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I am Angry and sad.


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If it wasn't for KEYBOARD DETECTIVES like the ones keeping this on the front page, the KEYSTONE COPS of Thailand would have called this terrible homicide a suicide by farang and blamed bikinis and the foreign press.

Get real or get lost if you cannot smell a major cover up every step of the way.

When will the 85% go up to 100% for these masters of math and police science?

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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Welcome to ThaiVisa, OP.

To the OP. Good post and you have hit the nail right on the head, but there was a good sensible post from a TV member who was an experienced homicide investigator, he stated all the things that should have been done and were not.

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I didn't read or take part in any of the threads dealing with this dreadful crime because I figured there'd probably be a gaggle of the usual suspects railing against what tourists get up to, their apparent lack of respect for Thai culture and sensibilities and endless castigation of the police investigation; all directed from the comfort of their armchairs.

Hell, I'm sure if I had a look at a thread now, there'd be some joker asking if the victims were visa runners on overstay

Not FWIR but there was no shortage of speculation and plenty of hysterical responses from your 'usual suspects' along with an extensive rehash of the trial-by-social-media which seems to have accompanied the case.

What does FWIR stand for?

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If you get angry and sad having rad some of the replies in this forum, be prepare to be angrier

and sadder in days, weeks and years to come, being a part of Thaivisa is about that, the good,

the bad and the ugly, and the downright obnoxious we have them here, so unless you

can be part of this forum for all it's faults and glory, I'd suggest looking else where...

True, but I would say that about 90% of TV members are good.

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This forum is well managed by the moderators.Posters should develop thick skins if they want to participate and not take things too personally.

The case in point,the koh tao murders has as usual been handled very badly by the local police and authorities but there is nothing new in this.

I doubt if the local police have been trained very well in knowing what to do,like securing the crime scene and blocking any ferries leaving before checking everyone on board.

To us these actions would be seen as common sense.But a policeman on 10,000 baht a month salary is more interested in collecting "tea" money or finding an angle where money can be gained quickly.

And finally about the press releases on updates in the case,we should remember that we are dealing with a nation that does not mature as they grow into adulthood but rather stays in a child like state hence we witness these bizarre and confusing press releases.

I agree with your first sentence, but when get called certain things, and get threatened with a head butt, I can't help but wish the poster concerned was standing next to me and not hiding behind a keyboard.

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This forum is well managed by the moderators.Posters should develop thick skins if they want to participate and not take things too personally.

The case in point,the koh tao murders has as usual been handled very badly by the local police and authorities but there is nothing new in this.

I doubt if the local police have been trained very well in knowing what to do,like securing the crime scene and blocking any ferries leaving before checking everyone on board.

To us these actions would be seen as common sense.But a policeman on 10,000 baht a month salary is more interested in collecting "tea" money or finding an angle where money can be gained quickly.

And finally about the press releases on updates in the case,we should remember that we are dealing with a nation that does not mature as they grow into adulthood but rather stays in a child like state hence we witness these bizarre and confusing press releases.

ARREST has been made-Mon the brother of village head arrested and now looking for Son of village head in Bangkok. Fantastic news. SOURCE Thai PBS

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I didn't read or take part in any of the threads dealing with this dreadful crime because I figured there'd probably be a gaggle of the usual suspects railing against what tourists get up to, their apparent lack of respect for Thai culture and sensibilities and endless castigation of the police investigation; all directed from the comfort of their armchairs.

Hell, I'm sure if I had a look at a thread now, there'd be some joker asking if the victims were visa runners on overstay

One guy surmised that since Sean Mcanna was working as a barman without a permit, logically he had no moral scruples whatsoever and would surely commit further 'crimes' like perverting the course of justice in a murder investigation ^^

He was convicted of child pornography possession last year - does that prove lack of morals?

That emerged after the work permit posts.

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This forum is well managed by the moderators.Posters should develop thick skins if they want to participate and not take things too personally.

The case in point,the koh tao murders has as usual been handled very badly by the local police and authorities but there is nothing new in this.

I doubt if the local police have been trained very well in knowing what to do,like securing the crime scene and blocking any ferries leaving before checking everyone on board.

To us these actions would be seen as common sense.But a policeman on 10,000 baht a month salary is more interested in collecting "tea" money or finding an angle where money can be gained quickly.

And finally about the press releases on updates in the case,we should remember that we are dealing with a nation that does not mature as they grow into adulthood but rather stays in a child like state hence we witness these bizarre and confusing press releases.

ARREST has been made-Mon the brother of village head arrested and now looking for Son of village head in Bangkok. Fantastic news. SOURCE Thai PBS

If this is true it's great news. I think it is a five day old story that has already been covered up and discounted by bribes.

Let's see if it becomes a reality or just another press blunder.

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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It's all the keyboard detectives that get my back up.

I agree with you, but read post 32#.

That's ok where there is expertise based on experience available. 4 members of my BIL's family got killed when a Global House structure fell on them in Surin this year. Now I was directly informed about what had happened and on top of that I am a qualified Civil Engineer that knows what has to be done to establish cause (not fault) of structural failures. Two guys virtually took over the thread and started to discuss what had caused it, a couple of others were bashing Thais. To this day I don't really know what happened even though we visited the site.

