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How to propose to your Thai girlfriend.


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Men have always done dangerous dirty difficult jobs, catching food, women have always had an easy life.

Women have always spent more and of course they had just as much power in the 16th centaury as they do now. They had a personal slave called a husband. If women had no power I'm 16th century (and now) they would do the work and the man would stay at home (obviously).


Anyone of you carpet men taken up my challenge of telling your lovely "wife" that you have no more money, then you will find out her real feelings for you.

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Men have always done dangerous dirty difficult jobs, catching food, women have always had an easy life.

Women have always spent more and of course they had just as much power in the 16th centaury as they do now. They had a personal slave called a husband. If women had no power I'm 16th century (and now) they would do the work and the man would stay at home (obviously).

Anyone of you carpet men taken up my challenge of telling your lovely "wife" that you have no more money, then you will find out her real feelings for you.

My wife bought our home and we split the cost of new motorcycle 50/50 and she works 12 hours every day and we share expenses. I'm sure there are many more like me here. Your bad experience is not shared by everyone. My mother stayed home and my Dad paid the bills. So did my grandmother and my grandfather paid the bills. My wife is the first generation to work. So?

Women have long been a feature of Kurdish peshmerga forces. Now many from threatened towns and villages are signing up to join all-women units to fend off Isil forces who are threatening to overrun their homeland.

Women have taken part in Israel’s military before and since the founding of the state in 1948, with women comprising 33% of all IDF soldiers and 51% of its officers

Edited by thailiketoo
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When was the last time you ever heard a woman thinking about providing for her husband if she dies? They never ever do, women are nothing but parasites taking your money and keeping all for themselves.

Marriage is a way of institutionalising that. Laws that are assaulting men paid for by the mostly male taxes.

Parmo2 I want to congratulate you. I have never met a more anti woman poster on Thai Visa.

1.They are simple third world women from a feudal country. They are very very very lucky to have met YOU.

2. They are too stupid and vain to think that

3. why can't he just do what the hell he likes and talk to interesting people not childish boring Thai women.

4. Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

5. White Anglo Saxon males have saved the world from fascism and communism while women stayed at home in total safety.

6. Western men give 100 times more respect to Thai women than they deserve

7. Life has taught me that the female is always to blame, of that I am sure

8. When two Feminists jump off a cliff who benefits ?


I got the above from a couple of pages of your posts in the recent past. Wow.

Wow indeed!

You could even have mentioned that, statistically, females live longer than men so why would they even consider outliving their man?

It's a shame that parmo2 never learned how to "play nice!"


are we dealing with a total KunTroll?

Scuse the spelling

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Your lack of support for men and your slavish pedastalising of women is truly pathetic, that is why feminists have been able to enact so many anti male laws.

Take up my challenge of telling your lovely wives that you have no more money left, I think you know what will happen.

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Your lack of support for men and your slavish pedastalising of women is truly pathetic, that is why feminists have been able to enact so many anti male laws.

Take up my challenge of telling your lovely wives that you have no more money left, I think you know what will happen.

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Your lack of support for men and your slavish pedastalising of women is truly pathetic, that is why feminists have been able to enact so many anti male laws.

Take up my challenge of telling your lovely wives that you have no more money left, I think you know what will happen.

Steady now, only one post necessary LOL

My lovely wife knew I, as an ancient retiree had v little in the first place.

She is OK if I have "A good heart", tell the truth and keep my promise (commitment) to "Take care of her".

Relax, just rent, don't "buy in" - it takes all sorts and variety is the spice of life after all.

My understanding of "Men" is quite broad, I have worked all round the world and especially I can tell you that Nigerian Men need no support - in fact, should you offer such "support" it would be treated as an insult! A cultural thing, of course, but there you are. Since this is an anonymous site - I have no idea who each poster is or his/her background etc. but clearly, you are not from Nigeria.

Have a nice day.

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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Looking at your avatar I can see why you would think thattongue.png. Anyway, for me it was a shotgun wedding. I too am not overly concerned about formalizing a union between two individuals, but it was/is important to her.

And looking back at the two decades since I have not regretted it for one day.

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I couldn't care less about the "money" thing. If I am dead tomorrow the wife and kids get everything, and vice versa. So why not share and enjoy everything whilst we are all here?

The only unwritten "pre-nup" clause we have is: If I become a cranky old bastard, slip a pill into my cup of tea, but don't get caught. I'm still here and hope to be for a long while yet.

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I woke up on a Monday morning and headed down to the main Town Hall in CM to do the next "step" to get married....they advised we had all the correct paperwork already and we could just go to the Amphur in town....off we head...3.15pm walk in.....3.45pm walk out.....married!

That was a strange Monday!

Love it....no BS, no Sinsod.....you love each other, job done!

