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PM Prayut loses his cool


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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

And if you talk like that, you probably don't know what democracy is.

So called showing of respect can be abused to shut people up instead of taking the time to explain, which is always better!

Obviously you have always been living in a non democratic state to not grasp even that simple thruth.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

And if you talk like that, you probably don't know what democracy is.

So called showing of respect can be abused to shut people up instead of taking the time to explain, which is always better!

Obviously you have always been living in a non democratic state to not grasp even that simple thruth.

I was born and raised in the US.

Better give it another go.

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He has never been in a position like this.

As a General he did not have to answer questions at all.

So give him a bit time to his new challenge.

Nobodys perfect.

I am in total agreement with you. His entire career has been in the Military, rising up through the ranks to the top, in his 42 Years of military service to the Kingdom. His background is of a highly structured system. Going from the life of military service to being the Prime Minister, a Public Official, would be a challenging learning curve to anyone. One has to expect it will take some time for him to "lighten up" a bit when dealing with the Press. He was a little "stiff" at the Podium and has to learn to relax when giving answers to reporters questions. Regardless, he brought the Kingdom back from the edge of the abyss, and I think he has done a great job so far. thumbsup.gif

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I have very little respect for self appointed leaders

And I have zero respect for the Thai media.

The last government should have been hauled over the coals on several occasions such as the Thaksin audio tape, the rice scheme, the outrageous remarks from Chalerm and Plodprasop, the embarrassing lack of leadership from Yingluck and last - but by no means least - the murder and terror brought down on the protestors by the UDD (which I have no doubt was ordered by someone in Pheu-Thai whose name begins with 'C'). Instead all of these got glossed over as one-day articles.

Why didn't they ? - because it eventually became clear to me that the media were right in it with the government. I have no idea if it was fear of repercussions (like grenades on gateposts) or the appointment of pro-Thaksin cronies to the management through the usual Pheu-Thai methods but I know the Journalists here are not going to win any awards for integrity.

They need reform to be free from political interference just as much as the police.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

So the world shouldn't be questioning the two Koh Toa murders, especially the PM out of respect for his position as Thailand's PM??? Isn't he King Dick? Doesn't the buck stop with him?

I think there is a country better aligned with your way of thinking - China. There are many companies that can assist you with your move.

Well you know what they say happens to people who make assumptions like yourself, right?

And FWIW, the rest of the world is not obsessed with the terrible tragedy on KT.

The rest of the world has its own problems and its own violence to contend with.

Mexico has 40 student teachers kidnapped at gun point and never heard from again AND it was the police that kidnapped them.

Half the MidEast is under rocket attack.

Africa is fighting an outbreak of Ebola and losing.

So in the big picture, the rest of the World, and the PM General have other major issues to also solve.

And I am in no way making light of the poor kids violently killed on KT, I am only trying to help you get it in perspective.

Once more..... I don't live in Mexico, or the Middle east, although i've spent a lot of time in the middle east.. I live in Thailand, and i've seen incidents like Koh Tao and much more regularly swept under the rug to save face and to protect friends and family, and usually with a monetary exchange into the bargain. The sole reason why this case has risen to the heights that it has, is because of the sheer brutality of the crime, with the ensuing transparent "FIT UP" and now because the world's looking at Thailand and it's leaders, they're getting a bit hot under the collar. So they bloody well should ! It's about time incidents like these stop, or next time it could be you or someone from your family........ Oh and by the way, the ice caps melting ! perspective, i don't think seven 11 sells it...........

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PM Prat Prayat you are a typical bully and harbour a massive inferior complex as you demonstrate repeatedly with your aggression and disrespect of your position. You are the one who has said you want to make all the decisions and solely take the blame if their is failure, you are the one that believes you can walk on water and you are the one who cannot measure up. Your credibility is diminishing by the day with all of your happy plans becoming failures and your lack of will or want in ridding this country of the police Mafioso, instead openly and vocally supporting them. You are starting to make excuses on not expediently tackling corruption especially when it is in your own backyard, and you now want people to ignore questionable wealth of you cohorts. Will you be another discarded leader at the end of another coup General, or will we see the the people finally take their country back themselves. I do not apologise for my words, but I do emphasis with the ClutchClark's of this world that have an unhealthy dependency on the need to worship a modern day idol. General, if you cannot handle the heat, get out of the fire.

Do you actually mean the PM should go on world tour shopping trips to avoid questions or chair important meetings. Biased to the extreme .

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I saw this "altercation" on the midnight news last night. Although the Thai spoken was too fast for me to understand all that was said, I could detect a slight annoyed tone in the Prime Minister's voice.

There was, however, no indication of raised voice/shouting going on.

