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Junta pushing renovation unseen for decades: Thai opinion


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they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

Wow only six minutes for the first negative post!

I would say 6 minutes for the first realistic post .

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Where I come from all election promises of parties are checked for financial feasibility by a independent agency

How often does the Dutch Army over throw democratically elected governments? clap2.gif

No need for that.. because of stuff like that election programs are checked for feasability. So you can't have a government come into power based on lies and popular policies like here.

Remember guys and girls the rice scheme was not budgeted for and it would win money or be budget neutral. That was a big lie and their whole election program was based on lies that could not be done. It was just vote buying.

An independent organisation checking the election programs could make sure there is a fair election. Just like where I am from.

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The winds of change that are blowing now since the coup can only be good for Thailand as a nation.

For way too many years, Thailand and its people have been stuck in a never ending spiral of corruption, decept, cronyism and greed from the Politicians and Industrialists.

All the above negatives upon the country increased dramatically when the western nations got it all wrong, and the bubble popped in 2007.

With the influx of foriegn money into this country, the corruption escalated into the cancer that it is today, and the junta now seem to be trying to bring this nation back from the abyss.

I really wish them well in their attempts to cut out all the cancer, but I also worry for the future when the Junta are no longer in charge, and democracy is returned to the people.

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They're "pushing" all this stuff, but there are no busts of Thai Mr. Bigs in industrial corruption, government heads, military, banking, police and no enforcement of law and order. All they've done is stop the circus and cleared out the rings. There still is no constitution, no setting example of law and order enforcement as it applies to all. They are selectively purging opposition to the establishment business class elite, the actual essence of the problem.

Ah a red supporter.. let me see how long has the Junta been in power and the PTP and look what has been done in either period. The junta has already done more in this period as the PTP in the last 3 years.

Yep - and PTP were so good at enforcing law and order clap2.gif One only had to look at their track record of breaking laws and refusing to abide by court decisions. The track records of the RTP,DSI and CAPO under their control speaks for itself.

Wasn't Yingluck removed for removing someone illegally to make way for a relative to take a key role? Ah, that's not purging of course.

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Where I come from all election promises of parties are checked for financial feasibility by a independent agency

How often does the Dutch Army over throw democratically elected governments? clap2.gif

No need for that.. because of stuff like that election programs are checked for feasability. So you can't have a government come into power based on lies and popular policies like here.

Remember guys and girls the rice scheme was not budgeted for and it would win money or be budget neutral. That was a big lie and their whole election program was based on lies that could not be done. It was just vote buying.

An independent organisation checking the election programs could make sure there is a fair election. Just like where I am from.

True Rob. And I don't think the Netherlands would tolerate a government that lied, cheated, acted illegally and openly cavorted with a criminal fugitive for long either.

The Netherlands are clever and put the checks in place to stop such a government buying its way into office in the first place. Maybe Thailand can learn more than water management from the Dutch.

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they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

Agreed. I also would like to see Prayuth in power for two years. This would give him

enough time to root out corruption, and instigate laws to stop it. This is easily done

by simply studying Singapore to see how they were able to stop corruption.

After the two years is up, he should retire from the military and run for PM. He would

win by a landslide, as Thai people begin to understand the benefits of a non corrupt country.

Something they have never seen before in their lifetime....

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No matter who becomes Prime Minister, that person must be true within his heart for the love of the people, love of the Country and love of the King.

When Thaksin became prime minister, I discussed with many people about how great of a PM he could be. He was very wealthy, and with that wealth he would be able to get rid of the fraud within the country. I was very wrong. Maybe every very wealthy person needs more and more, which they can never spend. Seems such a waste.

I've been following this Country's politics for over 40 years, even worked very close with the Thai police and US government for quite some time. I saw bad things happen way back then but nothing like the hate and corruption we have now or did have a couple months age

I guess we can only hope that who ever takes over the government in the next few months or even a year or so, will do right by the people and the King and family and give everyone a better life. Just sayin

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The winds of change that are blowing now since the coup can only be good for Thailand as a nation.

For way too many years, Thailand and its people have been stuck in a never ending spiral of corruption, decept, cronyism and greed from the Politicians and Industrialists.

