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Koh Tao tourism tumbles

Lite Beer

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I know this is leftfield and completely unnatural but if I was the father I would stand at the main gateway to the island and hand out pics of the female victim's injuries. I have a daughter and I have thought long and hard about this and I am certain in my mind that people need visual confirmation of such barbaric acts.

Money/loss of earnings are the only thing that hurt Thai people.

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One thing that annoys me is when people try to compare this murder to other countries or cities.

Koh Thao markets itself as a dream destination, much as the Maldives, Seychelles does, yet it's image (which was poor before) is now tarnished for a long time!

Generally people understand that violence can happen anywhere. However, when the police, army have no intention of solving the crime and in fact are aiding and abetting, this is abhorrent and incomprehensible to all and sundry.

People are finally starting to wake up that the level of violence that is common place in Thailand is 100s of times higher than in the west. Yes places can be idyllic but you cannot afford to let your guard down, and most certainly despite appearances, get drunk in public. People will prey on you if you are unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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With just about everyone agreeing that in Thailand "It's all about the money, stupid", what I cannot understand is why isn't money being used to stir this up; a hefty reward from the government, let's say half of what they just spent on microphones - or maybe even what they 'saved' after they were rumbled - should loosen a few tongues on Koh Tao.

Throw in a new identity and a job in another part of Thailand and you might get a result.

At the same time, you have martial law, so just pass a regulation enforcing mandatory DNA tests without exception.

All this, of course, assumes that they want to catch the real culprits ...

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Just feel ashamed on behalf of the victims parents and relatives.

What a shambles and what an unprofessional handling of the situation.

Thailand should be ashamed also.

Costas can I remind you of a very nasty case back in the UK at the moment. A missing, presumed dead 14 year old young girl where the police know everything about the prime suspect. Even down to he has already served a prison sentence for murder in his home country of Latvia yet was allowed to simply walk into the UK and stay. The head of Scotland Yard has just admitted they are clueless as to where the man is and that if he has left the UK he is virtually a free man. For some bizarre reason they haven't even issued an EU arrest warrant either.

Crime detection, especially murder isn't so easily solved like it is on the TV and incompetent police are worldwide and not just here in Thailand as most people are alluring to.

Yes mistakes have been made but that may just be because this type of crime is a rarity here.

I'm still hoping for a good outcome and am not ready to start Thai bashing just yet

google unsolved murders in Thailand like I did to day (I have been here a while and am not a thai basher)

it is not the unsolved murders that people react to its the times when horrible murders are covered up

just go through the many stories of blatant "botched investigations" while the victims family look helplessly

on, a young girl murdered 35 years ago tomorrow killed with a hoe, the Swedish ships captain whose sister

is still writing about unbelievable actions of the Phuket police. the world famous blue diamond saga which

brought international scorn on Thailand. people don't expect the police to be perfect just honest would do.

p.s in the Swedish captain case

two senior police are being transferred

away from Phuket I think six years later.

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Another rape in the country which the thai scumbag thought he could get away with!

Even in the thai script he talks about how he couldn't help himself!

When you see people get away with even the most heinous crimes, then it spreads to other sickos in the country.

Edited by jucel
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Yeap,,,but still at yesterday's Thai News on TV news.....they showed stupid farangs still patronising the island and worst still again pics of overweight farang females wearing bikinis on the piers! (this has been done deliberately by the thai media a few times to reflect poorly on the farangs!).

Please all you decent foreigners and expats out there, really spread the word around to make sure no foreigners come to patronise the island and those that do despite the warnings, should never be provided with any assistance by their consulates or embassasies or other foreigners if ever they are in trouble in the future as they deserve it for not event maintaining the pride and dignity of foreigners as a whole since they still patronise an island full of local inhabitants who regard foreigners very lowly. All that photo-ops showing the locals there feeling remorse and doing their so called prayers etc were just bullshit....they all know yet they conspire to keep quiet.

Really pray that the island and all the local inhabitanst perish in something soon.

A really stupid thing to say, in a really pathetic post. Some people need to get a grip of themselves.

It's sad to see a tragic story like this, bring out the worst in people.

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One thing that annoys me is when people try to compare this murder to other countries or cities.

Koh Thao markets itself as a dream destination, much as the Maldives, Seychelles does, yet it's image (which was poor before) is now tarnished for a long time!

Generally people understand that violence can happen anywhere. However, when the police, army have no intention of solving the crime and in fact are aiding and abetting, this is abhorrent and incomprehensible to all and sundry.

People are finally starting to wake up that the level of violence that is common place in Thailand is 100s of times higher than in the west. Yes places can be idyllic but you cannot afford to let your guard down, and most certainly despite appearances, get drunk in public. People will prey on you if you are unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Good being back in Blighty, innit?

Find I appreciate civilisation so much more these days.

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This has made me so angry! Yes I know this kind of thing can and does happen across the world but it's how it's been and is being dealt with.

If the two young kids being horrifically murdered wasn't enough, the families have to now endure the complete incompetence and lies of all involved! Inremembervthem saying at the start of all this that a Thai couldn't do such a thing! It was a European, then it must be a Burmese and now finally after all this time, it's a thai!

