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Murder reenactment: 200 policemen deployed to guard two Myanmar men on Koh Tao


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Not trying to outsmart everyone’s theories.

However, would it not be sensible if some Super sleuth U.K Detective would take his ass over to Burma now these 3 accused are somewhat infamous? He, would have no difficulty finding their Burmese families to take their DNA samples back to the UK. Thus, to have them matched up with Hannah’s DNA.


Conspiracies would be over and JUSTICE WOULD PREVAIL

The appropriate authorities likely achieved this upon repatriation.

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I will NEVER set my feet on Koh Tao again...because I still think there might be shady people lurking in the shadows, I lived in Thailand for many years and I have seen people with Power get away with things you wont Believe....its just part of Thai society....a system we will never fully understand.....THANK GOD !!!!!

Best lock your doors and never leave your room because there is the potential for shady people lurking in the shadows in every populated place in the world. But agree only in Thailand do the rich and powerful get away with things other cannot, not.

As for understanding ... why not look back at your home country when it was still a developing nation.

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Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how the police extract a confession from a scapegoat? I'd be interested to know how this comes about. If I'm not guilty of something and the cops try to make it so, they'd have to be pretty good at it. Fingernails, rats on the stomach in a bin with a blowtorch. A mere beating probably wouldn't make me confess? But, saying that, I've never been there.

Maybe the kids' family works on the island, sister/mother. Or maybe they threaten their family in Burma. Not the most stable of countries to be fair! These families on Koh Tao are worth millions of pounds/not baht, so money is not an issue

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I will NEVER set my feet on Koh Tao again...because I still think there might be shady people lurking in the shadows, I lived in Thailand for many years and I have seen people with Power get away with things you wont Believe....its just part of Thai society....a system we will never fully understand.....THANK GOD !!!!!

Best lock your doors and never leave your room because there is the potential for shady people lurking in the shadows in every populated place in the world. But agree only in Thailand do the rich and powerful get away with things other cannot, not.

As for understanding ... why not look back at your home country when it was still a developing nation.

Unfortunately John, I'm not 900 years old!

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It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

"Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.

I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.

I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

If you are for real, I find your post very interesting...........thumbsup.gif

This is real facebook page CSI LA a social media community for Thais

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Sad it seems a number of posters are less concerned with catching the right guys than in their mind seeing Thailand look bad. Ignorantly they believe it makes a difference on world view if a certain nationality killed these two. Oddly they also believe the rest of the world are insecure self loathing racists who think the acts of a few represent an entire nation or group.

If DNA matches, nobody is going to go running around saying all migrant workers are murdering racists ... actually some will because there are idiot racists out there but certainly not representative of all people.

Just sad so many people hate the country they live and blame their miserable existence on others instead of their lack of ability to fit in and be accepted as so many others have done.

If the DNA matches then job well done. Mistakes made by police and press in this high profile case and us arm chair detectives but if they got the right guys (as it is sounding like the do), then well done.

When you mention the word "racist" you should also tell the world

what thai people thinking about their neighbours and how they treat them.

Just ask burmeses,laotions or cambodians how they got treated by thais

and then you get a fine picture about the racist thai character.

Why you think that every tourist is treated as a customer and not as a guest in this country ?

Land of Shame and crocodile Smile

Thais are pure racist and only love themselves

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It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

"Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.
I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.
I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

A link is always welcomed...

Go into Facebook and type in "CSI LA". This is where a lot of the info is, as well as links to other sources.

You need to type "CSILA90210" wink.png

There are hundreds of Thais on CSI LA facebook page commenting they think this is all <deleted>!

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Problem is you will not believe any Burmese did it now after all the Thai bashing on here. Maybe time to take a break and look at the facts again ? Is it really possible that someone else than the headman and his family did it ?

Absolutely, and in a transparent system with an effective police force I'd agree that 'we' could have it all wrong - perhaps the cops really did get their men - if this had been Bali or Langkawi I would have the same reservations based on reports of the way local police have handled this case. I very rarely bash the Thais - if anything I could be construed as an apologist - but their police force just arent up to scratch IMO,

The real problem is that the RTP have no credibility. No one believes what they say because no one believes that they are honest, and they aren't.

These kids might very well have done it but it doesn't look that way from any perspective.