All the above negatives upon the country increased dramatically when the western nations got it all wrong, and the bubble popped in 2007.

With the influx of foriegn money into this country, the corruption escalated into the cancer that it is today, and the junta now seem to be trying to bring this nation back from the abyss.

I really wish them well in their attempts to cut out all the cancer, but I also worry for the future when the Junta are no longer in charge, and democracy is returned to the people.

I suspect that the junta will not want to see their two years of work at stopping corruption go

down the drain with the election of a new Thaksin puppet government. To that end, I think

they need todo really do a good job of rooting out corruption now, and upon their departure

have in place some sort of check and balance situation where they keep an eye on the

new government. If looting starts again, the military would simply step in again.

In the past when the military took over power, they were really no different than the

group of thieves they replaced. Their goal was to grab money and power.....

But now, to the astonishment of all, the goal of Prayuth seems to be to make Thailand

a better place. After a lifetime of institutionalized corruption, everyone seems to be in a state

of shock at the changes taking place. I cannot help but think there is a higher power gently guiding the hand of Prayuth. And if so, I could not be happier....

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They're "pushing" all this stuff, but there are no busts of Thai Mr. Bigs in industrial corruption, government heads, military, banking, police and no enforcement of law and order. All they've done is stop the circus and cleared out the rings. There still is no constitution, no setting example of law and order enforcement as it applies to all. They are selectively purging opposition to the establishment business class elite, the actual essence of the problem.

<deleted>. They have only had 7 weeks from the get go day and you are complaining (yet again). How long do you think it takes to get real proof of a crime. 10 minutes, 2 hours, a week or what. You would be one of the first to scream and shout about proof and evidence especially if it si a PTP member that gets arrested.

Your PTP government asked for more time having already had 3 YEARS and look at the mess the country is in now. All through greed and corruption.

Give the military 3 years and remember they have to sort out 20 years or more of corruption by ALL political parties.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

Wow only six minutes for the first negative post!

Lets face it , the truth might hurt, but the proof is in the pudding , would you like to place a small number $100 on it happening , you don't know Thai's very well if you think they can sustain this charade for more than six months, my money is on TerryP.

After the new unelected government is in place,and all the new boys are in their new jobs,within a few months from then most will have found out how to top up their incomes. It's simply the nature of the beast here.

Rubbish. Are you saying that Thais will NEVER change? Remember dinosaurs. The only living ones now in Thailand are the elders of all the political parties and THEY are having their wings clipped too.

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The only way to even inflict a flea bite on this animal of corruption is for the current administartion juna whatever one cares to call it to retain the reins of power for at least two years.Medicine does not always taste nice however if a curing process is started that has to be a bonus.

Preventionof course is bettert than curer, however until the cancerous growth of corruption have been tamed and contained we or rather Thailand and its peoples need and must continue to take unpleasant medication.

This is the last chance, lose this chance and the people of Thailand and Thailand are doomed to failure and a despotic dictatorship.

Remember, there is still fight and venom left in those who benefited from the last administration and its dubiuos policies.The loss of face, power and income is inded a hate inflaming wound.

The current administartion junta must stay in place for at least two years.

There is no real history of democracy as such here, and as soon as a collection of political parties get together to rule ruin the country the people are the losers as we have seen so plainly over the last 10 or so years. The facts now coming to light starkly reveal just how far this cancer of corruption, the abuse of power, nepotism and cronyism has spread through Thailand.

An authoritarian administration is needed with no political , filial or business bias, nothing more nothing less. Abhorrent as it may be to we of western origin it is the only solution to the Asian situation.

I've never heard anybody call it a juna

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they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

Wow only six minutes for the first negative post!

I notice he skipped over what he thought the root cause was. He probably thinks Thailand not kissing Thaksin's behind is the root problem.

In my opinion there are a lot of root problems but the one's that must be faced and solved are education and qualifications for running for office. They have started on the education with the talk of a smart classroom not sure that I agree on teaching patriotism. that is some thing they learn to the excess out side of the class room. Maybe they should be taught that Thailand did not invent the wheel or be the first into space and every thing else they claim to be the leader in.

the second the qualifications for candidacy have to be tightened. No criminal records no charges hanging over their head. If ones are legally brought suspension from office. Bringing charges for political gain suspension from office.

