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Destructive Computer Worms Spreading In Thailand, Asia


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Who's worrying

We use Intel Macs for all our Internet work and Windows XP for specialty programs

Virus what is a Virus

Maybe others in Thailand need a trip to Panthrip Plaza and buy an Apple Mac

Then you can sit at your local bar and not worry what goes on at the office :D

Theres some excellent advice for the "dont know how can do's" on this topic but this has to be the best.

Carry on Sir! :o

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While certainly not as vulnerable as various MicrosoftOS users, MacOS users should not become complacent and think they are not subject to virus's or other internet distributed malware.


MacOS/Leap.A - (....a worm spread mainly through "messenger" type programs.)

latestpics.tgz - (....a trojan, distributed as a "picture")

For more info visit: http://www.macvirus.org/ and/or http://www.macvirus.org/database

Remember, regardless of what OS you use, you can become a victim.

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Use this program to check your email before downloading it into your computer. I use it and have NEVER had a virus through email.

I also use the AVG anti-virus, and also AdAware. So far, touch-wood, my machine has stayed virus free.

But rule number one. Never open email with attachments from people you don't know.

I just want to point out that that's not good enough. If your friend Bob got a virus, the virus will send mail coming *from Bob* to you, So your friend Bob is sending you this picture of Scarlett Johansson naked - don't trust it.

To safely open attachments, either get Mailwasher or another anti virus (AV) program, or get a free Yahoo mail account which will check attachments for viruses [not virii - we are not talking about little clusters of DNA here, we are talking about computer programs].

Of course using a Mac works, too. I am using Win for work, but Mac for all sensible data and internet banking etc.

General Tips for sanity on Windows:

* Do not use IE. Use Firefox. It's *much* safer. Let me explain this: There are numerous security flaws in IE - you don't need to know the details, all you need to know is that the end result is always that a Virus/Trojan is installed on your system without your knowledge and without you doing anything other than visit a compromised website. You go to website XYZ and boom - you have a trojan. AV software will NOT protect you from this. I repeat: Anti-Virus software will NOT protect you in this case. In fact, AV software is the first thing any virus / trojan turns off.

* Do not use Outlook. Use any other mail client, Thunderbird's free and OK to use. Similar reasons. Outlook, just like IE, has more holes than a swiss cheese and at the same time is the most popular email client in the world. Not a good combination.

* In any mail client, turn off HTML display. Use plain text display.

* Don't open any attachments. Word documents, images - nothing is safe anymore. Particularly Word documents have seen several bugs lately. Invariably, these bugs lead to your computer getting infected without any interaction on your own (other than opening the Word document). If nothing else, re-send these attachments to your own Yahoo mail account where they will be checked for viruses.

* Don't install any programs that claim to make your computer faster, your internet faster, your penis bigger, etc - that's spyware and it will reset your home page to some "cool search" site and show you tons of popup ads in IE etc. Ad-Aware gets rid of these.

In general I think we will find many more compromised websites over the years, and browsers will be the #1 target for virus writers. Emails with attachments is quite surprisingly still the most popular way to spread viruses even though from a user's perspective they are the most easy to avoid.

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I fully agree with Nickster's recommendation regarding IE and Outlook. Most (but not all) of our office is condemned to using Windoze, hence, we have of course had several virus/trojan issues. No matter how much or how often we ask the staff to NOT open unknown attachments from unknown users, they still do it. And then there are the viruses that can apparently exploit IE simply by clicking certain links. Yes, I know we should be more vigilant in updating virus defs, but dammit, some of these things pop up over night! We do not have a full time IT person, so we have had to call in a consultant TWICE to fix the carnage that resulted from some sort of virus. That was not only expensive, but it resulted in some serious downtime for the affected users. Our Macs have never experienced any downtime and have never required calling in an outside technician. So much for Windows PCs being cheaper.

Anyway, at the recommendation of our IT tech we stopped using Internet Explorer and Outlook in favour of Firefox and Thunderbird, and we instructed the staff never to use IE for internet browsing. The result is that our virus detects have gone way down and we have not experienced a serious infection since. And, Firefox seems to most our staff to be a superior browser with a faster rendering engine and more features (such as the indispensible tabbed browsing). I'm unclear why approximately 80% of internet browsing is still done using IE, but I suppose it's because M$ told them to. :-)

Here is a link...give Firefox a go if you have not done so already.


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Well, as someone too lazy to deal with viruses, I'm more than happy with my Norton Internet Security package. Costs a little to buy it (but not much) but its pleasing to see itself update everyday.

