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They stopped giving the sticker for the compulsory insurance, so you can't and won't need to put that sticker on your windscreen anymore.

Now, why would they still give you the tax sticker if they supposedly changed the law in such way that you don't need to show the sticker anymore? Right, so please just put the sticker as anybody else on their windscreen and obey the law.

Thank you!

(BTW: I agree with you that the stickers are fugly, but it's the law)

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Seems to me that one is attracting trouble upon oneself by not displaying the tax sticker. Whether it's the law or not, it's the first thing the average copper looks for. Cannot really understand the point of view ...I don't like stickers on my windscreen so I'm not going to display my tax or maybe even my insurance, it's like saying ....I don't like carrying stuff in my pocket so I'm not going to bring my bank book when I go to the bank to do some business because they can look it up on the computer.....the mind boggles.

Agree, except for the bank book, duh! Give me 1 reason why you ever would need a bank book in this digital age?


I guess somebody has to say it so I will. When you drive an expensive car, sometimes it's a game to see what you can get away with. The OP drives an expensive car. I've noticed a big difference in the scrutiny I get when I drive my small Honda as opposed to when I drive my big Benz. You may have noticed how people load the front grills up on their expensive cars up with those Ministry badges (as if they are VIPs). That's an attempt to show that how important you are, combined with your expensive wheels, and therefore the cops better leave you alone.

I agree though, in this environment of strict enforcement and cleaning up the cops, I wouldn't play any more fun games. Hell, you can't even speed anymore.


They stopped giving the sticker for the compulsory insurance, so you can't and won't need to put that sticker on your windscreen anymore.

Just renewed my registration (older vehicle), and they required the compulsory insurance before they'd register it and give me the sticker. It appears to me the registration sticker is their proof of compulsory insurance coverage.

And I suspect the computer system is pretty handy if they think your sticker may be from Kao San road, but certainly not for a quick look at 100% of the vehicles going by.

Required or not, I'd prefer not to give the popo any excuse to subject me to a stop (nothing good ever comes of it), so my registration sticker goes right where they expect it.


I agree I wouldn't clutter up my car with those other 'unofficial' stickers but an official tax sticker? Not worth the trouble, not to have it.


I can just pass on the information I got. They said it was no point any longer, as it was in the new online system, which a check by the police they would show the current status. I will further investigate this, as I will have to extend by road tax within this week.

I suspect there was a misunderstanding and it is the compulsory insurance sticker which is no longer needed to display. As for the 'online' system, are the traffic police going to be carrying around a computer to check at road stops? wink.png Even in the US I had an annual sticker that had to be affixed to the license plate to prove tax payment.

You have to display the tax sticker in Australia as well.

That has just changed in a couple of Australian States but it has not as far as I know here. All Australian police vehickes are equiped with online computers to check and some have direct automatic number plate scanning to check all vehicles they see. Here the sticker must be shown. However as the insurance is now needed to be recorded in the licence system before a tax sticker can be issued there is now no longer a need to put the separate sticker from your insurance company on the screen.

IMO this is far more insidious as it's done covertly without your knowledge, very intrusive.


They don't want to have to STOP someone/everyone and check computers, they want to see it openly as you pass by and then if they need to verify then they can check online, Christ! can you imagine how long the queue would be for check points if they had to stop & check the computer for EVERY car that passed through? Just put the sticker on the windshield and pick another really important battle to fight... Jeeez is there nothing of real importance going on in the lives of expats there that something so mundane becomes a point to argue when there is such an easy solution? Must be nice to have such trivial problems to deal with in one's life. Your Thai friend was obviously wrong and female too so you should have done your own research before and not left it up to someone else IMO.

In my home country, its all automatic. You pass a camera that scans your cars license plate, and check your records. We have the same system for toll booths. If you don't have the "Easy-pass" chip, they will just send you a bill in the mail, based on your license plate.

