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American beaten by Ladyboy in Central Pattaya

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Certainly some ladyboys have serious issues. Some are very conflicted, angry, and have a real problem understanding personal space, especially the sex workers. I imagine it is not always an easy life. It seems competitive as hell for one thing.

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I don't care what the American victim said to IT.

Nothing warrants using a weapon. They practice using the spike to attack. Can't even walk down the street should be a TAT SLOGAN.Lock IT away and make an example.

Sorry to use IT,but he and she don't fit.


The majority of ladyboys I have met have all been normal fun loving people. treat them with respect and you get the same back. I think you will find if you gave a normal bar girl a load of abuse you would end up looking the same as this guy. A classic case of the mouth writing cheques the body can't cash as they say thumbsup.gif

Excuse me but why should i treat a scum bag aggressive lady boy like this with respect?? In Thailand respect has to be earned, if you give it willy nilly for free its a sign of stupidity. The BIB should have pressed the bar owner, conduct a drug raid and check their permits etc etc - maybe then they would give up the name of the Lady-Man that did it. Why should these scum bags always get away with serious assaults on Ferang? Seriously, If any of us assaults a Thai WE know that we are going to end up paying for it, you wont get away with it

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While I don't condone the American for getting angry I do understand it.

I have been walking through Pattaya and along the Sukhumwit in Bangkok and been groped by ladyboys, in most other countries this would be classed as a sexual assault.

Very true. However, I could name about 46 other countries where you are likely to encounter the same type of behavior in the sex-tourist areas.

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Best thing to do is just be very polite, firm and get out of the way, keep going. A lady boy who was sitting and having chat with me at a beer bar years ago reccommeded that I not show any repulsion, that it can set them against you and you can have real problems. If you don't like them, don't show it s/he said.

I have been grabbed by rather tall aggressive lady boys when I was walking home at night a few times. I am fairly big and strong myself so it is easy for me to fairly gracefully, and without breaking my stride push them off of me, or extricate my arm from their grip without so much as a word and keep on walking fairly quickly as is my habit. I was once surrounded on lower Sukhumvit by 6-10 lady boys and I shouted in short sharp manner as to shock and scare them for a moment just enough that they got out of my way and let me pass and walk out into the street which i did simply to throw them off of me. I literally just walked out into traffic seeing as that was the less dangerous of the two options. They were not very together and stumbled and teetered and tittered and wobbled and giggled on their 5 inch heels and platforms and I easily escaped. as i am actually very bookish and nerdy looking on the surface they were rather confused by the assertive, quick, and unusual response they got from me. I think they probably thought I would just meekly allow them to go through my pockets, but I quickly put them in a situation where they would have to risk getting run over by a car. Best thing is to have the attitude of having no time or patience to even get angry at their often bufoonish shennanigans, if one makes an aggressive move, just put your energy into getting away and out of their clutches and they won't come after you, it has never happened yet that one has ran after me.

They are men and not girls. They are on hormones and probably yaba. Also are pick pockets.

Also have a big chip on their shoulder and most a diick.


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

There a lots of Brits and even more Americans and we are not all like that. Many of us (in the US and UK) would like to put the lowlifes that act like that onto a raft and push them out to sea.

I've been approached by hundreds of ladyboys and have never had a threatening or even offensive encounter. I just give them a smile and keep walking. On rare occasions--when they are obviously polite and stable--I've even stopped for a quick chat. No need to be a jerk.

I know there are a lot of Americans and UK that don't talk like that but also quite a few who do. Most of my UK / US friends don't talk like that but I have been around and heard it. Usually from the less educated people who think its normal. Here you can get quite an extreme reaction to something that people back home would not bat an eye over.

I had one grab me a few days ago when I was shopping in the nana area. She (he) was persistent that she wanted to go with me and tried to stop me. I told her I was not interested and kept on walking, got grabbed again but just kept on walking. In general you will only encounter things like this in the seedy area's of Thailand. So people who go there expose themselves to it. You can't have it one way just females for sale and no ladyboys. That is just not how it works.

Near where i live I see an other kind of lady boys respectful and in normal jobs my wife has a few lady-boy friends as she is a tour-guide. Many lady boys also work as tour guide. No problems with them what so ever. So it really depends where you are.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Could change "Maybe if ", by "For sure if " coffee1.gif

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I usually don't say anything or just "mai owl khop" but have pulled my arm away when they grabbed it….but when several have grabbed my crotch it has really pissed me off but I just kept walking.

If the NCPO really wants to clean up LOS, dealing with ladyboys should definitely be on the list.

Would not stop with the LBs, would clean up all the red light stuff.


The majority of ladyboys I have met have all been normal fun loving people. treat them with respect and you get the same back. I think you will find if you gave a normal bar girl a load of abuse you would end up looking the same as this guy. A classic case of the mouth writing cheques the body can't cash as they say thumbsup.gif

In Thailand respect has to be earned, if you give it willy nilly for free its a sign of stupidity.