This would give Thailand a better chance at honest leaders. There will of course still be a rotten apple in the barrel but more attention by the anti corruption committee will help stop that to a degree. I believe that with these two problems solved it will make Thailand's future look bright. The big draw back is it will take time to teach the teachers how to teach and the kids to grow up with the ability to reason.

Over all in my opinion Thailand has a rosy future. It has good leadership dedicated to making Thailand a land better than it ever was. With steps taken to insure it after they are gone. Which is not far away. Less than three months with plans for a general election in about a year and a half.wai.gif

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Since the May coup, some educators have been saying Thailand's political turmoil is rooted in poor civic education as well as a lack of patriotism.

Lack of patriotism? Um, OK... whistling.gif

I think he meant at the governmental level. The closer they get to the treasury the less patriotic they get.

For the masses they are so patriotic they think Thailand is the best at every thing. They need to learn that they are a nation of followers. To start developing ideas for others to follow. Of course not in the rice industry.tongue.png

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Time for a Thai National anthem re-write, me thinks.

Even the OP said, as a Thai, he recognised how SUPERIOR Thailand is... give us break pal.

When is this Thai Thainess stupidity ever going to end? sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

No that's not what he said.

What he actually said was

Overseas trips then taught me in what ways Thailand is superior to other countries, and in what ways we are inferior.

I think this part is interesting though.

We were just ordered to be at school early enough to line up in front of the flagpole and sing the national anthem as the flag was raised.

Maybe that needs to be changed as it doesn't seem to have worked. Despite good intentions, to me, Thais sometimes seem a bit shallow in their actions. Buddhism is not really followed but covered by visits to temples. Respect for the king seems to stop at having lots of pictures and 'Long live the King' on the back of a pick up instead of taking notice of what he says. In the case of patriotism maybe running up a flag and singing the national anthem because you've been told you have to doesn't really cover it.

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Since the May coup, some educators have been saying Thailand's political turmoil is rooted in poor civic education as well as a lack of patriotism.

Lack of patriotism? Um, OK... whistling.gif

The question is functional vs dysfunctional patriotism, which ofcourse would require "awareness" that is largely lacking.

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I fully understand TV has its hand tied in terms of posting stories criticising the junta is any way. However I feel that in order to keep any semblance of neutrality and objectivity in this period these propaganda pieces really shouldn`t be cluttering up the "news" section for the same dozen numskulls to heap acclaim upon.

Call that whatever you want but it sure as hell isn`t news.

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Time for a Thai National anthem re-write, me thinks.

Even the OP said, as a Thai, he recognised how SUPERIOR Thailand is... give us break pal.

When is this Thai Thainess stupidity ever going to end? sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

No that's not what he said.

What he actually said was

Overseas trips then taught me in what ways Thailand is superior to other countries, and in what ways we are inferior.

I think this part is interesting though.

We were just ordered to be at school early enough to line up in front of the flagpole and sing the national anthem as the flag was raised.

Maybe that needs to be changed as it doesn't seem to have worked. Despite good intentions, to me, Thais sometimes seem a bit shallow in their actions. Buddhism is not really followed but covered by visits to temples. Respect for the king seems to stop at having lots of pictures and 'Long live the King' on the back of a pick up instead of taking notice of what he says. In the case of patriotism maybe running up a flag and singing the national anthem because you've been told you have to doesn't really cover it.

So, therefore, he did say Thailand is superior... didn't he? Despite the recognintion of some componentry of inferiority, he did say, "Thailans is superior", did he not?'

A lawyer would tear his words apart, you can see that for yourself. As regards being ordered to stand at the flagpole, and sing the anthem, did you not read my earlier remark?

Edited by UbonRatch
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This Junta is like a strict parent and Thailand is the naughty kid. Why change??

Because any parent who would open fire on their children, unruly though they may be, would not be considered suitable custodians by most.

