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Stop Handing Me Change Balanced On Notes and Receipt


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It is done in the U.S. - some believe it is a sanitary way of exchanging money ... I liked it when clerks counted my changes in bills and coins as they handed it to me ... But too much to ask most anywhere in the world today ... I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up...

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"I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up"

Good idea actually!!

What I do (all nice and slow and calm) is take the coins, then remove the receipt and discard it on the counter, then I take the notes and put them in my wallet...they don't seem to mind.

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Can we find anything more pithy to be peavish about?

I kind of noticed it wasn't worth noticing.....

Don't care much whether I get my 7/11 stamps either.....

The way they do it makes it easy to slide the change off & fold the bills to slide into my pocket.....

I don't grab the bagged stuff until the rest is sorted so there's no balancing act.....that would be the only difficulty I see....

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Let me guess, you have big sausage fingers and little manual dexterity. I had to go test how I actually do this it is so simple and automatic I never noticed what I do. hold the bills down with your thumb, tilt your hand so the coins fall in your palm, fold the bills and slide them in your pocket while cupping the change in your palm, slip the change into your front pocket. The final step is to stop whining about silly little things.

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It is done in the U.S. - some believe it is a sanitary way of exchanging money ... I liked it when clerks counted my changes in bills and coins as they handed it to me ... But too much to ask most anywhere in the world today ... I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up...

What a fun person you must be.

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It is done in the U.S. - some believe it is a sanitary way of exchanging money ... I liked it when clerks counted my changes in bills and coins as they handed it to me ... But too much to ask most anywhere in the world today ... I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up...

How sad is that!

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To be fair its a selfish way of giving you your change, receipt, stamps all lumped into one disorganised mess!

and all whilst you are trying to manoeuvre your shopping trolley and kids

this method suits them fine but not you struggling with your purse wallet, loose coins, different value of notes ETC and trying to keep safe the receipts with all those other bits of paper they give you for credit when you are next shopping.

Those who are not irritated with this bizarre way of giving you your change obviously have time and patience, maybe they are right

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To be fair its a selfish way of giving you your change, receipt, stamps all lumped into one disorganised mess!

and all whilst you are trying to manoeuvre your shopping trolley and kids

this method suits them fine but not you struggling with your purse wallet, loose coins, different value of notes ETC and trying to keep safe the receipts with all those other bits of paper they give you for credit when you are next shopping.

Those who are not irritated with this bizarre way of giving you your change obviously have time and patience, maybe they are right

How would you like it to be done?

Handed the large notes first followed in order by the smaller ones, wait while you arrange them in your wallet, next the coins or possibly reciept then any stamps thet may be on offer. Poor cashier would probably get berated constantly by others that prefer it to be done in a different order and those waiting to be served.

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Simple way is to give them the correct amount = no coins returned

most appear to love it when you can round the bill up to a note, also gets rid of all the little coins.......... who wants a pocket full of .25 or .50 coins, or for that matter a load of 1 baht coins ?

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Stop handing me change with the coin on top of the notes and repair the sidewalks, please improve traffic control as well. Also desired is perfect English from everyone I meet, perfect hygiene to western standards, noise abatement, animal control, clearer road markings, pollution control during the burning season and so on!

Simply, why come here let alone live here if such things are so anoying?

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Well I would like to get the change so I can put it away in my wallet or purse together with any stamps

Then I would like the receipt so I could place it in a bag do that if the security man wants a check it's easy to find

Is that so hard to do?

I would gamble that if the cashier used this simple process it would speed transaction up enormously

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Well I would like to get the change so I can put it away in my wallet or purse together with any stamps

Then I would like the receipt so I could place it in a bag do that if the security man wants a check it's easy to find

Is that so hard to do?

I would gamble that if the cashier used this simple process it would speed transaction up enormously

Jeeze, and I'd like peace on earth also!

How difficult can it be to understand that this isn't Kansas, it's not back home and things don't work the same way, it's a different country with all that entails, goodness me.

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Simple way is to give them the correct amount = no coins returned

most appear to love it when you can round the bill up to a note, also gets rid of all the little coins.......... who wants a pocket full of .25 or .50 coins, or for that matter a load of 1 baht coins ?

Used to live in a country just like that. Rare to get coins in change as they would round the bill up or down. One time you win next maybe loose. Only the equivalent of 5 baht either way and evened itself out over time. Problem is after reading some topics on here the thought of having a bill rounded up and loosing 25 satang in change would push some people over the edge.

I meant for the OP to round it up, so if the bill is 303.50 baht, use the change in you pocket to round it off to 300 baht, so if paying with 1,000 bill will get 700 baht back with NO coins balanced on notes..

When I try that method, it usually confuses the hell out of the cashier.

My experience is the opposite. Most cashiers, 7/11, BigC, even my local Mom&Pop shop etc. know how to deal with it with no confusion and often happy about it. Sometimes the shop will even ask if I had 1 or 2 baht for something that is like 101/102 Baht and I give them a 500 or 1000.

I've gotten so used to the stacking concept I actually find it logical and easier to deal with then one thing after the other.

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"I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up"

Good idea actually!!

What I do (all nice and slow and calm) is take the coins, then remove the receipt and discard it on the counter, then I take the notes and put them in my wallet...they don't seem to mind.

I do the same. They have no problems ...

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"I often drop it - the whole thing -- just so I can watch them pick it up"

Good idea actually!!

What I do (all nice and slow and calm) is take the coins, then remove the receipt and discard it on the counter, then I take the notes and put them in my wallet...they don't seem to mind.

I do the same. They have no problems ...

Who are the "they"? The servants who don't seem to mind?

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