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Do you like being the only farang in your area?


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its AKA the "only gay in the village" syndrome...laugh.png

is that supposed to be something to be proud of? do you really know what thai's think of homosexuals?

Pray do share your sweeping over- generalisation with the rest of the forum

Homos are well tolerated and accepted in Thailand.

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Some very open responses in the thread(A few are bit over the top and extremely judgmental but its their view on it all). As I posted back earlier, It really does not matter to me. I can get along with anybody as long as they are polite and friendly. I do not see many foreigners where I live now nor have I interacted with any. The few I have seen I have not really attempted to say Hello as I remain a bit guarded. I had met many in my time living in BKK and Phetchaburi area and a great majority of them were either very bitter, a few I met were utter basket cases and their moral compasses were broken or all they wanted to do was go get lit up at a hooker joint and stagger away with a girl. That was and will never be my thing here so I cannot relate to it all. In fact I will not even go to a bar with foreigners because of the stereo type and the fact I do not want to be put in an awkward position.

I will say though I definitely require people interaction as I am a very social person. But I get that with Thais so being the only foreigner in the area is a non issue for me. You would be surprised how many speak enough English to have a conversation with you. I have also found that most the foreigners here are just a bit too sedate for my likings so I never seek them out plus a great majority appear to want to be left alone. For me I have found that its important to incorporate a nice cross section of people and ages in your life to really keep you spry. Many foreigners here are upwards 60 with medical ailments which also has its own challenges. Having been an Operations Manager most of my career, I always had reports in my group from interns out of college to woman and men same age as me. Its a nice balance. I could not imagine sitting with a bunch of foreigners my age or older. But to each his own. Whatever works is how I see it.

Edited by JAFO
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For a start, where we live here is less remote than where we lived in the UK! 80 k to a supermarket and a hospital!

I have been privileged to live in Sakhon Nakhon, Bangkok, Sisaket, Phuket. Krabi and Chiang Mai and now Nakhon Phanom.

When I went to Sakhon Nakhon, several kilos from Sawaeng, which then was a dusty half a horse town, we had to return to Sawaeng at night because it was too dangerous to sleep in Bannadoon! The roads were terrible; there was no TV, no mobile phones, but the house had huge golden teak planks on the floor and I was taken in as part of a family, as long as I worked and provided! So we moved to Kalim in Phuket, which kept us a way from farangs; another friendly Muslim community;No broadband in Phuket in those days! Krabi we just went to live by the sea in Lanta ...no farangs. Everyone in Sisaket permanently drunk; I think I got 'married' several times and did a lot of rice field work. Later Children in school in Chiang Mai, but, in retrospect, strangely no farang. Excellent. Now on the edge of a town of c. 25,000 people in remotest Issan. A couple of farang in town...we have friends who are teachers, doctors, engineers, fashion designers, painters. While they like to live in 'town' all have parents, grannies, country cabins....Better than anywhere I have ever lived andthat includes the US, Japan, China let alone Europe. If I wanted to live with westerners and western culture, I could have stayed home. The point, surely, is not whether I am the only farang, which I might as well be, but whether we have made a good life for ourselves and the children.

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Good points hotsoup and JAFO above.

One of the great things about living remote and isolated from farang creature comforts is the relative proximity to large cities in Thailand. Chiang Mai, Bangkok, and Hat Yai are never far away. I visit Bangkok about twice a month.

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I love it

at first,, stares talk talk talk

now,, i'm made of glass, no

one even looks at me, like

i'm a normal person in the town

i go about my business, a few

that know me chat with me in

English and the rest just go on

i love being a nobody

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Do I like being the only farang in my village and Tambon? Yep! cool.png.pagespeed.ce.jz1nB6CMOI.png And when I'm in the 'big city' I'm the only farang in my apartment building.

The only marshmallow in the hot chocolate. Works for me!