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I fully understand TV has its hand tied in terms of posting stories criticising the junta is any way. However I feel that in order to keep any semblance of neutrality and objectivity in this period these propaganda pieces really shouldn`t be cluttering up the "news" section for the same dozen numskulls to heap acclaim upon.

Call that whatever you want but it sure as hell isn`t news.

Odd comment. Last gasp from the dying red shirt support sector on TV ?? So do you feel Thailand is better off or worse off since the 7 weeks of Prayuth's control ? A simple question... Do you

feel sad about the rice scam being exposed ??

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I fully understand TV has its hand tied in terms of posting stories criticising the junta is any way. However I feel that in order to keep any semblance of neutrality and objectivity in this period these propaganda pieces really shouldn`t be cluttering up the "news" section for the same dozen numskulls to heap acclaim upon.

Call that whatever you want but it sure as hell isn`t news.

Its news and not that much different from the Taksin controlled days when according to the news the anti government protesters were committing suicide by grenades and trad was not done by the reds, now we know it was the reds gunning down children.

Finally we get our side in the news that has been suppressed too long, i know its bad for the reds to see their side exposed for what they are. Killers of children and corrupt as hell (i thought id use your word hell its nice). Just take your blood pressure meds and enjoy the show. I cant wait for heads to roll to bad the guillotine went out of fashion.

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I fully understand TV has its hand tied in terms of posting stories criticising the junta is any way. However I feel that in order to keep any semblance of neutrality and objectivity in this period these propaganda pieces really shouldn`t be cluttering up the "news" section for the same dozen numskulls to heap acclaim upon.

Call that whatever you want but it sure as hell isn`t news.

Odd comment. Last gasp from the dying red shirt support sector on TV ?? So do you feel Thailand is better off or worse off since the 7 weeks of Prayuth's control ? A simple question... Do you

feel sad about the rice scam being exposed ??

If anything is dying its the handful of people like yourself and robblok above who still, quite amazingly, have no idea what the last 8 months have been about. In your child like naivety you think this is a battle against corruption in which good triumphed over evil. With the absence of any real knowledge, you cheer a team like a football match and feel happy "your team" won. Anyone who isn`t quite as naive as yourself, in your eyes, supports the "other" team.

The penny will drop for you guys soon, you`re just a bit like that akward kid in school that needed more time in exams

Finally we get our side in the news that has been suppressed too long

laugh.pnglaugh.png Delusions of grandeur alert. robblok, of TVF forum, is part of the Thai establishment cheesy.gif

Just try and broaden your searches guys, the information is out there, you just got to look for it.

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they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

Agreed. I also would like to see Prayuth in power for two years. This would give him

enough time to root out corruption, and instigate laws to stop it. This is easily done

by simply studying Singapore to see how they were able to stop corruption.

After the two years is up, he should retire from the military and run for PM. He would

win by a landslide, as Thai people begin to understand the benefits of a non corrupt country.

Something they have never seen before in their lifetime....

I had the privilege to see how Singapore progress where corruption was prevalent to her present least corrupt status. It was a long road and lots of reform since we gained self government in 1959 and two years will never be enough to root out corruption.

First and foremost, Thailand really need a man on a mission and strong political will to root out corruption. When LKY started on his personal mission, the law was weak and powers of the anticorruption bureau inadequate. Public officers were poorly paid and population less educated and don't know their right and got things done through bribery.

LKY hold the realms for 30 years and 8 election victories and laid out many tough corruption laws. No leader in Thailand have lasted a full term except one. We just have too many politically accidents for continuity. We simply don't have a LKY. I will be tough and one Prayuth in two years will never able to root out corruption. Still I hope for the best perhaps a reduction in corruption will be more achievable.

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Time for a Thai National anthem re-write, me thinks.

Even the OP said, as a Thai, he recognised how SUPERIOR Thailand is... give us break pal.

When is this Thai Thainess stupidity ever going to end? sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

No that's not what he said.

What he actually said was

Overseas trips then taught me in what ways Thailand is superior to other countries, and in what ways we are inferior.

I think this part is interesting though.