Best thing I have ever done!

Never married before, me or the missus and we would not change a thing! We don't do BS!

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Your lack of support for men and your slavish pedastalising of women is truly pathetic, that is why feminists have been able to enact so many anti male laws.

Take up my challenge of telling your lovely wives that you have no more money left, I think you know what will happen.

She'd be shocked....as she has been earning the lion's share for the past 5 years....closer now but she really is an equal partner and we work together. I've just got this feeling you wonder why you haven't got lucky and spend your time blaming everybody, and everything, else. What do you think I'm pointing at?

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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Married. Not religious. Really not a loser. Wife is English, I'm English. We live in Nonthaburi.

Does that fit your stereotype?

If you don't like marriage why are you on a "How to propose to your Thai girlfriend?" thread? Before you ask, I'm a bit soppy as it goes and wanted to check out other people's. I didn't marry a Thai girl so my story is not relevant.

50% Damn fine odds!

Anyway Digitalnomade why are you so impassioned about marriage? Rejected? Life lacking substance? Plenty of easy and attractive ladies but come to the realisation that it is all a bit "samey"?

The issue that scares me about marriage is the financial suicide contract that you are required to sign to as evidence of “your love”.

Marriage in my opinion, was legislated out of being a good idea, now it’s not just about two people in love wanting to spend their lives together, it’s become a business decision.

A very interesting view. Thank you. To be honest I enter into far more risky business relationships without any protection. I come from a "broken home" so have experienced the devastating effects of a messy (and unbearably long) divorce. All it made me do was be very careful about my wife. I trust her now and I know I would be able to trust her then. We bring equal amounts to this relationship, we both work hard and compete regularly to be the major breadwinner. Some days I could throttle her but I know which side my bread is buttered.

I actually share your view of marriage being mostly legal and didn't want to get married but actually I have benefited from this as I live here happily on my wife's work permit and have done for 6 years. For a lot of that time she has been the major breadwinner and I have provided a comfortable home for her. I have had time to raise my child and enjoy the first 3 years of her life in a way that most men can't.

I think I'm one of life's winners!

I’m always happy when I hear a story like yours; sounds like you have a good situation with your marriage. My parents were married 52 years and they had a wonderful life together so I know it unquestionably can work.

As with most arrangements in life marriage can be fabulously beneficial or it can be a nightmare. My litmus test has always been that with the girl I would marry would make me stronger together with her than I would be alone. So far I have not found that person.

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I went down on my knees and with tears streaming down my cheeks and a quivering voice begged, and begged Mrs T to not hold me to my promise to 'marry her one day.'

But she said, "a promise is a promise," and here we are.

But, seriously, folks, this post here gets to the point in a round about way: http://backyardbarbeques.blogspot.com/2014/01/con-job.html


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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Married. Not religious. Really not a loser. Wife is English, I'm English. We live in Nonthaburi.

Does that fit your stereotype?

If you don't like marriage why are you on a "How to propose to your Thai girlfriend?" thread? Before you ask, I'm a bit soppy as it goes and wanted to check out other people's. I didn't marry a Thai girl so my story is not relevant.

50% Damn fine odds!

Anyway Digitalnomade why are you so impassioned about marriage? Rejected? Life lacking substance? Plenty of easy and attractive ladies but come to the realisation that it is all a bit "samey"?

The issue that scares me about marriage is the financial suicide contract that you are required to sign to as evidence of “your love”.

Marriage in my opinion, was legislated out of being a good idea, now it’s not just about two people in love wanting to spend their lives together, it’s become a business decision.

Perhaps that's why there is an automatic pre-nup included in the Thai Marriage certificate!

It's that little bit about recording property......

As a 30 year old I married my UK gf but really never had a clue about relationships.

My role models (Mum n Dad) were also not so good at it themselves. We managed 25 years before I left.

However, 14 years or so later, I met a fine Thai lady a few years ago and persuaded her to "take care of me" and I would "take care of her".

Then I bought her a new house, fully furnished with fly screens, security grills and awnings over the windows, big fully fitted kitchen etc.

Then we had a traditional House Warming Blessing party.

Then we had wedding type photos taken.

Then we went to get my affirmation to get married translated and ended up married the same day.

Commitment:- obligation that restricts freedom of action.

Marriage is a contract to a commitment of mutual trust.

Most know this and I can see that because of the comments that it is easier and cheaper to part when not married!

Maybe this commitment helps both parties to work a little harder to resolve any difficulties in the relationship.

As to the comment that the wife must be more wealthy than the husband - I agree.

I gave everything to my wife and I am now somewhat poorer, but she's very nice and gives me whatever I want, without question.

