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At least 100 military in NLA: source

Lite Beer

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At least in Thailand in the current situation, its my opinion, the Thais are better off with that what they have now as a Government.

The Military.  coffee1.gif

Really? Please enummerate your reasons.



"its my opinion" Sorry, enough said.


By the way, I live here in deepest RED Thaksin heartland, in Udon Thani in the countryside, small village. rolleyes.gif 

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


If in the very unfortunate event that Thailand finds itself in the grip of an iron fisted leadership group, would we really need to ask why.

would we be allowed to ask why?

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The Junta taking a page or two right out of the "Democracy for Myanmar" handbook.



Never saw that handbook. Could you provide a link to it, or at least to the one or two pages you think the NCPO took out of it ? Thanks wai.gif

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There is nothing at all surprising about this and I'm more than happy to see it


Politicians here have a habit of throwing the toys out of the pram once they get any semblance of power or influence - or devicive elements from abroad try and stir the pot and throw a spanner in the works - this must not be allowed


everybody is well aware of the undertaken process and what needs to be done and in what timeframe, all this does is makes sure that it is allowed to progress unhindered without interference from those that don't like the conditions and laws they are going to have to work too in the future - namely ex ministers, time for change let it happen and lets hope that it is enough to put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing


So in summary:  All politicians are bad, all military people are good, so let the military "put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing." 


I'm curious, what qualifies the military to do this?




History and performance related to it


You must have heard the old saying - History never tells lies


Past governments (politicians) have an extremely poor record of running Thailand - hence the number of interventions and the last one probably the most needed of them all



"History never tells lies"


And how many military coups, in Thailand and anywhere else, have led to better governments?

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Now that really is a major shock  giggle.gif

I'm not good with irony. That is irony, isnlt it? Think Tatdamaw. Gen. Prayuth has publicly stated that the Burmese military understands what he intends to do.
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Waddya bet, there are none of those summonsed by the military among proposed NLA members... Anyone who 'thinks different' need not apply. 


20 coups since 1932.

One would imagine (if one were a fervent coup supporter like some of the more naieve posters here) that the country would be a model of efficiency and justice.

However, despite all this military intervention, and despite so many ex-generals becoming politicians and getting into government, this is not the case.

Follow the money trail gentlemen!

See who's got all the money.

How many retired generals sit on the boards of public companies.

See what immense wealth the senior military have accumulated.



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Why don't they just admit to that they are unable to govern themselves through political parties? whistling.gif  

Maybe they could outsource the governing to a group of honest Singaporeans or Farangs until they find the first honest Thai politician?


I'd suggested this. Thailand could be run as a kind of Disney theme park (some would say it already is) run by a foreign comittee. The Americans can take care of entertainment of the non ho kind, the French can take care of catering, Germans could run the transport system laugh.png, Brits - liquid refreshments burp.gif , Italians, art and Culture. The list goes on w00t.gif  And yeah, I'm aware this smacks of  stereotyping smile.png 

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There is nothing at all surprising about this and I'm more than happy to see it


Politicians here have a habit of throwing the toys out of the pram once they get any semblance of power or influence - or devicive elements from abroad try and stir the pot and throw a spanner in the works - this must not be allowed


everybody is well aware of the undertaken process and what needs to be done and in what timeframe, all this does is makes sure that it is allowed to progress unhindered without interference from those that don't like the conditions and laws they are going to have to work too in the future - namely ex ministers, time for change let it happen and lets hope that it is enough to put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing


So in summary:  All politicians are bad, all military people are good, so let the military "put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing." 


I'm curious, what qualifies the military to do this?




History and performance related to it


You must have heard the old saying - History never tells lies


Past governments (politicians) have an extremely poor record of running Thailand - hence the number of interventions and the last one probably the most needed of them all



"History never tells lies"


And how many military coups, in Thailand and anywhere else, have led to better governments?



True, so, let rule the General for a looooong time, until all the OLD corruption GANGS have died out. 

Than maybe, try again with a democracy attempt. tongue.png

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History and performance related to it


You must have heard the old saying - History never tells lies


Past governments (politicians) have an extremely poor record of running Thailand - hence the number of interventions and the last one probably the most needed of them all



"History never tells lies"


And how many military coups, in Thailand and anywhere else, have led to better governments?



True, so, let rule the General for a looooong time, until all the OLD corruption GANGS have died out. 

Than maybe, try again with a democracy attempt. tongue.png


Right, a long period of military rule will fix everything.  Look at how well that worked in Myanmar. 


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You need to be very careful of these out comes , one wounders if the whole exercise is B/S, I would have thought very few military, perhaps 25,  the rest from the academic's, previous and present senior department heads and from the financial sector, what some of these military people know about democracy and good governance you could put on the back of a postage stamp,  this could turn out to be junta rule by stealth, not a good look General Prayuth.bah.gif

Stealth? Hardly, see Interim Constitution Sections 44, 48.
well as long as everybody is happy, thats what matters.

