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Chiang Mai Zoo - In the beginning...


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Shame the place has been run down so badly.



There have been changes, that's for sure.

In the late 70s I remember it as being rather basic as zoos go, but a beautiful location and fun to visit.  If you went on a weekday you almost had the place to yourself. You just had to dodge the occasional school group, that's all.

In the 80s and 90s when my daughters were growing up we would go often, but as the variety of animals increased over the years, so did the number of visitors, and the level of commercialism became annoying.  It wasn't so much fun anymore.

A zoo that I really like is the one outside Jakarta, located in a lush and hilly area that the Dutch had developed as a botanical garden.  Also, it has big habitats for Komodo Dragons and Sumatran Tigers.

Great place.  Go for a visit if you're ever in Jakarta.

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I was there last year and agree paying separate to see the pandas was annoying although the indoor aquarium was rather good in wowing a 2 year old

Depending on the heat of the day , the tram rides come in handy and a good day out for the family

Animal variety was not that exciting as I like the big cats and remember there were not many

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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I was there last year and agree paying separate to see the pandas was annoying although the indoor aquarium was rather good in wowing a 2 year old

Depending on the heat of the day , the tram rides come in handy and a good day out for the family

Animal variety was not that exciting as I like the big cats and remember there were not many

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Got to admit though that the Chinese are rather smart sending their young ones  away to be raised and educated in foreign lands and then taking them back when they are housetrained.  I guess all that bamboo costs something.

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Wasn't Bill Young  aka  "Hitman" Bill Young... "AirAmerica Bill" Young a son of Harold Young, the founder of the zoo?

If so, did he have any connection with it, or play a part in its development?

Yes, that's right.

Bill Young was the son of Harold Mason Young and the grandson [and namesake] of William Marcus Young, the Jawaw of the Lahu tribe.

I don't know the extent of his involvement with the Chiang Mai Zoo.  I haven't been able to find much information, other than that he was once a "curator"... whatever that means.

I would guess that his other activities didn't leave him much time for the zoo.

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So if it is a missionary who founded the zoo did he fill it in the following fashion"


Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.


Gen. 7:8-9 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

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Shame the place has been run down so badly.



There have been changes, that's for sure.

In the late 70s I remember it as being rather basic as zoos go, but a beautiful location and fun to visit.  If you went on a weekday you almost had the place to yourself. You just had to dodge the occasional school group, that's all.

In the 80s and 90s when my daughters were growing up we would go often, but as the variety of animals increased over the years, so did the number of visitors, and the level of commercialism became annoying.  It wasn't so much fun anymore.

A zoo that I really like is the one outside Jakarta, located in a lush and hilly area that the Dutch had developed as a botanical garden.  Also, it has big habitats for Komodo Dragons and Sumatran Tigers.

Great place.  Go for a visit if you're ever in Jakarta.



Better still, well almost is go to Komoto Island. If you are in the area. I was disgusted with the one I saw in the Seattle Woodland park Zoo. 

Been a while since I was to the Zoo will defiantly take it in again when My boy comes to visit again. I see where they have made a deal with China to keep the Panda Bears 10 more years. Hope the aquarium is better than when it first opened.

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I was there last year and agree paying separate to see the pandas was annoying although the indoor aquarium was rather good in wowing a 2 year old

Depending on the heat of the day , the tram rides come in handy and a good day out for the family

Animal variety was not that exciting as I like the big cats and remember there were not many

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I found the aquarium dull. The worst I have seen traveling the globe.  But I guess as you say the kids would like it.

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Last time i was there,a keeper was beating a Hippo with a 

bamboo pole,just thought hope he never turns his back on it !

regards Worgeordie

A hippos skin can be and inch thick or more.  I doubt the beast felt much.

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Last time i was there,a keeper was beating a Hippo with a 

bamboo pole,just thought hope he never turns his back on it !

regards Worgeordie

A hippos skin can be and inch thick or more.  I doubt the beast felt much.


So that makes it OK then 

regards worgeordie

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