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Being Extorted -- 10k for a dead cat.


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And, there's always the possibility the person who saw you dispose of the cat, also watched you shrug and walk away, giving  the dogs a few minutes alone with it to finish it.


What's this called here? …. oh, yeah, karma.


Well again, what was I supposed to do?  I've gotten two suggestions so far.


1.) Jump out of bed like an alert fireman, and run outside butt naked to get to the cat.  I highly doubt that extra 20 seconds would have mattered though.


2.) Take the cat inside, and chop its head off with a kitchen knife.


Gotta say, neither of those sound very appealing.  The cat was already gone, so I let it die a quick death instead of suffering, and not sure why you guys see that as inhumane.




Uhm, you let it die a "quick death instead of suffering" how?


Per your OP, as a ten minute chew toy for one of your two dogs.


I have to think placing it in a box would have been less "suffering."


But perhaps your failing to inform us that when you asked for the cat, your dog said no.


But kudos for responding, and not disappearing from your thread. Gotta give you that.

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If you want a cat, make a cat run for it and keep it in your garden. That way you don't piss off your neighbours and the cat is protected. If you let it run wild and it gets injured or killed. Som nom na. Is the motorist to blame when he runs the cat over?


It depends, if the motorist ran it over on purpose then yes, if it was an accident then no. Maybe your correct on keeping the cat in a run, some cat owners keep them in-doors but really that is not the point of this topic.


Good luck proving that the motorist did it deliberately. Which ever way you cut it, it's up to the cat's owner to protect his pet. Who was he going to extort money from if it was a soi dog that killed it?


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No one could prove that but its not the point. You asked me a question I answered it. Its about right from wrong.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Exactly, and the cat owner was wrong by not protecting his pet. No different than if I let my dog wander and he gets hit by a car.


Edited by giddyup
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No one could prove that but its not the point. You asked me a question I answered it. Its about right from wrong.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Exactly, and the cat owner was wrong by not protecting his pet. No different than if I let my dog wander and he gets hit by a car.




You can only protect a cat by putting it in a cage.

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No one could prove that but its not the point. You asked me a question I answered it. Its about right from wrong.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Exactly, and the cat owner was wrong by not protecting his pet. No different than if I let my dog wander and he gets hit by a car.




You can only protect a cat by putting it in a cage.


This what cats kill per year in the UK alone:


With an estimated nine million pet cats in this country, the haul amounted to 200 million mammals, 55 million birds and 10 million reptiles and amphibians.



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Cats are cheeky bastards. They come into my garden and tease the dogs then run away or up a tree. It's a dangerous game they play and if the dogs do catch them well "serves them right". No I ain't going to write 'som nam .....".

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The great thing about cats is that they are independent creatures and go where they feel like going, get a fuss when they want one, not when you want to give them one.

This particular cat obviously made a mistake in not getting out of there quick.

As to the rest of the story, we would all do things differently. Personally I would have called the dogs off and at least tried to tend to the cat.

10,000 Baht for a cat? Yes they are taking the p*ss.

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Mate, I've dealt with many feral cats and the nine lives things is eerily true. They can appear to be dead and as soon as you go near or touch them, they spring alive with claws flying everywhere and teeth gnashing at anything...truly scary.
I've got a particular story about one, both hilarious and sad...but I won't derail the thread just now. Perhaps when the thread has descended into bitter fighting between cat lovers and those that are more feline-nonchalant.

Well then i guess cat was not as dead as OP likes to make it out to be.
In your extensive experience of dealing with cats, have you ever considered using a towel to pick it up?
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the question to ask is 'how these dogs have been trained" have they been trained to kill?depends on the nature of the dogs too.

Some dogs are killer breedsYes cats dont understand "territory' except where they piss and leave their mark.Without knowing these dogs i'd guess they are a couple of viscious bastards.


I think for neighbourly peace the OP should offer an apology and a peace offering.Obviously the 10,0000 baht being asked is a typical "thai" poke in the dark to see how much he can extort.Probably does n't give "a rats arse about the cats' anyway.

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The great thing about cats is that they are independent creatures and go where they feel like going, get a fuss when they want one, not when you want to give them one.

This particular cat obviously made a mistake in not getting out of there quick.