Who is everybody? Yes the army are happy but I doubt that the majority of the population are happy. Military dictatorships are no longer fashionable and for a very good reason. Civil liberties and freedom of speech? Gone.



A benelevent dictatorship as in S'pore seems to work very well for them. Perhaps a few years of this type of government is just what the doctor ordered for Thailand? Of course there is corruption at every level of government in the Island state, although, it must be admitted that they keep it out of sight most of the time!


It should have the total support of the taskinisters as this is the type and style of government they fought so long and hard for??  thumbsup.gifwai.gif


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There is nothing at all surprising about this and I'm more than happy to see it
Politicians here have a habit of throwing the toys out of the pram once they get any semblance of power or influence - or devicive elements from abroad try and stir the pot and throw a spanner in the works - this must not be allowed
everybody is well aware of the undertaken process and what needs to be done and in what timeframe, all this does is makes sure that it is allowed to progress unhindered without interference from those that don't like the conditions and laws they are going to have to work too in the future - namely ex ministers, time for change let it happen and lets hope that it is enough to put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing

So in summary:  All politicians are bad, all military people are good, so let the military "put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing." 
I'm curious, what qualifies the military to do this?

They have the guns.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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There is nothing at all surprising about this and I'm more than happy to see it


Politicians here have a habit of throwing the toys out of the pram once they get any semblance of power or influence - or devicive elements from abroad try and stir the pot and throw a spanner in the works - this must not be allowed


everybody is well aware of the undertaken process and what needs to be done and in what timeframe, all this does is makes sure that it is allowed to progress unhindered without interference from those that don't like the conditions and laws they are going to have to work too in the future - namely ex ministers, time for change let it happen and lets hope that it is enough to put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing


So in summary:  All politicians are bad, all military people are good, so let the military "put Thailand on a solid democratic and political footing." 


I'm curious, what qualifies the military to do this?




History and performance related to it


You must have heard the old saying - History never tells lies


Past governments (politicians) have an extremely poor record of running Thailand - hence the number of interventions and the last one probably the most needed of them all



History indeed never tell lies. The last time the army ran things, all wasn't well, and that is putting it mildly.

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Interesting to read that some seem to think that no good government can come after a coup, although I must admit I also have some doubt about the PPP led government we got after the December 2007 general elections.


Maybe indeed it's better the NCPO stays on a bit longer. No politicians in Thailand seem to have shown real interest in reforms.


Of course the somewhat exotic suggestions of a few members here are to be discounted and easily. This is strictly a 'Thai only' show.

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well as long as everybody is happy, thats what matters.

Who is everybody? Yes the army are happy but I doubt that the majority of the population are happy. Military dictatorships are no longer fashionable and for a very good reason. Civil liberties and freedom of speech? Gone.



A benelevent dictatorship as in S'pore seems to work very well for them. Perhaps a few years of this type of government is just what the doctor ordered for Thailand? Of course there is corruption at every level of government in the Island state, although, it must be admitted that they keep it out of sight most of the time!


It should have the total support of the taskinisters as this is the type and style of government they fought so long and hard for??  thumbsup.gifwai.gif




The electoral system in Singapore definitely favors the incumbents, but it's debatable whether the government qualifies as a dictatorship.  It certainly isn't a military government imposed by a coup.


"Perhaps a few years of this type of government is just what the doctor ordered for Thailand?"


But what if it's not?  What if the NCPO isn't as wise and benevolent as many people assume?

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A benelevent dictatorship as in S'pore seems to work very well for them. Perhaps a few years of this type of government is just what the doctor ordered for Thailand? Of course there is corruption at every level of government in the Island state, although, it must be admitted that they keep it out of sight most of the time!


It should have the total support of the taskinisters as this is the type and style of government they fought so long and hard for??  thumbsup.gifwai.gif

The electoral system in Singapore definitely favors the incumbents, but it's debatable whether the government qualifies as a dictatorship.  It certainly isn't a military government imposed by a coup.


"Perhaps a few years of this type of government is just what the doctor ordered for Thailand?"


But what if it's not?  What if the NCPO isn't as wise and benevolent as many people assume?


It would seem that the answer to your question is that the NCPO doesn't need to be as 'wise and benevolent' as many assume. That is assuming many people assume that.


If I remember correctly the previous government with majority/absolute partner Pheu Thai wasn't so wise and benevolent either. Makes it easier for the NCPO and its to be formed NLA. Why, they may even run the show without the politicians and the only difference might seem that things are decided and stay decided. Imagine rolleyes.gif


On the other hand with if the NCPO is as wise and benevolent as people assume? That might even break the spirit of a few posters here, although I have some doubts there wink.png

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