I agree, It may not seem important for most people, but I just love to have a clean windscreen with no stickers from tax, insurance, condo-buildings, office buildings or whatever stickers people put on wink.png

So what's the point of this thread keep your screen clean, waste your time at the side of the road, pay the fine and don't clog up TVcoffee1.gif


Seems to me that one is attracting trouble upon oneself by not displaying the tax sticker. Whether it's the law or not, it's the first thing the average copper looks for. Cannot really understand the point of view ...I don't like stickers on my windscreen so I'm not going to display my tax or maybe even my insurance, it's like saying ....I don't like carrying stuff in my pocket so I'm not going to bring my bank book when I go to the bank to do some business because they can look it up on the computer.....the mind boggles.

w00t.gif Wooo, for a moment I thought you were going to say "I don't like carrying stuff in my pocket so I'm not going to wear any pants!" whistling.gifgiggle.gif


I guess somebody has to say it so I will. When you drive an expensive car, sometimes it's a game to see what you can get away with. The OP drives an expensive car. I've noticed a big difference in the scrutiny I get when I drive my small Honda as opposed to when I drive my big Benz. You may have noticed how people load the front grills up on their expensive cars up with those Ministry badges (as if they are VIPs). That's an attempt to show that how important you are, combined with your expensive wheels, and therefore the cops better leave you alone.

I agree though, in this environment of strict enforcement and cleaning up the cops, I wouldn't play any more fun games. Hell, you can't even speed anymore.

First car I bought in Thailand was an older classic 318 coup the last year the Bimmers sold in Thailand were imported from Germany, at the time few there were imported it was a transition time. It came with what I found out was a former high ranking, Police badge on the grill, and I never got stopped, got tickets or even got bothered, it had dark tinted windows and I always got waved through every check point without even a second look. Unfortunately I forgot it was on the front of the car when I sold it on so the next guy got all the spoils sad.png ..

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I guess somebody has to say it so I will. When you drive an expensive car, sometimes it's a game to see what you can get away with. The OP drives an expensive car. I've noticed a big difference in the scrutiny I get when I drive my small Honda as opposed to when I drive my big Benz. You may have noticed how people load the front grills up on their expensive cars up with those Ministry badges (as if they are VIPs). That's an attempt to show that how important you are, combined with your expensive wheels, and therefore the cops better leave you alone.

I agree though, in this environment of strict enforcement and cleaning up the cops, I wouldn't play any more fun games. Hell, you can't even speed anymore.

First car I bought in Thailand was an older classic 318 coup the last year the Bimmers sold in Thailand were imported from Germany, at the time few there were imported it was a transition time. It came with what I found out was a former high ranking, Police badge on the grill, and I never got stopped, got tickets or even got bothered, it had dark tinted windows and I always got waved through every check point without even a second look. Unfortunately I forgot it was on the front of the car when I sold it on so the next guy got all the spoils sad.png ..

Those E30 coupes are very hard to find in Thaialnd and retain their high value. Of course the 318 was a dog, but could be souped up. That still remains one of my favorite 3 series, and I once had the 325is model, it was fun to drive. They are worth restoring if you can find one.


I think the tax sticker should be visible at all times. Preferably lower left side of windscreen so it can be seen from the footpath while parked. We are supposed to park in the direction of traffic flow aren't we?

For motorbikes I believe 'visible' also applies so it can be seen while parked. Those who keep it under seat have like the OP just been getting away with it.

I mean why would 'visible' apply to >=4 wheels and not 2 wheels. Thai law is not that crazy just unenforced.


^^I know now in hindsight, I wish I had been more in tune with the market of the time I'd a kept it and fixed it up more and now that I think of it I never saw another one over the next 9 years there and that includes for sale sad.png ..I definitely let it go too cheaply it was still original and ran rather well, had been kept up prior to my purchase, (as I said it was previously owned by a high ranking cop) I had a new baby at the time and only 2 doors was a bit of a pain and it needed some work I didn't have time to do and finding parts was far more difficult at the time not knowing the sources. I ran all over Bangkok, with even BMW performance "experts" telling me the distributor cap was merely a dust cover, before I finally realized it was the exact same cap as a VW which wasn't a whole lot easier for me to find at that point but it opened more doors to the possibility.