On another note, until recent events I have been a big fan of the General. He really does need to employ some PR assistance, because I believe most leaders who are passionate about their countries would also have these slip-ups without expert help.

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I saw this "altercation" on the midnight news last night. Although the Thai spoken was too fast for me to understand all that was said, I could detect a slight annoyed tone in the Prime Minister's voice.

There was, however, no indication of raised voice/shouting going on.

On another note, until recent events I have been a big fan of the General. He really does need to employ some PR assistance, because I believe most leaders who are passionate about their countries would also have these slip-ups without expert help.

Thanks for providing greater detail to the events reported in the OP.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

Would be interesting to know what questions was asked by the journalist?whistling.gif

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

I was development manager for 250 people at sony and never had to raise my voice, respect is earned... you can't shout to get respect

He's a general.....used to the "Yes sir....yes sir"

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Obama loses cool?


President Obama lets a reporter know who is the Boss?

Nice try, but you're trying to compare apples n oranges. As much as I'm not into the bloke, Obama was being heckled. The General, on the other hand, was being asked a simple question, calmly, and he didn't like it simply because he was being questioned. It is not the Thai way to question a senior, period, and he was just being typical. Please tell me you are new to Thailand?

You said it yourself here Dave, the reporter was behaving outside of cultural norms and by doing so was disrespectful to the Commander in chief.

Those cultural norms are different than in the US but the result is the same--it is considered a provocation and the Boss rightfully reminds the reporter he is the boss.

Yes, I am new to Thailand, three years now. Fact is I miss the US and I miss the culture in the US.

There are things in Thailand I do not care for...but rather than whine incessantly about them like so many negative posters here, I am choosing to spend far more time back home in my little part of the world.

Now howabout you Dave. Are you are an expert on Thainess? Do you think Thailand was governed better prior to the Junta?

Serious question--I would like to know the opinion of someone who has long experience here. What made Thailand better pre-Junta?


Isn't it better not to have a press conference than. Just carry on as per normal with his weekly or daily babbling on the tele & no one can ask question. Or better still just invite all the reporters for some attitude changing holiday in one of the camps.wai.gif

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I notice that the vast majority of angry, anti-PM posters are all quite new to TVF.

Its odd really since I have never seen a thread have such a high percentage of newbies.

Its almost like an organized effort to do a smear campaign.

Or are they legitimate posters who have been blocked by TVF and all recently had to open new accounts?

Don't know about their accounts, but one does get that feeling. It's always same: junta this, dictator that, martial law here, democracy where and the North Korea scare.

Here's my theory... They're surfing the Koh Tao wave of attention to get there nasty mention.

Edited to say: I'm kind of embarrassed for them because they don't know how to quote.

Edited by Local Drunk
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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.


Respect is earned - not imposed via the barrel of a gun!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

no one really knows how popular the general is because he was never elected into office like Thaksin was. We could count his votes each election. Now what about the general?

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I notice that the vast majority of angry, anti-PM posters are all quite new to TVF.

Its odd really since I have never seen a thread have such a high percentage of newbies.

Its almost like an organized effort to do a smear campaign.

Or are they legitimate posters who have been blocked by TVF and all recently had to open new accounts?

Not a newbie, Comrade. And I've known the Gen. since he was a Sub-Major.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

no one really knows how popular the general is because he was never elected into office like Thaksin was. We could count his votes each election. Now what about the general?

How many times has the Thaksins been booted out ??? and the rest of their classmates ??? how many times have the FAMILY been in court----all politically motivated.

Keep up your biased rhetoric, if you were a little bit impartial would make a change, if some things are for the better why not mention them, problem again this is not your agenda to do so---just slagging off.

Has anything improved in Thailand since the General intervened.???------nothing will be your answer.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

no one really knows how popular the general is because he was never elected into office like Thaksin was. We could count his votes each election. Now what about the general?

How many times has the Thaksins been booted out ??? and the rest of their classmates ??? how many times have the FAMILY been in court----all politically motivated.

Keep up your biased rhetoric, if you were a little bit impartial would make a change, if some things are for the better why not mention them, problem again this is not your agenda to do so---just slagging off.

Has anything improved in Thailand since the General intervened.???------nothing will be your answer.

So finally you admit that ALL Thaksin's court cases were politically motivated. And there was me thinking you held a grunge against the Shinawatras.

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

Is ' failing to show respect ' your definition of simply falling in line. accepting all that's said and never asking awkward questions ?

between the brother/ koh tao/ his erroneous statements about the British ambassador/his erroneous statements

concerning the British authorities not asking the thai ambassador to attend a meeting.

the statement that the police on koh tao are not corrupt (that's why the two "accused" have no paperwork =500bht per month per scapegoat to non corrupt police)

he is either very ignorant of what's going on in Thailand and the world,and his advises are feeding him &lt;deleted&gt; or he is a liar, respect has to be earned by actions and behaviour not by what is says on your hat.

if we all followed your line we would still be trading slaves ect ect.

