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Storm warning for Bangkok


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Storm warning for capital


BANGKOK: -- RESIDENTS in Greater Bangkok were warned yesterday to watch out for rainstorms throughout 80 per cent of the capital and its suburbs until tomorrow.

A powerful monsoon was passing over the lower North, Central and East regions, bringing heavy downfalls to 80 per cent of the country.

Sanya Chenimit, deputy city clerk, said that although precipitation on Wednesday reached 59 millimetres, many areas suffered from inundation on Wednesday because although the precipitation was not huge, the first 100mm in those areas it could not be drained away fast enough.

Chaeng Wattana Road with high floods and traffic jams was a low-lying area, so the city brought in pumps to clear the area.

Precipitation in Bangkok so far this year has been only 550mm - far from 1,000mm last year - while the northern run-off was not so huge, he said, affirming that the city was monitoring the weather closely. Pol Maj-General Jirasan Kaewsaengake, commander of the Traffic Police, urged motorists to plan their trips well in advance and drive carefully.

People can get traffic updates from the 1197 hotline or report accidents to it around the clock.

In case of constant rain, motorists should avoid low-lying and flood-prone flashpoints in the metropolitan area, especially Chaeng Wattana Road, the Sukhumvit-Theparak intersection, the Bearing-Samrong section of Sukhumvit Road, and Phuchao Saming Prai Road.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Storm-warning-for-capital-30242023.html

-- The Nation 2014-08-29

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The language input will of course convince the great about to be soaked masses that we are indeed educated caring clever scientific officials working hard to bring you warnings of dire events coming your way today.

So when a major weather system approaches Bangkok the met officials should just keep it to themselves? Right, got it.

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According to alternative weather forecast usual evening thunderstorms are expected. Nothing different from the last 3 weeks. With such success they could warn us everyday. More rainfall than usual is expected at the beginning of September.

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Roota post # 8

So when a major weather system approaches Bangkok the met officials should just keep it to themselves? Right, got it.

You've been here long enough I presume to realise that this is the rainy season/
The locals fully understand what happens in the rainy season and in my 23 years here I to have come to a full understanding of the rainy season and its affects upon life in general.
Self praising public official's inane comments are not really needed are they, unless it's unless it's to satisfy their own ''Jobsworth'' ego's
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Bluespunk post # 4

precipitation on Wednesday reached 59 millimetres, many areas suffered from inundation on Wednesday because although the precipitation was not huge, the first 100mm in those areas it could not be drained away fast enough."


Methinks the ''experts'' need some assistance in the mathematics field.


And while we are there- how about general education?

How about Pol Maj-General education?

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I've lived in the same house in western Bangkok for 6 years now...it only sprinkled a little bit yesterday for a few minutes. So far this rainy season compared to the previous 5 stands out as "not" much of a rainy season at all. Rain level way below normal for my little area of western Bangkok. But I have an in-law who lives in eastern Bangkok who the wife talks to almost daily and that in-law says they are getting rain all the time while on my western side its practically blue skies. Rain can be so localized in tropical areas like Thailand.

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"precipitation on Wednesday reached 59 millimetres, many areas suffered from inundation on Wednesday because although the precipitation was not huge, the first 100mm in those areas it could not be drained away fast enough."


There must be an obvious difference between millimetres and mm in the scientific community, where the heck is it?

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Roota post # 8

So when a major weather system approaches Bangkok the met officials should just keep it to themselves? Right, got it.

You've been here long enough I presume to realise that this is the rainy season/
The locals fully understand what happens in the rainy season and in my 23 years here I to have come to a full understanding of the rainy season and its affects upon life in general.
Self praising public official's inane comments are not really needed are they, unless it's unless it's to satisfy their own ''Jobsworth'' ego's

You know .... this S*** gets old fast. it really is like a bunch of old ladies sitting on the porch of a retirement home bitching about literally everything. All Roota is saying is that yes, it is nice to know in advance that a really heavy storm is coming. Funny, when we do this in the west, it is considered quite normal and appreciated.

And guess who would be crying to high heaven if they were caught in this weather and inconvenienced, or if their street was flooded, or car under water ... etc ... that is correct ... the same people complaining they got a weather update.

Really, it is a no win when the attitude of the readers is "Tell me and you are an idiot, don't tell me and you are an idiot"

Well, I for one DO appreciate this timely update, and HAVE modified my plans for this period of time ... so THANK YOU !

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You've been here long enough I presume to realise that this is the rainy season/

Came as a kid in the '70s and have been ever since so, yes, I have.

