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Fed up with Porridge


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To the previous poster, I am happy to hear that there is longevity in your family. That bodes well for your future, also. It is largely a matter of genetics, of course.

For those with a less than healthy lineage, I would refer them to my post.

And I can cite numerous examples of persons who did not make it beyond 50 years of age, largely through inappropriate diets and lifestyle.

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The oatmeal recipe sounds good but the "Debbie Downer" in me feels compelled to mention that apple juice is basically sugar and it's more healthier to consume your fruit FRESH with the pulp.

Absolutely correct on that and it's the same for all fruit juices zero fibre and most have a higher Suger content than most soft drinks. The fruit is OK, the juice may have some vitimin C but you can get that from other food.

The artificial sweeteners have now been shown, in some people, to cause an insulin restance leading to type 2 diabetes in children.

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Yoghurt and coffee for breakfast, no lunch, dinner at dinner time, Ok a joke:

2 guys open their lunch boxes and begin to eat lunch:

A: "Bologna sandwich! Bologna sandwich! Every day for 20 years Bologna sandwich!!!!"

B: "Why don't you ask your wife to make you something different?"

A: "I pack my own lunch."

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Porridge, hmm? I do not believe I have ever eaten even one bowl, but as a history buff I have to take a guess and say that you porridge eaters are from Britain. (Himmler forced porridge in Germany because of England's affinity for it.) Or is it that we in the States just call it Oatmeal?

Either way, did I guess right?

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I should do it more often, but having dinner for breakfast is supposed to be the best thing. Your body processes the nutritional elements best then so you don't feel hungry later, are more energized from less food and in a better position to keep your weight down as well as your general health. I would suggest some good robust sandwiches for breakfast if you don't have time to prepare a dinner in the morning. Chances are you won't even need lunch, so you won't have to wonder about what to eat then.

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I too love my breakfast porridge, but I try to vary it by adding different fruits and raisins. I must admit I don't have it 7 days a week, sometimes it's wholemeal toast or beans on toast, cornflakes and fruit etc.

I don't eat fruit whole, I liquidise it, beans on brown bread toasted with beans, that sounds good, but possibly too much sugar. The beans is out a tin, what about fish out a tin?

I don't know how the english making porridge.

I was used to it during the whole time I was going to school.

Oats + warm milk, raisins, hazel-, and walnuts, some brown sugar not to much + 1 rasped apple in top. Tastes good and is very healthy.

As the english says: "An apple a day keeping the doctor away"

Then several year ago, my first time in thailand I had to adapt it to local fruits and no milk, instead use warm water which was boiling already.

I like Papaya is very healthy and boost up the immun system, also these little tasty bananas, Mangos + 2 or 3 lemons.

I don't use sugar, I'm on the sour site and this is just more healthy in top.

I put all this things into a mixer 2 ltr. full, I put so much water that it is trinkable.

Taste for me incredible good and you can vary with fruits, up to your taste.

Enjoy it, this is my personally style.

Carpe Diem wai2.gif

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I too love my breakfast porridge, but I try to vary it by adding different fruits and raisins. I must admit I don't have it 7 days a week, sometimes it's wholemeal toast or beans on toast, cornflakes and fruit etc.

I don't eat fruit whole, I liquidise it, beans on brown bread toasted with beans, that sounds good, but possibly too much sugar. The beans is out a tin, what about fish out a tin?

All processed food is bullshit to much unhealthy shit added like Glucose sirup, glutamate very unhealthy can produce allergies, cancer etc. depending how strong is your immun system.

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A 3-egg ham, chedder & onion omlett with home fries galore and loads of bacon strips and sausage on the side. Dowse it with ketchup and lots of tabasco. Wash it down with a big pot of strong, black, sweet coffee.

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un bon petit déjeuner français avec café, thé ou chocolat avec ou sans lait, 2 tranches de pain beurrées de pain grillé avec du jus de fruit de la confiture ou du miel +.

et qui vous donne la même bonté que de la bouillie?

This is not porridge. Toast with the butter and jam or honey crisp bread in the teeth.

I missing in this typical petit déjeuner français, croissants and eclaires.

Monsieur petit cornichon cheesy.gif

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Maybe skip the breakfast and eat some can of beans?

