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Creepy village idiots walking past my yard having a good look inside


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creepy village idiots..........????

I strongly recommend you change your attitude immediately.

... Or go to live on the top of a mountain surrounded by impervious jungle..

Well the lawn mower would come in handy mowing his way through the jungle.

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I think you should buy a gun - just in case !

Seriously - just ask them if they want to have a look !

I recently saw a Thai Team of people cutting a football field close by to where I live - it was an interesting machine that they had cobbled together to cut the grass. I tried to get a close look at it and It did amuse me ! I think it was old kids push chair with a fan mounted underneath it with a pair of scissors cellotaped to each fan blade. I went back 2 days later and they were still there - they had managed to about 3 sq m of grass - but they looked quite pleased with their progress.

No doubt to they were hourly paid !

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Creepy village idiots

It says a lot about the attitude of the OP.

I bought my 2 year old boy an electric car so he can drive around on our land.In no time a lot of people's from old to young came as we are the only one with an electric car. It was a big gathering after an hour or so and we let the local kids also drive on it. No big deal to make a fuse out of it.

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TBO OP, no I have not had the same experience as you regarding the locals, I live on the edge of a small village, with little foot and no vehicle traffic, been here about 8 years with no real dramas.

As it is I don't lock my garage or the out-house, but I do our home, I take personal safety serious........But have to report I've never felt under threat for me, the wife....or my stuff outside the house.

I maybe wrong but it seems to me most petty and serious crime against foreigners happens in more densely populated areas.

But you do what you need to feel safe, as said personal safety is high on our agenda....You never know......... it only takes a couple of drunk chancer with machetes looking to rob...'that rich farang' to change anyone outlook about the locals.

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Outcreep them by mowing your lawn stark naked. Bark like a rabid dog at every passer-by. No one will approach your garden fence ever again. Burglars? Problem solved for good.

just be careful not to make higher pitch screeching sounds - as it could be interpreted as the vocals of a female evil sprits (the worse kind of spirit I am told...)

If you later had a housefire etc, no one will come within cooee to assist you. You will burn.

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Yes a similar thing happened to me when I first bought my house. But I am a friendly guy and spoke with them. They weren't really interested in my machine but were looking for work. They all think farang are rich and offered to do my garden for 500 baht. They don't understand that some of us enjoy doing it.

You sound like a miserable old git.

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My guess is that everyone in the neighborhood instantly picked up on the OP's 'No loitering in front of my house! / 'Everyone's casing my house' /

Fort Apache - The Bronx / Zombie Apocalypse' mentality.

Now all they're doing is messing with the OP's head by walking back and forth in front of his house and deliberately acting suspiciously so they can have a good laugh when they get together with their buddies.

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^^^ Ah, Once Were Warriors. ;)

I've had the opposite - using a push mower (because it produces a better cut) in a middle-upper moobaan, much to the bemusement of locals (typically white collar) who wanted to have a go. Also had workmen steal tools right in front of me, but agree with others that this is likely just curiosity... kind of like us seeing a UFO park in our front yard. But what does get me out of all this is why you guys getting talked into moving into a village in the start.

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^^^ Ah, Once Were Warriors. wink.png

I've had the opposite - using a push mower (because it produces a better cut) in a middle-upper moobaan, much to the bemusement of locals (typically white collar) who wanted to have a go. Also had workmen steal tools right in front of me, but agree with others that this is likely just curiosity... kind of like us seeing a UFO park in our front yard. But what does get me out of all this is why you guys getting talked into moving into a village in the start.

But what does get me out of all this is why you guys getting talked into moving into a village in the start.

Not talked into it, always said would only move here to Thailand if out in the sticks or small Village, still great place can't think of anywhere better, house built and moved in 11 years ago next week.

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Shudder to think what I'd have to pay to have the 24/7 security I have here in Sydney or Melbourne - the Thai workers live onsite with their families and they see everyone who comes anywhere near the block. I've yet to have a single problem here - even the elec/water charges that so many seem to find extortionate in Thailand seem reasonable for two people who make liberal use of the aircon. If there are thieves casing homes in Pattaya - and the news items tell me there are - they would quickly move on to softer targets.

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^^^ Ah, Once Were Warriors. wink.png

I've had the opposite - using a push mower (because it produces a better cut) in a middle-upper moobaan, much to the bemusement of locals (typically white collar) who wanted to have a go. Also had workmen steal tools right in front of me, but agree with others that this is likely just curiosity... kind of like us seeing a UFO park in our front yard. But what does get me out of all this is why you guys getting talked into moving into a village in the start.

Maybe they want to get away from suburban farangs and the kind of Thais who want to live like them.

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Here's an idea.....get a whistle and every time you change direction with the mower, blow it....

They will think you are crazy and keep away....biggrin.png

see theres not a hole lot to do in thailand exept yap about other peoples business and stare at farang .

I said they same thing to my wife yesterday..

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The OP should think seriously about moving - New Zealand would be my top pick for someone who wants to be left in peace with his lawnmower. I'd probably refrain from referring to the locals as 'village idiots', though ....


Oh, my ex tenants. Nice guys but wouldn't keep the lawn mowed & I was always too scare of the dogs to do it. (Not true. Just messin' with ya!!!)

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