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American beaten by Ladyboy in Central Pattaya

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The only aggressive behaviour I met with in Thailand was from Ladyboys. In BKK as well as Pattaya. It was quite scary last time in Pattaya to be honest.. I played calm and said no, I dont want to go into their bar but 2 of them followed me and grabbed me. Same at Nana station steps, 2 came and accosted me on both sides.

Hope someone cleans this up.

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We need a Ladyboy crackdown.

Mr. Bowsher was offended by the encounter and entered into a verbal altercation

More like a crackdown on hysterical over-reaction to fear of loss of face by farang.

Sort of a Phyrric victory for Mr. Macho though. He defended his fragile male ego, but sustained high-heel injuries (and local headlines) for his trouble.

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Most of ladyboys here in Thailand have a normal life and just a part work in the prostitution ring.

So please avoid generalizations and calls for 'final solutions'.

Define normal.

For me it isn't hanging around in bars dressed like a woman.


They are very aggressive and very obnoxious.

it is also a common method to remove jewelery from unsuspecting victims

And to either paw you or grab your arm......... as a precursor.

Either way they should keep their hands to themselves.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

What ? Maybe take your medicine and try that over again?


Yea.. another moralious from the bible belt.laugh.png

Not just the bible belt boys.

I was at a market with some Thai buddies. One of them put on this tee shirt that was a size or two too small.

He asked me my opinion on the shirt.

ie, "dude, what do you think?"

I replied, "looks great, and i think that shirt comes with a free boyfriend!" w00t.gif

He angrily pulled off the shirt, and stormed out.

Later we had some beers at a pub, fist bumped and and he could finally laugh at the afternoon.:D


I don't get some people. They go to a soi where there are dozens of bars where people are drunk and others are seeking out some pleasure or fantasy and touts line the front of every bar. There is fierce competition by the bars and clubs for your dollar. This is obvious once you step into the Soi

Then some guy takes offence to being handled by a ladyboy. Grow up!

I don't condone the attack, but visit any cesspit and you have to expect some dirt. Just flick it off and keep on walking.

where is your cesspit


Another ladyboy attack - surprise surprise.

Fell free to delete my post, but I am quite sure I am simply saying what many of us are thinking - ladyboys should be removed from the streets by the police (or army), just like they sometimes round up and remove other criminals.

Or perhaps even better, make one or more sois only for ladyboys, and put up a clear sign in both ends (of the soi smile.png ). Then those who want to play with them can go there, and the rest of us will be a alot safer.

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I usually don't say anything or just "mai owl khop" but have pulled my arm away when they grabbed it….but when several have grabbed my crotch it has really pissed me off but I just kept walking.

If the NCPO really wants to clean up LOS, dealing with ladyboys should definitely be on the list.


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If some guy was hitting on me I would tell him to bugger off also.

A ladyboy attempting to persuade a punter into a bar = some guy hitting on...... A quantum leap!!!!


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

True, best be polite and tell them how lovely they are otherwise they might kick your ass all over the street..


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

He lost to a ladyboy, like it a shameful thing? You do know these are geezers right? Geezers with a dangerous weapon once they start clocking you around the head with a pointy high heel (as this numpty found out!)

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the combination of a huge look at me ego and yaba often leds to violence, btw I was watching the ones on the beach use wrestling holds on guys while their friends try to pickpocket them, the guys have no resort but violence to escape


I'm sure there are plenty of members on here who have been "owned" by a ladyboy at least once and then come on here and take it out on innocent posters who ask questions for "a mate" bhahahaha!!


been thier,done that...those bit#^es really know how to treat a man...and when the little rubber nub on those heels are gone it is just ''a nail on a stick'' ouch...........some guys have all the fun....


Well..I also feel offended when perverts try to get me into their establishments..and many times want to tell them off..but bestvwY is just o ignore them...


If some guy was hitting on me I would tell him to bugger off also.

Swearing at them? Why do it?? You are just asking for trouble, especially here in Thailand where loss of face is taken so seriously! Just, simply, with a smile on your face, and a pleasant shake of the head, say "Mai ao,khrap...mai ao!" Never had one yet be persistent or get offended. Some people, I think...not saying you, Kooweerup..some people take an approach by a ladyboy as, somehow, being a threat to their masculinity!

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They are very aggressive and very obnoxious.

That aggressiveness is often a result of their proclivity for mehamphetamine use.

Always treat ladyboys with respect, or run away. Public disrespect and confrontation causes a loss of face and we can see from the photo in the OP what often happens next.

I thought he was talking about the American...

Don't be embarrassed. Use google for help with the big words.

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Life just hasn't been the same since the instant replay. An incident that was probably over in the blink of an eye, and we're dissecting the guy's behavior, just like the color commentators on the boob tube.

Sadly, I'll probably get a size 10 stiletto upside the head if it ever happens like that to me. And I've been here for 3+ years. I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but responding to a Ladyboy grabbing my crotch (or any other part) just isn't on my list of things I've practiced for back home. Imagine a tourist fresh off the boat, and a split second reaction to a stimulus he's never experienced.

I think I'll cut him a little slack that he reacted the way he did.

Now, the Ladyboy- different story. And since he/she was employed by the bar, the bar owner should be coughing up for the guy's medical bills- and the bar shut down until they hand over the attacker or the tourist agrees he's satisfied with compensation.

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Like 'em or not, ladyboys are part of Thailand. Like all people, some are bad, some are good. Freelancers no matter where or what sex, smart folks stay away from. I believe I know where that bar is. Stopped in with a bunch of friends a couple of times, no big deal, no hassle, buy a couple of beers, watch the "ladies" dance. They quickly realized we weren't interested in barfine. One of my wife's good friends from school days is a ladyboy, school teacher, so what. We have friends that are gay, lesbian, ladyboy, straight, no different, except for their sexual orientation, than anybody else. They laugh, love and cry like all people do. We don't know exactly what happened except the guy got the crap knocked out of him with a high hell shoe, crap I can't help it, started laughing when I typed that. To try to quote the "Ugly" from a movie, "If you gonna' talk, talk, if you gonna' shoot, shoot". I might add there are times to exit left, quickly.

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I'll bet the description that 'he politely refused' is completely false. He probably went off and got a good taste of what it's like when politeness fails on the other side smile.png

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