Exactly why the British should be demanding independent verification of the DNA to put all questions to rest. If I were the victims parents I would not rest easy with the question of whether the right people have been arrested.

It doesn't matter what the police say or how they demonstrate their 'exemplary professionalism' because no one trusts them. Independent verification NOW

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Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how the police extract a confession from a scapegoat? I'd be interested to know how this comes about. If I'm not guilty of something and the cops try to make it so, they'd have to be pretty good at it. Fingernails, rats on the stomach in a bin with a blowtorch. A mere beating probably wouldn't make me confess? But, saying that, I've never been there.

Maybe the kids' family works on the island, sister/mother. Or maybe they threaten their family in Burma. Not the most stable of countries to be fair! These families on Koh Tao are worth millions of pounds/not baht, so money is not an issue

A fair point.

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Not trying to outsmart everyone’s theories.

However, would it not be sensible if some Super sleuth U.K Detective would take his ass over to Burma now these 3 accused are somewhat infamous? He, would have no difficulty finding their Burmese families to take their DNA samples back to the UK. Thus, to have them matched up with Hannah’s DNA.


Conspiracies would be over and JUSTICE WOULD PREVAIL

The appropriate authorities likely achieved this upon repatriation.

Okay, Take them along to the Gallows then job done ...........

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Sad it seems a number of posters are less concerned with catching the right guys than in their mind seeing Thailand look bad. Ignorantly they believe it makes a difference on world view if a certain nationality killed these two. Oddly they also believe the rest of the world are insecure self loathing racists who think the acts of a few represent an entire nation or group.

If DNA matches, nobody is going to go running around saying all migrant workers are murdering racists ... actually some will because there are idiot racists out there but certainly not representative of all people.

Just sad so many people hate the country they live and blame their miserable existence on others instead of their lack of ability to fit in and be accepted as so many others have done.

If the DNA matches then job well done. Mistakes made by police and press in this high profile case and us arm chair detectives but if they got the right guys (as it is sounding like the do), then well done.

When you mention the word "racist" you should also tell the world

what thai people thinking about their neighbours and how they treat them.

Just ask burmeses,laotions or cambodians how they got treated by thais

and then you get a fine picture about the racist thai character.

Why you think that every tourist is treated as a customer and not as a guest in this country ?

Land of Shame and crocodile Smile

Thais are pure racist and only love themselves

See highlighted text above -- then consider you are lending proof to this observation. And your last comment is simply a sad and shameful commentary on yourself.

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Thai forums are full with posts smelling a rat and calling this a coverup, and even on Thai Visa it seems that a good 80 or even 90% are in agreement that the Burmese guys are patsies and that this whole invstigation was rigged right from the very start. This is something I have never experienced before here on TV: the majority of posters oppose to the official version of a story. I believe this alone says it all!!!!

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Invite the Btitish Police to come and review the evidence, interview the suspects and give an honest review of the investigation - then we might begin to believe things. Why did suspicion fall on the sons of a local vip? Do any of the westerners present recognise these suspects - why is it taking so long to establish DNA links and would the process of gathering the DNA satisfy international standards. If the junta are so keen to restore confidence then they must put the investigation in the hands of people who could not possibly be influenced by local corruption

They can hardly say to the world that they haven't already!!

"We don't trust our police, forensics, labs, detectives.........in fact we don't trust anyone to make the correct decisions, so please send Britain's finest to take it all over".

Not going to happen.

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Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how the police extract a confession from a scapegoat? I'd be interested to know how this comes about. If I'm not guilty of something and the cops try to make it so, they'd have to be pretty good at it. Fingernails, rats on the stomach in a bin with a blowtorch. A mere beating probably wouldn't make me confess? But, saying that, I've never been there.

Having never been there you don't know. You would crack under torture in minutes. Look at the ISL victims and the ridiculous confessions made on video. Edited by arunsakda
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Sad it seems a number of posters are less concerned with catching the right guys than in their mind seeing Thailand look bad. Ignorantly they believe it makes a difference on world view if a certain nationality killed these two. Oddly they also believe the rest of the world are insecure self loathing racists who think the acts of a few represent an entire nation or group.

If DNA matches, nobody is going to go running around saying all migrant workers are murdering racists ... actually some will because there are idiot racists out there but certainly not representative of all people.