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In the village where i lived for 6 years there was only 2-3 farang..but they only stayed short time,seems like pattaya was more interesting for them.For me it wasnt a problem because my wife learned me thai,laos and khmer,so i could/can speak with the natives in surin.Actually i was alone there last month visited my wife parents.Great holiday,and if i get bored my wifes uncle was more then pleased to go to the karaokebars in Prasat.The last years i see more and more farang in this area,seems like khmer girls is still populear.By the way,yesterday me and my lovely thaiwife had 10 year weddingday.smile.png

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Well I don't think there is anywhere in Thailand where you're the "only f-rang in your area", I've been north south east and west and there are always f-rangs, either teachers, retirees, NGO workers, "real" expats (in BK). Doesn't matter to me what country a friend is from but I've found by experience that it is best to avoid other f-rangs, generally speaking. There are exceptions but I generally keep to the locals and they have treated me well - particularly outside of tourist-frequented areas.

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Well I don't think there is anywhere in Thailand where you're the "only f-rang in your area", I've been north south east and west and there are always f-rangs, either teachers, retirees, NGO workers, "real" expats (in BK). Doesn't matter to me what country a friend is from but I've found by experience that it is best to avoid other f-rangs, generally speaking. There are exceptions but I generally keep to the locals and they have treated me well - particularly outside of tourist-frequented areas.

Please give a wave to TV members as they pass by you at tesco, especially Mr. Costas, he's easily offended.

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Being isolated in those villages living among people who have absolutely nothing in common with yourself is a very strange choice of life for a Westerner. The complete inability to have any intellectual conversation must be torture after a while.

"The complete inability to have any intellectual conversation must be torture after a while."

I know that this be will controversial ... if I want Intellectual conversation I simply chat with my Partner.



lol , yeah sure you do David. If that's true then your own intelligence must be pretty limited or living in the sticks has already sent you delusional. Maybe your wife was educated in the West but i doubt it. Pray please tell us what sort of intellectual conversation you have with your very special unique lady. lol. In the many years living here i,ve never met one Thai capable of any decent intellectual conversation and that's from all classes. You're a very lucky guy .... I bet you've seen Elvis herding buffalos through the village as well.


I am absolutely amazed by this post.

I have no idea what part of Thailand that you are in, or what kind of people you hang with. To claim that you have lived here for many years and that you have never met a Thai that that you could have a decent intellectual conversation with, defies belief.

Get a life.

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Back to my previous point. Maybe....

Nana&Pong is basing too much of his opinions of Thailand based on conversations he has had with people engaged in the 'entertainment' business

In another thread he wrote, " real conversation I have to seek farang mates in Pattaya every 2 months"

I think he means bar talk with drunk hooligans.

Although certainly not everyone in Pattaya is a drunk hooligan the town certainly has more than it's fair share.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Being isolated in those villages living among people who have absolutely nothing in common with yourself is a very strange choice of life for a Westerner. The complete inability to have any intellectual conversation must be torture after a while. Most of the guys i,ve met on my rare excursions tend to be pretty miserable souls but of course they won't admit it. Many lured by young wives and conned into building a house for the whole family to treat as their own ( well it's not yours anyhow ). Some live with the inlaws but all are doing something they'd never even consider back home so why now. There mere sight of a new farang in the village lights up their eyes with excitement but it's only for a few days until they're gone and it's back to the normal drudgery of life. Personally i think you must be a little crazy or just complete mugs. Yes , i know you're all going to tell me how different it is for you and how wrong i am but i still don't believe you.

How can I refute such an expert on western lifestyle choices?

Intellectual conversation is easily held with the missus. If we couldn't converse, why would we be together? As for other conversations; the locals and I discuss the weather, farming techniques, building ideas etc. etc. What I don't understand in Thai is translated into English.

No nanapong, the miserable souls live in the cities. Places where you can't be alone. Can't stretch out. Can't even see the sky. Don't know how people can live entirely indoors with the only outdoor activity consisting of visiting bars or hanging out in shopping malls.