My wife is aware of the "losing everything" problems that abound in Thai/Westerner relationships, so, in the giving of resources,

I openly gave my trust and my wife knows that without question.

She feels honoured and trusted as well as loved, as do I.

It's easy to speak a few love words but the real power comes with actions and commitment.

Do unto others .......

BTW, I challenge the poster who says he and his wife are the happiest - we are the happiest LOL

(but I loved one posters comment : She's a lucky woman!)

A great thread and so entertaining to read such lovely posts from such happy people.

Congratulations to all.

(Now to go back and catch up with the posts I haven't read yet, but I think I will soon run out of "Likes")

You’re a very trusting man; I think I tend to be a bit more pessimistic than you. In my life I have been very career oriented which means a lot of time focusing on myself, women don’t like that about me very much. In all honesty I understand them but I guess I never found a woman who was interesting enough mentally to satisfy me like my career undertakings. It is great that you’re happy, I wish you the best!

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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Married. Not religious. Really not a loser. Wife is English, I'm English. We live in Nonthaburi.

Does that fit your stereotype?

If you don't like marriage why are you on a "How to propose to your Thai girlfriend?" thread? Before you ask, I'm a bit soppy as it goes and wanted to check out other people's. I didn't marry a Thai girl so my story is not relevant.

50% Damn fine odds!

Anyway Digitalnomade why are you so impassioned about marriage? Rejected? Life lacking substance? Plenty of easy and attractive ladies but come to the realisation that it is all a bit "samey"?

The issue that scares me about marriage is the financial suicide contract that you are required to sign to as evidence of “your love”.

Marriage in my opinion, was legislated out of being a good idea, now it’s not just about two people in love wanting to spend their lives together, it’s become a business decision.

Perhaps that's why there is an automatic pre-nup included in the Thai Marriage certificate!

It's that little bit about recording property......

As a 30 year old I married my UK gf but really never had a clue about relationships.

My role models (Mum n Dad) were also not so good at it themselves. We managed 25 years before I left.

However, 14 years or so later, I met a fine Thai lady a few years ago and persuaded her to "take care of me" and I would "take care of her".

Then I bought her a new house, fully furnished with fly screens, security grills and awnings over the windows, big fully fitted kitchen etc.

Then we had a traditional House Warming Blessing party.

Then we had wedding type photos taken.

Then we went to get my affirmation to get married translated and ended up married the same day.

Commitment:- obligation that restricts freedom of action.

Marriage is a contract to a commitment of mutual trust.

Most know this and I can see that because of the comments that it is easier and cheaper to part when not married!

Maybe this commitment helps both parties to work a little harder to resolve any difficulties in the relationship.

As to the comment that the wife must be more wealthy than the husband - I agree.

I gave everything to my wife and I am now somewhat poorer, but she's very nice and gives me whatever I want, without question.

My wife is aware of the "losing everything" problems that abound in Thai/Westerner relationships, so, in the giving of resources,

I openly gave my trust and my wife knows that without question.

She feels honoured and trusted as well as loved, as do I.

It's easy to speak a few love words but the real power comes with actions and commitment.

Do unto others .......

BTW, I challenge the poster who says he and his wife are the happiest - we are the happiest LOL

(but I loved one posters comment : She's a lucky woman!)

A great thread and so entertaining to read such lovely posts from such happy people.

Congratulations to all.

(Now to go back and catch up with the posts I haven't read yet, but I think I will soon run out of "Likes")

You’re a very trusting man; I think I tend to be a bit more pessimistic than you. In my life I have been very career oriented which means a lot of time focusing on myself, women don’t like that about me very much. In all honesty I understand them but I guess I never found a woman who was interesting enough mentally to satisfy me like my career undertakings. It is great that you’re happy, I wish you the best!

Me too, in my first marriage I was so tied up trying to make a living that I forgot to live!

I've been retired 14 years now so when I met someone with whom I could be happy to trust, I simply went for it and have made a good choice.

Years ago my wife was told by a fortune teller that at 50 she would meet the "right man" who would take care of her.

When we met it was just after her 50th birthday, she didn't want another husband, she had been divorced for years, providing Grandma with the funds to bring up her sons. I came along and changed everything.

We are both very happy, the honeymoon has lasted two and a half years and counting!

Friends and family for both of us tell us we look much younger than when we met.

I must admit that our photos seem to agree LOL

Of course I could have chosen badly and my story would probably have become a whine about terrible Thai ladies.

However, in the years between wives, I had an English gf who would be a rival for any "terrible"Thai lady story!

I was lucky that, after she had wrung as much as she could, she threw me out.

Best thing she has ever done for me and 3 years later I met the lady who is now my wife.

I don't recommend that others should as I did.

There are many posts in this thread where the couples have taken the time to get to know each other, the good, the bad and the ugly.