You clearly have absolutely no understanding of Thai culture with that statement (and the rest of what you wrote is too vile and to even respond to). If your ridiculous statement here were true, about 'earning respect', no one in Thailand would ever stand near you with that attitude.


My family is littered with ladyboys but try as I might I find it very difficult to like them as people

They are unfailingly self obsessed and selfish. They try to take advantage of every situation. Quite prepared to 'use' other peoples food, accommodation and personal effects without asking

Far from being an oppressed minority they seem to be treated with 'kid gloves' when they offend

My Thai wife was the marketing manager at Tiffany's in Pattaya and witnessed the 'ugly side' of this motley group

Even those ladyboys that work in 'normal' jobs seem to have a defensive edge to them that I find unappealing

I'm not usually as opinionated when discussing minorities but katoeys leave me cold

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Most of ladyboys here in Thailand have a normal life and just a part work in the prostitution ring.

So please avoid generalizations and calls for 'final solutions'.

O course, in Samui for instance, some are working in Tesco Lotus and behaved absolutely like any other employees... not sure the the bar stools people understand many of them are not prostitutes whistling.gif

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Americans are well known for being extremely loud and obnoxious but not all. This guy may have been the out of the ordinary.

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Saw a Ladyboy bar owner do the same thing to an Irish guy in Chaweng a couple of years back...the guy and his two mates had done a runner on their cheque bin the night before and I did warn what would happen if he ventured back into the bar area!The LB absolutely smashed him and kicked his teeth in...all for 400 baht..<deleted>!!!


Well, there may be more to it than we really know.

There is a good chance that the American guy was being aggressively "Man Handled" and maybe thought he was also being robbed.

Those ladyboys that do attempt to rob people usually prey on guys they think are drunk and unaware of what is happening and they get up close and personal and manhandle you before they go for the wallet .....and then run.

If the ladyboy was working in one of the establishments on the Soi and acting as the outside public relations person, trying to draw in customers, more than likely he / she is not going to attempt to aggressively rob the guy...but a free lancer....could happen and does sometimes.

So there is that possibility the guy thought he was going to get robbed if he did not tell the person ( man or women to Fxxx off )

If that was the case ......then you can not blame the guy for standing his ground and trying to protect himself and or his wallet.

Also...you have to wonder....if the guy was robbed right in front of numerous observers ( mostly Thai ) do you think anyone would step in and try to stop the robbery.

I would surmise NO...at least 9.5 times out of 10 no one would intervene and especially not the Thais as they would think it is grand ole entertainment watching a farang getting robbed by a ladyboy.


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I don't get some people. They go to a soi where there are dozens of bars where people are drunk and others are seeking out some pleasure or fantasy and touts line the front of every bar. There is fierce competition by the bars and clubs for your dollar. This is obvious once you step into the Soi

Then some guy takes offence to being handled by a ladyboy. Grow up!

I don't condone the attack, but visit any cesspit and you have to expect some dirt. Just flick it off and keep on walking.


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Off topic inflammatory post removed also a personal attack on another member and some quoted replies

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Saw a Ladyboy bar owner do the same thing to an Irish guy in Chaweng a couple of years back...the guy and his two mates had done a runner on their cheque bin the night before and I did warn what would happen if he ventured back into the bar area!The LB absolutely smashed him and kicked his teeth in...all for 400 baht..!!!

Saw a ladyboy "BAR OWNER" she smashed his teeth in with her bar ?

I would wager that no one in this forum can beat a ladyboy. And I will let you choose any ladyboy in that bar. It won't matter what nationality you are. Any takers? He was 36.

No way he allready beat me i only stand at 7"
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That's another " hero" story to tell the grandchildren !!!



'What's that scar on yer head grandpa?'

'I got into a bar brawl once'

'Oh, who with?'


"Some heel who came

at me brandishing

. . . a stiletto!"

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Valid points. I smile and politely decline.

That bending said, I wasn't there and can't say what would have or wouldn't have happened in this instance. To do so would be conjecture.


I would wager that no one in this forum can beat a ladyboy. And I will let you choose any ladyboy in that bar. It won't matter what nationality you are. Any takers? He was 36.

Seems meaningless. But then, I don't walk Soi Bukaow at night.

Twenty years visiting and now living here and I've never considered a wager so lacking in relevance.

Age sometimes equals wisdom and sometimes a lack of foresight.


If some guy was hitting on me I would tell him to bugger off also.

Yes, but it depends how it's done. Saying sorry with polite gestures is different than flipping the bird or carrying on as if you're in the west are distinctly different.


Gives new meaning to term "killer shoes"... tongue.png

Seriously, some visitors are simply unprepared for the ways of the kingdom. Perhaps the TAoT should issue a brochure on arrival with helpful tips to keep you safe, including how to deal with aggressive kathoeys. Then, next on NatGeo: "The Ladyboy Whisperer" coming this fall... laugh.png

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