif

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Definately should make a case out of this, police, headmaster, Thai News, Press and anything else.

That teacher should be fired on the spot AFTER she is given the same beating.

Is that the school in the Wat just past second road where also Friendship is?

Edited by ronthai
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If this is true, then I doubt that anything less than a good beating of this teacher would satisfy most western parents. You send your kids to school to learn and become educated socially and academically, not to be beaten and abused - by anybody. I'm ok with parents giving their own kids a clip around the ear when it's necessary, but that is reserved for parents only. This teacher needs taking for a picnic with the other fruitcake in a precious thread ( Postman Alcky ) and sorting out properly !

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This is simply disgusting and must be dealt with immediately. Report to the school head, the police and also the education minister.

If this happened to my son then I would inflict the same punishment to the teacher just 100 times worse!

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On reflection OP, I think your nephew isn't being honest with you.

Kids do not get beaten when they fail exams.

If you take this matter up with the police or school headmaster, I think much more will come out regarding this beating.

Maybe the nephew was honest or not.

Does not matter, whatever the reason, a teacher should NOT cane any kid like that.

I grew up in Australia ( 1960's) and a slap on the hand with a cane happened when being a bad boy, but not like this on the back.

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If that was my son, the teacher would be feeding through a intravenous tube by now.

Nice one. And you would be in a cell somewhere waiting for bail or deportation / paying a lot of money to get away with assaulting a government employee. These threads always attract a certain number of armchair hard guys. I ran a construction outfit for 35 years and I used violence only once. (I threw a wheel barrow at someone). Those guys were a tough bunch.

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Listen, I feel bad for you but please don't listen to the bad advice you received on this forum. Let me help you think this through a bit.

First of all, no violence, no raising of voices. You must deal with this in a civilised way.

This is a very strong allegation and it will be met with equally strong excuses and resistance by the school and teacher who's lives and livelihoods are at stake.

You believe your son but your belief will not be enough to solve the problem. You need to get the parents of as many kids as possible together to approach the school so the teacher who apparently has been doing this for years (and knows how to deflect actions from angry parents) will not be able to wriggle his way out of it this time.

Try to gather as much testimony and evidence from other parents as possible and then, together, you and the other parents approach the school headmaster. It should be made clear that this type of teaching method is not only unacceptable, but also that specific steps should be taken to reform the teacher and controls put in place so that if the teacher ever does it again, he be severely punished.

Your goal here is to show the children some adult, civilised justice and problem solving. Taking out the baseball bat as some TV cavemen suggest would do nothing more than to teach the children that you address thuggery with additional thuggery.

Be prepared for strong denial on likely the school's part (face) and teacher's part (he/she wants to stay gainfully employed).

Do not yell and scream (this is Thailand and you will just be written off as a crazy farang) do not get excited. The most threatening posture possible in this culture is ice cold calmness and talking to the point.

My kids go to Aksorn in Pattaya and lately my kids say the Thai teachers spank their hand for getting the answer wrong (despite my 9 year old saying he was correct and actually the teacher wrong). SO this strikes a chord with me and we should deal with it.

All of us concerned parents can cooperate and do some good and going down to the level of the teacher will not solve anything.

Pattaya Orgasmic,

You seem like a nice fella and your methods are interesting and probably correct - in any civilised country, where systems and controls already exist. However, we are not talking about incidental matters here. The Thais do not understand a civilised problem solving approach to dealing with problems. The best way is to avoid problems and confrontations in the first place, but this one cannot be avoided and needs to met head on, despite your diplomatic suggestions. Action needs to be action in this case.......not a fairy dance around handbags and letter writing !

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Difficult to imagine this was done in full view of the other students, but that's exactly how we were caned back in the 70s in Oz. We even had one psycho who used to get a run up - cricket style - from outside the classroom. Hurt like hell in Winter - lots of hands being rubbed feverishly the morning after a maths test and our French teacher didnt even restrict himself to caning people at the start of class - his specialty was rapping you on the knuckles with a piece of wood the mad bastard carried expressly for that purpose. Sadistic mofos, but any new teacher who didnt accept that 'discipline' was part of the curriculum was clearly seen as a lesser being. Interesting times.

Apologies to any Monty Python fans out there, but tell that to young kids today and they wont believe you.

how many kids would be needed to take down a teacher off school grounds ?

They dont even wait to leave the classroom now - many stories of teachers across Oz on stress leave after being attacked by a student - often girls, Also reports of male teachers being unfairly accused of sexual impropriety by students with some sort of pathological need to lash out at authority figures. My sister taught pre-school for many years and she could see even at that early stage which kids would give their teachers hell in primary and secondary school - parenting has never been that town's strong suite.

In any case that OT - I agree that the teacher in this instance should face disciplinary action. He stepped well over the line,

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Thailand has no monopoly on bad, cruel, unqualified so called teachers. It is police matter. It is not Thai behavior, it is criminal behavior. If nothing is done, as it happened before, it will happen again. This child is not the first, make sure he is the last. Please, thank you.

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"If this is true, then I doubt that anything less than a good beating of this teacher would satisfy most western parents. You send your kids to school to learn and become educated socially and academically, not to be beaten and abused - by anybody. I'm ok with parents giving their own kids a clip around the ear when it's necessary, but that is reserved for parents only. This teacher needs taking for a picnic with the other fruitcake in a precious thread ( Postman Alcky ) and sorting out properly !"

