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Aussie dad has 'no right' to take baby says Thai surrogate


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If it was done through a proper registered surrogate agency then she would have to stand by her contract with the agency whatever she signed and collected her money and if the donations keep rolling in for the child lots of lovely money I will just keep him as long as he pays his way think of the lovely money money he could earn, think of the poor single parent mother struggling to bring up a child in Thailand alone, possibly the only single mother in the whole of Thailand with such a burden come on give generously.  

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It seems like a shakedown. Based on the reported news, it can be concluded that the target of the shakedown is the Aussie, who has already been characterized , rightly or wrongly, as a pedophile. When sums of money are introduced into the stories, you can always bet that it's some sort of business proposition or shakedown. The real victim here is Gammy. He will grow to whatever age he does without the proper parenting and care that he needs.

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Seems to me that both parties are in default here and now that so much money is being offered both parties will fight to the bitter end to gain custody.
I sincerely hope that not one dollar touches the hands of any of these people. Pay the childs medical bills only. As for custody? Only a court can and will decide but if the Aussies use a lawyer from OZ they will never win.
It's easy to see why the Thai woman wants this boy now. Probably the same reasons the Aussies want it. Take away their monetary incentives and then see who fights the hardest for custody

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Pattaramon maintains the Thai agency who managed the surrogacy said the couple wanted her to have an abortion -- illegal in Thailand -- once medical tests revealed the boy had Down's syndrome, but she refused.

I think this sentence should read:

Pattaramon maintains the Thai agency who managed the surrogacy -- illegal in Thailand -- said the couple wanted her to have an abortion -- illegal in Thailand -- once medical tests revealed... 

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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.
So you are a true supporter of those that rape and abuse children.  I feel so very very sick.  You are disgusting and support for paedophiles should be against Thai Visa Rules.

Mob inspired mass hysteria about so called public enemies such as characterised episodes of 'witch' burning, commie hunting, 'poofter' bashing and now paedophiles is counter productive and idiotic.

It doesnt move society forward - in fact it gets in the way of us understanding the issue and it constrains intelligent debate (Chookas post is a classic example of an attempt to stifle debate through mindless mud slinging).

It holds us all back from learning how to effectively tackle paedophilia.

Nothing I have said provides support for the crime of paedophilia. Its just that we live in a multi dimensional world and reducing any issue to 2 dimensions only is foolish and counter productive.

I do agree that a convicted paedophile should not be allowed to adopt kids.

But theres no law saying they cant actually breed their own is there? And if thats the case, isnt that exactly what this guy has done, albeit with a bit of help? Edited by simondan
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Gammy is a beautiful young boy. From the pictures I have seen looks very content and alert. Hope he is high functioning and has a happy life.


What a weird set of events.


The governments of both countries should be stating what they intend to do about the regulating of this 'business'? People do need to participate in having children this way, safe guards need to be put in place to at least protect the infant and all involved. The doctors need guidelines as well the surrogate agencies, as to the what if's happening. People need to be responsible and responsible people need to be allowed to have children.


So this man from WA, his sperm conceived the child? If so he has a responsibility to the child and his wellbeing. But what are the laws to protect the child and in regards to the man’s conviction what protection has the child got?


This case throws up a lot of what if's, and this is where the governments of both countries need to show leadership and start saying what guidelines and laws will be put in place to protect all.


sad thing is It can happen again?

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Exemple should be staged: Each and everyone involved in this atrocity in the slammer for 15 years and international search for loving and caring foster parents for the unfortunate kids. No 5 minutes of fame for anyone. Surrogate parenting banned worldwide. End of story.

Edited by catweazle
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Is this woman, now sitting very prettily on a fortune, going to return all the goodwill money and payment received?


I have made it bold because otherwise it's the old old story of grabbing what she can.


I would be very interested in where you got the info that all this money in in the bank account of the surrogate mother..  From What I have seen it has not been and is in an administered account.   Could you give us a link please.

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Yes, she wants money, that's why she did it in the first place, but then she has had the child for over six months without money other than the money she got for doing the surrogate thing, that money she wanted for her other children.


Now everybody is picking holes in her story, another egg by another woman??? where's the agency on this.


She would not let him have have Gammy? threatened to call the police, OMG!!! they and the agency had a water tight contract did they not.


Where did the name Gammy come from, gammy as in gammy leg, yes, a sick joke.


For crying out loud, he has done time as a paedophile, OK he has served his sentence, but you do not expect a person who has embezzled the bank they worked for to work in a bank when they get out, not even  fifty years on.


Whey does he not just crawl back under a stone like the agency has, yes she no angel, but worst of all the surrogacy thing is all wrong and it should be banned until there are no kids left in orphanages. 








The Thai surrogate mother of baby Gammy has claimed that Wendy Farnell, Gammy's Australian and apparent biological mother did not actually supply the egg which Pattaramon Chanbua carried.

Ms Chanbua, 21, told Fairfax Media the egg was donated by another Thai woman via a surrogacy agency, but the sperm did come from David Farnell. The couple currently have custody of Gammy's sister Pipah who lives with them in West Australia.

'They are not really related with the baby … I am not really sure they will give real love to Gammy’s sister', Ms Chanbua said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721118/Gammys-surrogate-mother-claims-Australian-mum-did-not-supply-egg.html#ixzz3AC3VHCoT 
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Your link is being blocked by the Minstry of Information and Communication Technology on my PC here in Thailand.