Just sad so many people hate the country they live and blame their miserable existence on others instead of their lack of ability to fit in and be accepted as so many others have done.

If the DNA matches then job well done. Mistakes made by police and press in this high profile case and us arm chair detectives but if they got the right guys (as it is sounding like the do), then well done.

When you mention the word "racist" you should also tell the world

what thai people thinking about their neighbours and how they treat them.

Just ask burmeses,laotions or cambodians how they got treated by thais

and then you get a fine picture about the racist thai character.

Why you think that every tourist is treated as a customer and not as a guest in this country ?

Land of Shame and crocodile Smile

Thais are pure racist and only love themselves

See highlighted text above -- then consider you are lending proof to this observation. And your last comment is simply a sad and shameful commentary on yourself.

Your brainy observations exclude the racist thai character.

I am not surprised.

Anyway,after 30 years SEA i don´t mind your stupidity

I am stupid yet I have been in Thailand many years and have many Thai friends, none of whom are racist and I love the culture here and the people. I am happy and certainly not bitter living here because I don't choose to live with racist people who only care about themselves. Be it here or in any other country there are good and bad people and we choose who we want to associate and choose to see the good in people or choose to focus on those traits some of the worst of people have like those who condemn an entire nation and its people for the actions of a few and ignorantly call them racists as they express their own racists views ... I would simply not want to let somebody with this kind of negative and nasty views into my life to spread their misery and doom and gloom extremist views.

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It was mentioned some of these kids worked in a local bar. Does anyone know which bar? It wasn't AC Bar was it by any chance? Now that would throw up a few questions.

I still believe this was about retribution, not sex. If these guys are guilty there is quite a possibility those who ordered it or even helped (I can't see those 2 overpowering the Brits too easily) are going to get away with it.

It will be interesting to see what the Burmese kids say if they get the death sentence.

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Was there any mention of a mobile phone during this ghoul-show?

There is a poster claiming the phone was in police hands the morning of the murder:


Yep, my friend definitely had the phone in her hand the next day, handed it over to the police and gave them the passcode


From what I've just found out: the 4 girls went out together, one of them had Hannah's phone in her handbag (perfectly normal for some girls not to take handbags out). The police asked for the phone and the passcode the next day. The English girls left the island the next day and flew back to the UK, so the police were free to do what they wanted with the phone and the only people that knew about it were thousands of miles away.
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David would have leathered those 2 scrawny brats, even with a beer in him - probably worse - he was a big lad! Again, that doesn't add up; never discussed.

The wound was in the back of the head. Which means he's was attacked from behind. Likely when he was on top of Hannah. He had no chance. He was knocked out and dragged into the water and ultimately drown.

I believe as no one heard anything Hanna was likely attacked at the same time and knocked out or at least daZed and unable to fight much.

As to how she had her DNA on the cigarette remains a mystery. They never indicated if was from her saliva. It could be from the suspects fingers touching the cigarettes with her female fluids.

If they didn't do it they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. With all the international pressure I believe they will have a chance to prove their innocence if they choose.

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David would have leathered those 2 scrawny brats, even with a beer in him - probably worse - he was a big lad! Again, that doesn't add up; never discussed.

I know nothing about the Brit, or how tough he was or not, but I can assure you with certainty after working with Tai Yai men for many years that if you ever get into a scrap with most of them you had better finish it with the first contact. They work hard manual labor every day and they come from a hard knock life. They are amazingly dangerous in a physical confrontation. I have seen some local Chiang Mai Thai guys make the mistake of trying to look good by going after a Tai Yai laborer, and in each instance the Thai guy wound up down for the count and in very quick fashion. That being said, I have never had any conflict or confrontation with any of them, and consider them to be outstanding workers, and a great people, with a beautiful culture and community.

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David would have leathered those 2 scrawny brats, even with a beer in him - probably worse - he was a big lad! Again, that doesn't add up; never discussed.

That's right. In another news it says wyn hit david and dragged him to the sea. So either one guy held hannah (who was fighting) and one fought david and dragged David to the sea. He would be a heavy weight for such a small guy. Or two men dragged david, while hannah sat and waited for them to come back. Not to mention, Wyn says he hit and dragged david, but the evidence showed David was fighting before he was drowned. There must be at least 1 and probably 2 more to have held these two who fought hard.

Doesn't add up

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