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Woman killed when her car fell from Don Muang Tollway


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Sounds like she fell asleep. RIP

Pure speculation

She might have been high on yaa baa and found her boyfriend with another woman.

So can't say if it is what she wanted or not. It is what it is, as many here say.

Knowing her family and herself quite well, I doubt there is anything more here than a tragic accident. This family was one of the best to do in Khon Kaen, and I have known them well for 15 years. Very super people.

Theres often no such thing as an "accident", Id suggest blame lay in the highway engineers dept..............but of course blame will lie nowhere here!

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I guess I am the kind of person that would like to know a bit more than what the police believe.

Stupid reporter and typical BS from police farce.

How about:

Weather conditions at the time of event?

Any substances in her blood which may contribute?

Any witnesses?

Any CCTV footage?


Otherwise, this is pure BS all the way and wide open for more criticism from intelligent people who get accused for "bashing" lunatics.

Regarding the lady, I reserve my views until most or all of the facts are in.

The police "believe"... cheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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I have just finished reading all the posts on this topic and I have an apology to make.

I was the first person to make a glib comment on here and it was subsequently removed by the mods. Correctly so.

I regret offending all posters who saw it ,regardless of whether you knew the deceased or not.

It is easy on this forum to be cynical about accidents involving trucks, vans etc and in this case it was probably human error on the driver's behalf. A person loved by her family and friends died, thus, my belated condolences and sincere apologies.



She was a super woman and very smart. Certainly not the average. I have known her loosely for about 15 years since I knew her parents well. Very sad, and whilst I doubt her family know about Thaivisa, it is a sad thing to see someone so young die this way.

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I have just finished reading all the posts on this topic and I have an apology to make.

I was the first person to make a glib comment on here and it was subsequently removed by the mods. Correctly so.

I regret offending all posters who saw it ,regardless of whether you knew the deceased or not.

It is easy on this forum to be cynical about accidents involving trucks, vans etc and in this case it was probably human error on the driver's behalf. A person loved by her family and friends died, thus, my belated condolences and sincere apologies.



She was a super woman and very smart. Certainly not the average. I have known her loosely for about 15 years since I knew her parents well. Very sad, and whilst I doubt her family know about Thaivisa, it is a sad thing to see someone so young die this way.

Thanks for your posts... Rat, I tend to be as bit cynical as they get. Well done. Thanks for your posts. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Thai at Heart. It is always sad indeed.

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This is tragic. Unfortunately, there are so many road hazards on the highways. The Thai government's Department of Highways or the Tollway authorities should be held responsible for not make sure such a thing does not happen. This thing will happen again - unless something is done to correct it.

What!! Some official accept responsibility? Ur kidding!

RIP lady and condolences to your family and friends.

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I am sorry.but speeding in Thailand seems to be the only way.slow down,if she wasn't speeding she might still be alive,what will it take for all Thais to abide by the road rules,Thai way is the Sabai way ,but when they drive it's not Sabai

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well I live just past the end of this road and take it everyday - but took today off work so I didn't drive it tonight on the way home from work... yes it is 3 lanes at the end of the tollway narrows to 2 for the downramp - BUT it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to drive off the barricaded end of the toll way as the downramp is all walled off with the concrete barriers... however that being said ... about 300 yards or so from the actually downramp there IS a narrow 15-20 ft opening in the cement barricade on the right side fast lane that if you actually stop on the tollway - dead stop... you could turn in to the last 3-500 yards of the tollway that does continue on to the dead end barricade up above the downramp... directly above Viphawadee rd. saw some 3-4 cars in there one night doing something - but extremely hard to stop dead and turn right into the opening as you have to know it was there.... but yes you could and then hit the gas and carry on to the end and drive off the end... but really impossible to do... 3 lanes into 2 and down the ramp... my drive home every day - will have a look tuesday night on the way home and see just what happened if still can see anything... but amazing... unless at the end of the 3 into 2 lanes she hit the LEFT side cement blocks and went over the left side if she missed the lanes narrowing... but lots of red and white paint on all those cement barricade walls out there... i actually stop in there at a pull off there many nights and take a pic or two of the sunset if worthwhile... anyway RIP but extremely hard to actually launch yourself off the tollway at the end - but lighting is bad a mile back and there is the last S curve right at the end - so if 2 am and tired or something then you could smack into the concrete walls somewhere..the actual outside walls of the tollway cement are about 3.5 ft high so anything is possible if you were to launch a vehicle up off the smaller cement blocks... sorry to hear ...but should not be based on a bad bit of road - unless going to fast or falling asleep or not getting the 3 into 2 lanes - but that would also be going to fast as a big sign says tollway ends I believe... anyway ...sorry to hear - tollway accidents do end up down below sometimes...yikes...

Edited by shrimpythailand
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does someone actually have a photo of the deadend part of this highway? I'm trying to get a better understanding of where the final exit of this expressway is in relation to the dead end of the unfinished road.

will try to take a few pics tuesday night on the way to show you that it is impossible to drive thru any cement walls and out to the end of the blocked off tollway which sits high right above Viphawadee rd. the 3 into 2 lanes narrowing is maybe a problem if not watching but there is some plastic red posts and painted road on the left side which is the slow lane that is blocked narrowing to the middle and fast 2 lanes... she must have gone off the left side there somehow... the fast land and middle lane just drop right down into the straight downramp which runs down right along side the stargith off dead of the tollway - but no way to get over there as the road is all marked off with painted cement 3 ft high block and runs straight down to the down ramp... only the 3rd slow lane ends and you have to get over to the middle and fast lanes to go down the ramp... painted stripes on the road and red plastic posts mark the end...but yes I know the road as i take it every day and also late night once a week... must have been a distraction or something if the person was not asleep or inebriated as it is not that bad at the end of the VPwadee tollway to take the downramp back to the road below.... RIP once again ...

