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Does Britain have a jihadi problem?


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No one has denied there is a problem in the UK with fundamentalist Muslims.

No one has denied that a handful of mosques either promote this or allow others to use their premises to do so.

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Islam itself, the Koran and the life of the Prophet, individual Muslims and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

Do you understand how stupid your statements are, if the names of the religion are changed, no, I thought not!

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Christianity itself, the Bible and the life of Jesus, individual Christians and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

PS: the last part of your sentence made no sense to me.

Sorry ol' chum but that don't make sense to me. Are you saying Christianity is the real problem...?

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Indeed, ignorance is part of the problem.

Try educating yourself, Jacky!


I suspect that you have not read the Koran, only the nastier bits which you have found on Islamaphobic websites.

You have certainly not read either the Old nor New Testaments; just as much nastiness there.

Stuff which fundamental Christians use to persecute gays, people who believe in abortion etc., etc. in many countries.

Edited by 7by7
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Here is an article from the Guardian newspaper about ISIS now recruiting through a network of British Mosques. It should be problematic for our resident self appointed chief of source police seeing as it's lib-left PC credentials are beyond reproach. I note from the article that the UK has a large Salafi community, as if we need any more problems.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say. sad.png

p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....facepalm.gif

Current Muslim population of all ages in the UK is around 5%, so how will their be sufficient numbers of eligable Muslim voters by 2021 to vote in an 'Islamic government'.

It has been estimated Muslims in the UK will grow to approx 10% of the population by 2050.


Between 2001, and 2011, the Muslim population in the UK, rose from About 1.5 million, to 2.7 million. That is an approximate increase of 3% to 4.8% of the overall population. The Muslims are not only flowing into the UK, but reproducing like rabbits. It appears the liberals in the UK, are reproducing at an alarming rate too which compounds the problem.

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>>>> if Brit subjects longer than 3 years, have them be detained and charged with serious charges (aiding the enemy?).

That depends on whether the various groups can be described as the Queen's enemies - we aren't fighting them yet. We may be restricted to charging most of them with training for fighting governments, though there might be some evidence of training in cowing civilian populations.

They're more likely to simply be deported for being dual nationals, assuming they aren't able to get shot of the non-British nationality.

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Jesus preached love and forgiveness, never married, preached blessed are the peacemakers and the meek shall inherit the earth. He raised the dead cured the blind and the leper was not above accepting the poor, prostitutes and tax collectors. He taught turn the other cheek and that stealing and murder are sins.

Mohamed was a warlord who organised thieving raids and who oppressed other faiths when he got the upper hand. He married at least 11 times including a six year old and preached that women were worth less than a man and sanctioned sex with slaves and promised to rid Arabia of Jews and Christians. He dressed in woman's clothes and raped children.

Now I ask you can you really not see a difference and the different effect these two lives have had on the world? I think most on here can.

I don't know a lot about the Koran, but this is the impression that I've gotten from what I have read about it. Any ideas on the justification for calling Islam, "the religion of peace"?

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Jesus preached love and forgiveness, never married, preached blessed are the peacemakers and the meek shall inherit the earth.

It's a shame that in the last 2000 years so few of his followers have followed that!

Did you read the link to what the Catholic church and others have to say about homosexuals, based on what is said in the New Testament?

Not very forgiving!

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No comment on the different lives and examples set to followers by Jesus and Mohamed then, what a surprise, just more finger pointing by people in a glass house. As far as I know the Catholic Church does not declare that gays should be killed, those leaving the faith killed, unbelievers killed, adulterers killed and does not support child marriage, genital mutilation and the teaching that while Catholics are the best of people all that do not believe are the worst of people, as it does in the Koran referring to Muslims.

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Sounds like the Pope is as fed up with radical Islam as the rest of civilization are starting to be. .

Last month the pope, who has often condemned the concept of war in God's name, said it would be legitimate for the international community to use force to stop "unjust aggression" by Islamic State militants who have killed or displaced thousands of people in Iraq and Syria, many of them Christians.