The nearest town for me is 18kms away. I don't go there to meet farang. I go there as it's nearest place I can buy fresh milk (Costas, when are you going to start your badger milk delivery?).

From my point of view, nanapong, I don't believe you enjoy your lifestyle. Especially when you have enough time to read and reply to a topic that shouldn't have even captured your attention.

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Yes, I live on a farm 3k from the village hub. The farm currently has 9 dwellings but it is 100 rai or so. However we are selling our block of land in the village to buy a block somewhere else and build a small house as an option to separate ourselves from the family at times. After some years it is just annoying/distressing to see them making the same mistakes, doing the same dumb things and shafting each other, sometimes best not to see it at all, this comes from the missus by the way, as I mostly just ignore it.

Its quiet at night, there is a German about 5k away, we get on well but conversation with him is just as difficult as any Thai. There is a Frenchman 6km away trying to run a pizza/bakery but he has no English at all and there is an Englishman about 10km away who I get along alright with but he does complain a lot. Otherwise a few blow-in farangs especially at Songkran and the other New Year. But yes I am a marked man as far as my activities go, but as time goes by I find this to be less so. Lots of Cambodians around, they often gawk at me which is a bit off putting so I just have a joke with them, they love it. Some of the women are very tempting also.rolleyes.gif

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lol , yeah sure you do David. If that's true then your own intelligence must be pretty limited or living in the sticks has already sent you delusional. Maybe your wife was educated in the West but i doubt it. Pray please tell us what sort of intellectual conversation you have with your very special unique lady. lol. In the many years living here i,ve never met one Thai capable of any decent intellectual conversation and that's from all classes. You're a very lucky guy .... I bet you've seen Elvis herding buffalos through the village as well.

Wow! This is by far the absolutely worst post that shows the contempt, derision, condescension, disrespect, and lowly regard some foreigners have for Thai people.

Don't lump me in this crowd please!

I can't believe someone with this attitude could live here without going nuts.

Perhaps already happened?

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I see all the country folk have ganged up on me. ( snigger )

Ganged up on you huh, don't flatter yourself. What posters did do in point fact is just highlight your own ignorance. I personally don't care where or how you live, and equally you should have zero interest in my lifestyle choices.

Your assertions that Thai's (not quite sure if you only are referring to rural people or the whole country) are incapable of any intelligent conversation is frankly insulting. If your only interactions with Thai's are at a Ping Pong show in Nana Plaza maybe I can forgive you.

However when you decide to make an asinine post don't be surprised if you get a reaction. Maybe that's what you wanted, in which case congratulations dude you did good.

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A number of insulting and offensive posts bave been removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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I live in a backwater of Bangkok. I am the only farang around here. All my neighbours speak passable English and I passable Thai.

Some of the graduates speak excellent English as do others near by. When in serious discussion (intellectual) we use English. My wife (Bangkok) also is well able to dicuss with me any issue apart from world history, but ok with current affairs. The country bumkins in our family too can discuss, but need help, as I do, in translation from my wife.

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I live in a backwater of Bangkok. I am the only farang around here. All my neighbours speak passable English and I passable Thai.

Some of the graduates speak excellent English as do others near by. When in serious discussion (intellectual) we use English. My wife (Bangkok) also is well able to dicuss with me any issue apart from world history, but ok with current affairs. The country bumkins in our family too can discuss, but need help, as I do, in translation from my wife.

I have spent time in Pattaya, but have yet to be engaged in an intellectual conversation there!

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I live in a backwater of Bangkok. I am the only farang around here. All my neighbours speak passable English and I passable Thai.

Some of the graduates speak excellent English as do others near by. When in serious discussion (intellectual) we use English. My wife (Bangkok) also is well able to dicuss with me any issue apart from world history, but ok with current affairs. The country bumkins in our family too can discuss, but need help, as I do, in translation from my wife.

I have spent time in Pattaya, but have yet to be engaged in an intellectual conversation there!

