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Tough new crackdown on alcohol promotions in Thailand

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Does anyone have a score card with the number of crack downs currently running?

Do they really think that the things outlined here are actually going to have much effect on the hard core drinkers here in Thailand, that's going to be a long up hill battle.

They have time and resources. This is going to happen.


Why would this be announced in Chiang Mai and nowhere else?

A bit like the carrying your passport law (no copies) announced in Hua Hin and then quickly retracted!

Maybe there was the first meeting to explain the new implementations.Start in the north and work its way down. It does say:

"The Government has warned that it intends to enforce harsh measures regulating the advertising

and promotion of alcohol, in a move that will affect thousands of businesses throughout the country."

So it will be in the whole country the way I read it, just started in CM with the first information meeting


Posts containing comments that can be construed as being negative about the imposition of Martial Law or the Coup have been removed and will continue to be removed without notice.


A good friend works for Diageo putting together launch events in bars, discos and hotels around and about. I guess she will be NOT be out of a job then.

Tax the stuff by alchohol content and this whole discussion becomes moot. Whisky would become too expensive and everyone would drink beer and wine. Problem solved.

Already done this year. Alcohol is now taxed by volume. Apparently it did not solve the problem. This discussion is still alive. You can look up the new law if you would like.


If you wear a T-shirt or apparel with an alcohol logo on it and happen to be serving in a bar at the same time, it is considered an advertisement, and that is illegal.

...and when we are sober again we include Marihuana T-shirts.


Looks like the end of all kinds of sponsorship, sport etc, individual fun and the procedure of sending folk to boredom and sending tourists elsewhere. sad.png

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what about Thai beer sponsoring UK football, Chang is Everton anywhere else?

will make sure i wear my everton shirt every time i go to a bar,

Everton who are they biggrin.png I'll be wearing an AUFC shirt. thumbsup.gif

post-4641-1156694572.gifpost-62796-0-26566000-1409060153_thumb.j post-4641-1156694572.gif

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About time, alcohol causes more deaths than illegal drugs and legal drugs like cigarettes which have warnings already.

What a rubbish. cheesy.gif

It's not rubbish.

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Honestly... What the <deleted>! As a bar owner, if they actually enforce these laws, I will have to throw out all of my current stock. No warnings and ingredient labels on old stock, so they won't be allowed. Nevermind bar owners, think about warehouses also. Ridiculous!

After a <deleted> terrible current year for the tourism industry due to political problems, they are going to turn away many tourists for next year. Do you want to come to a Thailand where ALL drinking must stop at midnight? Not just sales, ALL drinking in bars. I'm fuming with this decision.

I am a huge supporter of the coup and all the good that it has done/is doing for Thailand. When they say they want to encourage tourism, and then they come up with stupid ass decisions to discourage tourism it makes me really angry. It's like they don't understand what brings people to Thailand.

It feels like the leadership of the country doesn't communicate with all of the other parts of the government. For instance, tour guides reported Russian tour agents to the government and this was dismissed because it was decided that these Russian tour guides provide a good service for tourists. The next day they are talking about inspecting all tour agencies to make sure they are in compliance with all laws. It just makes me shake my head. The same goes for immigration crackdowns and then loosening because it was a bad decision. Please can we just understand that this crackdown is a bad decision before they implement it? Please. Please Please.

Then stop whining like a little bitch.

A military government means they can do WHATEVER they want and you can't say a word about it. In fact; I think you are in breach of the law already as it is illegal to criticize the junta.

Get smart; do what you are told or leave Thailand. Full stop.

Word of advice; get rid of your stock and follow the law. As a foreigner no one will have sympathy for you if you don't Their country, their rules.

I think I have rode that sentence already a few times here. I just repeat it. Thailand political situation reminds me more and more about North Korea...


Another law that is never going to be enforced.

I give it 2 weeks before the General on Friday announces that we should not take it all too seriously.

I the mean time I will enjoy panic and disorder by a lot of TV members.


I wonder what Thaibev and Singha think about this. Let's just wait and see how this pans out. You will have many Thais opposed to those laws so definitely not something to win popularity.

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Honestly who gives a shit, as long as i can buy my 5 large LEO a day i dont care.

So i dident even bother reading the post. "Im 4 down one more and "good night"

That's one thing that should be banned, leo is utter muck

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Honestly... What the <deleted>! As a bar owner, if they actually enforce these laws, I will have to throw out all of my current stock. No warnings and ingredient labels on old stock, so they won't be allowed. Nevermind bar owners, think about warehouses also. Ridiculous!

After a <deleted> terrible current year for the tourism industry due to political problems, they are going to turn away many tourists for next year. Do you want to come to a Thailand where ALL drinking must stop at midnight? Not just sales, ALL drinking in bars. I'm fuming with this decision.

I am a huge supporter of the coup and all the good that it has done/is doing for Thailand. When they say they want to encourage tourism, and then they come up with stupid ass decisions to discourage tourism it makes me really angry. It's like they don't understand what brings people to Thailand.

It feels like the leadership of the country doesn't communicate with all of the other parts of the government. For instance, tour guides reported Russian tour agents to the government and this was dismissed because it was decided that these Russian tour guides provide a good service for tourists. The next day they are talking about inspecting all tour agencies to make sure they are in compliance with all laws. It just makes me shake my head. The same goes for immigration crackdowns and then loosening because it was a bad decision. Please can we just understand that this crackdown is a bad decision before they implement it? Please. Please Please.

Then stop whining like a little bitch.

A military government means they can do WHATEVER they want and you can't say a word about it. In fact; I think you are in breach of the law already as it is illegal to criticize the junta.

Get smart; do what you are told or leave Thailand. Full stop.

Word of advice; get rid of your stock and follow the law. As a foreigner no one will have sympathy for you if you don't Their country, their rules.

Wow, a good goody gum drops.............rolleyes.gif ...........bah.gif

Hey, you asked for it....you got it.

Did you really think it would end up otherwise??

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As we [maybe] all know the ban on alcohol has proven as very effective in history.

Main example to be the US where the so called "prohibition" is remembered as one of the

most happy times in US history. Crime was down to 0.00% and morality was on an all time high.

We should respect the decision of the new Thai Government that historically proven as very good

things are implemented to the greater good of the overall population.

It is NOT the education of the people that will change things for the better but it needs to

be stated that the population can only be FORCED to it's own greater good.

The ban on alcohol is hereby a very good way.

The people can not be trusted with free will or the ability to create its own future !!!

[... if this would be my opinion I would have shot myself a long time ago]

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so no live football on TV no selling footballshirts with Chang advertising, no Heiniken, no Jack Daniels shirts,

no foreign magazins to buy because advertising of alcohol, no duty free sales in airlines, because of promoting alcohol,

yeah, let see all all abrs and discos shut down in Thailand at midnight, this will have a big impact to tourists


The man behind this is Dr Udomsilp Srisangnam, who is a former Deputy Minister of Health and now the Chairman of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

He is the "expert" on alcohol abuse in Thailand. Well rather he is powerful so everyone believes what he says.

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