Ironically just before I sold it a nice little mom and pop Mercedes/BMW car parts store opened up in my neighborhood, I always thought it entertaining the looks I used to get from the locals when I went to car parts shops to get parts, the look of astonishment that a farang was buying parts to fix his own car with as if we never have before and cars were invented in Thailand?

Recalling now, the biggest problem was it had been lowered but it was terribly done by cutting the springs and it hit every speed bump or pothole and the inboard springs were moving around (read rotating) on their seats and changing ride height and camber settings at random, besides it was just junk that way and a very stiff ride, but failing in performance so nothing more then an abomination of engineering.


I think the tax sticker should be visible at all times. Preferably lower left side of windscreen so it can be seen from the footpath while parked. We are supposed to park in the direction of traffic flow aren't we?

For motorbikes I believe 'visible' also applies so it can be seen while parked. Those who keep it under seat have like the OP just been getting away with it.

I mean why would 'visible' apply to >=4 wheels and not 2 wheels. Thai law is not that crazy just unenforced.

Why would you display any official disc / sticker on your motor bike and run the risk of some idiot ripping it off , then you have to go through all the trouble applying for a new one .

I can imagine the paperwork and time that would take.

and like the OP our is under the seat.


I think the tax sticker should be visible at all times. Preferably lower left side of windscreen so it can be seen from the footpath while parked. We are supposed to park in the direction of traffic flow aren't we?

For motorbikes I believe 'visible' also applies so it can be seen while parked. Those who keep it under seat have like the OP just been getting away with it.

I mean why would 'visible' apply to >=4 wheels and not 2 wheels. Thai law is not that crazy just unenforced.

Why would you display any official disc / sticker on your motor bike and run the risk of some idiot ripping it off , then you have to go through all the trouble applying for a new one .

I can imagine the paperwork and time that would take.

and like the OP our is under the seat.

I use that new transparent plastic tube design on my bike. You roll up your tax sticker and put it in the visible tube, so it can be rotated to view by any cop. It is then screwed to your license plate, so there is not much risk of it being stolen or lost.

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I think the tax sticker should be visible at all times. Preferably lower left side of windscreen so it can be seen from the footpath while parked. We are supposed to park in the direction of traffic flow aren't we?

For motorbikes I believe 'visible' also applies so it can be seen while parked. Those who keep it under seat have like the OP just been getting away with it.

I mean why would 'visible' apply to >=4 wheels and not 2 wheels. Thai law is not that crazy just unenforced.

Why would you display any official disc / sticker on your motor bike and run the risk of some idiot ripping it off , then you have to go through all the trouble applying for a new one .

I can imagine the paperwork and time that would take.

and like the OP our is under the seat.

Because it is the law. 30 years, 2 or 3 motorbikes in the family, never lost a visible tax sticker yet. What use is it to anyone. Valid only for the bike it's on.

A friend did loose one, he says stolen, I say fell off like a lot of bits that have fallen off his 20 year old heap. Spent a day out getting a new one, most of which was spent drinking in some places we'd never been to before. It was fun. No problem.


The UK is doing away with the necessity to display the Tax sticker in the Windscreen. Instead the system is going fully computerised.

Thailand is as yet unable to do this.... Its also unnecessary. As many have mentioned it is the Por-Ror-Bor (compulsory 3rd party insurance) this no longer required to be on display.

I understand the Ops preference for an uncluttered windscreen, I too prefer no stickers in my windscreen, however, I have a stronger preference not to be pulled over and questioned when on the road.

My Condo presented us with Parking Stickers for our windscreens. I refused to display it on the grounds that its not a law requirement and partially blocks an area of my Windscreen, I also suggested a security issue whereby other road users will know my home, which if involved in an accident could present an additional revenge ramification (unlikely, but nevertheless an easily avoidable possibility).

