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Soldiers Find Guns, Nearly 1 Mil. Baht In Temple Raid

Lite Beer

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What happened to that monk who had forty or so luxury cars.

I expect nothing !

According to Post #19, sounds like the worst that can happen is a bad case of Karma at some point in the future but if he's one of those NOT-REAL monks, they he doesn't believe in that rubbish anyway. So, in other words, nothing.

May I ask your credentials to come out with a statements such as "believe that rubbish" referring to karma.

Karma is part of life for more than 2 billion Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains/Taoism/Shintoism etc. Christianity and Islam believe that 'what goes around comes around' -,"you reap what you sow",

Yet you call it rubbish - please enlighten me.

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Let's face it, there is nothing in Thailand that ISN'T corrupt. It's embedded in their societal conscious from birth. Lie and cheat if it will benefit you is the rule. Never accept responsibility for anything is the code. What makes it so bad when monks are involved is that they are SUPPOSED to be the spiritual leaders, the "moral consciousness" of the people. So when these people are morally corrupt, what hope is there for the average person?

I am beginning to think that actually there is none! It's just a lost cause.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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What happened to that monk who had forty or so luxury cars.

I expect nothing !

According to Post #19, sounds like the worst that can happen is a bad case of Karma at some point in the future but if he's one of those NOT-REAL monks, they he doesn't believe in that rubbish anyway. So, in other words, nothing.

May I ask your credentials to come out with a statements such as "believe that rubbish" referring to karma.

Karma is part of life for more than 2 billion Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains/Taoism/Shintoism etc. Christianity and Islam believe that 'what goes around comes around' -,"you reap what you sow",

Yet you call it rubbish - please enlighten me.

Karma is rubbish. You have to be brainwashed to believe it. I could use different words but will be deleted by mods.

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What happened to that monk who had forty or so luxury cars.

I expect nothing !

According to Post #19, sounds like the worst that can happen is a bad case of Karma at some point in the future but if he's one of those NOT-REAL monks, they he doesn't believe in that rubbish anyway. So, in other words, nothing.

May I ask your credentials to come out with a statements such as "believe that rubbish" referring to karma.

Karma is part of life for more than 2 billion Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains/Taoism/Shintoism etc. Christianity and Islam believe that 'what goes around comes around' -,"you reap what you sow",

Yet you call it rubbish - please enlighten me.

Well lets see now....

Karma is a no different than confession then after giving absolution.... Or converting to a religion after transgressing... its a control mechanism

Same with Karma, its a nice thought and intended control mechanism for how people act.... unfortunately It isnt real

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About time they started targeting and cleaning up the rort that is being a monk in many temples in Thailand. Temples. The place one runs to when hiding from police.

There are REAL monks and then there are NOT-REAL monks.

The NOT-REAL monks will discover all about Karma soon enough, trust me.


This bunch must be the UN-REAL monks!

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Really? And I thought that temples were for worship.

They're also a place where the cess pit of Thai society congragate.

A bit of an over-the-top generalisation wouldn't you think?

Edited by Artisi
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About time they started targeting and cleaning up the rort that is being a monk in many temples in Thailand. Temples. The place one runs to when hiding from police.

Don't think Suthep is hiding from Police...but would be nice to see him cleaned up.

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About time they started targeting and cleaning up the rort that is being a monk in many temples in Thailand. Temples. The place one runs to when hiding from police.

Don't think Suthep is hiding from Police...but would be nice to see him cleaned up.

No. But he was facing murder charges when he entered into Monkhood.

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Some here want to crucify monks for owning a mobile telephone.

By the number of posts you have made, it would appear that you seem to be an expert on everything. I did not see any comment about a mobile phone ( Radio equipment....yes..). I notice that you did not comment on the Guns and huge amount of money !!

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What happened to that monk who had forty or so luxury cars.

I expect nothing !

According to Post #19, sounds like the worst that can happen is a bad case of Karma at some point in the future but if he's one of those NOT-REAL monks, they he doesn't believe in that rubbish anyway. So, in other words, nothing.

May I ask your credentials to come out with a statements such as "believe that rubbish" referring to karma.

Karma is part of life for more than 2 billion Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs/Jains/Taoism/Shintoism etc. Christianity and Islam believe that 'what goes around comes around' -,"you reap what you sow",

Yet you call it rubbish - please enlighten me.

No credentials required, nor do you have the credentials to ask me for them in the first place.

Impressive statistics in bold text is meaningless. Group belief does not prove an assertion. 2 billion or 10, makes no difference. This is merely human weakness and conditioning, which all religions rely on and manipulate in the very same way marketing firms do. McDonalds has served over 26 Billion but many say their product is rubbish.

Similarly, attempting to buoy one belief structure because others believe something similar exists, is foolish and frankly, very childish.

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About time they started targeting and cleaning up the rort that is being a monk in many temples in Thailand. Temples. The place one runs to when hiding from police.

Don't think Suthep is hiding from Police...but would be nice to see him cleaned up.

No. But he was facing murder charges when he entered into Monkhood.

Were those "murder" charges not accepted at the court or did you miss something?

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