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Red shirt leader denies connection with fatal grenade sttacks


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Redshirt Leader Denies Connection With Fatal Grenade Attacks
By Khaosod English

Four men in the connection with the 23 February grenade attack on anti-government protesters reenact the crime, 15 July 2014.

BANGKOK — The leader of a Redshirt security unit has disputed an allegation that he was behind the deadly grenade attack on rival anti-government protesters in Bangkok earlier this year.

The police recently arrested four men in the connection with the 23 February attack, in which unknown assailants launched a grenade at the rally site of the anti-government People's Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) at Ratchaprasong Intersection.

The attack killed two children and one 59-year-old woman.

One of the arrested suspects, Chatchawan Prapbumrung, reportedly told police that he and the other suspects belonged to a militant unit allied to the Redshirt political group, the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD). The UDD supported the government of former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra that was recently toppled in a military coup on 22 May.

According to police, Mr. Chatchawan claimed during the interrogation that Arie Krainara, the leader of the UDD’s security unit, masterminded the group's operation and engineered many attacks on the PCAD protesters during their six-month campaign to oust Ms. Yingluck.

The remark was reported on a number of pro-PCAD newspapers, including Naew Na and Thai Post.

Yesterday, Mr. Arie and his lawyer met with the Crime Suppression Division to file a libel charge against Mr. Chatchawan over the accusation.

He also charged the newspapers that carried Mr. Chatchawan's allegation with violating the Computer Crime Act, which outlaws spreading false information on computer systems.

Mr. Arie told police that the accusation was false and that he never knew Mr. Chatchawan or any of the other suspects.

"UDD lawyers have concluded that it is best to pursue legal action against the man who accused me and the news agencies that published the story, because it damages my reputation," Mr. Arie said. "I have to defend my rights and ask for fairness."

The police say Mr. Arie's case has been accepted.

A total of seven arrest warrants were issued in connection to the 23 February attack. Three more suspects remain at large, police say.

According to police reports, Mr. Chatchawan said the group arrived at the bridge over Pratunam intersection in three separate vehicles. After parking their vehicles, one of the suspects reportedly lowered the window and fired a grenade at the protesters, after which the group quickly fled the scene.

The suspects have been charged with premeditated murder, causing explosions with intention to harm other people, carrying and using explosive devices without a permit, possessing firearms and ammunition without a permit, carrying weapons into residential areas without due cause, firing explosives in residential area without due cause, and violating the Internal Security Act, which was imposed over Bangkok at the time.

Almost 30 people were killed in shootouts and grenade attacks on PCAD protest sites during the group’s campaign against the former government, which ended in a military coup on 22 May.

A number of Redshirt activists have privately acknowledged that armed militants allied to the UDD were behind some of the attacks, although the UDD has officially denied its involvement in any of the incidents.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1405667752

-- Khaosod English 2014-07-18

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"According to police reports, Mr. Chatchawan said the group arrived at the bridge over Pratunam intersection in three separate vehicles. After parking their vehicles, one of the suspects reportedly lowered the window and fired a grenade at the protesters, after which the group quickly fled the scene."

Sounds like an act of cowardice to me!coffee1.gif

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the guy in uniform looks like he's in trouble ....whistling.gif

Holding tummy in for the pix. Gotta look the part. This was probably not the first pic nor the first photographer. The strain is showing Poor guy. Just like my wedding photos at 58 years old. Aching to................... "Let it ALL hang out."

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A number of Redshirt activists have privately acknowledged that armed militants allied to the UDD were behind some of the attacks, although the UDD has officially denied its involvement in any of the incidents.

Says it all. Still can't/won't admit their involvement.

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A number of Redshirt activists have privately acknowledged that armed militants allied to the UDD were behind some of the attacks, although the UDD has officially denied its involvement in any of the incidents.

Says it all. Still can't/won't admit their involvement.

They are not lying sacks of s**t, but they will do til we find some. whistling.gif

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A number of Redshirt activists have privately acknowledged that armed militants allied to the UDD were behind some of the attacks, although the UDD has officially denied its involvement in any of the incidents.

If only one of the red posters would deny this. For months we heard that it was all Suthep, that the attacks were fakes by agent provocateurs. I guess they were wrong, wish I could be surprised.

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'It's not us, it's ...', yeah, right, the 'third hand' or, still, the PDRC itself, sure! Never, ever, will they admit, and even when they will be found guilty, they will claim it was all 'politically motivated', but, hey, why would they be any better than the one-far-away paying for the whole show...

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seems the udd are not prepared to accept any fault in this at all, they issue the orders to kill them claim its a set up. Wopnder how long before all those that were following the top udd peoples orders will remain quiet now they know that these people are going let them take the fall by themselves while they deny everything, could prove to be very interesting now the reds are starting to splinter........

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May I be excused to wonder where k. Arie was April - May 2010, or would that be deemed off topic ?

Yes, that is off topic to this topic.

No offence, but are you out of your mind or are you just trying to provoke posters here?

It would appear that it is you who is trying to provoke others here:

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