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Odd, violent individual


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I have only been back in bangkok for just over 1 week, but on most days that I have been around asoke, nana and in soi 4, I have witnessed this very odd English guy marching up and down Sukhumvit Road. I have seen him launch a verbal attack and tirade of abuse at girls and ladyboys operating those roadside bars in the early hours of the morning.

I only mention this, as last evening I was sitting at one of these bars near soi 11 on sukhumvit road. The girl operating the bar was asking people passing to sit and have a drink, as they do, when the very same guy stopped, started shouting and swearing in a completely incoherent manner, then lunged at one of the girls and tried to attack her. He then proceeded further up towards nana bts and I could see he was causing a commotion up there.

He is dressed very strangely too for Thailand. Almost in some 90's style "shell suit" top and bottoms. His body language is all wrong...he sticks out like the proverbial.

He looks in his 30's maybe, tall, and definitely English.

I have seen him marching up and down the street early afternoon too, when I have been sitting the game bar, underneath nana bts.

From seeing his irrational behaviour, and violent outbursts, he looks psychotic.

Just thought I would report what I am seeing. I won't be the only one who has noted him. Edited by SJM2013
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Probably just another Asperger's/autistic guy who comes to BKK because he can't get laid in his home country, then he finds he still can't get laid in BKK, so he tries to drink alcohol and that only makes matters worse because he reacts to it violently. He wouldn't be the first Asperger's type guy to come to BKK and he definitely won't be the last.
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Could be Jehovah's Witness. Got accosted by one at Asok crossing sometime ago admonishing me for sinning in the gogo bars. It was 11.30am and i was actually going from my office on Sathorn and got off the bts to go to the Argentinian embassy.
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Could be Jehovah's Witness. Got accosted by one at Asok crossing sometime ago admonishing me for sinning in the gogo bars. It was 11.30am and i was actually going from my office on Sathorn and got off the bts to go to the Argentinian embassy.

He probably hates the Argies too.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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Myself and a friend saw him again yesterday evening while sitting outside the game bar.

He was dressed in black sports clothes and heading towards the lower soi's.

He passed a western girl walking in the opposite direction, then for no apparent reason turned around just as she passed him, and
just stood motionless, staring at her for several seconds as she walked away.

He wasn't admiring the girls looks either!

The fact every time I have seen this guy he is behaving abnormally, means he must be being noticed by others.
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Probably just another Asperger's/autistic guy who comes to BKK because he can't get laid in his home country, then he finds he still can't get laid in BKK, so he tries to drink alcohol and that only makes matters worse because he reacts to it violently. He wouldn't be the first Asperger's type guy to come to BKK and he definitely won't be the last.


There could be a number of reasons for this apparent strange behavior - alcohol, other drugs, mental disorder etc.


Why do you feel the need to insult people who suffer from Austism or Asperger's syndrome in particular?


You are an expert in this field? What are the numbers of people with these conditions visiting Thailand and how do you identify them? What makes you think this is the probable reason?


Do you not think he might just be a pissed up or drugged up prat?

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Probably just another Asperger's/autistic guy who comes to BKK because he can't get laid in his home country, then he finds he still can't get laid in BKK, so he tries to drink alcohol and that only makes matters worse because he reacts to it violently. He wouldn't be the first Asperger's type guy to come to BKK and he definitely won't be the last.

What an absolute nonsense post.

Judging by what the OP is saying this guy is more likely to have some form of mental illness, but not necessarily on the spectrum. You must be a very skilled clinician to make a diagnosis based on a few posts, or just a bigoted moron.
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You really would think I am making this up. Either that or stalking the poor guy. :)

After meeting up with my friend last night, he informed me that the police were carrying out checks when he tried to cross one of the foot bridges between asoke and nana. This was on the even soi's side.They were not allowing anybody to cross over for a period of time.

On top of the bridge however, was the very same guy, accompanied by another police officer!

Obviously, my friend thought either the police had caught up with him due to some incident, or something was amiss in the security check.

He couldn't hang around and see what the outcome was, my friend that is.

Problem is, an hour or two later after this event, I passed him again, walking with a ladyboy in the same area.
So, the police clearly let him go.