A can of tuna with garlic mixed with a can of bean.

minced meat with ham and a lot herbs with a can of beans.

Not good for breakfast (at least for me) but has some fiber...

Yes, toasted brown bread with beans or tuna, but definitely not herbs or garlic.

No I mean it different....but having a problem expressing it in english.

Take a pan, a bit oil, fry the minced meat or the tuna, add a bit onion....when fried add the beans, stir it, cook a bit, up to your taste add garlic and/or herbs and/or chilly.

garlic isn't important, just I like it....my wife hates me, my dog barks at me, my staff keeps distance when I speak....but it tastes great licklips.gif

I don't like onions, although I use onion powder sometimes. You mean minced meat like what you buy in Tesco? I have that often, but not fried, I eat very little fried food and when I do I use olive oil.

Don't using olive oil extra vergine for frying is not made for high temperatures is the best for salads + apple vinegar.

Tastes good and very healthy in top both.

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Google Bircher Muesli and start again. Been eating it nearly every day for 20 years. Many variations

Muesli? Is that not raisins and nuts? That is the last thing I would ever eat.

Google it before condemning it, we dry mangoes, apples, bananas and whatever else is around ourselves. The stuff you buy is rubbish, has too many raisins as they are cheap. I can put in anything I fancy and put it in the fridge overnight with milk.

Industrial trying process they smoke with sulphur for conservation very unhealthy

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If it's not too personal, may I ask what the veg/fruit issues are?

Omlettes with meat alone is high protein and potentially high fat, you need some carbs to balance that out, low glycemic carbs such as oatmeal are ideal. But some veg offers the same things, broccoli, spinach, runner beans, all work just as well.

I'm diabetic but my blood sugar is very well controlled hence no meds/injections, getting the food balance right is critical to me, small amounts of fruit are OK in my diet, as is the occasional splurge on fantasy foods such as pizza etc., just curious about why you rule out so many potentially viable options.

I don't know, any fruit or veg I eat has got to be smoothies. I have never had any health issues or weight problems, so I can't be doing much wrong.

You had just luck until now facepalm.gif

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Commercial muesli which of course is mostly grains is often very high in sugar. Not to mention cooked in probably not the best fats. Nuts are health promoting.

I know JT, but nuts are the last thing I could ever eat.

You having no idea nuts are power for the brain.

Maybe this is your problem already cheesy.gif

Just kidding giggle.gif

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Alternate porridge with Sanitarium WeetBix [Australian] with milk, hot or cold. Use honey as a sweetener.

ARO Oatmeal from Makro is the best I've found and I sometimes add a pinch of salt or cinnamon for taste, usually eat with just honey and natural yoghurt.

That might be ok, but is honey not full of calories? Maybe try it with Lite Sugar instead of honey. But have to wait till I get to Makros.

Calories are not the main problem move your ass,

every day minium half hour strong walk and then you don't have to count calories.

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Google Bircher Muesli and start again. Been eating it nearly every day for 20 years. Many variations

Muesli? Is that not raisins and nuts? That is the last thing I would ever eat.

Google it before condemning it, we dry mangoes, apples, bananas and whatever else is around ourselves. The stuff you buy is rubbish, has too many raisins as they are cheap. I can put in anything I fancy and put it in the fridge overnight with milk.

I'm not condemning it. One mans meat is another mans poison.

Eat what you want, but save unqualified comments like this. 1zgarz5.gif

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a good French breakfast with coffee, tea or chocolate with or without milk, 2 slices of bread buttered toast with jam or honey + fruit juice.

and that gives you the same goodness as porridge?

I have porridge once or twice a week. Quaker Scots Porridge Oats. Kids eat it more often than me, the missus less but still regularly.

Vary that with toast and jams/honey or croissant, yoghurts - the plain milky sour one is great or fruit for a change, or cereals - cornflakes, museili etc.

I always have problems with weight (short and stout - prop forward or hooker at rugby), and really enjoy feed. Difficult to keep trim by exercise now older, metabolism changes and buggered joints. Wifey just bought a big pack of Special K cereal.

But I eat Thai food for breakfast most days - noddles with various sauces, meat and fish and various rice dishes or congee.

Remember variety is the spice of life!