As to the rest of the story, we would all do things differently. Personally I would have called the dogs off and at least tried to tend to the cat.

10,000 Baht for a cat? Yes they are taking the p*ss.

Cat lovers seem to overlook the fact that domestic cats are lethal hunters and have virtually rendered some bird species as well as small mammals extinct. Cats are rounded up and delivered to the pound in Australia if they are caught out after dark.


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the question to ask is 'how these dogs have been trained" have they been trained to kill?depends on the nature of the dogs too.

Some dogs are killer breedsYes cats dont understand "territory' except where they piss and leave their mark.Without knowing these dogs i'd guess they are a couple of viscious bastards.


I think for neighbourly peace the OP should offer an apology and a peace offering.Obviously the 10,0000 baht being asked is a typical "thai" poke in the dark to see how much he can extort.Probably does n't give "a rats arse about the cats' anyway.

Even a Jack Russel can kill a cat, it doesn't have to be a pit bull. Personally, I put all of the responsibility directly back on the cat's owner.


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Truly incredible !!!

I hope neighbors take it all the way and make you pay and after you pay , make your life a miserable nightmare.

One thing is not seeing or knowing, another "letting one dog finish it"

He did nothing wrong. Letting the dog finish the nearly dead cat was compassionate.


Says who? you or God?

It is better to be beaten to death or beaten almost to death?

Is OP a veterinarian to determine cats health at the time?

He HAD to get dressed to go down in his own house? truly caring and compassionate human being, should be rewardedbah.gif


well there is  no God so thats that one sorted!

Id  have it stuffed and stuck on my gate as a memento for other cats to "stay away"

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What about cat owners accepting some responsibility for their furry felines? Bloody things sh*tting everwhere, breeding indiscriminately, screeching and fighting all night, killing any wildlife they can, that's all OK is it?


Teach your cat not to sh*t everywhere? Agree`d it is not easy to get cats to sh*t where you require but having owned many cats I know it is possible. No animal deserves to die regardless of where it sh*ts or goes.


Ill let my  Tiger  loose in your bedroom thenlaugh.png

Its quite simple, if  you own a  cat dog keep it under control on YOUR own property, if  not  tough shit if anything happens  to it. Im not  kowtowing to any Thai stupidity on this.

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If that were my cat, and I became aware that it was handled the way the OP described (cat left to be finished off, then dumped in the trash), I would not ask for any compensation whatsoever. After all, money can't compensate for a dead companion.


However, with 100% certainty, you would soon have dead dogs, that may or may not end up in the trash bin.

Edited by eppic
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No one could prove that but its not the point. You asked me a question I answered it. Its about right from wrong.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Exactly, and the cat owner was wrong by not protecting his pet. No different than if I let my dog wander and he gets hit by a car.




You can only protect a cat by putting it in a cage.




Back in the 80's I had a Tom named Clawed. (No, not that kind of Tom.)


He had an extra finger on each paw and weighed in at twenty-five pounds. Sweet cat, really.


One night my buddy came home from K-9 school with a Shepard named Oman. 120 pounds of fierce he wanted to show off.


We were in my barn, putting Oman through his paces, when Clawed strolled in. Oman was off leash and, despite months of training, paid zero attention to Bill's command "out," which means disengage.


Clawed licked his paw as Oman dived in. We never saw that paw flash out. Just a yelp and blood pouring from Oman's nose where he cowered between Bill's legs. First day on the job, nose all bandaged up. I still laugh.


Some cats don't need protecting.

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If that were my cat, and I became aware that it was handled the way the OP described (cat left to finished off, then dumped in the trash), I would not ask for any compensation whatsoever. After all, money can't compensate for a dead companion.


However, with 100% certainty, you would soon have dead dogs, that may or not end up in the trash bin.

So, he would have two dead dogs because you were too irresponsible to keep your cat within your property?


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^^, No, because he watched the cat get killed, did nothing, then dumped it in the trash. No different than killing it himself.  Had any effort been made to stop the attack and treat the injured or dead pet (and owners) with compassion, the reaction would be very different.  

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Teach your dog its OK to savage things it will could potentially savage a human. That's the point regardless of whether you think the cat deserved it which I personally do not.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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^^, No, because he watched the cat get killed, did nothing, then dumped it in the trash. No different than killing it himself.

