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How long must you stay out to avoid being accused of being a visa runner.

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What kind of entry are you asking about?

I think we can assume a visa exempt entry because their has been no mention of the need to be out for any amount of time for any other. Then why worry about it. Just take the time to get a tourist visa,

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You cannot do multiple visa exempt stamps.

The whole point was to make people get appropiate visa.

People wishing to stay longer than 30 days should get tourist visa or other.

I have been living here for 2 years with various visas and LOTS of stamps.

This suited me as i like going to HCM every month for week or so.

They will not let me do this again. This is fair enough.

I am on a tourist visa which I obtained in hcm on recent trip.

Even the lady at the consulate said " why are you not on retirement visa"

In fact I am in process of doing this. I am 60 and have lease , bank account with the funds etc.

They should of done this a long time ago and made it necessary for us to have appropriate visa.

Lots of stone throwing has gone on in these forums between members over 50 and can use non imm o with anual extensions and those under 50.

Point is get a visa according to Thai Law as we have to do in every country.

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

The Rolling Stones have fame and fortune; people who look and dress like the Rolling Stones don't.

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Moe666 is correct. In part this whole crackdown has been caused by people working hrre, in the main under 50, doing visa runs to obtain stamp.

The english teachers have had particular attention. They like everyone else should have work permit.

For those under 50 and not working they have options of other visas such as ed or tourist visas.

Stamps are out for those of us here on long stay. This can no longer be done using Visa exempt stamps.

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A "visa runner" is a habitual misuser of the free 30day visa exempt provision in Thai regulations. Such a person has a record of multiple.. my guess is five or more, maybe over three.. exits with immediate returns.

That is the tip-off........ a record of many IMMEDIATE out and back in trips.

Thailand does not want that practice to continue. So, visitors, just get a legal visa and relax.

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I think we will find the in/out is not the only reason to reject entry into thailand.

As stated i was exisiting every month and staying out of Thailand for week or more. Then simply re entry and obtain 30 day stamp.


As a result i need the appropriate visa.

Off shore workers such as og are in different basket. Most out for month in for month and clearly working outside thailsnd

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When I left out of BKK last month I asked this and it seemed the lady did not know what I was talking about. I asked her how long did I have to stay out of Thailand before I could return. She kept saying I had 30 days to stay in Thailand when I arrive. She went and got two more colleagues and it was the same thing. It was as if they had never heard of a visa run.

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When I left out of BKK last month I asked this and it seemed the lady did not know what I was talking about. I asked her how long did I have to stay out of Thailand before I could return. She kept saying I had 30 days to stay in Thailand when I arrive. She went and got two more colleagues and it was the same thing. It was as if they had never heard of a visa run.

It was probably the equivalent of saying "no comment," rather than giving an answer to someone who clearly was still trying to game the system.

As others have said, it's a combination of factors and the ultimate decision will be up to the officer you encounter when trying to enter again. There may be some guidance given to immigrations officers on the criteria to use, but they're not going to reveal some magic formula that will enable you to continue to play wide-eyed tourist when you are anything but.

It's like asking the police how much can I steal from the 7-Eleven before I get locked in the cells rather than just paying a fine or how drunk can I be when I'm driving my car before I get my car impounded. There may be some criteria regarding the seriousness of either situation, but would you really ask and expect a definitive answer?

Edited by Suradit69
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I'm not sure how many days you need to stay out of the country but I am sure you are aloud only 1 visa exempt stamp. I went to reset my tourist visa in poi pet the other day and they were denying anybody who already had at least 1 visa exempt stamp.

It depends, if you can show you are a genuine tourist (hotel bookings, trips, ticket out etc) it should not be a problem.

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Don't think it can be much clearer. People talk about visa runs.....

What is in question here is the category of the alien.

If he/she is a tourist and wishes to stay for under 30 days then fine arrive and get a visa exempt stam

. (Very generous by thai immigration u cant get these in many western countries not even places like virtnam.

If you want to stay longer then get a tourist visa. Yes there are more options for others working etc.

Fact is the the game is over.

Why should they say allow someone with ONE exempt stamp exit the country and re enter obtain another.

That person could obtain a tourist visa at thai consulate.

They will prob be flexible and allow a "few" stamps. (How many is anyones guess)

Asking how many can I get away with is nonsense. Get a VISA

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My rule of thumb is spend more time outside Thailand than in it. I spend 6 weeks in another country 2 weeks in Thailand. Just came in first time since the 'crackdown' and got my 30 day stamp. I have lots of stamps like this no problems. Not even a question.

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If it is up to the IO you present your passport to then you can bet that appearance and attitude factors in. But of course there is no way they will directly tell you that is why you are being rejected, unless you annoy them sufficiently to the point where they commence to shout at you.