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"Aussie dad has 'no right' to take baby says Thai surrogate" the Aussie dad has only the right to give more money.


But, what does the law say Broz?



Thai surrogacy law covers two types of surrogacy: 1) where a married couple uses their own egg and sperm but the child is carried by someone else; and 2) where a surrogate mother provides an egg and carries the child but the fertilising sperm comes from either a donor or the commissioning parent. The subject case where the egg came from a 3rd party and not from the surrogate mother isn't apparently covered under the law. That could open a claim by the egg donor to custody of both children, especially with large sums of money involved. What a mess and likely to be repeated.

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Is this woman, now sitting very prettily on a fortune, going to return all the goodwill money and payment received?


I have made it bold because otherwise it's the old old story of grabbing what she can.

I think you have been terribly misinformed.  The money is in trust and not a single satang has passed or ever will pass through her fingers.  Medical expenses are passed to the trust and they pay the bills.  She will never see the money.

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I spotted some dubiousness about the Thai ladies actions early on - not going to a Hospital on the agreed list, but chosing her own Hospital and before the pedo information ever even surfaced she was causing world-wide headlines stating that the (then anonymous) ozzie couple had abandoned their Downs Syndrome baby, but later confessing that she herself had refused to let them take Gammy!! Only coming clean when the ozzie couple refuted her accusation and she changed her story by adding a 180 degree turn. I found that all I needed to know about the Thai ladies character, sincerity and trustworthyness.


I was affronted that she was called a Saint. Far from it!!!


All of this and on both sides is distasteful and upsetting.

Edited by twix38
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None of this could have happened if Thailand had restrictions to provide foreign sex offenders from being allowed entry.  Other countries like the US restrict entry to any kind of criminal offender, however minor the offence.  Thailand could request cooperation from other countries and keep their own databases of sex offenders with information provided by Thai embassy staff overseas.  Pay a fee to a local news service to glean articles about sex offence convictions from local media and put their names into a database to be permanently blacklisted by Thai Immigration without caring if their convictions are "spent" or not.  The same principle could be applied to other types of criminal offence such as armed robbery, fraud etc to keep other types of foreign criminal from setting up shop in Thailand. ASEAN should be able to implement this regionally. There is no reason why Thailand has to admit all the rubbish from Western countries just because they don't need visas.  The US keeps out a lot of undesirables from visa waiver countries. 


This would cost very little to implement and would save many Thai children from being abused.  Please start tomorrow. 

Edited by Dogmatix
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None of this could have happened if Thailand had restrictions to provide foreign sex offenders from being allowed entry.  Other countries like the US restrict entry to any kind of criminal offender, however minor the offence.  Thailand could request cooperation from other countries and keep their own databases of sex offenders with information provided by Thai embassy staff overseas.  Pay a fee to a local news service to glean articles about sex offence convictions from local media and put their names into a database to be permanently blacklisted by Thai Immigration without caring if their convictions are "spent" or not.  The same principle could be applied to other types of criminal offence such as armed robbery, fraud etc to keep other types of foreign criminal from setting up shop in Thailand. ASEAN should be able to implement this regionally. There is no reason why Thailand has to admit all the rubbish from Western countries just because they don't need visas.  The US keeps out a lot of undesirables from visa waiver countries. 
This would cost very little to implement and would save many Thai children from being abused.  Please start tomorrow. 

Bloody hell, tourism numbers would drop massively if they applied that.
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Call me a pessimist, accuse me of tarring Thais with the same brush but............... seems to me the Thai mother is fighting for a kid she didn't want before.
Suddenly, this kid is getting donations from all over the world, more notably Oz. Hundreds of thousands of baht are coming in for this kid and she is the beneficiary. Am I being overly pessimistic?  I think not. bah.gif alt=bah.gif>

A kid she did no want???
It was her who refused an abortion, she did not dump the kid in an orphanage, she cared for it with money put aside for her other children, she has been the only one to love and care for it for six months.
Also . For you Morons who can't read. The couple had no interest at all in this life they brought into being when it was sick. Now that the heart problem is repaired they again make the appearence. God forbib any child intrusted to them should stubb their toe. Strait off to the ophanaged for them. I am sure there is much more to this. At least I hope.

Not true. This has been shown to be rubbish. They only left unfortunately named Gammy when they were told he was going to die very soon and their ability to go home with the other baby was in threat (so they had to act quickly).

Its easy to pronounce judgement from your armchair when not in possession of all the facts (or at least those facts that have been made available).
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A personal attack on another and two replies to it have been removed:


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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I doubt if the paedophile will ever get his grubby little hands on Gammy now which is fantastic news.


Australian surrogate couples stopped in Thailand.




Two Australian couples have reportedly been stopped from leaving Thailand with their surrogate babies amid a crackdown on surrogacy laws in the country.

The ABC reported that the two homosexual couples were prevented from leaving Bangkok's international airport on Thursday afternoon after Thai police ordered that no surrogate babies be allowed out of the country without a court order.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/08/15/00/12/aust-surrogate-couples-stopped-in-thailand#Ky8j7upx7qyr27b3.99


Edited by chooka
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