So, you are claiming no responsibility if you let your pet wander at will? What about if you let your dog run free and he gets hit by a car, is that the driver's fault? Somebody else who thinks that their bloody cats are free to do as they will.


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Lots of opinions here fore and against what the OP done...He owes the owner of the cat NOTHING in my opinion.


If the Guy that poisons dogs and cats around here ever came on to my property at night, it would take me 2 hrs to get out of bed and get dressed...thumbsup.gif

Compensation ???....for what???

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Truly incredible !!!

I hope neighbors take it all the way and make you pay and after you pay , make your life a miserable nightmare.

One thing is not seeing or knowing, another "letting one dog finish it"

He did nothing wrong. Letting the dog finish the nearly dead cat was compassionate.

Says who? you or God?

It is better to be beaten to death or beaten almost to death?

Is OP a veterinarian to determine cats health at the time?

He HAD to get dressed to go down in his own house? truly caring and compassionate human being, should be rewardedbah.gif
well there is  no God so thats that one sorted!
Id  have it stuffed and stuck on my gate as a memento for other cats to "stay away"

You must be so proud of yourself for posting such rubbish.

Small minds are easily amused
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the question to ask is 'how these dogs have been trained" have they been trained to kill?depends on the nature of the dogs too.


This topic has blown up beyond belief.  Welcome to TV I guess!


No, both of my dogs are great boys with excellent hearts.  Yes, they are healthy, strong, well fed, and yes, they will defend their home.  Considering I'm a white guy who lives by himself in SE Asia, I quite like that, as it let's me sleep better at night.


Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with my dogs.  They would never attack a child, nor a pup, or anything of that nature.  They will actually go out of their way to protect them, and I know this, because they've done it many times before.  However, they are canines, and one of the natural instincts they have is hunting, and they do see cats as prey, hence will go after them.  I'm sorry, but I will not get angry at my dogs for being dogs.


I give them hell more than enough, to consider them trained enough to live a civilized life.  When they break a rule, I don't even have to do or say anything.  I just have to point at the problem (eg. garbage bag if they went through it), and I immediately know who the culprit is due to their guilty faces.  From there, I snap my fingers, and off they go to the timeout area until I tell them they can come out.


In my mind, I've already curbed my dogs natural behavior more than enough.  They know not to bark at night, they're stuck in an "enclosure", although it is quite a good sized yard, etc.  There's no way I'm giving them hell for attacking a cat.  That's one of the most core, primal, natural instincts they have, and I'm not going to give them hell for having it.  They're not here for my entertainment.  They're here for me to provide them with a good life, lots of love, and a healthy lifestyle / home.


Edited by Nautilus05
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Just tell the owner you need proof that it was his cat and after proving it he can pay you 10k for letting his cat invade your property, annoying your otherwise peaceful dogs, waking you up and being an irresponsible owner.
I am serious! What does the alleged owner think what is it the circus? Set him straight!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by A1Str8
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You have to be careful that someone doesn't throw some poisoned meat over your wall so I would let your GF go and talk to them and ask them to prove it was their cat.


Do they have a pic? 10k is way too much but if you don't ask you don't get.


If it really was their cat offer to buy them a nice cat of their choosing and give them one of those baskets full of food they sell in the supermarkets or a bottle of scotch. I doubt their cat was a pedigree.


Spot on.  Negotiate the amount as best you can, make peace, and consider it a protection payment against 2 poisoned dogs.  


Extortion?  Sure.  But how much do you like your dogs?

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i cannt belive how many people concerned over dead cat  i have killed100s in oz as they destroy all wildlife

the house nextdoor had 1cat now 6  just waiting till one comes into my yard will get the back end of a shovel across head

i wish people would be more concerned about fellow human   than a pussy some dogs want fo play with

a cat would be cruelest of all animal always slowly kill there prey

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I give them hell more than enough, to consider them trained enough to live a civilized life.  When they break a rule, I don't even have to do or say anything.  I just have to point at the problem (eg. garbage bag if they went through it), and I immediately know who the culprit is due to their guilty faces.  From there, I snap my fingers, and off they go to the timeout area until I tell them they can come out.

You ever thought about becoming a mod on TV...whistling.gif


Or you could start a training school for misbehaving farangs in Thailand

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