However, there are others who like me, just dived in and got lucky.

You should know that much of my success is due to an American friend (Jimmy) who lent me the book Thailand Fever - I read it three times. I also read Stephen Leather - Private Dancer.

I now knew the risks and largely understood the culture.

"Take care of you", means this:-

Man provides the necessary finances (nam jai - generosity)

Woman ensures man's glass is always full - constantly checking that he is happy. (Datanju -obligation)

A Thai wife's first obligation is to support her family and our arrangement is that she has control over funds, she knows what to give, how much and when. It is her money and she is very careful with it.

I have friends who dole out money when the wife asks for it. He never gets any change, it all disappears and he is not happy.

From MPOV I feel she is spending HIS money, not hers! See the difference?

(Do unto others......)

Place your bets - it's up to you.

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I've never been married and have absolutely no intentions to change that. In my opinion, marriage is an outdated thing. I'll stay together with my girlfriend as long as we're both happy, and if one day one of us is not and we just can't solve it, it's time to move on. But that's just my personal view.

If I am comatose and on terminal life support, I want my legally married wife there to OK turning off the machines.

I want my legally married wife to be able to access my money to pay for my cremation.

I could go on, but if the foreign man dies first and no good will, he has really hurt his surviving gf in many ways.

None of these concerns, named and implied, relate to anyone who will never die.

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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Back home, it has some tax advantages, but the almost inevitable divorce settlement negates that...and then some.

Nothing wrong with the Buddha wedding. I don't see any reason to record the wedding with your Embassy...other than taxes.

I believe marriage makes it more convenient for the Law of the land to enact it's control over you. Living together without marriage does seem like you keep the key to the jail cell in your back pocket.

How to propose? You just show them how much Sin Sot you are going to fork over. No words necessary. (LOL wink, tongue in cheek)

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I've never been married and have absolutely no intentions to change that. In my opinion, marriage is an outdated thing. I'll stay together with my girlfriend as long as we're both happy, and if one day one of us is not and we just can't solve it, it's time to move on. But that's just my personal view.

If I am comatose and on terminal life support, I want my legally married wife there to OK turning off the machines.

I want my legally married wife to be able to access my money to pay for my cremation.

I could go on, but if the foreign man dies first and no good will, he has really hurt his surviving gf in many ways.

None of these concerns, named and implied, relate to anyone who will never die.

Write a will for the money and a living will for the life support.

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I've never been married and have absolutely no intentions to change that. In my opinion, marriage is an outdated thing. I'll stay together with my girlfriend as long as we're both happy, and if one day one of us is not and we just can't solve it, it's time to move on. But that's just my personal view.

I have to agree with you on marriage. I don't believe I should have to seek someone's, some government's, or some religion's permission for me to be with the woman I love.

the trouble is if she come to live in the uk you have to get married or no visa

Yes, being able to take her back home was the reason behind two of my marriages.

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Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Yep agree, nothing like speaking the truth in dose of reality












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  • 2 weeks later...

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Marriage is for losers, over 50 percent divorce anyway. Marriage is only if you need a green card or want stay in Thailand.... If you love you don't need a piece of paper. You all have been brainwashed by church and religion.

Back home, it has some tax advantages, but the almost inevitable divorce settlement negates that...and then some.

Nothing wrong with the Buddha wedding. I don't see any reason to record the wedding with your Embassy...other than taxes.

I believe marriage makes it more convenient for the Law of the land to enact it's control over you. Living together without marriage does seem like you keep the key to the jail cell in your back pocket.

How to propose? You just show them how much Sin Sot you are going to fork over. No words necessary. (LOL wink, tongue in cheek)

I'm still trying to figure out where this "almost inevitable divorce settlement" idea comes from. Like I said earlier, in the States the divorce rate is somewhere around 35%. And obviously you can do things to make yourself more likely to be in the 65% that doesn't get divorced. Where is divorce almost inevitable?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were sitting on the steps on Pattaya Beach admiring the full moon. The large cement structure with steps that jut out onto the beach. I moved down a couple steps, got on one knee, showed her the ring and asked her if she wanted to marry me. She cried, said yes. Now 4 years later, we are still acting like newlyweds. Best decision I ever made. She treats me like a king. We shop at flea markets, not the malls. She grows amazing veggies and cooks like a pro. She does our laundry and cleans every day. She just got her CA massage license, and she is looking for a job at a high end spa. Y'all can bash marriage and Thai women all you want, but I am a happy boy! wai.gif I'll post another update in a few years for all you who say it can't work.

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I told her that we must marry else she wouldn't get a visa for europe.

We both agreed that we wouldn't marry if the situation isn't forcing us to do so because there is no point in being married.

Now we are 12 years happily married....

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