The only MS program I run is Windows. I use Netscape and NIS. Never had a buggy thing ever. (and never had reason to be worried either)


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I managed to pick up that brontok worm, and I only open e-mails from people that I know. I'm sure my misses was using my computer. It's a reall pain to get rid of and it shuts the system down when ever you try anything and disables regedit and some other stuff.

I used an online virus scan


and it seemed to work, took about a day on my crappy GPRS connection though. My wifes computer is riddled with it and loads of other stuff so we are going to start from scratch and wipe it all, it's in the shop now save me doing it for 150 bhat :o I need to give her lessons in what she can and can't download!!

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I am really sick of this virus nonsense

Why dont you hackers and virus writers do something really constructive and write a virus that will delete all tax records and put 100,000 dollars into everyones account

then you can let it spread all over the globe as long as you want

PS - it wont work on a MAC so you guys miss out again


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Step 1: Get an Anti-Virus software.

Step 2: GET A FIREWALL! (if you still catch a virus, at least it won't be able to access the internet!)

Step 3: Keep those both updated, set to "automatic update" and STILL DO IT MANUALLY ONCE A WEEK!)

Step 4: Keep your Windows updated! Security patches etc, also can be done automatically.

Step 5: Ignore these "MAC is best" idiots.

Last Virus on my machine: In 1998, wiped out my entire harddisk and came over IRC. No Antivirus/Firewall on my machine and 24/7 online and on IRC, i was channel mod. Since two days after that: Anti-Virus and Firewall installed and up to date!

OS: Win XP Pro SP2, latest patches. (Updated from XP, which was an update from W2K, which was an update from Win98, some settings are still like i had them in 1998 because i never actually formatted anything).

AV: Norton Internet Security 2005

Firewall: See above, it is Anti-Virus and Firewall in one package.

Browser: Firefox 1.5

E-Mail: YES, Outlook Express, all those years, and NEVER a single problem/Virus!

So why in the world would a MAC be any better? Just because it allows it's user to be totally careless? It's Linux and MAC users who spread viruses because they'll never detect them due to no Anti-Virus software installed, and happily forwarding mails.............

Oh, and i'm NOT a Linux/MAC hater. Tell that my SuSE 10.0.0 with KDE 3.5 that's residing on a second HDD inside my machine and get's booted when i want to do some "playing around" with graphics. And if i had the $$ there would be a second machine here, and that would sure be a MAC. But i'd run Linux on it :o

Kind regards.....


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easy to solve!

1. forward all your emails accounts to your free google account, don't save copy

2. set-up your pop acount with google to your email reader like outlook thunderbird, so your emails will be checked again through your local anti-virus set-up such as avast, you will have guaranteed no viruses

there you have it elimates spams and virusses are checked and sorted for free, courtesy by google and avast:)

Edited by kreon
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So why in the world would a MAC be any better? Just because it allows it's user to be totally careless? It's Linux and MAC users who spread viruses because they'll never detect them due to no Anti-Virus software installed, and happily forwarding mails.............

Viruses spread on the platform that they attack. A Mac/Linux user cannot spread a virus to a Windows machine. Trojans are another matter, but the attachment simply wouldn't work on a different platform.

Mac's make things simple. You don't have to worry about the viruses. Statistically, with even 5% of the market, they are simply too hard to spread. It is a false sense of security in many ways, as a problem will eventually develop and catch people off guard... but for now, ignorance is bliss.

The last thing that nobody has specifically fessed up to is be careful when you are looking at things you shouldn't (porn, pirated software, etc.).

Personally, quite happy with my Mac and Parallels to run all the windows stuff inside. Easy to recover if anything ever goes wrong...

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For 3/4 years i have been using wondows, ie and oe and have only had a problem due to lack of self disipline in not updating

softaware i use is and found through experience works

mcafee virus scan


spyware blaster


spyware guard

zone alarm firewall

All the above was free (expect mcafee but there are free virus checkers)

i have all these installed and update weekly

Dont forget windows update weekly. Windows genuine advantage notifier is spyware and can be removed with a freely available tool

I turn off most things i dont need in ie, oe and windows services and this helps alot but without limiting what i need.

All os's are potentially suseptible so regardless of what you use it is better to be protected than suffer the consequences. But 100% is hard to acheive as there are allways new threats that come along - if your interested subscribe to the full disclosure list and you will see - in the end it is all about management of risk - like many other things in life...

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Just to add insult to this link

arrived tonight the following warning


Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it.

It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN; it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.

This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.

Another usless bit of information

hey look at the time I'm off to wlking street, while you PC guys look for Invitation emails

There only one thing worse than an Aussie its a smart ass one with a Mac


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The plural of Virus is Viruses. It is not Viri. Viri is to do with men such as to be virile.

Just to let you all know......oh, how we learn something new everday.

