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Those staying on ED Visa must now attend school 5 days a week

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Although your answer makes sense, some students might find the learning cycle is inadequate. Some people prefer to spend 4 hours in the roll for a couple of days or so rather than two hours a day over five days.

But, sincerely, two hours a day is ok, especially if spread over a year or two

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The MOE may require this for this particular language school. Doesn't mean it's a requirement for all Ed. Visas.

You're correct, it may not be a requirement for cooking school or a budhist study camp. But apparently it is a requirement for ALL new language schools. Previously these schools only had two x two hour classes each week.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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Some schools have different rules to others. Go to Walen, ask for Mac in person, he will sort you out

Has nothing to do with the schools or your beloved McWalen.

It is a requirement of the MOE to issue the enrolment documentation for a ED visa.

All students will have to sign a declaration that they will attend 5 days a week.

And then immigration can show up for a raid on ANY day Monday to Friday, and then if you are not in school, you can have your visa cancelled, or your next extension will not be approved.

And what about schools who offer skype lessons ??

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Some schools have different rules to others. Go to Walen, ask for Mac in person, he will sort you out

Has nothing to do with the schools or your beloved McWalen.

It is a requirement of the MOE to issue the enrolment documentation for a ED visa.

All students will have to sign a declaration that they will attend 5 days a week.

And then immigration can show up for a raid on ANY day Monday to Friday, and then if you are not in school, you can have your visa cancelled, or your next extension will not be approved.

And what about schools who offer skype lessons ??

Call me a dunce, but folk can learn Thai in their own country via Skype. Do NOT need an ED visa in LOS. Of course if the scholar lives in LOS then nooooooooo problem, but a scholar with noooooooo connections to LOS can live in his own country to learn.

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2 hours? what a joke!

in reality if you study something you should attend to class at least 5 hours a day..

Here I disagree. I have been a "real student" during one year with a 2 hours/day class

and - seriously - it's the max my old little brain was able to endure...

When my "memory allocation of the day" is full, it's full! It's no use to try to learn more.

BTW don't forget that real students often work at home after course,

reading again all they learn and write that days. You easily get 4 hours/day on Thai language learning.

Your brain full after 2 hours? c'mon son try a bit harder if you on a student visa you should study full time not just a couple of hours a day!

These will also sort out all the illegal people working here on student visas!

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i'm not surprised if this becomes policy as the guy who's been breaking most of the visa news recently (herbert's visa run samui) has been saying this for weeks. he even published a letter to be given to schools stating the same on his facebook page, 5 days x 2 hours for an ED visa.

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Yep learning Thai is easy.


So there you have it. Complying with the requirements of an ED visa in Phuket will cost you 75,000 THB of your hard earned cash and two months of your life.

You are exggerating costs and making assumptions. For example, adding the cost for 2 multiple re-entry permits for no reason, gas at 300 Bt /liter, school being far away, etc.

Sure an ED visa is not free and extending every 90 days is boring, but certainly not as bad as you put it, seems like you've got a purpose in doing this.

Then regarding the menaced inspections, etc, let's do something, bookmark this thread and come back here in 6 months. At that time we'll be able to say what has happened, and what has not.

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This country will soon very lonely for the few foreigners with work permit. Maybe they can make friendship with the old retirement farts who mainly complain about everything.

Wish I was your age again......15..........Fond memories..............thumbsup.gif

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I agree that this is a good thing to get you speaking thai, I always went to lessons last time I was on ED visa and 2 hours a week really was not enough.

One thing I dont understand though is that my new ED visa is 150 hours and that means that my course wil be over in less than 4 months... the language school told me the course is 15 months long

10 hours a week is only 15 weeks - so then what? and how about all the public holidays?

Edited by nickmanchester2
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