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Neighbour going for 5.30am walk everyday wakes everyone up


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I used to think thais had a higher tolerance level to noise than we did,but i think its more about not liking to complain(like we do) as the consequences are possible loss of face to both parties and thais dont like to argue except when nothing is resolved.

Westerners in general have a low tolerance to noise so it can be a big problem in thailand.

The answer is either go to bed as the locals do 10pm and wake up 5.30am..................or come home at 5.30am if you live in an entertainment area.

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get a bigger dog that will make her dog sh*t itself or make a snack for it and leave it outside your gate until you get up and call it in. I am sure she will start walking her dog after it is no longer out there to upset her precious.

A person who knows nothing about dogs.

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After living more than 3 years in Chiang Mai in an apartment next to a Thai neighborhood where the dogs go off at all times of night and day in a chorus that would wake the dead, I've come to the conclusion that most (if not all) Thais are completely immune to their barking. It just doesn't bother or affect them. And I must admit that after the first 2 years here, I've developed a certain immunity to them barking too. I had no choice since I didn't want to move (I like my place otherwise) and no one was obviously going to do anything to quiet the dogs.

Unless you're really happy where you are, I think you'll need to consider moving…but reconnoiter the new place thoroughly before signing on the dotted line.

Edited by morpho
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Thats how it is on those estates. sad.png

Your lucky you ain't got a dip stick on a microphone at that time talking rubbish to those within a km radius.......bah.gif

I do not think you will escape barking dogs in moobans.

I want a barking dog for any disruption, including walkers coming by. That is what my dogs are for, security.

One of my 4 dogs has learned to howl, which adds to the mix of sounds.

When all the bad guys in the world are dead and only the honest ones still exist, I will shush and quiet my dogs; until that date, I WANT barking.wai.gif

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We bought on such an estate, non stop barking and get woken up most morning about 5 when the people next door wake up, her often shouting at him! Some of the houses have stereo, actually PA speakers outside their houses, almost all leave dogs out all day while they are at work, constant vendors with their speakers blaring out come and go all day,and they have the nerve to talk about 'grengjai'!

Funny thing is 30 water meters were stolen at the weekend early hours with water everyhwhere, not one dog raised the alarm!

Edited by jacky54
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Or do you think it would be ok to get several of the neighbours together to approach her and ask her to walk at a more reasonable time i.e 6.30am. Or maybe I should grow a pair and approach her myself. I was always taught in life 'no balls no babies'. Let me know your thoughts.

Down my way the neighbors dogs bark, our dogs bark, the chickens are cocadodalooding 24/7, cats have bitch fights during the middle of the night, a couple of families often have domestics over the weekends, we take short cuts across each others land to gain quicker access to the main roads and shops, loud speakers switch on at 6.00 in the morning, play introduction music and to make announcements and so on. Welcome to Thailand where people still live the community spirit. The OP is one good reason why I would hate to have a farang neighbor because these people are unable to adapt to the Thai way of life.

I also think that the OP should consider what maybe the consequences if he takes it upon himself to be a self appointed neighborhood spokesman on behalf of all the other residents, because in Thailand such actions will only end up alienating other people against him and will probably make the situation much worse, especially if one day when he visits Immigration to discover that the officer dealing with his visa application is one of the neighbors the OP had managed to wind up.

My advice is this; for those who prefer to live in absolute peace and tranquillity and are intolerable of those living around them should rent a house situated on a large plot of land or a stand alone in a remote area that will give them complete isolation away from everyone else. And these are my thoughts on the matter.

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Thats how it is on those estates. sad.png

Your lucky you ain't got a dip stick on a microphone at that time talking rubbish to those within a km radius.......bah.gif

I do not think you will escape barking dogs in moobans.

I want a barking dog for any disruption, including walkers coming by. That is what my dogs are for, security.

One of my 4 dogs has learned to howl, which adds to the mix of sounds.

When all the bad guys in the world are dead and only the honest ones still exist, I will shush and quiet my dogs; until that date, I WANT barking.wai.gif

Always had dogs myself but I prefer intelligent dogs that don't bark until someone is on the property.

They say dogs take after their owners.

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A couple of suggestions...get up at 5am and go walking with her...make a new friend...

If this does not work for you...by all mean tell her of your disappointment at having to wake up at 5:30 each day...this will make each and everyday more special for her...as she knows that it annoys a farang...

Or...the old reliable standby...get some soft earplugs...and sleep thru the entire ordeal...

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This is just one of the reasons, that it is always better to rent than buy. This includes women as well as houses.

you have the right avatar,, oh wise one of thailand,,

no matter what the topic is, there is allways the wise one who says it better to rent then buy,,, that includes women,,lol,,

well if thats all you can get rented girls,,,i pitty some

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My grandmother lived about 150 ft from the railroad track of all the trains that take the southern route across the U.S.. I spent every summer there for a good 10 years. The first week or two I would hear them, after that I would sleep good at night. She never heard them. Either move or get use to them barking. Maybe you should get up early and go for a walk with her and her dog and yours.

