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Suspected gunrunner disputes Thai police allegation

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Suspected Gunrunner Disputes Police Allegation
By Khaosod English

Pol.Gen. Somyot Phumpanmuang displays weapons allegedly confiscated from a suspected gunrunner in Bangkok, 16 July 2014

BANGKOK - The police effort to parade a suspected gunrunner in front of the press corps collapsed when the suspect shouted that he has been forced into confession by the officers.

Satya Sateerapongsasutthi, 39, was arrested last night at a condominium in the upscale district of Sukhumvit this morning on charge of possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

Mr. Satya is also charged with resisting police operation; police claim the suspect attempted to draw his handgun at the officers during the raid on his condominium room.

At the police press conference held at Bangkok Metropolitan Police headquarters this morning, deputy police chief Pol.Gen. Somyot Phumpanmuang said Mr. Satya has been actively selling military grade weapons to criminals, including those who launched attacks on the protesters that opposed the previous government.

According to Pol.Gen. Somyot, the search at Mr. Satya's condominium turned up two M-16 rifles, two unidentified assault riles, three handguns, 19 grenades for M79 launchers, and thousands of bullets for handguns and rifles.

The police also uncovered a pair of night-vision goggle, one bullet proof vest, and one bullet proof helmet, Pol.Gen. Somyot said.

"The suspect confessed that he owned the weapons," Pol.Gen. Somyot told reporters, adding that Mr. Satya attempted to identify himself as a military officer working under the military junta's National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and tried to shoot the police with his handgun.

However, as the police escorted Mr. Satya to the press conference, the suspect suddenly struggled and shouted that he has been tortured by the police to make confession.

Mr. Satya also said he wants a lawyer, and that he would fight his allegations in the court.

The police then decided to cancel the press conference and take Mr. Satya away. He is understood to be under the custody of Lumpini Police.

Thai police have a history of assaulting or coercing suspects to confess while in police custody. Last week, a viral video showed a police officer smacking the head of a rape and murder suspect, apparently during interrogation.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1405511944&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2014-07-17


No doubt a deeper investigation into the matter and the weapons found will reveal that in fact all those weapons and assorted ordinance items are but ''replicas'' of the real thing.

All rather rather harmless replica's like those Rolex watches and Gucci bags etc one finds on the street and market stalls here in Bangkok or ''replica girls'' some fellows find in dimly lit bars.whistling.gif


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Nevertheless he still claims being tortured. That is a grave violation of human rights and the rights of a suspect.

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He went for his gun???

They should have just slotted him on the spot.

Problem solved.

The police had info on him in the first place, probably from one of the red shirt terrorists singing like a bird to get an easier sentence, and lo and behold they raid his yard and find it full of 'war weapons'.

Khaosod English at it again trying to hint that everyone against the protesters or involved in attacks on them are innocent.

If that isn't bad enough, we now have TV members insisting everyone in Thailand is innocent because a child killer got a slap on the nut from a copper..... he was lucky, I would have done a lot worse. But now, everyone is milking it to get off their charge.

This guy is guilty..... end of story.

He is charged with possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

He had firearms and ammunition in his possession without a permit, and he had them in a residential area without due cause.

Why would police torture him to get a confession? They had all the evidence to back up their charges, no confession required for a successful conviction.

Good luck in court when the judges hear you also tried to shoot police.

20 years.... next case.

You believe for fact that the Thai police aren't capable of planting that stuff, of lying about his drawing a gun (in which case someone, at least he, should be dead) or anything else?

If you think with what little we know he is for sure guilty, I have a dead buffalo you can replace for me.

Police corruption on here is usually the flavor of the day.


He seems to be now sequestered by the police. I hope he has access to a lawyer. He was pretty smart as Thai apprehensions go to take advantage of the inept Thai police press conference format where he had the opportunity to catch the police off guard. Not saying he is innocent or guilty, but he sure figure out how to publicly render the Thai police arrest and photo op as a preposterous thing.

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You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Nevertheless he still claims being tortured. That is a grave violation of human rights and the rights of a suspect.

may be he is right

may be claiming to be tortured is just a trick to make the police look bad and him look better.

Could well be premeditated by himself or his employer

Next time everybody who is arrested will claim this


Well, that's easy. Maybe he's a collector. Is there any statement of exactly how he's a gunrunner?

You're right...or he just needs those weapons for protection--that's what a lawyer for the National Rifle Assn (NRA) would say.