I've spent too much of my working life dealing with Thai khaaratchakan and certainly wouldn't deny that they produce a lot of self-serving nonsense. That's bureaucracy anywhere. But one of the Met Dept's main responsibilities is to warn people when serious weather is coming and that's all they're doing here. If in fact Bangkok or even just parts of Bangkok get a particularly nasty hammering, well then, job well done. If not, we can accuse them of poor forecasting, or pre-emptive arse-covering or whatever you want. But there's nothing wrong with the announcement per se. It's their job.

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I've lived in the same house in western Bangkok for 6 years now...it only sprinkled a little bit yesterday for a few minutes. So far this rainy season compared to the previous 5 stands out as "not" much of a rainy season at all. Rain level way below normal for my little area of western Bangkok. But I have an in-law who lives in eastern Bangkok who the wife talks to almost daily and that in-law says they are getting rain all the time while on my western side its practically blue skies. Rain can be so localized in tropical areas like Thailand.

This was after the sprinkle not far from the Junction of Klong Pappa (Prachachuen Road) and Chaeng Wattana.


Edited by JAS21
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Bluespunk post # 4

precipitation on Wednesday reached 59 millimetres, many areas suffered from inundation on Wednesday because although the precipitation was not huge, the first 100mm in those areas it could not be drained away fast enough."


Methinks the ''experts'' need some assistance in the mathematics field.


Me thinks this site will come in handy when im trying to teach my 2 year old mathematics... Im useless at maths..cheesy.gifclap2.gif

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It might rain and then it might not. Here in Taling Chan it is almost a desert. Better than 2011 anyway.

Amen Brother...that's the part of western Bangkok I'm talking about. Yea, late 2011 with "The Big Flood" was no fun...my moobaan was under a half to 1.5 meters of water for almost a month.

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I've lived in the same house in western Bangkok for 6 years now...it only sprinkled a little bit yesterday for a few minutes. So far this rainy season compared to the previous 5 stands out as "not" much of a rainy season at all. Rain level way below normal for my little area of western Bangkok. But I have an in-law who lives in eastern Bangkok who the wife talks to almost daily and that in-law says they are getting rain all the time while on my western side its practically blue skies. Rain can be so localized in tropical areas like Thailand.

This was after the sprinkle not far from the Junction of Klong Pappa (Prachachuen Road) and Chaeng Wattana.


Yea, but that's only in the road. I see that all the time even when it does rain pretty good in my part of Bangkok simply because the drainage system can't drain the water away fast enough...but usually within an hour it has almost completely drained away.

I don't know how many of you have had a chance to look in a typical Bangkok road drainage/sewer pipe, but usually they are partially filled/clogged with dirt & garbage which greatly reduces their drainage capacity. After the Big Flood in late 2011 they had prison inmates come to our moobaan & area and "kinda" clean the soi drainage pipes by pulling a scooping type bucket through the pipes from access hole to access hole. Nasty work. But we were told for every day they do this type work they earn a little money and get two days taken off their prison term.

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Looks like I should wait with selling my Toyota Vigo Champ for a few weeks. If it is as bad as it sounds, there will be a shortage of cars, especially Toyotas again some time soon...

Good luck to everyone in the city of angels. Hope this one will pass smoothly and my concerns are unfounded...

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Looks like I should wait with selling my Toyota Vigo Champ for a few weeks. If it is as bad as it sounds, there will be a shortage of cars, especially Toyotas again some time soon...

Good luck to everyone in the city of angels. Hope this one will pass smoothly and my concerns are unfounded...

That's an interesting Christopher Lloyd-style of sardonic humour.clap2.gif

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I've lived in the same house in western Bangkok for 6 years now...it only sprinkled a little bit yesterday for a few minutes. So far this rainy season compared to the previous 5 stands out as "not" much of a rainy season at all. Rain level way below normal for my little area of western Bangkok. But I have an in-law who lives in eastern Bangkok who the wife talks to almost daily and that in-law says they are getting rain all the time while on my western side its practically blue skies. Rain can be so localized in tropical areas like Thailand.

This was after the sprinkle not far from the Junction of Klong Pappa (Prachachuen Road) and Chaeng Wattana.


Yea, but that's only in the road. I see that all the time even when it does rain pretty good in my part of Bangkok simply because the drainage system can't drain the water away fast enough...but usually within an hour it has almost completely drained away.

I don't know how many of you have had a chance to look in a typical Bangkok road drainage/sewer pipe, but usually they are partially filled/clogged with dirt & garbage which greatly reduces their drainage capacity. After the Big Flood in late 2011 they had prison inmates come to our moobaan & area and "kinda" clean the soi drainage pipes by pulling a scooping type bucket through the pipes from access hole to access hole. Nasty work. But we were told for every day they do this type work they earn a little money and get two days taken off their prison term.

An excellent use of manpower, but only if done on a consistent basis. The operative word being "consistency" of sewage maintenance, that is. The great flood was nearly 3-years ago. What has the Ministry of "Public" Health actually done lately? whistling.gif

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