It will be interesting to see what information the Op comes back with after his tax renewal: However, regardless of the 'Correct law' the BiB are rarely informed of the 'correct laws' and have learnt from their seniors. This process of 'generation' very often results in difference between what the law actually is and whats universally accepted.

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The UK system changes next month and no further tax discs will be issued. Existing ones can be removed too. Renewal can be done online.


Well, I never use the tax sticker. I stead I have it in a plastic cover in my dash. As soon I see a police trap or I will do a risk trip I put in on my dash. I wonder if the police can see it anyway, when I pass them 125 Mph.

555 No sticker... Petchaburi fine you for 400 baht.


Tywais answered the initial with links 2 days ago.

Please, please can somebody please close this thread...

No, no. This is fascinating stuff, I'm sure there are more gems to come.


People who insist on the law betray their ignorance of living in Thailand. Whether you have to stick it on or not is quite irrelevant if the officer at the road block says you should. Arguing will only guarantee a fine as the one thing the police hate is a know it all. Display the disk and you will have no problems. And due to the systems at land offices now it is impossible to get if one hasnt purchased พรบ por ror bor basic insurance.. So many westerners fall foul of the law because they are clueless in how to handle interactions with the constabulary.

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The road tax sticker has to be on the windscreen. The law that was changed a few years ago was it was no longer required to put your Por Lor Bor, compulsory insurance sticker, on the windscreen. Actually you never get the insurance sticker anymore and just keep the receipt in the car.

One time many years ago I got stopped as I had the road tax sticker in the top middle of the wind screen as years ago that was where everyone seemed to put them including when I bought my car 2nd hand. He just cautioned me to move it to the side and let me continue on. Actually, now that I think of it, he stopped me because he thought I didn't have a tax sticker. smile.png

I haven't had the sticker visible on my motorcycle (I keep it under the seat) for over 5 years and 70,000 km. I have been through many, many road checks and nobody has ever said a thing about the sticker, never asked to see it.
À bit the same, 14 years, 150,000 km, got stopped a few times at random checkpoints

No sticker visible: never had any problems although once the police officer told me it was compulsory for the sticker to be at sight. I replied that I was afraid someone ill intentioned might steal it (true actually)

This being said I had to produce, on every occasion that sticker, the insurance, permit to drive and the owner's book (they like to check whether the vehicle's colour matches the one in the book, and...yes, sometimes they are disappointed )

Same goes for my car apart from the fact that the sticker is on the windshield ( I got fined in Europe because the insurance sticker was missing, received that through the mail, was quite upset because it was a new car and the sticker hadn't been given to me yet, but paid anyway as it is a minefield when one tries to complain)

I guess that, as long as you have all the original documents at hand and produce them apologetically, it will be alright but, if I were you, I would put the sticker in a corner...and I understand that you don't like to have anything on your windshield or any other place, for that matter, as I love unspoiled cars


You were "informed"? Did you ever think that maybe you were misinformed? Did you ever think that maybe the reason everyone else on the road has the sticker posted is because it's required by law?

A small sticker in the far bottom left corner of your windshield can't be that bad. I'm sure you can bear it. Or do you just like fighting windmills and proving your point. How's that working out for you?


You were "informed"? Did you ever think that maybe you were misinformed? Did you ever think that maybe the reason everyone else on the road has the sticker posted is because it's required by law?

A small sticker in the far bottom left corner of your windshield can't be that bad. I'm sure you can bear it. Or do you just like fighting windmills and proving your point. How's that working out for you?

I agree, a Japanese car even look nicer with MANY stickers, but not German cars...


I also do not like to stick any shiite on my windshield and would prefer that they put it in thei axx...

What is the law ?

Read the posts.

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I just have plenty of room in between my young fellas Rubic cube and the daughters teddy bear sticker and my wife left me enough room on top of these and under her girly mag subscription notice ,and her sticky blue note for the weeks shopping.And I can still easily see through the gaps !!!!!!!!!!

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