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Indeed, ignorance is part of the problem.

Try educating yourself, Jacky!


I suspect that you have not read the Koran, only the nastier bits which you have found on Islamaphobic websites.

You have certainly not read either the Old nor New Testaments; just as much nastiness there.

Stuff which fundamental Christians use to persecute gays, people who believe in abortion etc., etc. in many countries.

Please can you show me something from the New Testament that promotes violence.

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http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jordan-horner-teenage-white-muslim-2051097 This crap has been going on in Dewsbury since the 80s

Reminds me of the days when folk could not go to a footy match cos of ass holes. That was nothing to do with religion, it was to do with ass holes hiding in the wood work waiting to do their shit.

Just an excuse to try and be noticed cos they are a nobody. Strange thing is most look at these folk as planks, or plankton heads...........sad.png

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http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jordan-horner-teenage-white-muslim-2051097 This crap has been going on in Dewsbury since the 80s

Reminds me of the days when folk could not go to a footy match cos of ass holes. That was nothing to do with religion, it was to do with ass holes hiding in the wood work waiting to do their shit.

Just an excuse to try and be noticed cos they are a nobody. Strange thing is most look at these folk as planks, or plankton heads...........sad.png

He's yet another convert. Seriously they should have to undergo a mental assessment before being allowed to convert.

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http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jordan-horner-teenage-white-muslim-2051097 This crap has been going on in Dewsbury since the 80s

Reminds me of the days when folk could not go to a footy match cos of ass holes. That was nothing to do with religion, it was to do with ass holes hiding in the wood work waiting to do their shit.

Just an excuse to try and be noticed cos they are a nobody. Strange thing is most look at these folk as planks, or plankton heads...........sad.png

He's yet another convert. Seriously they should have to undergo a mental assessment before being allowed to convert.

Does make one wonder if these "sudden" converts just do it to perform violent acts that is hidden in their psyche, to me it looks like that....

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Indeed, ignorance is part of the problem.

Try educating yourself, Jacky!


I suspect that you have not read the Koran, only the nastier bits which you have found on Islamaphobic websites.

You have certainly not read either the Old nor New Testaments; just as much nastiness there.

Stuff which fundamental Christians use to persecute gays, people who believe in abortion etc., etc. in many countries.

Please can you show me something from the New Testament that promotes violence.

I have studied these religious books. Yes, in context the koran has many sayings that apply to "current (then) events," rather than the quotes themselves being mandates to "you, muslim in the 21st century." If the koran was read this way your point would have some validity. Not only is it not historically read this way but Islamic exegesis is based on the universal view of the koran- in other words, what global (koran-wide) mandates or sayings are the final product of these "current events?" The koran is more than a book of stories and history. The koran is a mandate for every aspect of every life on earth.

Yes, there are these "current events" sayings for sure and when applied to the koran as a whole become stunningly obvious mandates for violence and war. In essence, they are not simply discussions about the then present, they are illustrations regarding the conduct of life and war. Also, there certainly are other, specific, injunctions for "you, the muslim in the 21st century" that is entirely violent, horrific, and required. So, the combination of "current events" passages and injunctions to war always, are contained in a book that overall, is translated into a blueprint for war until the dar al salam (House of Peace) is established. Until that time dar al harb (House of War) will be the order of the day. This condition of Islam toward universality is clearly divided into three distinct phases of jihad in the koran-

1) Tolerance 2) Defensive Warfare 3) Offensive Warfare.

The nascent islam was at first disliked locally and their powers were weak, thus tolerance. Later, after they migrated to Medina, the growing islamic cult was determined to defend itself but lacked the resources to actually go after their greatest threats to growth, Mecca. Once Mohammed amassed sufficient resources and personnel, he moved on Mecca in offensive war, and it was horrible. In these three phases read the mechanisms for migration and insurrection in all jihad lands. In this context, the quotes or passages that described "current events" would echo for millennia as required actions of followers. Mohammed is the "perfect man" and as such his life, his sayings, his deeds, and his intentions are to be extrapolated into personal and collective action until there are no longer any believers and the world has submitted to allah. Thus, the various ugly, horrific, barbaric acts are in no way limited in time to the 7th century. If a muslim tells you this they dissemble. The koran is the roadmap to the House of Peace.