Pattaya has it's own special place in the Universe...In it, but not of it LOL

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OP, I love being the only farang in the village.

Feel like a novelty here, wais all over, smiles from everybody.

My only problem is, can't approach the sexy girls, as everybody knows the farang and will immediately go to my wife.

But I'm working on that.......there are other villages around.........

I heard that villages dont have sexie girls. Those move to the big CITEE!, bkk and pappaya!

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OP, I love being the only farang in the village.

Feel like a novelty here, wais all over, smiles from everybody.

My only problem is, can't approach the sexy girls, as everybody knows the farang and will immediately go to my wife.

But I'm working on that.......there are other villages around.........

I heard that villages dont have sexie girls. Those move to the big CITEE!, bkk and pappaya!

Sometimes I just read this stuff, shake my head and remember...Disclaimer; Thai Visa For Entertainment Purposes Only

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I see all the country folk have ganged up on me. ( snigger )

Ganged up on you huh, don't flatter yourself. What posters did do in point fact is just highlight your own ignorance. I personally don't care where or how you live, and equally you should have zero interest in my lifestyle choices.

Your assertions that Thai's (not quite sure if you only are referring to rural people or the whole country) are incapable of any intelligent conversation is frankly insulting. If your only interactions with Thai's are at a Ping Pong show in Nana Plaza maybe I can forgive you.

However when you decide to make an asinine post don't be surprised if you get a reaction. Maybe that's what you wanted, in which case congratulations dude you did good.


I spent a couple of hours this afternoon cutting the front lawn, and thinking about what possible motives you might have for making some of your provocative posts. I really do feel for you, my friend. I mean that sincerely. I feel like I've been where you're at, and I want to reach out, give you a bro hug, and help pull you out of the rut I think you're in. I just want to say I really can't understand what you are hoping to achieve with your posts.

If you're really down on Thailand and Thai people as much as some of your posts make it sound, I can't understand why you don't leave? I know I would be on the first plane out tonight if I felt the way you seem to do. Life is short, my friend. If Thailand is no longer your cup of tea, (and I can fully appreciate it's not for everyone) I really want to encourage you to start thinking about greener pastures. I'm saying this with love in my heart.

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Out of selfishness most guys want to be the only one because now they feel like a minor celebrity. It's when another of their kind comes in they feel uncomfortable with their alter ego at work. At this point the want the other expelled to regain their social footing.tongue.png

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Out of selfishness most guys want to be the only one because now they feel like a minor celebrity. It's when another of their kind comes in they feel uncomfortable with their alter ego at work. At this point the want the other expelled to regain their social footing.tongue.png

I am sure there are quiet and well mannered Farang where I live but I don't notice them. I only notice the loud obnoxious queue jumpers who don't speak Thai and act like bulls in a china shop. They refer to Thais as "they." They act like they have never away from home before. They wear singlets/wife beaters and shorts an inch higher than Bermuda short length and old flip flops. I don't mind the quiet ones whom I never notice anyway.

So, yes they bother me but it's from the crude/coarse manner of their behavior. And what manner of person wears suspenders with a belt, long pants and socks with sandals? Who teaches these people how to dress?

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Out of selfishness most guys want to be the only one because now they feel like a minor celebrity. It's when another of their kind comes in they feel uncomfortable with their alter ego at work. At this point the want the other expelled to regain their social footing.tongue.png

I can assure you I do not feel like a minor celebrity.

In Thailand I am regarded as a stranger, accepted as I have lived here so long, but also as a bit eccentric.

If any other foreigner chose to live here, a male, he would need to have family roots in the area to be accepted and not by me. There is an Australian who is related to a nearby family and he visits about twice a year. We talk, enjoy a conversation and never ask personal questions. I of course know who he is from my family and local friends and likewise he knows who I am.Same with a Pakistani who is engaged to my neighbor's daughter.

I care not who lives here, but would object to farangs of a certain character, not those like those mentioned, who are integrated and part of Thai families!

Edited by buhi
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