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Koh Tao ban Full Moon parties

Lite Beer

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

Without the party , you wouldn't attract murderers and scum !

These parties appeal because of the drink , drugs and risks of danger , skinny dipping and sex on the beach .

It is totally wrong that tourist should come to Thailand and break all the Thai rules/laws .

Thailand is not Las Palmas Majorca , where you can drink all night and anything goes .

Most Thai women don't wear bikinis , wear long black Lycra shorts and vest top to match .

Police at a Full Moon Party would kill it completely , nobody would come .

Hotels and resorts need to make guests understand the rules of good behaviour in Thailand .

Thailand is NOT an international playground where anything goes , you have to respect the customs of the country .

funny, you do know what Thailand is famous for dont you?

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Well, I have to admit that I have never been to a full-moon party but have had friends that have over the years. I will say that I have lived in several locations around the world with similar annual drunk and stoner fests. In every case, every one of them was eventually banned. Sometimes it took a couple of years, sometimes a couple of decades. Most started off as fun events, quite often even family events. But they always ended up being ruined by idiots who slowly took over with their booze and drugs. Even a police presence did not have a big effect, and these were in North America and Europe. Eventually, somebody always ended up being raped, beat up or killed. Fights always broke out in the end, probably fuelled by an overabundance of testosterone combined with a bunch of dead brains. I really would love to know what ever happened to people just going out for a good time without all the other garbage they seem to need to take with them these days. Combine tourists who think they they have the right to act any way they want with alcohol, drugs, sex and late nights and you are bound to have trouble.

As many have stated previously, if the police actually did any real policing, it would be a step in the right direction for all the problems that are currently plaguing Thailand. When the police force itself is one of the most corrupt institutions in the country, it's difficult to improve very much other than superficially. Until that changes, I cannot foresee any permanent improvements.

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Well, I have to admit that I have never been to a full-moon party but have had friends that have over the years. I will say that I have lived in several locations around the world with similar annual drunk and stoner fests. In every case, every one of them was eventually banned. Sometimes it took a couple of years, sometimes a couple of decades. Most started off as fun events, quite often even family events. But they always ended up being ruined by idiots who slowly took over with their booze and drugs. Even a police presence did not have a big effect, and these were in North America and Europe. Eventually, somebody always ended up being raped, beat up or killed. Fights always broke out in the end, probably fuelled by an overabundance of testosterone combined with a bunch of dead brains. I really would love to know what ever happened to people just going out for a good time without all the other garbage they seem to need to take with them these days. Combine tourists who think they they have the right to act any way they want with alcohol, drugs, sex and late nights and you are bound to have trouble.

As many have stated previously, if the police actually did any real policing, it would be a step in the right direction for all the problems that are currently plaguing Thailand. When the police force itself is one of the most corrupt institutions in the country, it's difficult to improve very much other than superficially. Until that changes, I cannot foresee any permanent improvements.

Used to live by Stonehenge, solstice party was fun. Hitch back from school and stop off there. UK police could not do too much about it.

Full of drugs, each to their own.

Party goers probably had no interest in history or solstice. Could get away with anything there.

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Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.

A refreshing post.

Thank you.

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

IMO banning is a Good move, run and attended by drug dealing drunken <deleted> thai and westerners must piss all the locals right off, short term it might hurt but in the long term ,,, good move, no doubt The parties are now a problem if there wasn't the parties there wouldn't be the problem or am i missing something ?

kick out this drug dependant garbidge, and Koh Tau could be a family friendly 5 star resort

with better and clean income than now !

Same for Haad Rin , please General !! shut down this parties,

This party people dont bring the wealthy turism,

they bring and apply only bad behavier and sh*t ( alcohol,drugs,sex,crime ) to Thailand;

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Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.

Theyll need to start with the Thais first who piss everywhere, they use their country as one big toilet.

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Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.

But that is not what the party goers want. Whole point of the event is that it is not policed. No one attending wants the police.

Complaining after the fact is a lack of personal responsibility.

Know some fun places arround the world, bit dodgy. No one should be murdered anywhere.

Put yourself in a questionable situation things may happen.

Sorry friend, I think you have it all wrong. These are kids with very undeveloped moral compasses. It's like the cliche something in a candy store... whatever it is... can't remember.

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So much cr@p written here by people who don't have a clue ! Koh tao has never done Full Moon Parties , its actually the quietest time of the month there as most tourists go to Koh Phangan (where the actual Full Moon parties happen!) . Koh Tao gets busy after full moon when tourists head over to learn to dive . There are small parties at beach bars almost every night where tourists can have a drink and a dance to celebrate completing their dive courses ( after several days of studying , diving , getting up early and not drinking !) .