Recently met a 40-ish fellow who was knocking around the region for a while. He had a flight from Eastern Malaysia back to the mainland, but the woman at the imm. airport found some fault with his passport and refused to let him board, told him he had to go to the imm. office in town etc. The guy hung around for a while trying to figure out a way through this, and eventually tried passing through imm. again. He did, got through with no problem. This guy had long hair and yeah, he'd fit right in at a Grateful Dead show. I told him he looked too "hippie," which to some in this part of the world means taking drugs, not working, being filthy and spreading venereal disease, etc. He didn't like hearing that.

There were two guys applying for a extension back when the Bangkok imm. off was on Soi Suan Pru. They were from a certain Eastern Hemisphere country known for turning out demanding, obnoxious tourists. And they behaved characteristically with the clerks, and while waiting were talking loudly and putting their feet up on the backs of chairs etc. The clerks would call them every so often, send them running around for another photocopy of something, and so on. Kept them going like that until closing time, which was when the clerk them they'd have to come back tomorrow. There had to be at least 40 of us there waiting for the same type of tourist visa extension, if they weren't such jerks they'd have been in and out of there like the rest of us.

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

Why, do you think Mick Jagger would have a problem showing 800,000฿ In his bank account?

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

What about the Rolling Stones?

Have you ever seen Mick Jagger in a hi-so party? Probably, never. I have.

Charlie Watts is known as a Saville Row addict where he spends a lot of money buying elegant smart suits. He could work in the fashion business.

Ron and Bill can/could be elegant too.


Wear a proper shirt,( a tie ), proper trousers.

Have money in your pockets (10 000 THB but with 2 500THB banknotes, don't think too much, they say) some credit cards.

Have neat hair. Be shaved. Shower.


Have a return ticket (no open one, but one with a date, whatever date)

Be ready to answer quezstions about tourism. Where did you go last time? Where did you stay? What will you do this time?

Don't look worried.

Smile and be patient.

Can work.

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

What about the Rolling Stones?

Have you ever seen Mick Jagger in a hi-so party? Probably, never. I have.

Charlie Watts is known as a Saville Row addict where he spends a lot of money buying elegant smart suits. He could work in the fashion business.

Ron and Bill can/could be elegant too.


Wear a proper shirt,( a tie ), proper trousers.

Have money in your pockets (10 000 THB but with 2 500THB banknotes, don't think too much, they say) some credit cards.

Have neat hair. Be shaved. Shower.


Have a return ticket (no open one, but one with a date, whatever date)

Be ready to answer quezstions about tourism. Where did you go last time? Where did you stay? What will you do this time?

Don't look worried.

Smile and be patient.

Can work.

Shorts and T-Shirt and sandals are fine. At least so far.Long hair is allowed, as well as a few days of growth. Typical traveler. Backpackers seldom turned away, for lack of showers. Stood in line with 75 to 100, and some barely had a shirt on. They all got through.

Dressing up like you are going to a job interview with Donald Trump might look over the top....and won't help a bit if you got a shady looking passport history full of border runs...and warnings written on your visas.

Edited by slipperylobster
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How long must you stay out to avoid being accused of being a visa runner

The guidelines given to immigration officers do not mention a specific number of days. See this topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749990-thai-immigration-guidelines-for-inspection-of-foreigners-on-visa-exempt-entries/

From those guidelines, it can be deduced that it is not a question of being accused of being a visa runner, but a question of being considered to be working illegally in Thailand, ie of using visa-exempt entries for a purpose other than tourism.

Immigration Bureau guideline 0029.1712076 - visa-exempt out-in checklist 20140624 en.pdf

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

Why, do you think Mick Jagger would have a problem showing 800,000฿ In his bank account?

Geez it was sarcasm. Micky is over 50 but does not want a non imm o visa with one yr extension!!

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<deleted>. Its based on appearance?????

You serious. It is based on passport history and if you have the appropriate visa.

Just as well the Rolling Stones are not planning a visit

What about the Rolling Stones?

Have you ever seen Mick Jagger in a hi-so party? Probably, never. I have.

Charlie Watts is known as a Saville Row addict where he spends a lot of money buying elegant smart suits. He could work in the fashion business.

Ron and Bill can/could be elegant too.


Wear a proper shirt,( a tie ), proper trousers.

Have money in your pockets (10 000 THB but with 2 500THB banknotes, don't think too much, they say) some credit cards.

Have neat hair. Be shaved. Shower.


Have a return ticket (no open one, but one with a date, whatever date)

Be ready to answer quezstions about tourism. Where did you go last time? Where did you stay? What will you do this time?

Don't look worried.

Smile and be patient.

Can work.

So lovely, a member that actually knows the stones....

What that has to do with anything fails me. My omment was tongue in cheek . Geez

You all need get over the fact that there exists appropiate visas for most people. Get with the program or nick off

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