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Geting up early in Thailand is entwined with the culture.

Imagine living in Thiland before aircon.

People get up early and enjoy the coolest part of the day, being active without working up a sweat.

The weather in Thailand at 5.30am is surprisingly cool and pleasant. You should try it.

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Most working age people in my Village have already left for work at 05:30...

Most young and older people are up by that time, 1st Van for kids start arriving at 5:55, you can set your cock by it...

There again if I look outside before going to bed at 22:00 most of the Village is in darkness as I must be one of the last going to bed...

Been here 11 years this month and perfectly fine for me..

May I ask what you set your cock to do ?

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What you need to know to understand a lot of what goes on in Thailand is:-

Thais are the most tolerant people in the world......they are also one of the most inconsiderate, too.

Thai are tolerant because the reaction to a legitimate complaint can be off the charts. Double that if a farang dare to voice opinion.

Asking the neighbor to keep quiet can ruin your life.

I asked my landlord to speak with a noisy neighbor and he said, "I have a wife and kids to worry about"

It is not a bad idea to complain. In my case at midnight I screamed for the neighbor to shut his dogs up (bark all night). I have slept peacefully for the last 3 weeks. Just hope it continues.

Your Thai neighbor won't get mad. He will just wait a couple months and make it look like an accident.

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I feel for you..noises like that are frustrating, but how to deal with it.

I do t think there's a solution in your case except realising that you can't live in that environment and moving somewhere else.

I agree that people who make the noise are inconsiderate, but reality is that they are happy there and will stay. So suck it up, admit you need to move on and do it so that you are happy too.

Good luck mate.

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I dont know where you are, but I noticed "the sleeping time" out in the country, for me, it like 630am to about 9 am. Some people cant really wake up and go back to sleep, but I can. When I am in the country a guy comes along with the loudspeaker everyday at about 6, then he's gone and by 630 or 645 so is everyone else. The entire town is dead quiet and it is still cool.

Anyway, that is my "solution"

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You need to understand that you are part of this community (voluntarily) and this community sees nothing wrong with waking up at 5:30am. Some may argue its even a little late.

If you want to sleep til 9 you need to pick a different community or just put up with being woken up.

I am making no normative judgments here about what is right or wrong, just pointing out fact. You won't change it and really shouldnt try.

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Had a guy in our moo baan checking the trash bins each and every day around 05.30 initiating a dog concert in our street. Thai house owners complained to a police officer living in the moo baan who complained to the trash finder.

One week later my dog and a few cats in our street died from poisoning and the trash finder moved to some other moo baan for his quest.

Don' t make ANY Thai loose face!

Edited by tartempion
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Westerners have dealt with this issues years back due to noise reduction and usually respect of neighbors. By that I mean collectively through city councils laws were passed to uphold the sense of 'consideration' for others by law. As generations have come the youngsters are taught to be considerate. I suspect that Thai's have the attitude of it 'not being my business' and keeping quiet. Plus we have back-up through enforcement of 'animal control' to deal with lawbreakers. But we have the money to pay these 'extra' agencies.

I would bet that even if you had a great relationship with your neighbors, many would just smile and not want to 'stir the pot' so to speak. That is their way and do not want confrontation. If you can communicate with her, as a start, I would speak with her on the topic and hear where she is coming from.

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Most Thai people like all sounds loud, music, firecrackers, dogs barking 24/7 and etc. Most Thai's sleep straight through it all. I lived in your kind of neighborhood also, the 1st place was a dog disaster, then I found a corner house one block away that the neighbors were against dogs, so I sleep just fine now, you have to do some searching to find the ideal place.

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Don' t make ANY Thai loose face!

No, make them lose face at every opportunity, it's the only way forward

To get killed....

My wife accused a neighbor's wife to be a thief (and I think she was) and we got more than death threats for some days, the man banging our door with a broken beer bottle for hours, we called the bib to calm him down, unsuccessfully. He continued his threats, we mover out 48h after the incident.

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The main problems is that many farangs who plonk themselves in Thailand for the long term are under the delusions that neighbors should not be seen and not be heard and all of them should stay confirmed to their own little environments never encroaching on what these farangs consider as their space as is expected behaviour in their home countries.

These farangs are anti-social, they prefer to live in exclusion and believe that everyone else around them are intruders and should restrict any of their activities that may involve inconveniencing the farang by making them aware of the neighbors presence in the area.

This again is one good reason why I would hate to have a farang neighbor, because with attitudes such as these, it would not be long before we became neighbors at war.

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