Get your heads out of the sand and crack some skulls!

People need to at the very least boycott this island, hit them in the pockets!

They say money talks! Well let's see how long it takes when the takings start to dwindle!

please listen carefully - I understand your anger

It ... is ... not ... the ... island's ... fault

We are listening. If you go to that island and spend money you are supporting the infrastructure that has allowed this sham to go on as long as it has. Since minute zero all the people in the know there have known exactly what is going on. They have worked ONLY to be destructive towards an investigation. Whilst this setup remains in place there is little that can be done bar boycotting. Maybe, after a few months, the others will be SO fed up they'll start to talk.

Judging by the general tone of tbthailand's posts, he is more likely to be a person who earns rather than spends his money on Tao.
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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timepost-120222-0-54985500-1411995236_thumb.

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"There has been progress in the investigation and the joint effort by the private and public sectors on the island are regulating migrant workers to restore tourists confidence, she said."

It's not the migrant workers who are undermining confidence, but rather the way this whole sad situation has been mishandled from the start.

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"There has been progress in the investigation and the joint effort by the private and public sectors on the island are regulating migrant workers to restore tourists confidence, she said."

It's not the migrant workers who are undermining confidence, but rather the way this whole sad situation has been mishandled from the start.

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"There has been progress in the investigation and the joint effort by the private and public sectors on the island are regulating migrant workers to restore tourists confidence, she said."

It's not the migrant workers who are undermining confidence, but rather the way this whole sad situation has been mishandled from the start.

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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.


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Best news in weeks! Hope Koh Tao comes to a complete stillstand and the businesses of the mafia types as well as those of the submissive sheeple who are too afraid to blow the whistle on the murderers over there will go down the drain. As soon as the first hauntings are reported, and they will, everybody will run; scared $#itless.

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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.

Now, that's a sympathetic dude for some change. I'd trust him with my kids and all my money - where did you get that?

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I know this is leftfield and completely unnatural but if I was the father I would stand at the main gateway to the island and hand out pics of the female victim's injuries. I have a daughter and I have thought long and hard about this and I am certain in my mind that people need visual confirmation of such barbaric acts.

Money/loss of earnings are the only thing that hurt Thai people.

hate to say it but at the next beach market in Pattaya, and Im sure already around Thailand, those photos will be included on the ghoulish videos of assorted dead bodies that many Thais seem to love so much and are willing to pay for

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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.

I think I read that he works in the bar and also made the sex on the beach sign, what a moron, hes enough to stop me ever going near the place and I hope his dna was taken

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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.

Now, that's a sympathetic dude for some change. I'd trust him with my kids and all my money - where did you get that?


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I guess as an American, I have different view. It is nice to live in a place where murder is NEWS ... not just a quick one liner between the sports and weather reports.

I am very sorry about the murders, only trying to say ... nice to live in a country where this is RARE enough to be an issue.

Want to experience real violence and fear for your safety? Move to the USA.

For me, Thailand is amazingly peaceful, safe and easy. And yes, I would visit this island ...

Yes im sure you will go koh tao and get some divinglessons now its half price and also hotels discount!!

Thailand is a nice country with nice people i agree with you on that but let us keep it that nice ok?

If 2 British Young people where shlaughted in Florida im sure it would be a headline news "even" in america!!!Dont you???

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Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.

I think I read that he works in the bar and also made the sex on the beach sign, what a moron, hes enough to stop me ever going near the place and I hope his dna was taken

Steady geezer the PC crowd will be on your case for Thai bashing.

These sick morons need bashing.Just shows what they think of us.

If we disrespected a Thai like that .Well you can imagine what would happen..

I think hes also the guy that blames Sean for destroying the islands reputation, as if the murders didnt happen, if thats the case I really think this guy is seriously troubled, as I said hes a likely suspect in my mind

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Another change of story, now it's Thai suspects but it's a tourist organisation not the BIB speaking.

Thainess - too many spokespeople spoil the broth, the story and everything else but at least everyone gets their 15 minutes.

but didn't I read a few days ago that they had a witness to the murders and that person said it was a foreigner, what a pathetic bunch of clowns these people are

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while 75.67 per cent said tourists should also take care of themselves and avoid risky areas, such as remote areas of beaches after dark.

Really ? do they think tourists rise at dawn and go to bed at sunset ?

Why when im on a paradise Island wouldnt i want to take a walk along a beach when its nice temp the moons up and theres a clear star filled sky ?

I cant really think of a more normal thing to do than take a stroll along a beach in the evening however late... ... If i cant do that for safety sake for an evening stroll i wouldnt visit that country at all

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"the joint effort by the private and public sectors on the island are regulating migrant workers to restore tourists’ confidence,” she said.

Forget migrants, it's your own people you need to regulate to restore any sort of confidence!!!! That's what tourists are s.hit scared of... upsetting some sado little perp through no fault of their own and being killed for the privilege.

And this is the only good news out of this horrendous debacle so far; fewer people arriving = less money in lowlife scumbag pockets.

On the investigation, if the PM really wants this sorted out, take the police off it because they are the biggest obstacle to closure.

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