I agree with everything you have said baerboxer, I have no problem exercising most days on the machines in the local park, though I don't like Thai food as it always has veg, although I do love the smell of it.

walk or use the bicycle is better and healthier as this boring machines

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I eat oatmeal porridge a couple of days a week. I eat it with cinnamon and sweetening it with honey. Both cinnamon and honey are good for you. But I would stay away from the Lite sugar as aspartame have no proven health effect. I know that aspartame is safe according to studies but still 2 of my friends who are nutritious experts ( one with a PhD) tells me that it's better for the body with sugar than any artificial sweetener and only those who are diabetic should use artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweetener are very unhealthy some produce cancer in general avoid any light products, better move your ass instead. wink.png

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I am late to this thread, so what I am about to say may have already been stated by others.

According to Dr Barry Sears, Ph. D and author of "The Zone", a dietary roadmap, one of the few common sources of GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid), and pre-cursor to the creation of vitally important hormones known as eicosanoids in our bodily systems, an individual can get all of the GLA he/she needs by consuming 3-5 bowls of oatmeal per week. So let's not overlook the importance of oatmeal in our diets!

Furthermore, juicing up fruit, making it easier to consume, removes the benefits of any fibre that is present in it, before juicing.

My dad ate none of that and made 88.............coffee1.gif

Looking at the general statistics and not pick out a single case. post-4641-1156694606.gif

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To the previous poster, I am happy to hear that there is longevity in your family. That bodes well for your future, also. It is largely a matter of genetics, of course.

For those with a less than healthy lineage, I would refer them to my post.

And I can cite numerous examples of persons who did not make it beyond 50 years of age, largely through inappropriate diets and lifestyle.

A wrong diet can be unhealthy.

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The oatmeal recipe sounds good but the "Debbie Downer" in me feels compelled to mention that apple juice is basically sugar and it's more healthier to consume your fruit FRESH with the pulp.

Sure Apple juice having a lot of calories, but it is much healthier as any artificial energy drink.

I was used to it during decades of sports.

After sports half liter apple juice mixed with a half liter of mineral water the best to getting all the lost minerals in asap. thumbsup.gif

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Porridge, hmm? I do not believe I have ever eaten even one bowl, but as a history buff I have to take a guess and say that you porridge eaters are from Britain. (Himmler forced porridge in Germany because of England's affinity for it.) Or is it that we in the States just call it Oatmeal?

Either way, did I guess right?

This is the reason why we pushed the Brits in Dunkirk 1940 into the sea we had the better müsli recipe cheesy.gif

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Google Bircher Muesli and start again. Been eating it nearly every day for 20 years. Many variations

Muesli? Is that not raisins and nuts? That is the last thing I would ever eat.

Google it before condemning it, we dry mangoes, apples, bananas and whatever else is around ourselves. The stuff you buy is rubbish, has too many raisins as they are cheap. I can put in anything I fancy and put it in the fridge overnight with milk.

Industrial trying process they smoke with sulphur for conservation very unhealthy

Well I don't smoke it with sulphur, you may have noticed the fact that the sun shines quite a lot in Thailand.

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hello, hello,

my breakfast this morning: coffee with a little milk, toast with butter and fig jam, fruit juice.

Never sugar, jam or honey is enough.

Eh! no, we do not mangeont of growing every day, just on Sundays.

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Porridge, hmm? I do not believe I have ever eaten even one bowl, but as a history buff I have to take a guess and say that you porridge eaters are from Britain. (Himmler forced porridge in Germany because of England's affinity for it.) Or is it that we in the States just call it Oatmeal?

Either way, did I guess right?

This is the reason why we pushed the Brits in Dunkirk 1940 into the sea we had the better müsli recipe cheesy.gif

You misunderstand, we were trying to escape sauerkraut and sausage, beach towels on every deck chair, and your sense of humour!

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quaker oats also, mash in a half or full banana, add honey, one teaspoon, UP TO YOU, cinnamon, cut up almonds/walnuts/whatever nuts i feel like, raisins, add a little milk, cover it and leave it in the fridge overnight. YUMMY.

i hate having the same thing everyday so i'll have congee or boiled rice with whatever is left over on other days with the wife.

OR toast with honey and banana. variety is indeed the spice of life

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