By the way, it is advocated that you use more than one spyware programme.

Ad-Aware is good but not good enough. Bolt on another one.

Sophos ( http://www.sophos.com/ ) is a good source of information about viruses and how to remove them.

You can run two anti-virus programmes although only do so if you know how. I run one for my email and one for system files.

My Firewall is three fold. XP has firewall protection, my modem router has a firewall, and I use Black Ice for my firewall. Zone Alarm is fine but I fine it is too complicated for home use.

Also, if you need good IT support, avoid Pantip Plaza.......need professional IT support ? reply here giving email address and I'll get to you ASAP.

Tango7.... IT Professional, Microsoft Certified, Master's in IT..blah blah blah

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Step 1: Get an Anti-Virus software.

Step 2: GET A FIREWALL! (if you still catch a virus, at least it won't be able to access the internet!)

Step 3: Keep those both updated, set to "automatic update" and STILL DO IT MANUALLY ONCE A WEEK!)

Step 4: Keep your Windows updated! Security patches etc, also can be done automatically.

Step 5: Ignore these "MAC is best" idiots.

Last Virus on my machine: In 1998, wiped out my entire harddisk and came over IRC. No Antivirus/Firewall on my machine and 24/7 online and on IRC, i was channel mod. Since two days after that: Anti-Virus and Firewall installed and up to date!

OS: Win XP Pro SP2, latest patches. (Updated from XP, which was an update from W2K, which was an update from Win98, some settings are still like i had them in 1998 because i never actually formatted anything).

AV: Norton Internet Security 2005

Firewall: See above, it is Anti-Virus and Firewall in one package.

Browser: Firefox 1.5

E-Mail: YES, Outlook Express, all those years, and NEVER a single problem/Virus!

So why in the world would a MAC be any better? Just because it allows it's user to be totally careless? It's Linux and MAC users who spread viruses because they'll never detect them due to no Anti-Virus software installed, and happily forwarding mails.............

Oh, and i'm NOT a Linux/MAC hater. Tell that my SuSE 10.0.0 with KDE 3.5 that's residing on a second HDD inside my machine and get's booted when i want to do some "playing around" with graphics. And if i had the $$ there would be a second machine here, and that would sure be a MAC. But i'd run Linux on it :o

Kind regards.....


Good post Thanh,

this Windows/Mac thing gets outa hand sometimes, you don't need to worry as long as you are running as you say a 1. firewall/antivirus/antispyware program/MSFT patches 2. Keep em updated and 3. Don't open any questionable emails.

I also use Firefox 1.5 but use Zone Alarm.

Regards Khunk

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I am a complete techno-twit, so I can't do much with/about anything having to do with computers. I get a lot (maybe a couple a day) of emails from "undisclosed recipient" and they look blank. Anybody know what they are? I never open them, I just delete them. There is no subject line on them either.

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Warnings of 26 computer virus strains spreading over Asia

Spreading through "no subject" e-mails

BANGKOK: -- Computer users in Thailand and other Asian countries have been warned of 26 computer virus strains spreading across the region via electronic mails (e-mails), according to a leading computer software manufacturer.

Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?



Step #1 is always to have an active up-to-date anti-virus program. By up to date I mean one in which the virus definations are not more than a week old. You can update on-line (unless you bought the pirated version of your anti-virus software, and it won't let you do an update. As they say, penny wise and pound foolish. The one piece of real software on your computer should be good anti-virus program log can register with the maker, and update at least weekly.

Step #2 is the installation of firewall software on any computer that you use on-line on a regular basis.

Step #3 is to set your access list on whatever email you use (hotmail, yahoo, etc.) to display only those on your contact list. (People and email addresses known to you) No others.


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Warnings of 26 computer virus strains spreading over Asia

Spreading through "no subject" e-mails

BANGKOK: -- Computer users in Thailand and other Asian countries have been warned of 26 computer virus strains spreading across the region via electronic mails (e-mails), according to a leading computer software manufacturer.

Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?


Ok, some suggestions:

1. donot use MS email software or their address book, it prevents spreading if you DO get it.

2. I have seen one with a subject so not looking without a subject doesnt mean a thing.

3. I use the Bat as

a Html is interpreted and doesnt run

b Powerfull filtering so that under normal circumstances only rubbish is left in the inbox.

c use filtering to get rid of most spam, ie emails with too many spelling errors (ie those horrible crap letter to tempt you to read them.., if only HTML, havingg your email or name in the subject etc, etc

Finally if using antivirus use Fsecure, AVG but more importantly realise that if mail is stored inside the databases for email it can zap the WHOLE database weith emails.

The bat allows saving attachments as a separate file and then your normal AV should catch it.