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Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.
But that is not what the party goers want. Whole point of the event is that it is not policed. No one attending wants the police.

Complaining after the fact is a lack of personal responsibility.

Know some fun places arround the world, bit dodgy. No one should be murdered anywhere.

Put yourself in a questionable situation things may happen.

Sorry friend, I think you have it all wrong. These are kids with very undeveloped moral compasses. It's like the cliche something in a candy store... whatever it is... can't remember.

Accept. Unfortunately life is a journey of discovery. Have a hard time justifying some things I did in my youth (nothing illegal). Live and learn.

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Thailand anf kho tao and kho pangyang are the hottest ticket for tourist travelling only because the full moon parties. To think they would lose even 1 night of tourist dollars being spent is a joke.

I don't know if you are being facetious or serious thesetat2013?

But, I don't see too many high-rolling tourists pictured in the photo on page 1 of this thread? They look like the type of tourist that stay in 200 baht per night fan-rooms, eating 40 baht plates of Thai food at roadside restaurants, and drinking cheap Thai beer.

Not that I think anything is wrong with that. I accept that because they're young, and enjoying their youth. I did the same thing when I was a young man in my 20's.

But, they are really not "the hottest ticket" the TAT is looking to attract.


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I fully support ending these drunken drug-filled Full Moon parties.

I just wish they were not considering installing more beach lighting to do so.

Some people support Sharia law.... does that give them a right to tell everyone else what to do?

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I fully support ending these drunken drug-filled Full Moon parties.

I just wish they were not considering installing more beach lighting to do so.

Some people support Sharia law.... does that give them a right to tell everyone else what to do?

Used to live in a country with that law. Booze was 24/7.

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

Without the party , you wouldn't attract murderers and scum !

These parties appeal because of the drink , drugs and risks of danger , skinny dipping and sex on the beach .

It is totally wrong that tourist should come to Thailand and break all the Thai rules/laws .

Thailand is not Las Palmas Majorca , where you can drink all night and anything goes .

Most Thai women don't wear bikinis , wear long black Lycra shorts and vest top to match .

Police at a Full Moon Party would kill it completely , nobody would come .

Hotels and resorts need to make guests understand the rules of good behaviour in Thailand .

Thailand is NOT an international playground where anything goes , you have to respect the customs of the country .

Thank you! Spot on!

Where it appears that hedonism goes on with the approval of the authorities.

This is a two way street. These parties encourage outrageous behaviour. There is no legal sanction. Might have been a whole lot better if these poor people had been rounded up for drunk and disorderly.

There is a complete lack of policing on these islands, so anything goes.

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

Without the party , you wouldn't attract murderers and scum !

These parties appeal because of the drink , drugs and risks of danger , skinny dipping and sex on the beach .

It is totally wrong that tourist should come to Thailand and break all the Thai rules/laws .

Thailand is not Las Palmas Majorca , where you can drink all night and anything goes .

Most Thai women don't wear bikinis , wear long black Lycra shorts and vest top to match .

Police at a Full Moon Party would kill it completely , nobody would come .

Hotels and resorts need to make guests understand the rules of good behaviour in Thailand .

Thailand is NOT an international playground where anything goes , you have to respect the customs of the country .

Thank you! Spot on!
Where it appears that hedonism goes on with the approval of the authorities.

This is a two way street. These parties encourage outrageous behaviour. There is no legal sanction. Might have been a whole lot better if these poor people had been rounded up for drunk and disorderly.

There is a complete lack of policing on these islands, so anything goes.

That is what the party goers seem to want.

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Yea Full moon parties really need to be banned, its on the tick list for guys and girls in their twenties and a bit more.

They come a long way just to get pissed and act idiots , its got out of had and the drugs don't help either, if a girl loses her friends ,even a guy and goes it alone in the early hours they are at serious risk.

I know that on KPN, taxis drivers get away with most things.

The so called mafia are used to the good life on that island, so maybe too much money involved to ban, lets wait and see, test case pending.

He wants to clean Thailand up , but lets mad drug frenzied parties continue a bit hypocritical i'd say.

Its a foregone conclusion that if he bans the one on Ko Tao, cause of the murders, even worse catches no one, but lets the one on Kpn continue, he will, for the first time, left himself open for ridicule.

Another horrific incident is bound to happen again, its only a matter of time, then what will he blurt out, no more bikini's please !

Isn't it the responsibility of the officials to lay down the law? It's not up to the farang... they will simply do whatever they can get away with. Thai people complain about the sex on the beach and the pi$$ing and $hitting in the sea... surely it is up to them to say, "hey you can't do that, it's illegal and you will be fined, and spend the night in jail." That's pretty well how it works at home, (it's called "policing" and "law enforcement".) This responsibility lies squarely with the Thais to clean it up... it would make a safer place and improve tourism ten-fold.