So lets get this right. You would condone physical violence against women in this case?

Edited by Dee Kwa
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Listen, I feel bad for you but please don't listen to the bad advice you received on this forum. Let me help you think this through a bit.

First of all, no violence, no raising of voices. You must deal with this in a civilised way.

This is a very strong allegation and it will be met with equally strong excuses and resistance by the school and teacher who's lives and livelihoods are at stake.

You believe your son but your belief will not be enough to solve the problem. You need to get the parents of as many kids as possible together to approach the school so the teacher who apparently has been doing this for years (and knows how to deflect actions from angry parents) will not be able to wriggle his way out of it this time.

Try to gather as much testimony and evidence from other parents as possible and then, together, you and the other parents approach the school headmaster. It should be made clear that this type of teaching method is not only unacceptable, but also that specific steps should be taken to reform the teacher and controls put in place so that if the teacher ever does it again, he be severely punished.

Your goal here is to show the children some adult, civilised justice and problem solving. Taking out the baseball bat as some TV cavemen suggest would do nothing more than to teach the children that you address thuggery with additional thuggery.

Be prepared for strong denial on likely the school's part (face) and teacher's part (he/she wants to stay gainfully employed).

Do not yell and scream (this is Thailand and you will just be written off as a crazy farang) do not get excited. The most threatening posture possible in this culture is ice cold calmness and talking to the point.

My kids go to Aksorn in Pattaya and lately my kids say the Thai teachers spank their hand for getting the answer wrong (despite my 9 year old saying he was correct and actually the teacher wrong). SO this strikes a chord with me and we should deal with it.

All of us concerned parents can cooperate and do some good and going down to the level of the teacher will not solve anything.

Pattaya Orgasmic,

You seem like a nice fella and your methods are interesting and probably correct - in any civilised country, where systems and controls already exist. However, we are not talking about incidental matters here. The Thais do not understand a civilised problem solving approach to dealing with problems. The best way is to avoid problems and confrontations in the first place, but this one cannot be avoided and needs to met head on, despite your diplomatic suggestions. Action needs to be action in this case.......not a fairy dance around handbags and letter writing !

I don't know which Thailand many who speak through TV are in. The Thailand I know, is civilized and this teacher would be removed from teaching. They will only do it again. Due process exists in Thailand. Maybe it doeesn't for crum buns but that is worldwide. It strikes a cord for any responsible adult or even with other children who will think this is okay if nothing severe is done for all to see. It takes a village so as the person said, gather up as many as you can and put a stop to this. please.

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If the teacher thinks he had the right to punish your nephew like this, you have the right to do the same to the teacher.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two wrongs do not make a right...wai2.gif

I do not think teachers have immunity from being prosecuted for assault on a child, I hope not anyway.

"I do not think teachers have immunity from being prosecuted for assault on a child ..."

Assault is assault. The laws of Thailand don't stop at the school door. Forget all the Internet Tough Guys talking about waiting outside the school gate. Go to the police and file a complaint. Insist they do something. Even if they do nothing more than show up at the school for a chat with the headmaster/mistress and the teacher, it should send a message so that anyone at the school thinks twice before doing something like that again.

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Looking at the school name this is a Wat school (a temple school), so it doesn't surprise me that this has happened.

My G.F. daughter attended such a school and went from being a bright outgoing child to being withdrawn and her grades dropped. She has now moved schools and is slowly improving.

I agree what happened to the boy is disgraceful and should never happen, but unfortunately this is not the first and will not be the last time it happens in these sorts of schools.

My suggestion is to change schools immediately and see the change in him.

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Very good advice!

Listen, I feel bad for you but please don't listen to the bad advice you received on this forum. Let me help you think this through a bit.

First of all, no violence, no raising of voices. You must deal with this in a civilised way.

This is a very strong allegation and it will be met with equally strong excuses and resistance by the school and teacher who's lives and livelihoods are at stake.

You believe your son but your belief will not be enough to solve the problem. You need to get the parents of as many kids as possible together to approach the school so the teacher who apparently has been doing this for years (and knows how to deflect actions from angry parents) will not be able to wriggle his way out of it this time.

Try to gather as much testimony and evidence from other parents as possible and then, together, you and the other parents approach the school headmaster. It should be made clear that this type of teaching method is not only unacceptable, but also that specific steps should be taken to reform the teacher and controls put in place so that if the teacher ever does it again, he be severely punished.

Your goal here is to show the children some adult, civilised justice and problem solving. Taking out the baseball bat as some TV cavemen suggest would do nothing more than to teach the children that you address thuggery with additional thuggery.

Be prepared for strong denial on likely the school's part (face) and teacher's part (he/she wants to stay gainfully employed).

Do not yell and scream (this is Thailand and you will just be written off as a crazy farang) do not get excited. The most threatening posture possible in this culture is ice cold calmness and talking to the point.

My kids go to Aksorn in Pattaya and lately my kids say the Thai teachers spank their hand for getting the answer wrong (despite my 9 year old saying he was correct and actually the teacher wrong). SO this strikes a chord with me and we should deal with it.

All of us concerned parents can cooperate and do some good and going down to the level of the teacher will not solve anything.

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