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

If the weapons weren't there before,they were certainly there when the police came. Lumpini police,say's it all


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Well, that's easy. Maybe he's a collector. Is there any statement of exactly how he's a gunrunner?

Do you really believe the Thai police are above reproach and they tell the truth about all he did? He says they coerced him. Do you have that much faith in the police after seeing the video of them slapping someone, apparently during interrogation? Even this article says the police "have a history..."

I never want to be arrested and accused of anything by the Thai "justice system."

I thought it was pretty obvious how he became a person of interest, certain people now being prosecuted for attacks on the peaceful PDRC rallies obviously were asked where they acquired the weapons they used - right ?


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Nevertheless he still claims being tortured. That is a grave violation of human rights and the rights of a suspect.

may be he is right

may be claiming to be tortured is just a trick to make the police look bad and him look better.

Could well be premeditated by himself or his employer

Next time everybody who is arrested will claim this

and we don't want everyone jumping on the bandwagon. That will be the death of the stupid grinning BIB photos and the finger pointing ones.


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Nevertheless he still claims being tortured. That is a grave violation of human rights and the rights of a suspect.

Making a claim and actually being tortured is 2 completely different things, so seem you along with a few others have already undertaken an enquiry into the police handling this case and found them guilty as charged - and you didn't need to torture them to get a confession. Well done.

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at least, he has the right to the layer anytime, including interrogation. Looks, like it was refused for him and now he has a chance to see one.

Now, if he is bitten after the conference, the marks will prove, that he was tortured earlier.


You almost couldn't make it up. If he was caught with that much equipment he has a lot of explaining to do.

What's to confess, he had an apartment full of guns and ammo.

Well, that's easy. Maybe he's a collector. Is there any statement of exactly how he's a gunrunner?

Do you really believe the Thai police are above reproach and they tell the truth about all he did? He says they coerced him. Do you have that much faith in the police after seeing the video of them slapping someone, apparently during interrogation? Even this article says the police "have a history..."

I never want to be arrested and accused of anything by the Thai "justice system."

If he was a legal collector of military assault rifles, then surely those guns legally in his possesion would be identified on a file somewhere by serial number. The grenades are really hard to justify as part of a collection. Who collects quantities of live grenades? Great to have around the kids & stupid mates after a beer or three. "Hey,Satya, Are these really all live? What happens when I pull this pin out like this, hic?"

...........and who says all these weapons were in the suspect's possession BEFORE the police arrived? - oh, that would be the Lumpini police........well, it must be true then.

  • Like 1

He went for his gun???

They should have just slotted him on the spot.

Problem solved.

The police had info on him in the first place, probably from one of the red shirt terrorists singing like a bird to get an easier sentence, and lo and behold they raid his yard and find it full of 'war weapons'.

Khaosod English at it again trying to hint that everyone against the protesters or involved in attacks on them are innocent.

If that isn't bad enough, we now have TV members insisting everyone in Thailand is innocent because a child killer got a slap on the nut from a copper..... he was lucky, I would have done a lot worse. But now, everyone is milking it to get off their charge.

This guy is guilty..... end of story.

He is charged with possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

He had firearms and ammunition in his possession without a permit, and he had them in a residential area without due cause.

Why would police torture him to get a confession? They had all the evidence to back up their charges, no confession required for a successful conviction.

Good luck in court when the judges hear you also tried to shoot police.

20 years.... next case.

With regard to the photographic evidence and the police side of this article you may well be correct ,however, can you explain why in the light of what appears to be overwhelming evidence on behalf of the authorities that they decided to cancel the press conference. Seems strange too me.


All police interrogations should be filmed and hard to tamper with. Watch the tapes and see what happened in the interview room, if he was 'tortured' it will be on there unless it has been tampered with and that should be easy to work out....


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He went for his gun???

They should have just slotted him on the spot.

Problem solved.

The police had info on him in the first place, probably from one of the red shirt terrorists singing like a bird to get an easier sentence, and lo and behold they raid his yard and find it full of 'war weapons'.

Khaosod English at it again trying to hint that everyone against the protesters or involved in attacks on them are innocent.

If that isn't bad enough, we now have TV members insisting everyone in Thailand is innocent because a child killer got a slap on the nut from a copper..... he was lucky, I would have done a lot worse. But now, everyone is milking it to get off their charge.

This guy is guilty..... end of story.

He is charged with possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

He had firearms and ammunition in his possession without a permit, and he had them in a residential area without due cause.

Why would police torture him to get a confession? They had all the evidence to back up their charges, no confession required for a successful conviction.

