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Chinese paper calls Julie Bishop a 'complete fool', Australia a country of 'rascals and outlaws'


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The remark about how Australia came to be and the fact that it was a prison colony however true it might be does not make the current Australians criminals. Its not likely that being a criminal is in your genes. But those remarks must hurt some Australians. Also the crimes in the past against the Aboriginals don't justify those of China now. Its like you were bad then now I can do the same. 


Crazy, its like telling the Dutch of now they should be held responsible for their slave trader ancestors. 


Bet they lash out like that because their pride was hurt.

"Crazy, its like telling the Dutch of now they should be held responsible for their slave trader ancestors"

Same same herds of Jamaicans in Canada blaming the white folk there for it.

Dumb and dumber

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During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.


However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 


A French colonial view of the history of Australia. How quaint. They even manage to get sex workers in - wouldn't be a French story without tarts.


Next will be the fable about how clever and benign the French colonials were, the successes they made in Vietnam and Algeria being glaring examples.

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Hey the fact we in the US have a bunch of guns doesn't mean we're outlaws. I have 3 myself (back home safe in good ol' Dixieland) shotgun pistol and M1 Garand inherited from my grandfather. We ain't outlaws because there ain't no laws against public carry of non-automatic weapons, as it should be. Guns are for hunting and defending yourself against criminals. 

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During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.


However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 

Actually, the largest single group among the convicts were the chartists, proto-unionists and tradesmen expelled on political/public affray grounds - a much better and tougher lot of poms than those that followed them in the 20th century.


As for prostitutes and thieves, a brief read of the contemporary Dickens would provide an insight into their relationship to poverty



Would that be the mass migration from Eastern and Southern Europe you refer to as the "followers"?


Where exactly do you think most non aboriginal "Australians" originate from?

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Hey the fact we in the US have a bunch of guns doesn't mean we're outlaws. I have 3 myself (back home safe in good ol' Dixieland) shotgun pistol and M1 Garand inherited from my grandfather. We ain't outlaws because there ain't no laws against public carry of non-automatic weapons, as it should be. Guns are for hunting and defending yourself against criminals. 


Spot on. Many Europeans really envy your second amendment. We are not to be so trusted by our control freak governments. 

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Hooray the conservatives are back in. Labour made some management mistakes that's why Abbott is in and he has no intention at all of implementing any kind of green energy plan despite the rest of the world already acting on this. "Cut the carbon tax" is his idiotic mantra "its adding to the cost of living to all of Australia". People who are obsessed with sport and nothing more are the types who actually believe his sound bites and slogans and that's another reason he is in. The reality is that utility costs are soaring because the libs privatised them all 20 years ago and they all have big fat yank style CEO's on absolute mega bucks. The libs have a selfish short term view of everything and its ok to have more and more and more roads and pollution in their "vision" of the country. The strange thing is that everyone is all so surprised about all the cuts, seems most have a complete lack of understanding of what conservatives really stand for. I agree with the Chinese Julie Bishop and in fact her whole team are an embarrassment to the country. The only thing I am voting for is paying off my debts and moving somewhere hot, tropical and cheaper.

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I'm with the Chinese here. Australians are proud of their history of convicts and outlaws.

I'm with you.  Even tho the British sent more convicts to colonise the U.S than they did to Australia we aussies are proud of our origins. 

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China has the balls to bring up human rights?  cheesy.gif  cheesy.gif
"Australia is an outpost of rascals and outlaws that will soon adjust to the shifting realities of power, says a Chinese state-owned newspaper."
Is that a threat? Sounds like some saber rattling there. I have news for that punk China. Australia has friends.

Not saber rattling, we might call it a "Freudian Slip". There is a very deep seated and prevailing view among many that China's time has come to expand its greatness and all the world should tremble before the Middle Kingdom. I look forward to reading " When China Rules the World". I do, in fact, tremble at the aspect.
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Loving China is like loving a porcupine. If you hold it too close you'll get pricked.
Thailand has yet to learn that lesson.

IMHO Thailand will think it can play its traditional role of playing off opposing outside forces against one another and thus maintain its independence. I believe they best have other strategies as China itself will play its traditional strategy of co-opting.
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I'm with the Chinese here. Australians are proud of their history of convicts and outlaws.

I'm with you.  Even tho the British sent more convicts to colonise the U.S than they did to Australia we aussies are proud of our origins. 

Hey! Only to the State of Georgia to protect against Spanish. Ha!
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Firstly Biship and her cronies deserve all the rebuke their going to get over their archaic management of Australia, it's like watching the political landscape of the 1950's all over again. But China pointing the Human Rights finger at another country is simply laughable. Australia has spent Billions of dollars on improving Aboriginal living standards in the past 50 years and they don't crush people with tanks for protesting. Even under Mr. Rabbit and Biship Australian human rights, labour and environmental standards are considerably better than China.

Edited by Johnsy
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During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.


However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 

Your grasp of history is as bad as your english.


Australian aborigines were never deported.  The past is the past and every Aussie admits the British colonisers were rather tough on them, especially those who helped themselves to the occasional bit of walking mutton.  However, the sheep were put onto the land belonging to the original dwellers - original by more than fifty thousand years, and who managed it a lot better than nowadays.  To be fair to the present Australians, the aborigines get housing, education, medical services at little or no cost.  

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they are not rascals and outlaws just "bloody" good Bogans with a Democratic Government beat that China.....DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT---expatoz



DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT-  == The people vote a government into power, & the representative of a Lady who never stands for Election  & who lives on the other side of the world sacks them.........................coffee1.gif

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During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.


However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 

What a load of adulterated CRAP !!!!!!!!    First learn to write and understand English....then learn some history...exterminate!!!!,,stone the crows where do these ratbags come from...

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During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.
However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 

It is difficult for any country to claim the absence of the dark sides of its own history.

I would suggest researching your own countries history before casting stones at another.
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Looks like the Chinese can see what a number of Australians missed last election.

See what? A culture so full if knowledge and wisdom they cannot see the hands in front of their faces due the pollution and smog they created. Lol, 90 % of their women that have decent looks are so desparate to leave they try and marry the rascals and outlaws from other nations. Actually, I think they would take a male with a pulse if it meant a ticket out of that wonderful place called China.
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Looks like the Chinese can see what a number of Australians missed last election.

See what? A culture so full if knowledge and wisdom they cannot see the hands in front of their faces due the pollution and smog they created. Lol, 90 % of their women that have decent looks are so desparate to leave they try and marry the rascals and outlaws from other nations. Actually, I think they would take a male with a pulse if it meant a ticket out of that wonderful place called China.



That they can see what you also missed; That Julie Bishop is a complete fool

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