We were just ordered to be at school early enough to line up in front of the flagpole and sing the national anthem as the flag was raised.

Maybe that needs to be changed as it doesn't seem to have worked. Despite good intentions, to me, Thais sometimes seem a bit shallow in their actions. Buddhism is not really followed but covered by visits to temples. Respect for the king seems to stop at having lots of pictures and 'Long live the King' on the back of a pick up instead of taking notice of what he says. In the case of patriotism maybe running up a flag and singing the national anthem because you've been told you have to doesn't really cover it.

So, therefore, he did say Thailand is superior... didn't he? Despite the recognintion of some componentry of inferiority, he did say, "Thailans is superior", did he not?'

A lawyer would tear his words apart, you can see that for yourself. As regards being ordered to stand at the flagpole, and sing the anthem, did you not read my earlier remark?

Yes I did see your earlier remark about standing at the flagpole. I was just making my point. I thought I'd 'liked' your post but either I didn't or one of the many internet outages we've had today lost it. I've done it now though.

According to your first post he recognised how SUPERIOR Thailand is.

I've copied what he said which was Overseas trips then taught me in what ways Thailand is superior to other countries, and in what ways we are inferior.

That isn't saying Thailand is superior only that he feels it is superior in some ways and inferior in others. There's no suggestion that one is greater than the otherThat's entirely different to your suggestion.

Your last post claims he did say 'Thailand is superior' which is correct but not what you were claiming in your first post. Of course whilst he did say 'Thailand is superior' those are 3 words taken from a sentence which has a different meaning than the 3 words on their own. That's why the rest of the sentence is there rather than just the 3 words.

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they are not getting to the root of the problem , as soon as an elected government is in power I give it 6 months before we are back in the same corrupt kleptomanic cycle

So are you advocating we keep the military in charge for a while yet?

Because most Thai people are.

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I fully understand TV has its hand tied in terms of posting stories criticising the junta is any way. However I feel that in order to keep any semblance of neutrality and objectivity in this period these propaganda pieces really shouldn`t be cluttering up the "news" section for the same dozen numskulls to heap acclaim upon.

Call that whatever you want but it sure as hell isn`t news.

Odd comment. Last gasp from the dying red shirt support sector on TV ?? So do you feel Thailand is better off or worse off since the 7 weeks of Prayuth's control ? A simple question... Do you

feel sad about the rice scam being exposed ??

If anything is dying its the handful of people like yourself and robblok above who still, quite amazingly, have no idea what the last 8 months have been about. In your child like naivety you think this is a battle against corruption in which good triumphed over evil. With the absence of any real knowledge, you cheer a team like a football match and feel happy "your team" won. Anyone who isn`t quite as naive as yourself, in your eyes, supports the "other" team.

The penny will drop for you guys soon, you`re just a bit like that akward kid in school that needed more time in exams

Finally we get our side in the news that has been suppressed too long

laugh.pnglaugh.png Delusions of grandeur alert. robblok, of TVF forum, is part of the Thai establishment cheesy.gif

Just try and broaden your searches guys, the information is out there, you just got to look for it.

Sigh....... The penny has already dropped on the Thaksin cronies, and it looks like it will

continue to drop...clap2.gif I have no side, as I do not have a dog in the fight. However I do

like Thailand and its people, and would like to see good things happen to them. They

apparently agree, as polls seem to indicate Thais are happy with the events of the last

7 weeks of change by Prayuth.

I have been called many things, but naive was never ever one of them. They were

mostly four letter words. You need to move forward from the sadness of the complete

loss of the red shirt power base, and see what is really happening...

If I thought Prayuth was becoming a dictator, I would be the first to criticize him. But

so far everything he has done makes sense. He has muzzled the press to some extent

to prevent dissent which I would do as well. Do some research and see what Thaksin

did to press members who criticized him...

Regarding what is going on, see if you can figure out who funded Suthep........ Or

who funded Thaksin's overthrow. Open your eyes...

This photo came out on Thairath, showing the empty space in the middle of

a stack of rice, hiding 10,000 sacks of missing rice. Gee I wonder if we ever would

have seen this photo if Yingluck was still in charge.......


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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