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Can blood pressure meds cause erectile dysfunction?

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I am mid forties.

Dont drink or smoke.

Not overweight and exercise everyday.

Never drink coffee and cook a lot of my own (salt free) meals.

Unfortunately my blood pressure keeps creeping up.

I started on ACE meds however developed the common cough symptom. A terrible cough actually.

I am now on losartan potassium (Loranta) and it works fine to keep my pressure in range. I buy the 50mg pills and just take half (25mg) each morning.

I have never had any problems in the bedroom.

But recently my erection has lost some of its hardness. This causes issues when using a condom.

Last week I went off my blood pressure meds and yesterday I had sex three times in 10 hours with no dysfunction.

Can blood pressure meds cause erectile dysfunction?

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Thanks for the link, but now I am really confused. The last paragraph in the article you linked to says:

Drugs known as ARBs (angiotensin II receptor blockers, like Losartan) are not only unlikely to cause erection problems, but they may improve sexual function in men with high blood pressure.

As I wrote in my original OP, I am taking Losartan...but developed the problem. When I stopped taking it for a week...no problem.

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I recall when my late father was trialing different BP meds, there was one that seemed to work but also gave him spontaneous boners. He was most embarrassed the first time it happened at a supermarket check out when he normally would go ahead of mum to bag the stuff but insisted that he stay right behind her in the check out line with mum asking, "What's wrong? Why are you poking me?"

But that doesn't help the OP. I would maybe try another medication since anything that modifies BP has an effect on your woody (which works due to blood pressure control). Just because most people experience the same as my dad, I wouldn't think it too much of stretch for some people to be affected otherwise. I think it took my dad about 4 different trials to find the one that did the job without any sort of side (or sticking right out in front) effects.

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yes and does.

If you are as healthy as you say you are, possibly there is an underlying course worth investigating.

From personal experience, after shoulder surgery my blood pressure was really high, high enough for surgeon to panick

The medication not only caused erectile problems, but killed sex drive as well.

When i changed meds, the next one made me put on weight(sorry i do not recall the meds)

Seeing as it was becoming a problem, i changed to herbal and would highly recommend trying that.

There are also a number of people's medication, sort of speak. Things like put warm water bottle on the back of the head or towel wrapped tightly around the head.

Acupuncture is not a bad choice either. Also i found baby aspirin every morning works pretty well.

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From OP he is already of desired weight and active.

Reducing sodium intake may help (and also caffeine if you are in the habit of taking much of that, and stop smoking if you are a smoker) but beyond that, if still hypertensive may simply have a genetic predisposition to hypertension that requires meds. If so suggest discussing a change of meds with your doctor. It may take some trial and error to find one that does not affect you in this way.

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From OP he is already of desired weight and active.

Reducing sodium intake may help (and also caffeine if you are in the habit of taking much of that, and stop smoking if you are a smoker) but beyond that, if still hypertensive may simply have a genetic predisposition to hypertension that requires meds. If so suggest discussing a change of meds with your doctor. It may take some trial and error to find one that does not affect you in this way.

Thanks for your response Sheryl.

I cook a lot of my own food and eat a lot of fruit. I try to avoid thai food because of the salt content. I don't ever drink coffee and don't smoke. I grew up poor and my dad took off when I was young and mum died shortly thereafter. So I have no hyperstension genetics to refer to. At the risk of sounding lewd, I have just met a new lass who I am very fond of and so sorting this problem is at the top of my to do list

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I recall when my late father was trialing different BP meds, there was one that seemed to work but also gave him spontaneous boners. He was most embarrassed the first time it happened at a supermarket check out when he normally would go ahead of mum to bag the stuff but insisted that he stay right behind her in the check out line with mum asking, "What's wrong? Why are you poking me?"

But that doesn't help the OP. I would maybe try another medication since anything that modifies BP has an effect on your woody (which works due to blood pressure control). Just because most people experience the same as my dad, I wouldn't think it too much of stretch for some people to be affected otherwise. I think it took my dad about 4 different trials to find the one that did the job without any sort of side (or sticking right out in front) effects.

And do you remember the name of your fathers BP medication?

I would like to try itsmile.png

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