If only we could disable spell checkers on this forum maybe we could sort out the educational and intellectual capacities of some of these morons a bit easier.

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Well, i have seen some insensitive posts on this tragic story, but, as usual we have to read a lot to find anything worth of praise.

Still, the sheer number of posts , the good and the bad, shows that this tragedy is too big to be ignored....And possibly a milestone on the way to reform and improve the police .

It's not bad to expose the dark side of this country, the tourists should know what can be behind a nice smile, and of course they cannot always expect the Thais to warn them about the dangers.

Many Thais are scared of other Thais, let's not forget that.

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The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

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The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

You just don't get it, do you??

Try to read the OP again, it was exacly nonsense posts like yours, that made him angry and sad!

You have about 10 concurrenly running threads on the topic, where you can spew your anti-Thai venom!

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The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

You just don't get it, do you??

Try to read the OP again, it was exacly nonsense posts like yours, that made him angry and sad!

You have about 10 concurrenly running threads on the topic, where you can spew your anti-Thai venom!

But it's the Truth, and it needs to be told ..... repeatedly if necessary, until the OP and his ilk can see the Light.

The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants.

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The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

You just don't get it, do you??

Try to read the OP again, it was exacly nonsense posts like yours, that made him angry and sad!

You have about 10 concurrenly running threads on the topic, where you can spew your anti-Thai venom!

But it's the Truth, and it needs to be told ..... repeatedly if necessary, until the OP and his ilk can see the Light.

The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants.

"The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants. "

So stop posting whiny, angry rants. There is nothing in these TV threads that needs to be told or that would contribute to solving the murders. It's just an excuse for the usual Thai bashers to criticize one more thing about which they haven't a clue. I wonder if the same sort of whiny, angry rants were made when they were back in Farang Land ... or if they're so childishly naive as to assume the police back in Farang Utopia are any less bungling.

Watching half-hour TV police dramas does not give you special insight into police procedure and in real-life the police do not catch the bad guy in less than thirty minutes ... quite often the bad guy is never caught or the one caught isn't actually the bad guy.

Edited by Suradit69
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The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

You just don't get it, do you??

Try to read the OP again, it was exacly nonsense posts like yours, that made him angry and sad!

You have about 10 concurrenly running threads on the topic, where you can spew your anti-Thai venom!

But it's the Truth, and it needs to be told ..... repeatedly if necessary, until the OP and his ilk can see the Light.

The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants.

"The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants. "

So stop posting whiny, angry rants. There is nothing in these TV threads that needs to be told or that would contribute to solving the murders. It's just an excuse for the usual Thai bashers to criticize one more thing about which they haven't a clue. I wonder if the same sort of whiny, angry rants were made when they were back in Farang Land ... or if they're so childishly naive as to assume the police back in Farang Utopia are any less bungling.

Watching half-hour TV police dramas does not give you special insight into police procedure and in real-life the police do not catch the bad guy in less than thirty minutes ... quite often the bad guy is never caught or the one caught isn't actually the bad guy.

Rest assured that they would whine just as much about cops back home in Farangistan. But this website ain't about Farangland, it's about Thailand for people who live in Thailand. And Thai cops don't deserve much praise, do they? So let's have a jolly old whinge. ^_^

Let your esteem off here.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The incompetent Thai Police have messed up the investigation (surprise, surprise). Evidence has been contaminated or gone missing, witnesses have absconded or been intimidated. All eyes are on the cops, who are under huge pressure to come up with answers. If they can't solve the case, they'll probably pick on some poor Burmese migrant and beat a confession out of him.

Meanwhile, the tourist authorities' main concern is Thailand's precious image and how to get more foreigners to come and spend their earnings here.

You just don't get it, do you??
Try to read the OP again, it was exacly nonsense posts like yours, that made him angry and sad!
You have about 10 concurrenly running threads on the topic, where you can spew your anti-Thai venom!

But it's the Truth, and it needs to be told ..... repeatedly if necessary, until the OP and his ilk can see the Light.

The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants.

"The double murder and the official investigation are grave matters that require more than mere whiny and angry rants. "

So stop posting whiny, angry rants. There is nothing in these TV threads that needs to be told or that would contribute to solving the murders. It's just an excuse for the usual Thai bashers to criticize one more thing about which they haven't a clue. I wonder if the same sort of whiny, angry rants were made when they were back in Farang Land ... or if they're so childishly naive as to assume the police back in Farang Utopia are any less bungling.

Watching half-hour TV police dramas does not give you special insight into police procedure and in real-life the police do not catch the bad guy in less than thirty minutes ... quite often the bad guy is never caught or the one caught isn't actually the bad guy.


Nicely said.

Some of these LazyBoy recliner sleuths behave as though the victims' bodies were discovered just as the perpetrator was legging it down the beach and the only reason the police didn't catch him because they were too portly to keep up the chase.

These clowns remind me of that tool who actually wrote out the details of a narcotics sting on a thread as if the Thai police don't know what one is. There were mentions of "confidential informants", "controlled buys" and "marked bills". I was surprised there wasn't a departmentally-approved cover, a Ferrari Daytona Spider, an alligator and a Giorgio Armani wardrobe involved as well.

Oops, sorry, my bad; that was Miami Vice facepalm.gif

Edited by Cypress Hill
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