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Caution to all using this highway. It's has a peculiar narrowing exit from four lanes to two. This due to the unfinished highway as some previously posted. There are barriers that help guide you down the exit but if you travelling at speed and with the dim lights, can be dangerous. I used this highway almost daily and at times when I am tired, I too have near misses. To the poor lady, RIP.

Eric only 3 lanes down to 2 at the end I live in the white house noobahn just 1/4 mile away and take the tollway home everyday after work... not the best but really hard to see how you could launch your car over the cement walls unless going to fast actually and yes some crazy drivers flying down the fast lane to get back over to the Rangsit exit every night - and the odd guy going straight at the last S curve just before the downramp there... but the slow lane is the one that is blocked off to get back into the middle or fast lane - but at midnight on there is really nobody on the road there so I am wondering how the woman didn't see the end of the tollway ... anyway - have been driving this way for 5 years now every day after work and also flying home from downtown late at night once in a while and you would have to be going too fast or not watching to really fly off somewhere - will have a look tuesday night on the way home and take some pics without getting hit by a car and post ...

Steve - rangsit white house moobahn guy...

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does someone actually have a photo of the deadend part of this highway? I'm trying to get a better understanding of where the final exit of this expressway is in relation to the dead end of the unfinished road.

will try to take a few pics tuesday night on the way to show you that it is impossible to drive thru any cement walls and out to the end of the blocked off tollway which sits high right above Viphawadee rd......... ...

Thanks. Please be careful.

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anything is possible these days.

last year we saw the results of what can happen if you black out while driving:

a woman careers off the main road. Careered off by going straight ahead, leaving the road which had curved to the right.

She barrels on, straight through the military checkpoint at the front gates of an AirForce base.

She careers along, in a straight line for 3 kms.

Again she leaves the road, only because it again curves to the right.

She mounts a curb, knocking down a street lamp post, swipes a tree, and somehow the car stops only metres alongside an Ground to Air missile mounted on it's Launcher platform.

All along she was out to it - due to a severe Diabetes attack.

We thought it would have made for a perfect unplanned terrorist attack

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Sounds like she fell asleep. RIP

Pure speculation

She might have been high on yaa baa and found her boyfriend with another woman.

So can't say if it is what she wanted or not. It is what it is, as many here say.

Knowing her family and herself quite well, I doubt there is anything more here than a tragic accident. This family was one of the best to do in Khon Kaen, and I have known them well for 15 years. Very super people.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Makes it so much worse when its so close and you know the person involved


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Didn't realise where she was going.............................at high speed.....................

Says it all.

Not having been there and relying only on a brief news article, I can't say it says it all. Other than what was written, I'm as clueless as most others that have the same information.

RIP Dear Lady.

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In most countries of the "Civilized World" the government is totally response for the Citizens Safety on an uncompleted project, absent drunk or drugs. Here you had better take care of yourself. Just a walk down any sidewalk you will find many hazard for trip and fall to just plain disappearing in a hole, no lights or signs.

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In most countries of the "Civilized World" the government is totally response for the Citizens Safety on an uncompleted project, absent drunk or drugs. Here you had better take care of yourself. Just a walk down any sidewalk you will find many hazard for trip and fall to just plain disappearing in a hole, no lights or signs.

Those countries are lovingly referred to as "Nanny Societies'. There are many hazards out there in the real world. Some people never venture too far from home in case they are swallowed up by an abyss in the high street. I like to think the place I have chosen to make my home is reasonably civilized although there are dangers lurking , especially in some less than savory tourist areas. Thailand is not in the same league as Somalia, Iraq, Sierra Leone, or even Mexico.

Taking responsibility for one self starts about age 15 in some countries and at age 5 in others.

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Speeding Kills..... As we all know and as we all read about every day in the News.......

Sad waste of life...


Speeding does not necessarily kill. After 50 years of driving I can still quite legitimately be booked for speeding "exceeding the speed limit" by however a small margin.

What kills, is driving too fast for the prevailing conditions, "speeding" or not!

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No images of the location? How does one just drive off the tollway?


I saw it on Thai tv. She crashed through the concrete barrier. Must have been going REALLY fast.

Perhaps they should put the tanks with water there, like they have in the US, to dissipate the impact force, and the barrier looked like it was right on the edge- should be further away.

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No images of the location? How does one just drive off the tollway?


I saw it on Thai tv. She crashed through the concrete barrier. Must have been going REALLY fast.

Perhaps they should put the tanks with water there, like they have in the US, to dissipate the impact force, and the barrier looked like it was right on the edge- should be further away.

That requires thinking! And this country knows how to do everything, no need to learn from farang! Unfortunately whistling.gif

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No images of the location? How does one just drive off the tollway?


She didn't. She crashed into a concrete barrier at a high rate of speed and momentum gravity did the rest. Skid marks would tell the story if there are any. Perhaps she fell asleep... or maybe it was her way out.

Momentum gravity?

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