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Are Thai women, mothers of mixed race children obliged to send money for the up keep of their mixed race (Thai-Western) children?

If so, how much per month and how would one go about it?

(Assuming the western father has custody of child year round, surely the have to pay by legal obligation 50% of everything or few thousand Bahts!)

Thanks in advance.


Not a legal but a moral question:

Are you that hard up for cash that you have to chase after the woman for cash to support the child, or is this an attempt to punish someone? (serious question).

Because if you are that hard-up for cash then I suspect you don't really qualify for a visa of any sort (retirement visa, work permit all require considerably more than an average Thais salary).

If you are not hard up for cash then it tends to support the motive of revenge - and those that are petty in that way I would hope would be the first to be evicted from Thailand....

(the third option is a troll post).

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Not a legal but a moral question:

Are you that hard up for cash that you have to chase after the woman for cash to support the child, or is this an attempt to punish someone? (serious question).

Because if you are that hard-up for cash then I suspect you don't really qualify for a visa of any sort (retirement visa, work permit all require considerably more than an average Thais salary).

If you are not hard up for cash then it tends to support the motive of revenge - and those that are petty in that way I would hope would be the first to be evicted from Thailand....

(the third option is a troll post).

Yep, Moral question and a legal one. . Thai family are not hard up. actually earn far more than your average farang, the Western father is not hard up either. . Thai women should help for the up keep of their child! it is how it is in the west.

The west drys up third worlds money in many forms such as cheap labour and of course suking up cheap oil..


A Thai court will normally reward between 3,000 and 6,000 baht a month, plus half of all educational and medical costs.

Enforcement is always a different matter, as in any country. From someone with a steady job or government job normally no problem.

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Not a legal but a moral question:

Are you that hard up for cash that you have to chase after the woman for cash to support the child, or is this an attempt to punish someone? (serious question).

Because if you are that hard-up for cash then I suspect you don't really qualify for a visa of any sort (retirement visa, work permit all require considerably more than an average Thais salary).

If you are not hard up for cash then it tends to support the motive of revenge - and those that are petty in that way I would hope would be the first to be evicted from Thailand....

(the third option is a troll post).

Yep, Moral question and a legal one. . Thai family are not hard up. actually earn far more than your average farang, the Western father is not hard up either. . Thai women should help for the up keep of their child! it is how it is in the west.

The west drys up third worlds money in many forms such as cheap labour and of course suking up cheap oil..

IMHO, Still sounds very much like a revenge motivation. If the father is making more than enough money, and has custody of the child I don't see much reason to "go after" the mother for support other than some warped moral reason (which more often than not is really just a cover for revenge for some perceived wrong - there are many people like that on this forum). My elder sister had primary custody, made more money - and sure she could have gone after the father for support - but did not - because in the long run it just was not worth it. As far as the mother's Thai family - they did not conceive the child in question.

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Removed a troll post.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The understanding is that the farang pays for everything and in return has a wife far younger and more attractive than any he could find in his own country. Can you seriously not afford to support your child? Instead of trying to get maintainance from your wife, play the lottery. The odds are far better.


Good luck on that one. Foreigners have more money and are expected to pay for any type of dispute with a Thai. it is all part of the Thai Ethnocentric Program. Be happy you have the child and encourage the child to love their mother. Say nothing bad about her in front of the child. It leads to mental anguish and conflicts within the child because the child knows that she is half of the other parent.

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If she's doing nothing else to support the child and can afford to help get it. She is a parent as well and there for responsible for support financial or other. If it's gonna cause u or the child a lot of grief, forget it.

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Not a legal but a moral question:

Are you that hard up for cash that you have to chase after the woman for cash to support the child, or is this an attempt to punish someone? (serious question).

Because if you are that hard-up for cash then I suspect you don't really qualify for a visa of any sort (retirement visa, work permit all require considerably more than an average Thais salary).

If you are not hard up for cash then it tends to support the motive of revenge - and those that are petty in that way I would hope would be the first to be evicted from Thailand....

(the third option is a troll post).


a child needs the support of both parents thru the childs entire life, both must do what they can . dont care about your sis or dufus old man. you make a baby, you must take care of said baby period end of story . .... nuff said :-)

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