Donot use Norton or MCafee (g) as they are almost a virus to remove and also they have excellent marketing but preventing virus...

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By the way, it is advocated that you use more than one spyware programme.

Ad-Aware is good but not good enough. Bolt on another one.

Sophos ( http://www.sophos.com/ ) is a good source of information about viruses and how to remove them.

You can run two anti-virus programmes although only do so if you know how. I run one for my email and one for system files.

My Firewall is three fold. XP has firewall protection, my modem router has a firewall, and I use Black Ice for my firewall. Zone Alarm is fine but I fine it is too complicated for home use.

Also, if you need good IT support, avoid Pantip Plaza.......need professional IT support ? reply here giving email address and I'll get to you ASAP.

Tango7.... IT Professional, Microsoft Certified, Master's in IT..blah blah blah

I myself am also since many years in the computer business, ended up back in it as I got bored living here in Thailand...

Just a few remarks: running multiple products can make your computer run like a snail or not at all. Its possible but as you say not all work together....

I use Fsecure for antivirus and other protections and spysweeper.

Version 5 just came out.

In addition a scanner for worms which may kick in when files get accessed which are suspicious and show you part of the content and also one I use mainly for kids and systems where no sw gets added. Essentially you ad a program you have to tell the security program that its ok to run and what it wants to do. If it wants to modify, it cannot.... But its kind of a pain if you donot know what to do with it....

By the way I agree about Panthip, and forget cd's as if one tries fixing things up and doesnt know what to do, problem becomes much worse...

Am now cleaning my own system up, NOT a virus, hard disk failure. I only lost part of some old emails but likely I have backups... Same with these, donot try yourself unless you know what you are doing...

Finally there is a rar file around with removeWGA.exe and its on the net. Simple way to zap it is doing a restore and switch off updates, as all that crap can be dowbloaded from www.autopatcher.com and then you can select what you want.

Office/photoshop: have a look at openoffice2/gimp: no need to even consider MS office 2007...

I am in Phuket and especially in Kamala probably most bars will know me as after the tsunami I closed the shop but have a building elsewhere but likely every day I am somewhere in Kamala as I have loads of customers there...

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Just to add insult to this link

arrived tonight the following warning


Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it.

It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN; it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.

This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.

Another usless bit of information

hey look at the time I'm off to wlking street, while you PC guys look for Invitation emails

There only one thing worse than an Aussie its a smart ass one with a Mac


Attention.... this is a HOAX!!

No such virus exists. Look here:




And many more. just google "Olympic Torch Virus" :D

Kind regards....


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while all you PC guys have been worrying about Viruses I have been down at Walking street having a well earned drink

Hey whats this about 2 button mouse I've been using one for over 3 years ever since they introduced USB, maybe some one has been asleep to long

hey my Pattaya friend, I also stay in Pattaya and have all the latest Mac software, if you where not spending all your time chasing viruses, maybe you could get out a bit more and see what happening

Serious if there are any people in Pattaya with Mac problems :o:D (wash my mouth out) sorry I mean not with the computer, but with gettings software or tricking the system I am an ex Apple Service Tech and I would be glad to help

Or take you proud and joy and give it to a clown at the IT centre and South Pattaya Rd

I would rather give my girlfriend a 9" blade and let her see me in a bar beer :D:D:D

I use a PC; I have to as I service them....

Wouldnt want to so that on Mac, no dry bread to be made and sure no beer.....

A pity Apple is going Intel. Now id they would free it up including the sw and flog it as wide as possible, It could make a nice dent in Vista for PC......

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Just to add insult to this link

arrived tonight the following warning


Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it.

It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN; it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.

This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.

Another usless bit of information

hey look at the time I'm off to wlking street, while you PC guys look for Invitation emails

There only one thing worse than an Aussie its a smart ass one with a Mac


Attention.... this is a HOAX!!

No such virus exists. Look here:




And many more. just google "Olympic Torch Virus" :D

Kind regards....


ANY msg quoting microsoft, google , AOL etc as saying they rate a virus dangerous is crap.

Microsoft will and never does it. This in itself is a warning, Next thing if you do get a msg like that DONOT send it on to others as it fills up mailboxes. CHECK AV websites and like the Buddweiser frugs one will find out its a hoax

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Who's worrying

I am not, I am using Linux :o

Same here; gave up on XP two years ago and haven't looked back yet. Happy as a pig in sh!t.... Firefox for the web, Thunderbird for e-mail and every other possible software package conceivable just a few clicks away (using mainly Ubuntu and occasionally SUSE).

A few years ago, Linux was rather problematic, but these days, it's a walk in the park (with lots of trees and heaps of fresh air).


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