Good luck in court when the judges hear you also tried to shoot police.

20 years.... next case.

Geez they haven't even done the photo yet and you have already judged and executed him.

Mmmmmm. I am surprised at your comment. A man was arrested on 9.7.2014, charged by his wife with raping his stepdaughter, beaten to death by prison inmates on 11.7.2014 and you said “One less rockspider on the planet. A feel good story.” You were very quick to judge and execute him.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He went for his gun???

They should have just slotted him on the spot.

Problem solved.

The police had info on him in the first place, probably from one of the red shirt terrorists singing like a bird to get an easier sentence, and lo and behold they raid his yard and find it full of 'war weapons'.

Khaosod English at it again trying to hint that everyone against the protesters or involved in attacks on them are innocent.

If that isn't bad enough, we now have TV members insisting everyone in Thailand is innocent because a child killer got a slap on the nut from a copper..... he was lucky, I would have done a lot worse. But now, everyone is milking it to get off their charge.

This guy is guilty..... end of story.

He is charged with possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

He had firearms and ammunition in his possession without a permit, and he had them in a residential area without due cause.

Why would police torture him to get a confession? They had all the evidence to back up their charges, no confession required for a successful conviction.

Good luck in court when the judges hear you also tried to shoot police.

20 years.... next case.

Geez they haven't even done the photo yet and you have already judged and executed him.

Mmmmmm. I am surprised at your comment. A man was arrested on 9.7.2014, charged by his wife with raping his stepdaughter, beaten to death by prison inmates on 11.7.2014 and you said “One less rockspider on the planet. A feel good story.” You were very quick to judge and execute him.

Yes. Other chameleon posters have been at the same game too.

According to them, before the coup the police & CAPO were totally legit in their biased accusations, in issuing an arrest warrant for an innocent PDRC member in the killing of another PDRC leader, arresting the alleged 'popcorn killer' (ignoring the other side's killer Ko Tee) who is supposed to have confessed, totally accepting another red shirt supporter's cock-and-bull story about being captured, driven to Bang Pakong and thrown in the river. The list goes on.

Suddenly the police are guilty of torture and planting weapons. IMO the police version of events are more believable since the army has been looking over their shoulder. That's not to say they're become totally honest overnight but there has been an improvement.

  • Like 1

Lesson in Thai politics: don't abuse your power because one day the other side will get in power and hold you accountable. Interesting to note that some powerful people have principles and cannot be bought. Thank god (or Buddha) that the Shinawatras did not totally corrupt the country and sanity has returned !


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He went for his gun???

They should have just slotted him on the spot.

Problem solved.

The police had info on him in the first place, probably from one of the red shirt terrorists singing like a bird to get an easier sentence, and lo and behold they raid his yard and find it full of 'war weapons'.

Khaosod English at it again trying to hint that everyone against the protesters or involved in attacks on them are innocent.

If that isn't bad enough, we now have TV members insisting everyone in Thailand is innocent because a child killer got a slap on the nut from a copper..... he was lucky, I would have done a lot worse. But now, everyone is milking it to get off their charge.

This guy is guilty..... end of story.

He is charged with possession of firearms and ammunition without permit, and carrying weapons into residential area without due cause.

He had firearms and ammunition in his possession without a permit, and he had them in a residential area without due cause.

Why would police torture him to get a confession? They had all the evidence to back up their charges, no confession required for a successful conviction.

Good luck in court when the judges hear you also tried to shoot police.

20 years.... next case.

Geez they haven't even done the photo yet and you have already judged and executed him.

Mmmmmm. I am surprised at your comment. A man was arrested on 9.7.2014, charged by his wife with raping his stepdaughter, beaten to death by prison inmates on 11.7.2014 and you said “One less rockspider on the planet. A feel good story.” You were very quick to judge and execute him.

Yes. Other chameleon posters have been at the same game too.

According to them, before the coup the police & CAPO were totally legit in their biased accusations, in issuing an arrest warrant for an innocent PDRC member in the killing of another PDRC leader, arresting the alleged 'popcorn killer' (ignoring the other side's killer Ko Tee) who is supposed to have confessed, totally accepting another red shirt supporter's cock-and-bull story about being captured, driven to Bang Pakong and thrown in the river. The list goes on.

Suddenly the police are guilty of torture and planting weapons. IMO the police version of events are more believable since the army has been looking over their shoulder. That's not to say they're become totally honest overnight but there has been an improvement.

I agree with you.

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