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Once more..... I don't live in Mexico, or the Middle east, although i've spent a lot of time in the middle east.. I live in Thailand, and i've seen incidents like Koh Tao and much more regularly swept under the rug to save face and to protect friends and family, and usually with a monetary exchange into the bargain. The sole reason why this case has risen to the heights that it has, is because of the sheer brutality of the crime, with the ensuing transparent "FIT UP" and now because the world's looking at Thailand and it's leaders, they're getting a bit hot under the collar. So they bloody well should ! It's about time incidents like these stop, or next time it could be you or someone from your family........ Oh and by the way, the ice caps melting ! perspective, i don't think seven 11 sells it...........

Once more?

And you need to focus on this topic and not hijack it into another KT thread since there are already seversl of those.

The issue is the General losing his cool, he's losing his cool because he's being asked awkward questions that he could answer very easily but he can't due to the implications. If you stick with the truth you can't too far wrong, but once you start hiding the truth, then it's gets hot under the collar, maybe that's the reason why the generals losing his cool. The Kt incident is one of the hottest potatoes at the moment on the generals agenda, and all he has to say is, please come in and investigate all you want, but imagine the implications of that ? I think maybe the general might like to take a leaf out of Pattons book, straight and truthful......... no problems there.......

The General is a strsight and truthful man.

You just have to get rid of your prejudice.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

no one really knows how popular the general is because he was never elected into office like Thaksin was. We could count his votes each election. Now what about the general?

How many times has the Thaksins been booted out ??? and the rest of their classmates ??? how many times have the FAMILY been in court----all politically motivated.

Keep up your biased rhetoric, if you were a little bit impartial would make a change, if some things are for the better why not mention them, problem again this is not your agenda to do so---just slagging off.

Has anything improved in Thailand since the General intervened.???------nothing will be your answer.

Pleased you are still around to remind us of the nasty Shins. Now you have done that , please climb back on your bar stool and carry on getting Leoed up.

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I notice that the vast majority of angry, anti-PM posters are all quite new to TVF.

Its odd really since I have never seen a thread have such a high percentage of newbies.

Its almost like an organized effort to do a smear campaign.

Or are they legitimate posters who have been blocked by TVF and all recently had to open new accounts?

The reason is there is no freedom of speech, you are restricted to like this government and no opposition is allowed.

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You are such a homer that your responses end up sounding clueless,,,

Obama gets raked over the coals by reporters journalists and writers...if the General took the abuse Obama gets, he would throw them in jail and that's the between having a democratic society and one that isn't...

Why is the Generals brother so wealthy? Maybe the General too? Are we sure he even has a thai birth certificate?


Hey Gomer ;-)

Any chance you are a fan of Les Kinsolving?

Actually many would argue that the Press tosses Obama softballs because they have always loved him--thats been true from the beginning but has changed the past couple years after Obama opened a new Press Briefing Room which most reporters felt marginlized them.

But you are correct it is more difficult to have a Press Pass revoked than I suggested. Insteaad, Obama simply refuses to hold Press Conferences and has occasionally gone as long as 8 weeks without a Press Call. (How long has the General done as much?)

Does the General have a Press Secretary?

The main point I was making and which you missed by a wide margin is that the General has every right to get peturbed at a rude Reporter and all of you cry like he just instituted Prohibition. I continue to find it quite humorous that so many farang glorified tourists think their opinion should even matter in Thailand.

Thailand has made so many positive inroads in less than one year time and already so many here on TV are back to their incessant complaining. Read back over the past couple years posts and TV members were complaining about all the things the General is cracking down on but TV'ers are still complaining.

I find it so funny. You guys complain when you are back in your home countries so you move here and then you complain when you are here ;-)


share their views

What you seem to be missing by a wide margin is that this is a forum. A place where people can share views on various subjects. As far as I know it isn't, nor has it ever been or claimed to be by the administrators or those posting a place where people of all races and nationalities can come and share their views which will then be acted upon by the Thai government. Perhaps you got lost and intended to go to parliament.

The rest of your post may have some good points but it is only your opinion posted on a forum. Why do you come on here if it isn't to air your views?

If I was a tourist, glorified or otherwise I wouldn't need to keep so much money tied up in a Thai bank or keep paying for visas. I'd also be claiming back some of the VAT I pay.

Edited by kimamey
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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

where you come from?mars or alpha centauri?

journalists are paid for questioning not for showing respect to politicians

your ideal place is northkoreavisa.com have a try

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