Even more bizarrely, the very same ladyboy was acting erratically outside the game bar yesterday afternoon. Parading around, and looking in a right state. Even the guys selling the dvds looked a little shocked at her appearance.

I am off to chinatown today, and if I see him up there, it's myself who will be seeking urgent psychiatric attention. :) Edited by SJM2013
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Saw a guy in Soi Cowboy twice this week who's behavior fits the description though he was normally dressed. He walked up and down the Soi a couple of times, barking out to no one in particular. The service girl said he'd been around for a month.
Thais are very tolerant of this type of individual. Old timers on this forum who hung around lower Sukhumvit 5 to 10 years ago will remember a sad, almost pretty girl who used to walk up and down Sukhumvit yelling at the utility poles. Though she looked disheveled, it was clear she was being looked after. I heard that some business owners on Soi 7/1 provided a room for her. She was a fixture for a long time.
There is also a huge, fat young man who hangs around Nana, often very drunk. He causes problems once in a while but seems to be tolerated
There was a similar girl well known in Pattaya who would wander the streets with heavy white make up on her face. I frequently saw bar girls give her food....she preferred cigarettes though, and let them know it.
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Saw him on soi 11 4 or 5 days ago. Was eating street side when he came charging through, gesticulating wildly and calling out in a UK accent, bad mouthing Thai ladies and the city. It was only a moment. Everyone stopped to look then went back to what they were doing. A buzz followed him down the soi. One very disturbed individual I'd say.
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Saw him on soi 11 4 or 5 days ago. Was eating street side when he came charging through, gesticulating wildly and calling out in a UK accent, bad mouthing Thai ladies and the city. It was only a moment. Everyone stopped to look then went back to what they were doing. A buzz followed him down the soi. One very disturbed individual I'd say.

Sounds very much like him.

He was wearing a black sports/hoodie type top, with white lettering on the back yesterday.
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Probably just another Asperger's/autistic guy who comes to BKK because he can't get laid in his home country, then he finds he still can't get laid in BKK, so he tries to drink alcohol and that only makes matters worse because he reacts to it violently. He wouldn't be the first Asperger's type guy to come to BKK and he definitely won't be the last.

What a strange comment, I am not aware of constant, psychotic rage being a particular symptom of autism of Aspergers syndrome. I wonder if those are the only terms for mental illness that you know, and so you just use them automatically for any type of weird behavior? And by the way, all it takes is a couple of thousand baht to get laid in Thailand so pretty much anyone can do it, including those that may be autistic, or just normal but introverted, or some who are just physically unattractive, or just plain old ignorant bores like yourself. But judging by what I see in my home country, those attributes don't stop people from getting laid at home anyway, it's just a matter of with who. Then there are many others who just happen to like Thailand and could equally well get laid back home if they wanted and with perfectly attractive other halves.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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saw this guy today as i was driving (or rather stuck in the traffic)  on sukhumvit around soi 18. His behavior/appearance was exactly as the op described. he seemed to stop every few meters and stare or shout at someone. He seemed to give the young girl selling oj on the corner of soi 18 a real earful.He is  a young guy (mid 30,s) and looks fit.  Its really very very sad to see someone in this sort of state and, one assumes a long way away from any family who could take care of him. i would guess its only a matter of time before he gets pulled by the police, hopefuly before anything serious happens to him.  

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Is the slider still around by soi 7?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saw him yesterday inching his way along Suk just below 13


He certainly can move when he needs to

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Is the slider still around by soi 7?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saw him yesterday inching his way along Suk just below 13
He certainly can move when he needs to

I have no understanding of what the above means! Slider?
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Is the slider still around by soi 7?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saw him yesterday inching his way along Suk just below 13
He certainly can move when he needs to

I have no understanding of what the above means! Slider?



The rest of us do......smile.png

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The guy who is involved in the outburst ( per original OP ) could have Tourette's. I have know people with this condition and their actions are fairly involuntary. If Tourette's, then it's fairly harmless - but the opposite could true if he is addicted to substances ! Tourette's needs understanding and care, whereas the other needs a punch on the violin !
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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour Edited by winterbalm
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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business...or yours!

BTW, Thailand has plenty of violent people and they were born here and have more right to be here than me. Edited by ClutchClark
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