Why no police beach patrols? If only to show their presence. Seems they spend more time watching telly in the station or patrolling roads for extra tea money. I know that in the US some beaches are patrolled and visitors are expected to behave. No loud music, no booze and no openly visible sex antics.

I've some awful behaviour on beaches in Phuket, Samui, Hua Hin where parents have had to move to protect their kids.

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The murder's didn't happen because of the parties, so I can't see how banning them will stop murders in the future. Look at how many people go to Pha Ngan to party and how many murders have come of it. Not that many really, if you consider how many people attend. So all this nonsense is about being seen to do something.

Maybe they need to install CCTV camera's the entire length of every beach on the island. Or maybe they could ban bikinis. Or maybe they could ban gardening tools as they might become murder weapons. How about banning music, because obviously that was the root cause.

My 2 cents on the perp, it was either a local working Thai or Burmese. Why? Well for a start....there's no motive for a foreigner let alone two to do such a crime. Look at the train murders recently, a similar crime, expect a similar perp. Also, farangs don't share cigarettes as a rule, where as I've often seen locals doing it.

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Not too sure why the TAT wishes to be involved. Unfortunately foreign tourists have been killed in most countries around the world.

Sad part of life.

Sure if someone wishes to google things another country may be worse. God forbid it turns out to be their home country.

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"The military government vowed to restore Thailand's reputation as the "Land of Smiles", embarking on a clean-up of resorts after a series of complaints about scams, assaults and even police extortion, particularly in Phuket."

After all the murders recently I think "The Land Of Murders" would fit better, no need to try to cover it up and blame immigrant workers or foreign tourists. coffee1.gif

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"The military government vowed to restore Thailand's reputation as the "Land of Smiles", embarking on a clean-up of resorts after a series of complaints about scams, assaults and even police extortion, particularly in Phuket."

After all the murders recently I think "The Land Of Murders" would fit better, no need to try to cover it up and blame immigrant workers or foreign tourists. coffee1.gif

All the murders? Has the rate increased since they took power?

Get the international discust for incident and agree. Has no one else been murdered since that terrible crime?

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

I agree and why ban something because of an incident? Your just going to lose more tourism...leave well enough alone and move on.

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The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

How many times have you even been to Thailand? The police ARE the mafia!!. The only thing the police are good at protecting is the likes of the tuktuk thugs, jetski scammers and drug dealers that give them a substantial profit.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The parties arnt the problem, its the murderers and scum that attend..... police these places with uniformed police properly would be a better solution, not leave it to the local mafia

If its a tourist location then there needs to be a visible police presence to protect tourists... duh

IMO banning is a Good move, run and attended by drug dealing drunken <deleted> thai and westerners must piss all the locals right off, short term it might hurt but in the long term ,,, good move, no doubt The parties are now a problem if there wasn't the parties there wouldn't be the problem or am i missing something ?

kick out this drug dependant garbidge, and Koh Tau could be a family friendly 5 star resort

with better and clean income than now !

Same for Haad Rin , please General !! shut down this parties,

This party people dont bring the wealthy turism,

they bring and apply only bad behavier and sh*t ( alcohol,drugs,sex,crime ) to Thailand;

Ohh so its the foreigner's fault is it? There was no sex before the full moon parties, there was no alcohol before, there were no drugs, there was no crime....

What does any of this have to do with the murders? Stop sounding off about your own insecurities. Murders of this sort are opportunistic and could happen anywhere. There's NO connection between the murders and the fact that backpackers go to parties....face it.

If you don't like parties, I've got a simple solution. Don't go to them.

Stop trying to force your version of what is right on everyone else. This attitude is the same one held by ISIS who think they can cleanse the Earth with Sharia law and the liberal use of extreme violence. It's not equal in degree obviously but the same line of reasoning exists. May I also remind you that it is the full moon parties that made KPG famous. Ask most people outside the country what they know about KPG and the first thing they'll say is the Full Moon Party. They won't tell you about the lovely 5 star family resort experience, or the glistening pristine ocean.

For the record, I've never even been to the FMP, no intention of going either, but that's my choice. It's also the choice of others to go. So you just worry about yourself...stop being such a prude.

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I fully support ending these drunken drug-filled Full Moon parties.

I just wish they were not considering installing more beach lighting to do so.

Some people support Sharia law.... does that give them a right to tell everyone else what to do?

this have nothing to do with sharia law. its about milliones of people get killid year for year from the worst drug in the world wich we call alcohol. and alcoholics are defending this drug. perhaps you are one of them.

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