You may find similar passages of god assigning a people such inhumane authorities to kill and destroy others in other religious scripture (note: its the same god). You may find horrific references to child burning in the valley of Hinom. You may find god even telling a man to kill his son. You will not find any such things in the new testament' there is no mandate like this; prior covenants with god, each dispensation, replaced the authority of the last. The Torah and related never authorized the subjugation of all other humans (in perpetuity) as a condition to a House of Zion. The Old Testament never reads like a blueprint for global domination (requires its application of all others and the tireless pursuit of the means to enforce this end).

There are oversights in your remarks that its not possible for you to link them. Other religious works, in time, repudiated their archaic mandates either by covenant or allowing such ideas to fade away. In any event, they were never intended to be required of all other humans and this is the single point. (Note: I think it is possible to go into various religious books and find appalling behaviors and injunctions that really do not seem repudiated. Yes, I agree that some could possibly be found, but the link in the chain attempted to connect this to islam breaks here.

The koran when emulated, is a blueprint for war).

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No one has denied there is a problem in the UK with fundamentalist Muslims.

No one has denied that a handful of mosques either promote this or allow others to use their premises to do so.

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Islam itself, the Koran and the life of the Prophet, individual Muslims and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

Do you understand how stupid your statements are, if the names of the religion are changed, no, I thought not!

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Christianity itself, the Bible and the life of Jesus, individual Christians and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

You are all getting to the crux of the problem, monotheism, the belief that there is but a single religious eschatology that is the correct view, and in order for that final judgement day to arrive all must be converted into believers. The only rational intellectual argument against Islam is to deny god, to look someone who cries "Allah akbar" and just laugh and say no, there is no god.

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No one has denied there is a problem in the UK with fundamentalist Muslims.

No one has denied that a handful of mosques either promote this or allow others to use their premises to do so.

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Islam itself, the Koran and the life of the Prophet, individual Muslims and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

Do you understand how stupid your statements are, if the names of the religion are changed, no, I thought not!

The problem lies not with 'fundamentalists' that's just a smoke screen, the problem lies with Christianity itself, the Bible and the life of Jesus, individual Christians and groups however, you want to describe them are all the victims of it.

You are all getting to the crux of the problem, monotheism, the belief that there is but a single religious eschatology that is the correct view, and in order for that final judgement day to arrive all must be converted into believers. The only rational intellectual argument against Islam is to deny god, to look someone who cries "Allah akbar" and just laugh and say no, there is no god.

The only rational intellectual argument against Islam is to deny god, to look someone who cries "Allah akbar" and just laugh and say no, there is no god.

And if you do that in the UK to an Islamic radical, you can be killed.

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No comment on the different lives and examples set to followers by Jesus and Mohamed then, what a surprise, just more finger pointing by people in a glass house. As far as I know the Catholic Church does not declare that gays should be killed, those leaving the faith killed, unbelievers killed, adulterers killed and does not support child marriage, genital mutilation and the teaching that while Catholics are the best of people all that do not believe are the worst of people, as it does in the Koran referring to Muslims.

As I have said before, I have a life and a family and so am not a pathetic nerdish geek who spends all his waking hours glued to this forum waiting to reply to your posts.

I have shown you what the catholic church has to say about gays; I have quoted passages from both Old and New Testaments.

I have pointed out to you that the crimes you list are not restricted to Muslims.

But none of that suits your or your mates' agenda, so you either ignore it or dismiss it as lies.

Comments by you and others here show that you and they believe all Muslims are out to behead you, rape your children, establish a worldwide caliphate etc., etc.

Fortunately, the vast majority of Muslims have no desire to do any of that, and the vast majority of non Muslims do not share your ignorant prejudices.

I pity you and your mates; living with so much irrational hate inside you.

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